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Thanks Ian. Agreed beer is best. I hadn't even thought of that to be honest. I was more concerned about awakening the past. My early teens weren't exactly the best time of my life. This bit of communication has brought back a few things that I'd rather not revisit.


SWBMO and I are always trading phones so we have access to each other's email, facebook, twitter, etc. She actually saw the profile notification before I did. After 18 years of marriage I can safely say there is no loss of sparkle. If anything we're closer now than ever. I won't get too mushy.


Even if I was single, I don't think I'd want to go down that road. The past is the past.


May your day be filled with trifles. (of the sherry variety)


Neil: nothing to do with the news. I just vent my spleen as an outlet for the frustration I feel. Beats the hell out of bottling it up and exploding later. My train shed is blue. Not from paint but from my language when modelling. :butcher:

Andrew, I reget to say that you are far more entertaining when you are letting rip! Do you mutter under your breath when commuting on the train? I find that adds a nice touch.


Best, Pete.

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Morning all.  Got a call from a mate yesterday who has got the dreaded Police virus.  It's on his laptop with Windows 7.  Tried all the usual stuff last night and now trying the Kaspersky Rescue 10 disc that shifted last time on my machine.  It's a battle of man v machine and I don't intend getting beat.  Famous last words...


Where did the sun go?


Whatever you're up to, have a good one today.


BiL has his lung removed today, so fingers crossed all will be OK.  They've already warned him it will be painful afterwards and loads of painkillers will be needed.  I feel for him, even though he has been a life time smoker.  We all have our vices.  Just a shame his caught up with him....:-(

Best of best wishes for BiL.  That is a hard one.  hope he comes through it OK.



Will be dragging out some old hippy gear to wear today such as kaftan and beads as I am booked in for an ECG, loose clothing to the fore. Certainly autumn here, mists again drifting through the valley with hillsides showing above but temperature likely to rocket. It is a lovely time of the year but sadly presages the damp and murk of full autumn.


Two grand kids stung by wasps including one of the babes, as has their mother - they have lots of fruit trees and fallen fruit! We seem to have plenty of flies but fewer wasps here. Insectivor birds will be well fed for this winter and we still have lots of butterflies on our budlea bushes.


Do you remember the age of the "bell sleeve" - the ladies might - about 1970?

I was in one of our College rooms when a bumble bee took flight up the gaping entrance to my bell-sleeved blouse (gosh, that sounds an old fashioned word) - shirt if you prefer.  :mosking:   Fortunately, on going outside and keeping my arm as straight and still as possible,  the bee eventually left this pollen-less flower for better pastures.  Though it didn't sting, it was quite scarry.


Some years later, having moved on in life, I heard our youngest come screaming down the drive.  She had been stung on the nose by a bee and we had to retrieve the sting.  The rest of that summer she wouldn't go near anywhere near the critters and got quite heated when she saw one, going bezerk if there were more of them.  So big sympathies to your little ones and hope they've recovered ok. :tender:


Gorgeous here yesterday, and 26o in Mid Wales, according to Ray on his way back from down south.

By sunset the sea fog came in and this morning black clouds. And rain to look forward for a few days.


Enjoy you day.


Edited by southern42
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I got stung by a Bee on my big toe this week whilst mowing the (so-called) lawn (mostly clover, hence the Bee).


'Twas my fault for forgetting to change out of my Crocs (yeah, I know I should have changed out of them years ago).


Luckily Bee stings do not bother me much - I only reaiized when I looked at my foot and half of the Bee was still attached to my toe.


Best, Pete.

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I am developing a sore throat! No discernible cause, it just started overnight last night. Didn't worry me this morning, then was more perceptibly present after my after lunch nap. In the past I have just ignored such occurrences and let nature perform a cure.

In two minds right now what to do about it. I haven't had one for decades past. No fever, no other symptoms, I still have a supply of brandy, but don't really want to go down that route. Any suggestions?

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I am developing a sore throat! No discernible cause, it just started overnight last night. Didn't worry me this morning, then was more perceptibly present after my after lunch nap. In the past I have just ignored such occurrences and let nature perform a cure.

In two minds right now what to do about it. I haven't had one for decades past. No fever, no other symptoms, I still have a supply of brandy, but don't really want to go down that route. Any suggestions?

At the first sign of a sore throat I gargle with a product called Oraldene. No idea if this is available in South Africa though. It is pink and similar to the mouthwash that dentists seem to like using. It seems to be a mixture of alcohol and antiseptic. Otherwise whisky with honey and lemon seems to do quite well.


It would appear to be available in South Africa for just over 73Rand 

Edited by Tony_S
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  • RMweb Gold

I am developing a sore throat! No discernible cause, it just started overnight last night. Didn't worry me this morning, then was more perceptibly present after my after lunch nap. In the past I have just ignored such occurrences and let nature perform a cure.

In two minds right now what to do about it. I haven't had one for decades past. No fever, no other symptoms, I still have a supply of brandy, but don't really want to go down that route. Any suggestions?

A gargle with vinegar or TCP might make it more comfortable, but it must indicate something, even if only a cold. I have traditionally started colds with a sore throat, sometimes days before other symptoms appeared.

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Sherry (Ashcombe) may have a view on that!

A colleague of mine, who thought he was a bit of a wag , constantly joked about "not trifling with Sherry" or called me a woman of note (referring to my pianistic skills.) Wearing after the 35th time; his name was Alcock!


Just been in the pool to cool down . ... tough but it has to be done.

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I am developing a sore throat! No discernible cause, it just started overnight last night. Didn't worry me this morning, then was more perceptibly present after my after lunch nap. In the past I have just ignored such occurrences and let nature perform a cure.

In two minds right now what to do about it. I haven't had one for decades past. No fever, no other symptoms, I still have a supply of brandy, but don't really want to go down that route. Any suggestions?

TCP gargle as suggested then Fishermens Friends!


My Grandma used to give us a spoon with butter, sugar and vinegar on it - once taken this cured most sore throats.. if it didn't it was a tot of Ginger WIne and off to bed!

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This morning we took our Border Collie, Lass to be groomed in Muker in the next Dale. This was the view this morning crossing over from Wensleydale into Swaledale. Ingleborough is in the far distance surrounded by cloud at it's base.



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 Don - read very carefully I will write this only once. :jester:


Bob's Patent Sore Throat Suggestion


Take 1 measure Salt, 1 measure TCP, 1 measure lemon & 1 very large brandy or malt whisky (whichever you prefer)


Tip the Salt, TCP & lemon down the drain. Drink the brandy or whisky.





Disclaimer:This is not guaranteed to cure a sore throat but is quite pleasant!

Edited by grandadbob
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Ahh, I see.  I don't follow soap, be it TV or radio.

You may not be old enough! It was something I had to endure as a small child. It probably ensured I'd never willingly listen / watch such programmes. At least The Archers had some animal noises to amuse me. I don't think Captain the cat  uttered a sound in Mrs Dale's Diary.

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Evening all!


First practice lesson in English to be held Thursday in two weeks, so will need to sit down and look at the textbook over the weekend. I wonder how long it'll take for me to develop my first handful of lesson scripts...


However, I'm quite glad that my mentor assured me it's perfectly normal for lessons not going to plan, so if this should indeed happen, no-one would mind. After all, learning from experiences good and bad is part of NQT training.


(Ask me how it could happen that I initially wrote, "NGT"... :mosking: )

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Evenin all,   


Don,  the best (non- alcoholic) cure fro sore throat is  : spoon full of honey, one of lemon juice dissolved in very hot water....drink slowly  as hot as you can take it!  Works for me & did for my driver the other week....... who is now busy telling all his friends and neighbours.. told him it was my Granny's' recipe...but he claims its WMM! (work it out!)  


Now for ham chips baked beans & gerkin for tea tonight......be good.



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Kaftan and beads back in the attic. ECG trace wasn't perfect but not sufficiently bad to warrant anything immediate so now I wait until the review appointment in two weeks. Thanks for your support folks and thankfully I didn't get a wasp or bee investigating any of my normally inaccessible regions.


Another "crack of sparrow-fart" start tomorrow as I'm hopefully doing the final bits at the brewery. I don't think it will be POETS. I need to spend time on two other jobs which this one is biting into!

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Evening All


Lovely day here spoiled with my daily visit to the employment house of torture office.


The quips about Mrs Dale's diary age us pretty effectively. 


Not a lot to say now, so

Regards to All


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Talk of bees reminds me that when I was a little 5 y.o. so & so I tried to stab a bee with a little penknife. Quite rightly the bee stung me & I learnt a valuable lesson. If faced with the same situation again I would use a very large machete! :jester:

Edited by grandadbob
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