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Morning All,


It is another nice sunny morning here - but due to get very hot once again this afternoon.  However, the weather is due to cool down a bit towards the end of the week, which can only be a good thing!


Thought for tonight: The versatility of cable straps is baffling!


There are only two tools needed in this world:


If it doesn't move, and it should - WD40

If it moves, and it shouldn't - Duct tape


Eat yer heart out, Macgyver! :sungum:

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Good morning, all!


Off to Saumur today for three days - the Hotel de Londres - which has Wifi so I hope to keep in touch on here. Weather is fine but cooler.


Have a good day!

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A sunny day here in Surrey.


FGW service to Reading g cancelled due to train fault. This is becoming a regular occurrence on the route with failed air con in thr ones that fo run. Luckily we do not commute on this route.


DBS liveried 59205 is on the aggregate train in Purley yard this morning.


Another day stuck in side working in fluorescent lighting with next to no daylight despite being next to a window.



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Morning all...:-)


Chimney Sweep has just arrived.  One of the old school who starts work at 07.30..


ER's just keeps growing.  It took me an hour or so last night to catch up with unread pages.  


Glad to hear you're off on your travels with Patricia again, Mike.  I'll have fun following your progress to somewhere or other.


Jumped into the bath yesterday afternoon after golf, only to find the water less than hot.  An investigation showed the pump had gone.  Surprised as it was only four years old, but as always out of warranty.  Having drained the system and got the new pump fitted, the boiler keeps switching off on the overheat protector.  I can only guess it's air in the system, so have been bleeding away.  Any other ideas? 


Sadly my BiL has just been diagnosed with lung cancer and is now off down the treatment route. I guess as a life long smoker the odds were always stacked against him, but then we all have our own vices.  Add to that my SiL's daughter having a heart attack at 48 and it's been a difficult few weeks.  Thankfully they got to her rapidly and two stents seemed to have fixed the problem.  Once again it was smoking and dietary issues that seem to have been the root cause.


I guess at our time of life, we all have similar stories to tell, so no need to put a damper on the wonderful spirit of kindness within these pages.  Just wanted to let you know I haven't done a runner to pastures new.


Started me thinking about the quote 'everything I like is either illegal, immoral or makes you fat'...or so I thought. ;-)




Work on ET is progressing slowly.  Just in the final design phase of the overbridge with Pete Harvey who has been extremely helpful with the design aspects.


I wonder what today has in store.

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One of the problems with the NHS is that they are not very proactive on prevention - they are good once a diagnosis has actually been made but it is too often a little too late.


Apart from Don B I was wondering about Andrew - has he imploded under the weight of D-Bags?


Best, Pete.

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Morning all


Yesterday really was a bit of a dies non, being tired and a bit under the weather after too much wine Sunday night. I did do an hour's gardening, but it seemed very steamy and I was quite tired & not a little sweaty afterwards. I even had an hour's kip after lunch, which is most unusual. But then my evening out was cancelled at short notice - Richard & Anita are too busy getting crops in while the weather holds.


This morning is overcast and dull, quite cool, too. Builder Jon may turn up today, maybe tomorrow. Cleaner Alison is due this afternoon.


BoD - beast has been using the invisible ink remark for all the 4 years I've been on RMweb, so he has trademarked it!

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Wife and Daughter got blessed by Pope Frank yesterday (actually he seems like a nice guy) then visited the Sistine Chapel and (snarl of envy) Bramante's Staircase - double helix, no steps and wrong attribution. I've never seen it let alone walked up or down it.


I've been on that staircase, Pete!


Morning all.  Got passed by a bloke riding a penny farthing up Leith Walk this morning. 


Gordon, sorry to hear of your family's health worries.  Fingers crossed.


Dom - good luck with the move!


Last day of work today, then I'm off for 12 days.  Off to the Riverside for the Ashes at the weekend.

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My best wishes to those in need.  Life, eh.


A nothing much day here, also ensconced in flourescent lit hell, away from windows (damn open plan offices - the office manager sits in the middle!) and fresh air. 


Mrs NHN is suffering badly with her knee now, two weeks tomorrow for her (third) op to try to sort it.  Next time is a replacement.  I've taken to the 'huffy bed' as I need enough sleep to be reasonably able at work!

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Sorry to hear about your BiL, Gordon.  Fingers crossed that the treatment works.


On a slightly lighter note, I was amused to read here: http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/technology-23575249 That a luxury Toilet is vulnerable to hacker attacks.


The question which has me baffled, is why on earth would you want to control your toilet with your smartphone?!?

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sparkie has been and gone as plumbers didn't change a valve which controls the central heating....


Tiles bought and lugged into the conservatory - just need the dry liners to get here  - then plaster - then fit bath/shower and tile then make it work .... then ... holidays!!


Sunny with white fluffy  clouds today


...watched a programme last night where they had a day trying to do pre-emptive strikes on heart disease, diabetes and obesity.... scared me rigid!  


Have the best possible day folks...

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A nothing much day here, also ensconced in flourescent lit hell, away from windows (damn open plan offices - the office manager sits in the middle!) and fresh air. 





As the officer manager, it sounds as if it's time you had a reorganisation to maximize the efficiency of the work environment.


Many years ago I had a similar problem with a Commanding Officer who was 'Keen to maximize the storage cube'. aka 'How much we can cram into a given space and still get it out in a hurry when needed?'


So I devised a scheme with my storage team, and whenever the CO came around, boxes were on the move and if asked we were  'Endeavouring to maximize the storage cube'.


By the time he left, we'd got all the boxes back into their original position...............and my successor continued with my plan, which kept the next CO happy as well.


This morning  started out with blue skies, but the dwellers in N Wales have kindly dispatched the grey stuff that is now arriving overhead.


Since my daughter is home i have been coerced into going to 'Cheshire Oaks' the designer outlet from hell near Chester.


Not only will I suffer having to walk around the place, but so will my credit card.


It's a pity they don't have a model shop in the place selling Hornby 42xx's (or anything that you need at the time) with discounts of 70% off the RRP.  (A low flying pig has just passed the window!)





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the dwellers in N Wales have kindly dispatched the grey stuff that is now arriving overhead.

The little devils have also dispatched the grey stuff to Cardiff - I blame Coachman.


At least it's not raining at the moment - we had a couple of heavy downpours yesterday - I narrowly missed being caught in them!


Hope Don is OK



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Morning all. Thanks Pete for noticing my absence. Nothing serious, just busy with house guests and work. I've got 2 weeks worth of tasks that I have to clear before going away on thurs. Can't remember if I mentioned that for the first time in several years I'll be getting together with both my brothers. Its the younger one's 50th and he has decided to try to match my 50 beers for 50 years in Brussels. This will be entertaining as he and his wife are lightweights when it comes to fermented grains. A couple of Delerium Tremens and no doubt we'll be peeling them off the walls. :drink_mini:


Also, wondering about Don. Hope its just another silly internet hiccup.


The offspring has finally found himself a job. Took 2 1/2 years including the circus that was G4S Olympic security. The boost to his self confidence has been enormous. He also just received a tax refund for work he never did for G4S but they paid him for a full shift after the games finished. Gotta love their incompetence. The refund just about covers all the transport costs he incurred while jumping through their hoops.


Everyone have a great day and I'll catch up when ever I can.

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Sorry to read about the family health situations.


Central heating advice from me (now there is a surprise!). Changing a pump doesn't usually let much air into an open system. Is yours pressurised? Earlier this year I thought the pump was failing and we seemed to be getting a lot of air in the system. Ours is a traditional open system. I drained the system with the intention of re-filling, introducing cleaner fluid, and then inhibitor. I noticed that the header tank was not emptying. I then removed the pump and still there was no flow. About 6 inches of the pipe from the header tank was blocked with reddish brown sludge. It took a good poke with an old screwdriver to clear it. I had at this point bailed out the header tank. I had to cut he pipe to get access to the blockage and re-join it. The system is about 20 years old. I had until a few years ago introduced cleaner / inhibitor from the header tank. Out of idleness I used a radiator injector system for the last few pre blockage times. I went back to the old way this time. I have been told that possibly even a powerflush might not have cleared the site of my blockage.

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Morning all.


The problem with the NHS is the "postcode lottery" issue - some areas are better at preventative action than others - I'm off to the N&N this afternoon for a precautionary checkup - back in Birkenhead they (probably) would have waited until things became an issue and by then it would be too late for effective treatment.


A nice sunny day today.


Have a good one all.

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Thanks for the advice Tony.  It's a pressurised system and I needed to drain it down.  All appears OK now as it was what I thought.  Too much air and not enough water.  On the plus side the hot water is now very hot, so I suspect the pump had been going for some time.

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As the officer manager, it sounds as if it's time you had a reorganisation to maximize the efficiency of the work environment.








A fine sentiment that I agree with, Richard - however the occupants of the remainder of the office are mostly social workers and police officers - 8 years in this role has given me the experience to know I HAVE to sit in-between them......prevents a breach of the peace! :O  :butcher:


I also have found re-arranging offices brings the worst out in some people, and sometimes it is the path of least resistance that wins out.  Multi-agency teams are funny things to manage, it's not like when the staff are all 'ours'.  Our last office leant itself to me having a window seat and the ability to see and hear all......this one unfortunately does not tick one of those boxes!  To make matters worse, I wasn't even at work when the last move was made, as I was recovering from the hip surgery, however as we have moved 7 times in 8 years, we'll be on the move again soon I'm sure!

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Morning all, sat waiting for the district nurse to call! Weather cannot make its mind up sun gloom rain gloom sun (10 mins) Ian the cats are freaked by the chair and crutches but not the zimmer frame weird things cats. The prodigal cat if it ever returns will probaly run away again.I have bought a small device for converting cassettes to MP3 files a sin Iknow but the car is cd/mp3 only so a job beckons for the patient. I had hoped by now to have set keyhaven up down stairs and completed the sector plate extension but no joy as yet. I have sold one bulky item on ebay and hope to sell a set of solenoids/relays as used by BR telephones when I can sort out the pictures. After that it is disposing of childhood items they are now 17,20 and 22.

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My central heating system is also of the open variety.  In fact, it is the last open system in the village.  As a consequence, I seem to have become a bit of a mecca for apprentice chimney sweeps and heating engineers!


I am hoping the whole system will last a bit longer, but I probably have some of the sludge that Tony mentioned as the pump has real trouble getting the hot water up to the bathroom in Winter (the highest point of the system - apart from the header tank).  The pump itself is quite new.


The circulation pump for the hot water is also on the way out.  It makes some very strange noises at times, but all the time it keeps running, I will allow it to do so!

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