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Good morning everyone.


Misty and damp in the boring borough today. SWMBO has a packed programme for me. Stupidmarket Supermarket necessities shopping. Brockley Market for real food. Drop off donated food/sheets/towels to the local cat rescue. More donated stuff to deliver to the nearest charity shop. Garden centre for more plantlife and potting soil.


Tomorrow is younger brother & SIL's last day in the UK. Hurray! They've decided they want to join us in going Gromit hunting in Bristol. Boo! May have to pick up an extra few tie down straps so I can put her on the roof of the Landy after she goes into obnoxious mode.


The project from hell at work has decided they need to extend my contract for another month. Trouble is there is another project starting that I've been earmarked for. Looks like its going to be a big bun fight with the first group to correctly fill out the paperwork winning my soul for the foreseeable future. Needless to say I'm really really really p*ssed off. I pulled out of exhibiting at the Seaboard Southern show next month due to the assurance I'd be on the new project and commuting for a couple of months to / from Manchester. If I do get stuck for another month on "Project Death Spiral" it means I cancelled exhibiting for nothing. It also means another month minimum of d**che-bagging assclowns and their rampant incompetence. CV updated and job hunting in earnest has begun. Anyone looking for a senior Solution Architect / Design Authority specialising in EDRM systems? 13 years of Documentum & 5 years of SharePoint.


On that note I've been informed its time to get my skates on and roll out for the day. Have a good one all.

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Good morning all,


And then it rained & still is, 18oC at the moment. There may be sunshine, showers & thunderstorms later.


A splendid time was had last night. The Boss excelled herself in the kitchen and lots (but not too much to cause suffering) of beer & wine was drunk.


Opened my e-mails this morning to find a great batch of photos from Joe (our grandson) in Mallorca. They've had a great time but are returning later today. Needless to say we've missed them  :yes: & apparently they've missed us. All together now Aaaah!

I was going to do some gardening today but the weather has put paid to that so I think I'll play with some trains!


Have a good one,



Edited by grandadbob
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Is that before or after the Regatta?

I seem to recall that boats in the bay tended to bob (no offence to any of the regular bobs on here) around a bit in the late evening after a day's sport!


Panic dash to local GP with one grandchild yesterday at 5pm - a rash has appeared and Madam Gruffalo rightly wanted to be assured it was nothing that required us to disturb daughter at the campsite. Little one is quite tetchy today and rash is still there, her sister doesn't like the attention being lavished upon her sibling. Now I remember why we practised Madam Gruff was so keen on the catholic method of birth control a long while ago!

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The rain eased off and I was tempted out for the return working of the test train




Off to Norwich with the boss - don't tell her but the Yarmouth drags will be around... he he he



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Morning all,


The weather forecast here has changed from 'heavy rain' to 'high cloud' and although the rain has stopped the cloud base is still low - can't have everything I s'pose but at least the weathermen managed to get it part right for the Reading pestival.  Must get round to downloading the pics from the other camera - not too many but a few more folders to create for them as I go.  And Stage 3 of the battle with nightmares Dreams who remain their obdurate, obfuscating, dodgy selves but at least we are now in touch with their head letter writer Correspondence Executive (daftest job title I've ever come across, and we know someone who worked with a saggar maker's bottom knocker), oh and we're off to see the solicitor next week.


Have a good day and weekend one & all and may all your showers be little ones. 

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It started to rain last night about 9:30.. it woke me up by hammering against the windows at 4:26am...


Builders here at 08:15 to tidy up... phone went at 9am to get me to umpire tomorrow (could be I sit for 4 hours today before we call or game off)... so that's a game today, tomorrow and Sunday... but no chance of a lie in


Her indoors has made me Bacon Butties for breakfast   :)


have a good Saturday wherever you are ....

Barry O

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Morning, quick look in before going to watch the 500cc classic race.  One nephew surfaces, anyway....youth of today, I don't know.....


MrsNHN is recovering well, change to painkiller meds helping.  Frustration is kicking in now, with the racing on and all the associated events.


Sunny here on the rock, hope it lasts as practice was cancelled last night due to il pluert, as Ian would say :jester:

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Morning, quick look in before going to watch the 500cc classic race.  One nephew surfaces, anyway....youth of today, I don't know.....


MrsNHN is recovering well, change to painkiller meds helping.  Frustration is kicking in now, with the racing on and all the associated events.


Sunny here on the rock, hope it lasts as practice was cancelled last night due to il pluert, as Ian would say :jester:

Looking forward to a report on this race, Neil! Please....


Thanx, Pete.

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BoD, Thanks for the info on RailexNE. I read through the brochure and ENVY you the opportunity.

ENJOY and bring back lots of goodies and renewed enthusiasm for your projects.


Avoid the Spanish Inquisition. The comfy chair torture is ... well.. torture.


P.S. The Sun has come out and is shining! :imsohappy:

Edited by DonBradley
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MrsNHN is recovering well, change to painkiller meds helping.  Frustration is kicking in now, with the racing on and all the associated events.


Sunny here on the rock, hope it lasts as practice was cancelled last night due to il pluert, as Ian would say :jester:

Glad Mrs NHN is on the mend so soon. I doubt I pronounce it that well, actually.


Showery morning, a bit brighter now.


Quali at Spa was amazing!

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"The weather forecast here has changed from 'heavy rain' to 'high cloud' and although the rain has stopped the cloud base is still low"


Better keep Patricia on stand by, Mike.



If only DD - however we did conclude that one week at a time of the food & drink (in quantity terms) was probably more than enough for most mortals, including us.  

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Afternoon all from sunny Hampshire. Today the sun seems to be a bit obscured by heavy cloud and loads of rain.


Took the children to Paulton's Park on  Friday and a seagull / Albatross splurged my new polo shirt - twice. Got home and there was a cheque on the doormat. I've bought a lottery ticket as two splurges should result in two bits of good fortune. Having said that, maybe finding an unused 4'x2' baseboard and some N gauge track in the loft counts as my second installment of luck.


Having read some more of Iain Rice's musings during the holiday he seems to have an uncanny knack of describing the various stages of my modelling. Nantford Spinney my well fall in to the category of "a loop with a couple of sidings where the operator gets bored and starts to progressively add 'a little bit of what you fancy' into the timetable". So as an experiment I'm lifting one of  Iain's schemes lock-stock and barrel as a project to cover the winter months. Starting now I'm intending to get all the woodworky type bits done before having to stand in a foot of snow cutting plywood in the garden.  


And with all this rain around, here's a reminder of sunnier times, i.e. last week - a photo of Ballater station with Craigendarroch hill in the background. The blue stuff above the hill is typical Scottish weather. :)




...and here's the view from the top looking down the Dee towards Aberdeen, about 500' above the town. 




Best, Andy

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A belated and slightly rumpled 'morning all' chums - woke up, slid out of bed, went downstairs to wish SWMBO a happy birthday to be met with a hearty ''blimey you look like sh*t!". Honestly, some people...!


This just in....


Monday 6th September 1982, 09.00hrs : started railway career.


Saturday 24th August 2013, 05.43hrs : given clear signals on the Down Fast from Willesden to Nuneaton for the first time ever... I thought I was dreaming!


Enjoy your weekend folks ;)

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A belated and slightly rumpled 'morning all' chums - woke up, slid out of bed, went downstairs to wish SWMBO a happy birthday to be met with a hearty ''blimey you look like sh*t!". Honestly, some people...!



Sounds like a real woman to me!

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Afternoon All


Just got back in after a trip over to Yorkshire, and though it was forecast for cloudy weather here, Leeds was down for heavy rain from about 6 this morning onwards.  It didn't happen.

Was driving back from Ilkley, and saw some signs directing "to model railway exhibition" pointing towards Skipton, but with 30747 AND Lilypops in the car, I sort of pretended I didn't see them. 


Apart from that, not a great deal as Thursday night's excitement was enough for one week!


Regards to All


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Evening all...


Unsteady weather around here these days. It's been unexpectedly sunny but windy today, so perhaps that is why I've been feeling kind of blue...


Hope you've had a good day!

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Everything seem to have been happening since I was last on here. Beast I think your little bird may have been a Siskin. Marion suggest it may have flown in avoiding a hawk.


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186's last Bangor Belle railtour was on today :( It will be semi-permanently withdrawn from mainline use when its boiler certificate expires. However, it will be replaced by Ireland's last operational thoroughbred, GNR 85, "Merlin,"

I can see why it will be withdrawn: it had to stop several times to make steam (making it over an hour late) and caused major disruption.


207 (with MKII generator van) and 186


186 idles for the last time at Bangor


186 at Central


Some Gatwicks (ex-BR class 488s) at Lisburn

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Morning all! Slept well enough and am looking forward to a quiet day. Weather looks quite nice at this time.


Sport today I hope.

Watching - not participating.


Seems like we are in agreement as far as sports are concerned!

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Our last day of (relative) normality before the invasion of the younger generations tomorrow.

Church first where I hope to find my singing voice after being away for a few weeks. Two services run parallel today and I'll be singing with the band that leads the informal service, mainly for families.


Then to Asda before being home in time, I hope, to watch the GP from Spa.


Hope you enjoy the day with sunshine as we have here.

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