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  • RMweb Premium

That lad must have had a golden day - I had one in 1966 when I scored 82 in a school match but the sports master decided enough was enough so closed our innings. Your one is clearly destined for greater performances than I ever attained!


Back at that brewery again tomorrow so just a small one this evening as the local pub ends its beer festival.



my Herbert had two golden days - he took a hat-rick twice then scored  lots of runs!!


the lad today did well with the ball but got our for....2!!

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  • RMweb Gold

Good morning all,


Still quite dull but dry & 14oC - forecast says it should be a nice sunny day.

Had a great time at BBQ yesterday - as usual ate too much & drank about enough! Saw lots of photos & film of kids holiday in Mallorca. Most of it seemed to involve frantic activity in and around either the swimming pool or the sea. Oh to have that much energy! :training:

Today we're taking them to the Natural History Museum (their idea). Yet another place I haven't been to for many years.


Have a good one,



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Hi all,

         The rain has returned with a vengeance and according to today's 6:00am forecast is set to remain until Thursday.

Congrats to Deb's Mom and Dad of 60 years together. Father must really be a really tough nut to have put up with it.! :jester:


One can always tell if there is an ostrich nesting in a tree above by the wind cause by their wings as they fly in circles guarding their young.

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Morning all, 


Not much to report from here, though did see  two fatal traffic accidents yesterday...nuff said. 


Day of corporate **** in front of me its enough to make me imprecate!



Be good 



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  • RMweb Gold

Broken cloud here in Newcastle this morning.

Yesterday was a superb sunny day so we walked over a couple of the Tyne bridges to Gateshead. Huge amount of new flats over there.


Today we are heading to York and hopefully a visit the the NEM which will be my first visit in possibly over 20 years.

After a few lunch time drinks we head for home on Great Central Trains



Edited by roundhouse
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  • RMweb Premium

Morning all, dentist at 9.30 for extraction of tooth and cash.This is the appointment I put off when MrsB came out of hospital and thinking about it for longer has not helped.Apart from that it is a dull day outside and could go either way such is the summer.

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  • RMweb Gold

Morning, sun shining though forecast to be cooler than yesterday, busy bank hol weekend with both boys home for the weekend, local supermarket manager rubbed his hands in glee as other half stocked up on Friday.

Mick hope your dentist is as gentle and as good looking as mine :whistle:


Have a good day all

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  • RMweb Gold

Morning all


Wall to wall blue sky here again.

We are being spoilt.

Today will be another day spent keeping out of the way of the builders.  A few hours more planning for next term then a good long walk sounds a good idea.

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  • RMweb Premium

morning all,

early fog being "burnt off" by the sun so it could be a warm and sunny day in Leeds.


Plumbers back to remove/replace shower and "finish" bathroom.


may get some photos of some weathering on here later..


have a splendid day and keep drinking tea!!!!

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  • RMweb Gold

Morning all


Cool and overcast, expected to warm up a bit later.


Will do a bit of garden tidying in wake of last night's squall. Some small bits of tree branch did end up on the road, but nothing to inhibit traffic.


Cleaner here this afternoon.


Have a good day.

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  • RMweb Gold

Morning all,


Bright & sunny at present but visit to bank, Post Office (if open?) and solicitor will mean plenty of indoor time this morning but the garden beckons this afternoon as stuff needs to be sorted before the landscaping man arrives.  Interesting to see that Barry has the plumbers in to weather his new bathroom - or did I misread something there?   Knowing the way many plumbers perform I suspect that I didn't;  fingers crossed that they don't weather it!


Have a good day one & all.

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  • RMweb Gold

A grey start today, although if it is anything like yesterday, the sun will be out and blazing by elevenses.


The garden beckons with the delights of weeding and generally tidying up to follow.


The other option would be to change the cam belt on my Vauxhall Astra.


Best be off to the garden then!


So I'll be dirtier here this afternoon (Sorry Ian!)





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Morning All,


I am slightly later on parade this morning having just got back from the Doctor.  My finger is now taped to the one next to it, and I have lost the steel band (thank goodness!)


While I was there I had a health checkup, in which I was prodded, poked, ultrasounded, ECGed and had various instruments stuffed into various orifices.  The long and short of it is that I am healthy and (surprisingly) of above average fitness.  I just have to go back later to pick up the blood values.


I took a days leave, so also have the days luxury of sitting at home, drinking a very welcome cup of coffee (I've been off coffee for a week, in preparation for the test)


The weather is somewhat grey, but dry.


Have a good day everyone...

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  • RMweb Premium

Morning world.


Showery this morning, non-race day so it'll be tourism with Debs' nephew I suppose, after leaving the boss with flasks of coffee and such like to hand!


Thanks for the reminder, Ian!  Jamie Coward was third in the 500 classic on a Manx.


Great racing yesterday too, with Michael Dunlop taking a magnificent win in the formula 1 classic on a Suzuki.


Thanks again for the good wishes for Mrs NHN's recovery.

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It`s confectionery Monday; well, here it is!...............I`ve been baking and decorating a large (for 40 guests) cake for my Mother and Father`s diamond wedding-anniversary which we`ll be celebrating later this week.......I look like a 'Homepride' flour-grader with the amount of icing dust sugar I`ve managed to spread about the kitchen......a 'Chef`s cup' is lubricating the work`day machinery! :drinks:


:O Sixty years of contented marriage!?!?!?.......I think perhaps that many modern latter nuptial-unions will struggle to make double figures! :no:

Congratulations to your parents! And to you on attempting to bake the cake! Photos of the cake to follow?


Actually it's our 42nd Welding Anniversary today. So far I've celebrated by being up at 0630 to provide breakfast for the family who are here for three days. Also picked up windfall apples and put in a bag on the fence with suitable food waste for our neighbour's pigs.


Regular readers of ER may remember the problem we had recently with intruders in another neighbouring property. A few minutes ago, I received a call from one of the Torbay councillors to whom I wrote, expressing concern and promising to look into it. Watch this space!


A celebratory lunch is planned at The Devon Dumpling. The sun continues to shine here - hope you have your share wherever you are!

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Dry and sunny in Lincolnshire today, so airing the tent and tarps in the back garden before folding them away for next season.  That is unless Jane wasn't joking about Annapurna in November.............

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  • RMweb Gold

Dry and sunny in Lincolnshire today, so airing the tent and tarps in the back garden before folding them away for next season.  That is unless Jane wasn't joking about Annapurna in November.............

It's good to see you posting in ERs again, Peter. I do hope Jane takes account of reality in dragging you of to exotic climes/climbs!

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Well I'm never sure.  She has a wicked sense of humour, but sometimes...............  :angel:


We're getting in training for walking in Bhutan next year - that's presuming that China hasn't invaded before then.  When she first suggested that I thought she was joking too.........................

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Regular readers of ER may remember the problem we had recently with intruders in another neighbouring property. A few minutes ago, I received a call from one of the Torbay councillors to whom I wrote, expressing concern and promising to look into it. Watch this space!


I must have missed that one - but is it a derelict property?


Funnily enough, I have my own "intruder" story.  We live opposite a primary school, and a few weeks ago when it was very hot and we were sleeping with the windows open we were woken at half past four by a loud banging.  It was the sort of noise that one would associate with DIY somewhere in the neighbourhood, but not at 04:30!


We phoned the police, and they came and looked around - strangely enough the banging stopped almost as soon as they arrived.  The police looked around, but couldn't find any signs of a break in, or anybody - so they thanked us for the report and left.  Two nights later, the school was broken into - they smashed a window, but unfortunately we heard nothing the second time.


Congratulations on your Anniversary!

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I must have missed that one - but is it a derelict property?


...........Congratulations on your Anniversary!

Yes! With planning permission for houses which the owner seems in no hurry to execute.


By the way, along with the other joys of my morning, I omitted to mention the clearing up of the cat's little accident from the lounge carpet. Yep, it really was a s**t start to the day!


Thanks for the compliment re being wed at school, DD! We need a rating for "old smoothie"!

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