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  • RMweb Premium

Its to do with how  long you let the tomato soak into the bread - Pete - just squish the sandwich under a book to get the soaked in effect!

Grey and overcast here,


builder back to do three pages of "snags" but will be finished today (well they hope so...) so less than a week to get ready for visitors for next weeks One Day International at Headingley..


Have a good day everyone



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Its to do with how  long you let the tomato soak into the bread - Pete - just squish the sandwich under a book to get the soaked in effect!




I find that cling film does the trick.

The sandwiches are still palatable - usually because I'm starving by the time I eat them.

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Talking of soggy sandwiches,last night's supper was hot soup as usual plus cheese and tomato sandwiches followed by (coffee for me, tea for everyone else). The tomato slices were thick and juicy so 'soggy sandwiches' resulted. Either white or brown bread were offered. I had two of each and thoroughly enjoyed them. I don't know what the criteria are but these are often served as toasted sandwiches which are truly delicious and never soggy.

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We grow our own Tomatos from seed smuggled in from southern Italy.......

Actually the Tomato situation in the 'States has improved radically as of late. New Jersey Tomatos are among the best (possibly due to the work done by Rutgers University who operate closely with local growers).

Americans never put butter on their Sandwiches - the origin of which causes tremendous rows. My wife who was born in Tricarico always had Sheep based "dairy" products - Cows were almost unknown down there (and are still very rare in that landscape).


Best, Pete.

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  • RMweb Gold

The cheese and ham sandwich we bought at a châteaux visit on Sunday was salami and goats cheese, tomato, with some red and green salad leaves. Slimy rather than soggy but I was hungry.

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  • RMweb Gold

Morning all


Bright, clear, promising to be very warm again - 24 or more yesterday.


Ducked out of shopping yesterday, but managed to get three barrow-loads of cuttings off the front hedge. I now get slightly more notice of cars coming lickety-split down the hill when trying to pull out! More hedge-tweaking may take place today, but I do need to shop as I've just finished the milk.


Sherry's troublesome thumb sounds unpleasant - we use the thumbs for so much that we don't even realise. Spanning the piano keys in her case, I wonder?


Not one for going to "attractions" very much. Probably due to not having kids, so not the same incentive. I'm still in the National Trust, because they do marvellous things, but almost certainly the only time I've been on a Trust property in the last couple of years was when I walked up Box Hill in 2012 - and that's free!


Hope your day goes well - and hope we don't hear that Jill's had a change of heart and left beast chained to a lamp-post in Norwich!

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:O £75.!!!!!!! :swoon:


The simple joys of our youth: an afternoon`s sit on the park-grass, cheese and tomato sandwich and flask of tea 'picnic' and an hour runing about with a stick and hoop or flying a box-kite, seem so long ago! :drag:

Wot! No bottle of Tizer Debs? :)



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I like soggy, mushy  Cheese and Tomato sandwiches. I've spent hours trying to replicate this effect in a modern kitchen.


Did they have "foil" in the early sixties? I don't recall. I remember brown paper.


Best, Pete.

or alternatively greaseproof paper or the waxlke paper that a sliced loaf came in,



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  • RMweb Premium

Morning all from (you guessed it) sunny Hampshire. 


Glad it's not just me that baulks at admission costs to attractions. 

Notwithstanding that these places either have to cover their costs or make a profit,

On my "to do" list with the family are: :king: Tower of London :butcher: , London Zoo, Historic Dockyard. Let's not forget the travel costs, either.  :swoon:

So far this summer we did "Storybook Glen",  Braemar castle, Paulton's Park. The last one cost about £85 for a day ticket.  Hampton Court :kingchris: is also on the list for SWMBO's birthday. 


Taking up Deb's theme, we did a load of walking and playing in the garden,too! In keeping with other attractions that have to balance their books, I obviously charged the children a modest fee for wearing out their shoes and also for the pleasure of walking on the lawn.  :jester:


Pete, for a really soggy cheese sandwich I think you need to age it on the dashboard of a car, allowing the moisture from the tomato to transfer into the bread.  :bad:


Have a nice day everyone and hope the weather holds for you, too. 


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Morning all! Struggling to find time to keep up with ERs these days.  Given there've been 2 pages of postings since I woke up...


Hotdesking in my old division's area today as I have a meeting in my old building.  Nice to see some friendly faces down here.


Hope all here are well!

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  • RMweb Gold

No you were not but stationmaster might have information his children venture to Norwich I understand.

Alas nothing available - Norwich were away at 'ull on Saturday and my lad had a truly 'wonderful' day (not) -

1. Snapped by a speed camera on his way to Reading to catch the o6.something to London for the 07.45 off the Cross.

2. Cr* p result in the football

3. Train from 'ull missed connection at Doncaster, call from Peterborough at 22.XX to say he was waiting for a train and should be home by midnight.


Arrived home well hacked off, but he brightened up yesterday when he heard that his former employer is up in court on Monday.


Meanwhile - morning all.  Bright and sunny - garden beckons but as it's Thursday other things take priority so it can keep beckoning.


Have a nice day.


And now an addendum


Soggy tomato sarnies are simple - first step is your wife makes them and wraps them in clingfilm, second step is that you put them in your briefcase and take them to the office for your midday(ish) snack (n.b. travelling on the Bakerloo Line in the rush hour adds to the effect).  Result superbly soggy, squashed, sarnies - delicious.


Pompey season ticket.  Wow has the price shot up - back when the offspring were still at school Mrs Stationmaster took them on regular trips to the Pompey naval attractions and the season ticket was excellent value but even then you needed to go several times a year to make it a competitive deal (they usually did).

Edited by The Stationmaster
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  • RMweb Premium

Use tinned tomatoes.

Sogginess guaranteed.

Oh no - skinless mice and cheese sandwiches - a bit too far.


I am now beginning to desire a breakfast "cake" - a big breadcake (Leeds variety of Stottie) with bacon, sausages, eggs, mushrooms, baked beans, skinless mice, black pudding ....... yummy!

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Glad it's not just me that baulks at admission costs to attractions. 

Notwithstanding that these places either have to cover their costs or make a profit,

On my "to do" list with the family are: :king: Tower of London :butcher: , London Zoo, Historic Dockyard. Let's not forget the travel costs, either.  :swoon:

So far this summer we did "Storybook Glen",  Braemar castle, Paulton's Park. The last one cost about £85 for a day ticket.  Hampton Court :kingchris: is also on the list for SWMBO's birthday. 


I took my Girlfriend to the Tower of London last year - However, we got a very good deal from Southern.  Booking a train ticket with them gave us a two for one deal on many of the London attractions.  It is well worth keeping your eyes open for these sort of offers, because you can save an absolute packet.


I seem to remember that we did the Tower of London, and the London Transport Museum and the money saved nearly covered the train fare.

Edited by Robert
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  • RMweb Gold

Morning, just! Back from shopping and just caught up with the posts, cheese and tomato sandwiches my favorite soggy or not, rather than Tizer I would wash them down in my youth with Dandelion and Burdock!


Then I would take the bottle back and get some money back on the bottle, cant recall how much it was, think it was sixpence in old money?


Sure someone can recall the exact amount


Enjoy the day

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Morning all (ahem, cough, shuffle!),


It appears we've reached (page number) 1974... we are all now officially 'post Tops'!


Sad to relate yet another case of the dreaded cable theft on our wonderful big railway - on Tuesday night the Nuneaton to Daw Mill section of line was plunged into signalling darkness again thanks to some greedy lowlifes revisiting the scene of their two previous crimes. This section seems to suffer more than most, as despite being only a few miles from the centre of Brum it's actually quite remote, even more so in the dead of night. There must be a scrappie nearby who's making it worthwhile for the thieving toerags to do it in the first place, either that, or they can afford the fuel to cart their ill gotten gains elsewhere and cash them in. Whatever, it was certainly a very spooky drive over the affected line with ten consecutive signals showing 'black' aspects (ie: unlit!) instead of the usual greens.


Mild pointless rant over - as you were ERs!

Edited by Rugd1022
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  • RMweb Gold

Cliff Morgan passes away

That is sad news.

I have just been to the BBC site and they have a recording of his commentary on 'that' Baa-Baa try.

The two complement each other perfectly.

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