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My Wife had tires like that on her Audi. she ran over a small piece of 1" angle iron on the Turnpike - not only shredded the stupid tire but also broke the aluminium wheel....

Also too many potholes from the frigid winters.


Best, Pete.

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  • RMweb Gold


Also too many potholes from the frigid winters.



I'm not sure what caused the potholes and cracks in Texas this winter but the roads weren't in very good condition. Any road near an interstate highway seemed especially bad. Even with the poor road surface  and the torrential rain, driving there was less stressful than here in SE England.

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I'm not sure what caused the potholes and cracks in Texas this winter but the roads weren't in very good condition. Any road near an interstate highway seemed especially bad. Even with the poor road surface  and the torrential rain, driving there was less stressful than here in SE England.

I found driving in New York City less stressful than driving in London and not so slow!

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  • RMweb Premium

Morning all...


City driving is something I have quickly come to loathe after I obtained my licence! Of course, that may well have been due to how motorists in Frankfurt are behaved – which is to say, very poorly. Interestingly, I have found city driving here in Leipzig much less stressful. For one, main streets tend to be wider and offer better view, and there'd also appear to be fewer a**eholes in the driver's seats. Of course, both of that may just be my perception.


German food, on the other hand, is something I am ambivalent about in many parts. There are a couple of dishes I'd never, ever try again after having been introduced to them through my grandparents – who had a somewhat rough-and-ready cooking style, I should add.


Well, I figure another day of furniture assembly and unpacking beckons – after breakfast, of course...

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Good morning all,  


An interesting night here,   first i could here a gentle drip-drip-drip......that soon turned int a rushing sound....water was pouring through the smoke detector in the dinning room ceiling! ...bit strange as I live on the top floor...and the water tanks are not above my apartment...so turned the feed pump off....which slowed the flow to a drip....just hope the landlord get the plumber here this morning! 


As to driving, my early years were mainly in the home counties / London, (and all over the UK eventually) but when I moved to Bristol.....!  Mind you some of the craziest driving is here..I found driving in & across Canada very relaxing though.


What ever you're up to today,


Try and find some thing to smile at!



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I found driving in New York City less stressful than driving in London and not so slow!

Most of NYC is OK with the exception of Staten Island - it reminded me of driving in Serbia, back in the day. In case anyone thinks I'm exaggerating a Motorist was shot and killed in a parking lot by a fellow motorist in a fit of "road rage" - he  thought he was driving far too slow and holding him up. The man arrested was an Officer of the NYPD.

Happened about two years ago.


Best, Pete.

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Morning all. Another day begins in the Netherlands. Yesterday was quiet. SWMBO's knee is acting up so the day was walk a bit, cafe, walk, cafe etc. did our little bits of shopping. Very relaxing compared to Thursday.


Ian (roundhouse) will be even more jealous today after I mention last evening's festivities. A short but excellent session with the brewers from de Prael and Italy's Revelation Cat brewery @ the Wildeman.


Today it's off to Brussels by Thalys. I will say their service and trains make Eurostar look like a Southeastern 465. Have a great weekend everyone.

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  • RMweb Premium

Morning all - may be quiet for a while as we are away on and off getting away from the builders (or in particular the pipe stranglers who have still not installed the new bathroom!)


Dull and overcast start to the day - better brighten up I don't want to be frozen umpriring this pm!!


Have a great day and  few days!!!

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  • RMweb Gold

Morning all


A smidgen of toothache is making the day less than perfect - as was part of the night. More oral maintenance with the Hummingbird beckons. Survival is likely.


Ben may be here today surveying the large amount of redundant technology in the form of DVD recorders etc, which he might as well liberate. If he can also get the upstairs (46") tv to function as a tv, so much the better. It defeated my brother when he was here last Autumn. The DVD wall - not less than 1000 DVDs - might also be the subject of a planning session. I just want rid!


Perfect is the only word for the weather - this is a pretty endless Summer, really. Was that the title of an LP by the Sandals in the '60s? I think so.


Hope your day goes well.

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Last night was mainly spent in the pub but as I was helping an ex work colleague with the final bits of his masters course I was drinking very slowly so although late back I still managed to be up as dawn broke.


Broken cloudy sky so it's a fine day for worrying with the garage door open.


A busy two days ahead.


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  • RMweb Gold

Morning all. Not very exciting weekend sorting out and some packaging ready to move. Can't really do it all in case the buyers want a second look or change their mind.


Regarding shooting someone in road rage. If you have a gun handy it would be so much easier to shoot rather than calm down and think sensibly.


I find charity shops are good for getting rid of those things I don't want but are too good to throw.



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  • RMweb Gold

Good morning all,


Dry but a bit overcast, 15oC & it should brighten up during the morning.


Didn't get up until 8.00AM. There was a gentle hint that I make the tea (Elbow in ribs & "It's your turn, I've done it 4 days running") so I complied.


Had a great time last night with daughter & family here for the evening. We hadn't seen them all week because the kids went to Bognor to stay with their other grandparents for a few days. Needless to say there was a lot of noise & merriment.


Have a good one,



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  • RMweb Premium

Morning all, looks a bit dull outside, feeling a bit flat today and sneezing isn't cheering me up either. Just got to get on with stuff and get some jobs completed.It could be worse it isn't raining in our dining room and I  am not standing for hours in a Yorkshire field!

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I seem to have finally woken up, hours past my usual time. For all I know it may have been sunny earlier but it isn't now. I shall hang my new gate on the new gatepost after breakfast. I don't think the cup of very cold tea I found counts as breakfast.



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  • RMweb Gold

Morning all,


Hope Andrew has an enjoyable time in Brussels (however you like to spell it) - not a bad place but avoid the 'street of a thousand restaurants' or the Grand Place if you really want quality eating (you can get quite a good meal, with luck, in either but the better eateries are elsewhere, try Le Jardin Du Catherin in the old Fish Market for real quality and the best on-street chippy is (or was) the one by the Bourse.  The 'railway museum' at Brussel Nord is something of a disappointment as are most museums in Bruxelles although not too bad up by the Royal Palace or whatever it is on the hill above Central station (near which may also be found a very good bar).  If you get to Ghent there is an excellent gin bar on the canal side near the old Roman building in the centre - incredible place which sells only gin but umpteen different flavours, no seats.


Today we are hanging up the onions in the garage so you can work out just how much excitement I have to look forward to (new 'advice' just received - I am about to have my hair cut I'm told).


Have a good day and weekend folks.

Edited by The Stationmaster
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  • RMweb Gold

Morning all.


Still a bit shocked at Andy Rush's passing this morning, I was only chatting to him (electronically) a couple of weeks ago too.


I was planning to go out early with Jill but she wasn't too good at 06:45 this morning so we left it, she's fine now so we are making a start on my official moving in with her, I should be able to give notice on my rented house next week so we will be official then (i.e  she has to declare me to the authorities).


Off out later for a pair of 37s on a special.


Have a good day all.

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All mostly here and in sound mind and body I see.


Same old same old here, thankfully - no traumas or dramas to report. Retirement is looming, 88 days to go, lots being planned and arranged to while away the retirement. Quite a broad range too, restoring a 12" to the foot Merchant Navy loco, steam powered brickworks machinery restoration, steam powered ship (Shieldhall) duties, 5" gauge loco building, film photography, not to mention the model railways and the Mid Hants- I'm tired already!


Hopefully there will be more time to keep up with ERs too, so you lot keep well!

Edited by PhilH
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  • RMweb Gold

Morning all.


Still a bit shocked at Andy Rush's passing this morning, I was only chatting to him (electronically) a couple of weeks ago too.


I was planning to go out early with Jill but she wasn't too good at 06:45 this morning so we left it, she's fine now so we are making a start on my official moving in with her, I should be able to give notice on my rented house next week so we will be official then (i.e  she has to declare me to the authorities).


Off out later for a pair of 37s on a special.


Have a good day all.

The only thing that I can think off which betters that Dave is a couple of 'Castles' instead of one of my favourite diseasal classes (definitely my favourite diesel electrics, and I used to have a small fleet of them of my own to play with control - luvverly).  Anyway I hope it works out really well for the two of you, a lovely chapter in your life stories.

Edited by The Stationmaster
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Afternoon, Busy morning with lots sorted ie logs ordered for wood burner, ferry booked for a visit to friends in the Cotentin peninsular late September, car taxed, paint for the railway shed finally agreed with other half and duly collected which leaves me free to attend a local mr exhibition tomorrow :boast:


In other words I am in the good books lol!


Have a great day folks!

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  • RMweb Gold


 Retirement is looming, 88 days to go, lots being planned and arranged to while away the retirement. Quite a broad range too, restoring a 12" to the foot Merchant Navy loco, steam powered brickworks machinery restoration, steam powered ship (Shieldhall) duties, 5" gauge loco building, film photography, not to mention the model railways and the Mid Hants- I'm tired already!




And what exactly do you intend to do after lunch each day Phil?  :jester:

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Afternoon all,


Not the best of days today!  I managed to end up in Casualty.


I was making good progress demolishing a concrete gatepost to make the gate wider, when the drill bit stuck and the machine rotated.  Unfortunately at that precise moment in time I didn't have a very good grip on the machine and the end result was a dislocated finger.  I'm more angry with myself than anything - but it doesn't hurt too much fortunately.



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