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  • RMweb Gold

Good morning all,

Dry and 15oC - another hot sunny day promised.

Joe's 2nd day at new school "Brilliant - I'm going to join the jazz club" (his other grandparents are jazz fanatics)

Gemma's 2nd day with new teacher -

Gemma - "She's a bit strict"                 

Me        -  "Is that a bad thing?"                              

Gemma - "Noooo 'cos Freddie & Max can be a bit naughty & she's not going to stand any nonsense" :nono:


A supermarket trip is planned for later - that should provide me with enough excitement for 1 day! :sarcastic:

Have a good one,



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Morning All,


It is a tad chilly this morning, despite sunshine and blue sky.  A sure sign that Autumn is on the way.


Having said that, it is due to get up to 30°C today.


I went to the parents evening at the little guy's school yesterday evening.  My goodness, some parents are strenuous!  One is particular just wouldn't shut up.  She's decided her daughter is "gifted" - admittedly the kid is a head above the rest of the class, but not head and shoulders!  The poor kid is really going to suffer when she's a bit older.


Have a good day everyone...

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Yesterday we went for lunch at a bar in St. Hilaire, where the lack of organisation was unbelievable. There was no system re whose order was taken or delivered. Neighbouring French diners were very sympathetic to our plight and highly amused when, after waiting nearly 30 mins, only bread and water was served! My facial expression transcended the barriers of language! Yes, it was market day but then why expect two waitresses to cope with about 20 tables outside and more than a dozen within?! At least the omelette tasted good when it finally arrived!

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Morning all from the foggy foggy borough. Foggy on the inside as well after being a naughty boy last night. They don't call that beer "Dead Guy" for nothing.


Nothing too entertaining from the circus today. Just one project manager who thinks we can break the fundamental laws of space and time. Sorry Ian and Pete. No sadistic enjoyment of my misery for you 2 today.


In other news my previously ********** of a next door neighbour has come over all sweetness and light. Not sure what he's up to. Then again maybe the PM did break the laws of space and time throwing me into a parallel universe or alternate reality.


Providing I can find the bbq through the fog, tonight shall be grilled scallops, prawns, and veggies on skewers.


Finally, (stop cheering back there) a flashback moment. I've got an ancient Classmates.com account. Its sort of the North American version of fiends friends reunited. Had an email notification about someone checking out my profile. Turned out to be my first teenage crush. 33 years since I'd seen or heard from her. Its a bizarre feeling. Not sure if I should post back or not.


Addendum: Ashers, no doubt the eggs for your omelette were second generation judging by the wait you had. The originals probably became the chicken stew served to the next table.


Have a good one.

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Morning all.  Got a call from a mate yesterday who has got the dreaded Police virus.  It's on his laptop with Windows 7.  Tried all the usual stuff last night and now trying the Kaspersky Rescue 10 disc that shifted last time on my machine.  It's a battle of man v machine and I don't intend getting beat.  Famous last words...


Where did the sun go?


Whatever you're up to, have a good one today.


BiL has his lung removed today, so fingers crossed all will be OK.  They've already warned him it will be painful afterwards and loads of painkillers will be needed.  I feel for him, even though he has been a life time smoker.  We all have our vices.  Just a shame his caught up with him....:-(

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Will be dragging out some old hippy gear to wear today such as kaftan and beads as I am booked in for an ECG, loose clothing to the fore. Certainly autumn here, mists again drifting through the valley with hillsides showing above but temperature likely to rocket. It is a lovely time of the year but sadly presages the damp and murk of full autumn.


Two grand kids stung by wasps including one of the babes, as has their mother - they have lots of fruit trees and fallen fruit! We seem to have plenty of flies but fewer wasps here. Insectivor birds will be well fed for this winter and we still have lots of butterflies on our budlea bushes.

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  • RMweb Premium

Morning all, bright and sunny outside looks like another warm one. 'Stuff' is accumulating ready for the despatch of DD1 on the 15th and number one son the week after I can't find anything let alone space to put a layout up.

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  • RMweb Gold

Morning all,


And a good aching day it is as various long not used muscles assert their presence - squatting down to lay bricks is clearly not for the faint hearted.  But today is mainly a watching others day - I hope!  Sympathies to DD, my estimate (avoirdupois of course) is 1464lbs with a low side estimate of 1220 lbs just to hedge the bet - and those blocks do look rather handy but I'm not sure what for, sensible to keep them because if you dump them you'll very soon find out what they would have been useful for.


Lovely tram depot at Wittenberger Strasse Dom - a nice Germanic air to it which looks really nice in this day of concrete and glass.


Have a good day one and all.

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  • RMweb Gold

Don't know the weight yet, Tony - too early to start clattering about.

I can say I've muscles like Garth today (remember him?).

Garth. A cartoon in a newspaper in the 1960s I think. It must have been the Mirror or the Express. My parents didn't have a daily newspaper as Dad had a real dislike of the national press (Birmingham Evening Mail was apparently OK) so I read the papers at my Grandmothers. Her large resident family were divided on political grounds hence the two newspapers. Their football allegiances were also divided but different to the political ones.

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  • RMweb Gold

Morning all.  Got a call from a mate yesterday who has got the dreaded Police virus.  It's on his laptop with Windows 7.  Tried all the usual stuff last night and now trying the Kaspersky Rescue 10 disc that shifted last time on my machine.  It's a battle of man v machine and I don't intend getting beat.  Famous last words...



Matthew had the RCMP version on his PC  earlier in the year and none of the online suggestions worked. What worked then may not work now as the version on his PC seemed to disable anti virus software. I think we got the machine to a state where Malwarebytes could be loaded by pressing Ctrl Alt Delete, and from Task Manager selecting shut down and cancelling the shutdown. It was something like that anyway. I think we ran the Malwarebytes from another User Id too. It did work. As lots of students seemed to have that problem at that time something on the University website was probably the source.

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  • RMweb Gold

Morning, missed yesterday due to an excessive night on Tuesday whilst watching the US Open, bad head yesterday afternoon lol!


Car was serviced ok on Tuesday, as for changing the headlamp beam for driving abroad its a simple  case of changing the settings via the instrument panel, I had missed this bit in the handbook which is about 2 inches thick.


So that is that sorted, off for a walk this morning as its nice and fresh with that autumn feel.


Have a good day all

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  • RMweb Gold

Morning all.


Another lovely morning, the temperature has risen from 18C at home to 24C by the time I got to work, and it's still rising as the sun burns off the morning mist, we are forecast about 29/30C today so could be a hot one.


Have a good day all.

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  • RMweb Gold

Morning all.


Another lovely morning, the temperature has risen from 18C at home to 24C by the time I got to work, and it's still rising as the sun burns off the morning mist, we are forecast about 29/30C today so could be a hot one.


Have a good day all.

Sounds like the forecast for here too but the fog (it is more than misty here) hasn't gone yet. I can't hear any foghorns so perhaps it is already clear on the Thames!

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Garth ran for many years in the Daily Mirror.  I recall seeing it in my Dad's paper each day.  Personally, I found Jane much more interesting.  ;)

Garth started in 1943 apparently... I never understood what was going on!

My favourite was Jeff Hawke in the Daily Express. This "strip" seemed to be inspired by the ideas of Prof. Eric Laithwaite (incl. a Mini powered by a large gyroscope which went into orbit).

Good fun.


Best, Pete.

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  • RMweb Gold

Morning all


Bright, sunny, gonna be 30 etc etc..


Andrew C - the Friends Reunited syndrome can be a very slippery slope for marriages that have lost their early sparkle! Beer is probably better for you.


Back in 1987, my Performance Review noted "Allows himself to be upset by trifles." True, then and now, but occasionally this works to my advantage. So today, when I should be mourning the ghastly event of exactly 12 months ago, I am in fact grinding my teeth about a modelling matter - can't get more of a contrast than that. The product is gorgeous, and the website says OO/EM/P4, but close examination of the items reveal that they are incompatible with Peco track, despite being just a cosmetic item - bufferstops. Evidently the manufacturer handlays track, which we all know looks gorgeous (cue Gordon S), but the entire market for handlaid components is dwarfed in sales by Peco, of course. Just a pity there isn't a warning on the website. I will try butchering one kit, if no luck then that's that. Oh, and no I never ask for my money back - far too demeaning.


Cleaner Alison here this afternoon, so some tidying needed now to improve her efficiency!

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A late hello from me. The alarm somehow got unset so woke 15 minutes later than normal. This was a minor change and didn't cause any big upset but did give rise to a change of routine, changing the order in which I di things and an thus two hours later in logging on here. Another clear blue sky day. I'm getting used to this, but still cool (cold) in the early morning. 18C forecast today rising daily by 1 degree..

All the gardening activity interests me. I remember digging out the dahlia beds every spring to a depth of 1 ft and filling with new compost, setting out the tubers for sprouting, dividing them up and planting. First cut flowers by Christmas continuing through to Easter.

Happy memories.

The menu says bangers and mash today, but we have never had pork sausages. Always boerewors with the mash, pumpkin, peas, gravy with onions.

Happy Thursday. It's just one more day till the weekend.

Edited by DonBradley
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Morning all,  theres seems to a lot of physical activity going on among the ER crew?   Hmm.....just hope this is not setting precedents or challenges for the rest of us?


On another note,  yesterday I was asked to provide some start to finish  photos of a couple of projects...have to say my self from "green field -to- working plant" was quite impressive. 


More challenges ahead I guess today, 


Whatever you're up to, try and remember to smile!



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Morning all



Back in 1987, my Performance Review noted "Allows himself to be upset by trifles." 

I've never let myself be upset by trifles. A friend's wife used to try and intimidate me with trifles of such alcoholic intensities that I would have a hangover next day...

She was truly the "Mistress of Trifles".

Unfortunately they got divorced and she later married a twot - such is life.


Best, Pete.

Edited by trisonic
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  • RMweb Premium

morning all


shopping done today as tomorrow is ODI cricket day (well its supposed to rain but who cares the bar is open!)

Broke a tooth last night and can't get to see the Dentist till Monday - fingers crossed as it doesn't hurt at the moment....


Have a great Thursday and beware the manual lifting!!!


Best regards


Barry O

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  • RMweb Premium

Morning, dry and grey here, inside and out.


Thinking about you today, Ian.


NHN is hoping his new found friend in Sheppey wasn't on the bridge this morning. 100 vehicle pile up.


NHN is also wodering if the boring, boring borough's reports are associated at all with a certain news item this morning.....or is that 2+2=6?

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Morning all


Bright, sunny, gonna be 30 etc etc..


Andrew C - the Friends Reunited syndrome can be a very slippery slope for marriages that have lost their early sparkle! Beer is probably better for you.


Thanks Ian. Agreed beer is best. I hadn't even thought of that to be honest. I was more concerned about awakening the past. My early teens weren't exactly the best time of my life. This bit of communication has brought back a few things that I'd rather not revisit.


SWBMO and I are always trading phones so we have access to each other's email, facebook, twitter, etc. She actually saw the profile notification before I did. After 18 years of marriage I can safely say there is no loss of sparkle. If anything we're closer now than ever. I won't get too mushy.


Even if I was single, I don't think I'd want to go down that road. The past is the past.


May your day be filled with trifles. (of the sherry variety)


Neil: nothing to do with the news. I just vent my spleen as an outlet for the frustration I feel. Beats the hell out of bottling it up and exploding later. My train shed is blue. Not from paint but from my language when modelling. :butcher:

Edited by AndrewC
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