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  • RMweb Gold

It always seemed absurd to me that the A48 between Gloucester and Chepstow which was a reasonably wide road should be peppered with 50mph limits whilst the forest of dean roads were restricted to the 60mph national limit although narrow twisting and with sheep, deer and pigs roaming about. After driving carefully being ready to brake at any moment it seems unatural to stick to a slower speed when the road feels safer.


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  • RMweb Premium

Belated 'morning all' once agin ;)


Bit of a late finish last night as I was 'purloined' from my own Oxford - Stud Farm job... 



I started reading this post and thought...."Ay-aye, someone's landed on their feet, work-wise."   :boast:

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.......I'm sure she will now be extra aware of 50mph signs (for that was her offence, 56mph in a 50 zone).....


One of my dog-sport friends recvd. a ticket last year, for doing 56 in a 60...........yes really!


She chose the option of a course offered in place of a harsher punishment..........She is an excellent driver and has had a long and accident-free motoring history, but her 'offense' was to not realise that her recently acquired small-van is classed as a commercial vehicle and hence the speed limit was 10mph less.

Had the witness been a real person and not an 'unblinking eye' a quiet word would have surely been more than sufficient.

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  • RMweb Gold

It was a Speed Awareness Course delivered by the AA on behalf of the Met Police. Aditi said the course was quite good though she didn't see the point of the first 30 minutes which was about the history of Speed Awareness courses. So she still has an unblemished licence and insisted on telling me all the stuff they had learned. To be honest Aditi wouldn't ever be speeding in a town or a country lane especially in inclement weather but I'm sure she will now be extra aware of 50mph signs (for that was her offence, 56mph in a 50 zone) on dual carriage-way A roads. I don't think she has needed any kind of naughty step (unless marrying me against parental advice counts) for years. She did get a detention for singing in the corridor between lessons at school.

I thought that the second Speed Awareness course I attended was considerably better than the first one - apart from the bloke in our group who afterwards as soon as we joined the motorway accelerated to approaching 90mph (estimated) and vanished from the sight of those of use travelling at a tad over 70mph.  Mind you the elderly lady who was on her first course was rather miffed that she hadn't been able to attend one on the previous occasion she'd been caught speeding (90mph on the M40, and unless she'd not aged well she couldn't have been a day under 70).

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  • RMweb Gold

I thought that the second Speed Awareness course I attended was considerably better than the first one

Well given that the first one obviously didn't work ........



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  • RMweb Gold

Tax returns. No doubt most of us have to do them, and it was one of the admin tasks that Deb shone at once we'd moved here. For the last few years she'd happily done it online, as well as doing similar things for another English couple. When I saw the Notaire back in April, he pointed out I'd have to do two returns for 2012, before and after Deb's demise, since my allowances would reduce. I've been waiting to get around to it, and am probably a couple of months past the deadline, which may incur a financial penalty.


Deb's pension was paid directly into our French bank account, so working out her exact income in euros wasn't hard. Mine, OTOH, is paid into our UK account, and I transfer funds across as and when. Thus I had to take each of the 13 payments and convert the figure to euros, using the online rate quoted by the European Central Bank, for the day of receipt. I ran up a couple of simple tables - and went off to my local tax office in Mamers, expecting a slapped wrist. In fact, within 5 minutes of walking in, I was sitting opposite a mature, plump lady, who basically did all the form-filling for me, and apologised for making me work by having to sign so many! Job done in less than 30 minutes - and a more helpful response is unimaginable. I will no doubt hear the assessment in due course, with or without penalty, but have no cause for complaint when I've been so dilatory.


Job done!

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  • RMweb Premium

:clapping: "Come on!!!!.........last one in`s a German Shepherd!" :mosking:



Wrong - last in's a Sussex Spaniel


Evening All


I've been following proceedings today at work in my breaks, so catching up's been quick and simple today (for once) and the dog's also walked - in fact I started this post about twenty minutes ago, and got part way when AVG gave a warning that it was trying to auto update my threats index, and I felt that this was a better thing to happen than adding a post to ERs.


So I let it update, and restart the laptop, and took the dog out for poopydoops.


Anyhows, as not a lot's happening, I'm off to read some modelling related stuff - there's a first!?


Regards to All


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Not really an ER as haven't been to bed yet! Awaiting arrival of a friend who is travelling here from England and is due any minute.


PS It's after midnight in France!

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Was that a warning?

Not one of my better worded posts, I agree............


However I note that Sherry seems thrilled to be up past midnight in France. Will she still get her T.I.B. in the morning I wonder?


Better stop whilst I'm ahead....


Best, Pete.

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  • RMweb Gold

I may not be an earlyish riser later this morning as I've just spent a couple of hours doing tech support for Matthew. He came back from an evening out in Southend with friends and told me his phone had done an update and was now hanging. Having performed some research (using Google seemed appropriate as it is a Google Nexus phone) I got it started for him. Now a couple of hours ago I knew nothing about Android phones, now at least I know enough to realise that sometimes advice on the internet is wrong. Matthew was relieved, he thought he had "done something." He has been a bit low anyway today. He got the amalgamated grades for his Leicester and Calgary years  and was a couple of marks off a "first". Now I would have been ecstatic if I had achieved that but he went into a "if only I tried a bit harder" etc. He said he is only choosing modules for his final year he can do well in, and preferably those that don't involve group work!



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  • RMweb Premium

Morning all...


Cloudy and slightly breezy this a.m., and the next few days will be filled with tying up loose ends at our present place and packing the rest of our stuff. Thankfully, our new flat in Leipzig is ready for moving in, so putting in our furniture and making it fundamentally habitable will be fairly easy.


Have a good one!

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  • RMweb Gold

Good morning all,


Dry, quite cloudy with sun trying to make an appearance & 16oC. Will probably rain again later.

Dropped Chris off at work and her parting comment was "What are you doing today - not gardening I suppose?" I have assumed this to be an instruction so will comply! :yes:


Went into the corner shop at 5.55 to pay the paper bill (door open, lights on). The newish owner was there taking delivery of some milk & bread, looked at me & snapped "Come back tomorrow, I am too busy at the moment!" I will not print my reply. I've gone there 3/4 times in the last few weeks between 11.00 & 12.00 in the morning & found the place shut. They've also managed to get the papers wrong on several occasions. (It was a thriving business run by a lovely couple who have now retired and is now going downhill fast.) They have now lost another regular customer.


Have a good one,




P.S .They also keep forgetting to save my Railway magazines! Unforgivable!

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Happy Hump day all! 


Seems that some of us are turning into night owls too,  remember the old saying about burning the candle at both ends..............

Still what ever you're up to, try and find something to smile at!



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  • RMweb Gold


I didn't intend to be awake this early after my early am phone adventures but I am awake and enjoying looking out a nice blue sky and sunshine. Even the leylandii look quite attractive this morning.

My garage tidying has been quite successful so a trip to the tip/recycling centre is a likely activity today, though I suspect there will be requests for assistance in the garden.



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Morning All,


It is quite a nice morning in this part of the world.  Sunny, cool and with a bit of a breeze.


I sold the Mini last night, and fixed the dishwasher - so all in all not a bad day.


I would have liked to have got a bit more for the old girl, but she is going to a good home so I can't grumble.


Have a good day everyone...

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My sympathies Bob.


The village where I grew up had a wonderful little shop (well actually, when I was a kid it had several - but that's a different story).


Much the same thing happened.  The guy, Gerry, who used to run the shop was wonderful.  He couldn't be as cheap as the Supermarkets so he would achieve success in other ways.  Delivering the elderly people's groceries for free (whatever the weather), saving magazines for customers, being pretty much always open and by being a generally all round nice guy.


When he retired, the business was sold to a whizkid who thought he knew it all, and lasted all of five minutes.  The shop has now closed and gone.

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  • RMweb Gold

The shop was owned by an Indian couple who fled from Uganda many years ago. They built the business from virtually nothing & worked their socks off all hours to put both their kids through university (the kids worked in the shop when they were home & were always polite & well mannered as well). It was well stocked with all sorts of things that you suddenly realise you've run out of and need quickly. (& didn't mind paying a little bit more for)

They've sold it to a couple who were actually friends of theirs and in a few months the prices have gone up & the service has disappeared. A great shame!

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Gruffalo has got off the treadmill!


Actually, Madam Gruff managed to sell our electric treadmill last night - that means that I can devote wet weather walking tIme to something else. Now, what could that be???

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