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  • RMweb Premium

Didn't seem to be a bumpier ride! I think the "Sport" bit is just the extras pack like "Edge" or "Zetec" on the Focus. It doesn't seem to make any difference to the suspension and it's standard tyres not low-profile ones.

get a Type R - its quick and fun but you need a rubber mounted spine!!

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  • RMweb Gold

Good morning all,


Dull, dismal, raining & 17oC. We may get some sunshine this afternoon.


Chris deposited at work & no parting comments with hints, suggestions or instructions therefore the morning would seem to be mine to do as I please. I feel a track cleaning/layout dusting/running session coming on! :locomotive:

Nobody about at the moment so I'll look in later,


Have a good one,



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Morning All,


Good heavens Trev - that's an old Leyland!  Still, I suppose things don't rust, and don't get thrown away out there.


By coincidence, SWMBO was voicing the same opinion last evening, saying that, in years to come, there will be no photographic memories.

As technology changes, the storage methods are, too, becoming obsolete.

Just think of VCRs - mine hasn't been used for five years or more and is probably seized up by now.


The occasional pleasure of discovering a black and white picture of a long departed relative will not be possible.


This is a very interesting point.  I remember back in the 80s there was a project run by the BBC called the Doomsday Project.  The idea was to create a modern Doomsday Book which was a record of life in the 80s.  The presentation was shown to Schools which were loaned a BBC Master computer together with a laser disc player which played 12 inch laser discs (like giant CDs - but with capacity closer to a modern DVD)


Back at the start of the 2000s, the BBC had the bright idea of transferring this project to the Internet.  The only trouble was, they no longer had any working laser disc players.  They ended up borrowing one from a hobbyist!  The irony is, the original Doomsday book is still readable (although the language is hard) whereas the 30 year old version isn't. 


Technology isn't always as wonderful as we think - and we are becoming far too dependent upon it.  We had this discussion in the office recently.  Just imagine that suddenly, for whatever reason, nothing worked anymore.  No PCs, no Internet, no telephone, no TV...  Some would still cope, some probably wouldn't.


It looks like it is going to be quite a nice sunny day.


Have a good day everyone...

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  • RMweb Premium

Morning all!


Dull outside, so I figure there may be rain later today. Home setup will doubtlessly continue, too. Why can't there be more hours in a day? I don't particularly enjoy living in the middle of a construction site... Oh well, mustn't grumble! After all, a cityside location means hardware stores and stuff aren't far away...


Cheers, folks...

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Morning all,


Yest theres a huge number of old trucks (and cars) here,  from pretty well every builder that you can think of.   Oldest I've seen working was a late '40s Diamond T Wreker  . 


Oh well tis Friday so best get on, 


Be good today, 



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Overcast with light breeze around Gruff Towers this morn, has rained and may deposit more. Suppliers arriving to replace conservatory roof I believe, they should have done so yesterday but failed to show and we had a nice day!


Daughter and tribe overnighting here tomorrow so barbecue is on the cards but need to put everything away from little fingers. I believe one will be staying on into next week and Madam Gruff already planning what my chauffeuring duties will be. I suggested the SVR but no, Drayton Manor Park is in her mind.

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  • RMweb Gold

Morning all


Sunny outside at the moment.

I'm very envious of Mike - going to the test match that is, not necessarily the car, although that sounds nice too.


Now that RMweb is littered with various adverts I wonder what products would be targeted at ER's.

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Morning all from exciting Amsterdam. We are all a bit tender today.


Saw one of the new Eurostar sets outside Brussels Zuid yesterday. Wow they are gorgeous.


Breakfast awaits. Have a good weekend all.

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  • RMweb Gold

I don't need alarm clocks - last thing I need.


Woke up at midnight, 2 am 4 am - laird there till 5am then got up!!


A nice wet morning here in London



And was the Laird drinking a good single malt?  A Laird hates to go to bed with a bottle unfinished.


Sun,cloud, and breeze this morning, but I'm hoping the weather holds this weekend as I'm off to the Lowther show for two days.


However, before I leave, there are various urgent taskings.


Digging up the last of the potatoes and the remains of the mange toute, then planting in the special ones(potatoes) for Christmas being the first priority.


I didn't manage to fall off the shed roof yesterday, as I've decided to wait for my son to give me a hand.  I'm going to take the roof off and do all the maintenance at ground level.  The advantage of a small shed with a pent roof. 





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  • RMweb Gold

Morning, damp here after rain during the night but its supposed to be dry during the day. Alarm clocks, when I was working I didn't need one unless it was for a 4am get to go to the airport, nowadays I do need one just to make sure I am up a "reasonable" time for a retiree !


Its Friday enjoy the day and the weekend beckons

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  • RMweb Gold

Morning all from exciting Amsterdam. We are all a bit tender today.


Saw one of the new Eurostar sets outside Brussels Zuid yesterday. Wow they are gorgeous.


Breakfast awaits. Have a good weekend all.

I was going to click 'friendly / supportiv'e but as its self inflicted (and I am not there with you enjoying the beers), I haven't clicked it :no:


Enjoy the rest of the trip though.



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  • RMweb Gold

Morning all sleepless night well I could have slept but when the rain got heavy had to get up to shut the roof vents and Marion was awake so made a cuppa at around 5am fell asleep again about 6am and woke to find my legs pinned by a small dog laying across them. How can that be comfortable?


Trevs trucks above appear to have broken the covers on a footway not meant for heavy loads BT have the same problem when heavy vehicles mount the pavement and break the jointbox covers.


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  • RMweb Premium

I gave him a 'friendly/supportive', he may need it.....Bexhill....


Morning, by the way!  Dull on FR, with a bit of mist on the mountain road on our way to work.


Ah, Zetec Fords do have harder suspension, or they did anyway,  Mrs H had a Zetec Fiasco  Fiesta of the previous generation and it was as hard as rocks compared to her mates' LX.  Horrid little car with a good engine, but I understand the new ones are quite good all around.

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A friend of mine who was an Industrial Engineer had to design and make for Ford broaches for use in the making of certain parts.

The new car was only known by a Ford code number. He need a couple of made up bodies (presumably made by hand) for a couple of weeks. So Ford sent two over. These bodies were totally naked except for their name badges which read "soFuc"....


Best, Pete.

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  • RMweb Gold

Morning all


A fresher morning here, and the flies all seem to want to come indoors, so rain my be on the way - it's cloudy enough in places.


Sheena here for coffee at 11 (in theory) and bringing terrine and cherry tomatoes.


Hope your weekend is relaxing!

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We're not getting 'fresh" until tomorrow. Today we're getting "Severe" as in Nasty Thunderstorms and possible tornados, flooding and hail (weather people love this stuff - nothing like scaring old ladies - it's because they were too nerdy to do it in person).

Thanks for that link btw, Ian.


Best, Pete.

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  • RMweb Gold

Morning all.

Very heavy rain here though not as heavy as it was at about 6am.

Matthew is off to Cambridge for the weekend to stay with a friend (one of the lads he will be sharing a house in Leicester next term). I hope it stops raining as they are supposed to be seeing Richard III in one of the college grounds tonight. I made all the expected facetious remarks but Matthew explained patiently that it was a play.


The suspension on the US Ford Focus seemed very different (fortunately)  to the ones I've driven here!

Aditi's Fiesta seems to be a nice little car. Her one is the "Titanium" and it doesn't have the sports suspension of the "Zetec" though it does have pretty wheels. Though the heated windscreen is of more interest to me (or will be in a few months).



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  • RMweb Premium

morning from Leeds - sunny but some very large dark clouds floating about.


Plumbers didn't do their work yesterday, tilers van broke down - deadline missed!


Hopefully the dust will have settled soon as we just keep hoovering it up.


sound chip fitting went well - one EE type 3, one 08 (Bachmann which was a real s*d!)


Got the wrong loco chip from Charlie so it will be returned and another type will be substituted.


Stay calm everyone - and if all else fails - drink tea!!

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