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Morning all,


And welcome to the continuing tale of garden world. Suddenly yesterday afternoon the contracting clan realised they needed to dig out where the flower bed will be - nothing to do with incompetence on their part but basically a result of shifting plans (I blame no one, honest guv) and an awkward site.  So one minute they were off to rehire the digger and the next it was a redesign of the flower bed to allow it to be had dug (mainly because once you get about 6 inches down it is fairly solid rubble).  So management re-designed her flower beds - again, we're on the second third  tin of marking paint - and serious has digging followed.  The first pic below (Septr 2006) shows, at left side, what is about 4-6 inches below the present ground surface :O


The next pic shows the start of play at start time on Monday this week path laid out to mark where it will go, pipe run to the underground water tank marked and the wilderness atop the brickfield albeit after we had spent the weekend moving various stacks of 'useful material'.  The third pic shows the state of play at end of work yesterday - path complete, digging well underway at left.  And with all this lot I can't really think of much else that has happened, or had time to happen - have a good day folks.


Oh I've never been called Tony or Pete but for some reason known only to himself a chap down the road took to calling me John a few months back (he has now got it right again; can't understand why he got it wrong because I even know the name of his dog let alone his name).







Flippin' 'eck. Or words to that effect. I thought our dung heap was full of rubble. At least you aren't doing it all yourself with hand tools.

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  • RMweb Gold

I note with some relish that the Stationmaster has had laid in a rather curvy path.


This sits well with a live steam narrow gauge tramway following the same route a la GVT.


The path being the road with the tramway being towards the centre of the picture.


Looking at the size of the plot, this could even be a 5" gauge enterprise.


All this begs the question:  Is the digger back to dig a tunnel out (cut and cover principle)?


And of course, is Mrs Stationmaster aware?


I'm now putting away the wooden spoon :angel:





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  • RMweb Gold

I note with some relish that the Stationmaster has had laid in a rather curvy path.


This sits well with a live steam narrow gauge tramway following the same route a la GVT.


The path being the road with the tramway being towards the centre of the picture.


Looking at the size of the plot, this could even be a 5" gauge enterprise.


All this begs the question:  Is the digger back to dig a tunnel out (cut and cover principle)?


And of course, is Mrs Stationmaster aware?


I'm now putting away the wooden spoon :angel:





Ah, well - what you haven't seen is that at the left side of the works the ground drops away noticeably and quite steeply - almost as if you could have a small railway line at ground level behind the new flower bed and reach it without too much bending over, sort of, nudge, nudge, ;) ;)  Mind you the line (what line?) would have to drop to the lower ground level of the greenhouse at some point.  However it could run on embankment/bridges to reach the raised area at the bottom of the garden - perhaps on an embankment constructed from all the rubble etc being dug out.  Hmm, I'm much too seriously engaged with a smaller scale to consider building a line for my LGB RhB krokodil - I think.

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  • RMweb Gold

Morning all,


And welcome to the continuing tale of garden world. Suddenly yesterday afternoon the contracting clan realised they needed to dig out where the flower bed will be - nothing to do with incompetence on their part but basically a result of shifting plans (I blame no one, honest guv) and an awkward site.  So one minute they were off to rehire the digger and the next it was a redesign of the flower bed to allow it to be had dug (mainly because once you get about 6 inches down it is fairly solid rubble).  So management re-designed her flower beds - again, we're on the second third  tin of marking paint - and serious has digging followed.  The first pic below (Septr 2006) shows, at left side, what is about 4-6 inches below the present ground surface :O


The next pic shows the start of play at start time on Monday this week path laid out to mark where it will go, pipe run to the underground water tank marked and the wilderness atop the brickfield albeit after we had spent the weekend moving various stacks of 'useful material'.  The third pic shows the state of play at end of work yesterday - path complete, digging well underway at left.  And with all this lot I can't really think of much else that has happened, or had time to happen - have a good day folks.


Oh I've never been called Tony or Pete but for some reason known only to himself a chap down the road took to calling me John a few months back (he has now got it right again; can't understand why he got it wrong because I even know the name of his dog let alone his name).







Looks like this one should be under 'Reading redevelopment' :sungum:

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Apologies re the birthday muddle, Andrew and Tony! Now making use of free Wifi in a cafe in St Hilaire which has a splendid market.


Bit hungover after lively bar session last night. As usual, I'm saying, "Never again!"..... 'til the next time!!

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  • RMweb Gold

I don't expect there to be any major earthworks in our garden. Now that play area for child is no longer the main criterion Aditi has been widening the borders at the expense of lawn. I did put the path and patio in about 20 years ago but I don't see anything like that happening again. Aditi was very impressed with some of the planting at one of the châteaux we visited though I don't think the lawn is going to be dug up to accommodate such a scheme! 



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  • RMweb Premium


Stewart, Have them check for Fungal Infection in Lily's lug....... Btw what is the model # of your Taylor and scale length?


Cheers, Pete.

Indeed, they will Pete - my xet is thorough and is well up to speed with Sussex Spaniel ear conditions as Pawnee had a fungal infection for some years.


The Taylor is model PROTO00002 which was the second prototype of the current 414CE - it is a beautiful piece of kit, and Taylor were rahter surprised to learn that it was in the UK. 


Back later

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Mad dogs & Englishmen go out in the midday  morning sun! I've been a gardenist for the last 3 hours & now everything aches. On the plus side the weeds I've been cultivating are no more & we can now see a few more shrubs & stuff. I always wanted a large garden but ours isn't & looking at John's Mike's garden above I'm rather glad about that!


Rabid Bob of Sutton.

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Went to local (Otley) hospital - twenty five minutes to get in , sit down, get changed , have X-ray, get changed , leave and all without a fixed appointment time...Well done NHS!


now to put some flatting agent (watered down emulsion) on the walls of my new layout room.....


My nickname has always been Baz but my sister calls me b*ggerlugs for no apparent reason!


have a great day .... and be careful with the 12" to the foot ground reshaping!!

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Apologies re the birthday muddle, Andrew and Tony! Now making use of free Wifi in a cafe in St Hilaire which has a splendid market.


Bit hungover after lively bar session last night. As usual, I'm saying, "Never again!"..... 'til the next time!!

Get something warm inside you! You know it makes sense......


Best, Pete.

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  • RMweb Premium

Couple of photos I took on the way home today:




Outside the Paunsdorf tram depot, I captured NGT8 car 1129 turning onto Riesaer Straße while working the 8 line to Grünau-Nord...





...and a "Großzug" consisting of Tatra T4D-M cars 2126 and 2111 with a NB4 trailer whose number escaped me, working the 7 line to Sommerfeld. To the right, a Solaris Urbino 12 bus is continuing its turn on the 90 line. Note that the T4Ds were fitted with conducting couplers, so the leading motor car supplies power to the second car.





I also stopped by outside the Wittenberger Straße depot, where I found NGT8 car 1143 partially stripped down for maintenance. Note the front bumper having been removed and the auxiliary coupler folded out for shunting.





At the same depot, I found the pair of rail grinding cars 5091 and 5092 stabled in the car shed. These were both built from T4D cars, with 5092 having got an entirely new body. These cars are intended to work as a pair, coupled back-to-back. However, they can also work singly, if required.

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  • RMweb Gold

A goodly day of progress - the better part of a tonne of concrete installed in various trenches and 'lots' of bricks laid by 'them' plus some by me (to create the small 3 course wall in right foreground which will ultimately be the edge of a small flowerbed),  As a late addition to 'doing things now' arising from my building the wall on the right there will be some more bricks on the left to go in tomorrow (on the new concrete strip), which will ultimately become one wall of the barbecue area) and tomorrow 10 tonnes of topsoil will arrive to be followed by the turf for the lawn areas due on Friday.  Then days of watering in the turf to encourage growth plus herself getting underway with plant selection for the big flowerbed over on the left.


Fortunately the building expert among the garden folk has decreed that the ground is so hard and full of hardcore there is no need to dig deep foundations for anything - which means the barbecue area base concrete will go straight on top of the ground as scraped off by the digger earlier this week.  And the same goes for the base of the arbour (below), which is just as well in view of the time it took the home team to scrape out the small foundation for the little wall on the right 


All(??) that leaves is the area beyond the new lawn - to the left of the wheelbarrow where there is a base to build for the an arbour and the arbour itself to erect, all that will be down to yours truly with the assistance of Dr Station Cat.  and we have still to work out exactly what we will do over the top of the watertank (which is behind the wheelbarrow) but ornamental well type ideas have been mentioned - and treated with Stationmasterly derision of course ;)



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Morning.   A touch late, as I was up at 0430 to go to the UK for a hip assessment at Wrightington - all going well, 50% improvement since last time on some fancy scale they use from a huge questionnaire I had to complete.  Some examinations were a touch embarrassing, as they had to investigate a 'snapping' sound I now have, which involved hands being held in deeeep places while I moved the leg.....'click'....oh it was just the something or other band mving, but the trainee ortho surgeons all had to have a try to try to diagnose it......including a very attractive young Indian girl.....careeefuulll Neil!!!!

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As long as she wasn't a Blackfoot and stamped on your toes, Neil.


Not to be outdone in the Building stakes, I had the night storage radiators replaced today.

I started saving the old bricks for gardening purposes.

I began stacking them four at a time but rapidly went down to carrying two on each trip.

The last dozen, one in each hand!


Anyone want to guess the total weight?

I'll weigh one tomorrow and give you the answer.

If I can lift it!



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  • RMweb Gold

Morning all.

I think it may be overcast but it is still a bit dark to be sure! Just had first cup of tea of the day.

I think I would like to do some more work on my trainset today. I didn't achieve my "target" of  trains moving by my birthday but I will soon.


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