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Something different again.

I went to great lengths to get this picture for you.

Crossed ropes and fence and encountered breast feeding mothers to get this shot from behind the Punch and Judy tent.

I could make ten different pictures from this:



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Morning all and belated birthday and wedding anniversary greetings to all. 


It's a sunny day here in Hampshire, so I started the morning with my head in the dishwasher which was having a hissy fit. Not sure acting as a "Shrink to White Goods" was my dream for the day, but it is now behaving.


Reading about Robert's team building reminds me of a conference I attended in Dusseldorf in 2000. As part of the mid-conference trip we got a choice of visiting either a coal mine, a steel works or a salt mine. I opted for going down the salt mine, which was fascinating.


The high-density foam sheeting I opted for to make my baseboard has proved to be a really interesting choice. Thinking back to my various attempts to make a viaduct-based layout, how much simpler would it have been to simply "carve" the damn thing! Maybe this will be something to revisit, but only after I've cut my teeth on a much simpler layout - and one that will get finished.


Once again I've been using RatedPeople.com to get some quotes for more domestic improvements. This time, tree felling. In a small garden like mine two large trees seem to provide shade and drought for about half the garden!


Hawkstone Follies for me at the weekend.


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Afternoon...although it was morning when I started trying to catch up.


Mrs H is noticeably more agile this morning, although agile is not perhaps the best word!


Little else to report, nephew is polishing his car, apparently cars need that every five minutes.  Mine gets the car wash when I can't see what colour it is.  Bikes, however, get much more cosseting.


OK, time for a quick lunch then off to watch some bike racing again, modern stuff today.  Little to interest me in that, but said nephew wants to see the fast ones.

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This am:


15 mile run in training for NYC Marathon. Upon my return I must clear the lower garden of two squabbling families of Alligators (remember to buy new large broom).


After trimming 25 Pin Oak trees will prepare lunch for 25 refugees from Monaco. Wife at Gov. Christie's selling "Fat Jokes" to him.


After lunch, empty house will therefore nap from 2:00pm to 2:05pm. Attend meeting to discuss distress caused to Housewives by Bikini Waxing (note to self : Suggest alternative of sharp tooth Gerbils).


Unable to finish plan for today, change of plan due to preparation of Food Parcels to new orphans in Syria.


(You lot exhaust me with all your plans).


Best, Pete.

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(You lot exhaust me with all your plans).


Best, Pete.

I thought perhaps on first reading you may have been self medicating! 

I have done my task for the day and collected Robbie. He looks very well and seemed very pleased to see "his" car.

Now that the holiday is over I can have a rest!

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That`s the way to do it! :jester:


Oh no it isn't!!!



(You lot exhaust me with all your plans).



If all else fails - have a plan.... I have one but I can't remember where I put it (!)   .....heads down and runs for the nearest trench......

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Madam Gruff enjoys her regular intake of "soap operas", one of which is Coronation Street. Rita is a character in that production who I believe has been in it since God was in short trousers. Whilst "Corrie" is on, I am free to trawl through RMWeb!


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Who's Rita?


Best, Pete.

Probably not Lovely Rita, Meter Maid.


I had to Google the name for elucidation. A character in a popular northern TV production (m'lud!)


Edit, Just been beaten to the response by a Gruffalo!

Edited by Tony_S
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Probably not Lovely Rita, Meter Maid.


I had to Google the name for elucidation. A character in a popular northern TV production (m'lud!)


Edit, Just been beaten to the response by a Gruffalo!

Sadly Tony I knew the answer without needing to Google the name, that shows what an exciting life is led in The House of the Gruffs!

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Evening All


First off caught up, and belated congratulations for yesterday to those with celebrations.


The whole Rita Fairclough thing is that she is/was a character in Coronation Street, who had a husband/partner with murderous intent who was demolished on Blackpool's seafront by being hit by a Balloon double decker tram when running across the tracks.  Hope that clarifies a little more - yes it's a bit obscure, and also was a few decades ago, so probably about the right era for us ERs, but most of us heard the sig tune of that show, and made a beeline for the modelling room/pub/spare room to avoid being subjected to it.


Dog is being a pain in the sit-upon, so I'd best log off.


Regards to All


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Implausibly, given that neither Deb nor I watched things like Corrie in 40 years, I knew what Debs was referring to. Clearly at the time it got media attention beyond the series itself.


I suffered the same factoid-worm, Ian..........`never watched the programme, but somehow the name and the tram thing went in!


I Googled before the earlier post and it seems trams had it in for the Rita character; in a second (later) tram-related incident, her shop was dive-bombed (yes really!) by a Manchester Metrolink set which then exploded (as they always do!) setting fire to the entire road. :O

.........dangerous things, trams! :mosking:

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Off to Norwich with the boss - don't tell her but the Yarmouth drags will be around... he he he

Am I the only one to notice that Beast hasn't been back since he posted this?

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Morning All,


I decided to come into the office early this morning.  Having been off for a couple of days the work was bound to have mounted up - and my suspicions have now been confirmed.


Yesterday's trip to the Pfälzerwald was very good.  Some nice walking country, and not a tram in sight ;)


Have a good day everyone...

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Here is a small selection of Photos from yesterday's walking tour.  The French-German border was quite closely surveyed during mediaeval times, and there are a vast number of castles and fortifications strung out along the border.




This Castle (Castle Fleckenstein) is on the French side of the border - and is one of the castles where admission is required.  However, it was a very reasonable €2.50 per person - so we had a good look around.




Most of the castles have fantastic views!




Finally, a shot of the French-German border!  Marked by the stone row - I am standing on the French side, looking towards Germany.



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