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They are saying the train was doing 188mph on the bend.

Don't know how they know that or that the information is reliable.


Interesting item on TV last evening concerning Washing Machines.

Apparently only the manufacturers' own service 'partners' are allowed to know the meaning of the fault codes and how to reset the system.

kilometres per hour, say about 115 mph



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I'm late on today.

It's supposed to be clear but it's NOT!

Mostly grey and cloudy. Currently 11C. It's supposed to reach 17C later

From tomorrow and through the weekend it's going to be cloudy with chances of rain.

What you call a heatwave we would call normal Summer weather which I am longing for.

Have a happy day and if possible enjoy whatever you are busy with.


Robert, I saw in another thread that Thomas is now 9 years old.

He's no longer "the little one" but a youngster!

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The land of the Gruffalo is damp and humid. We are not getting plastered today so neither will alcohol nor multi-purpose plaster be sloshing around. Sad news from Spain but there seems to be a lot of speculation about cause and train speeds. The only speculation I want to indulge in concerns the weather on Sunday at Didcot, which I hope will be dry, comfortable and suitable for photography!

I will not comment upon elderly ladies wanting go-faster mobility scooters, Shopping centres and town streets are being demonised by drivers of these new-fangled things and we don't want Robin having to create a race-way for the Finching sisters on the platform at Brent do we?

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kilometres per hour, say about 115 mph



I'm sure you are correct Bill but I clearly heard the news piece in which the reporter said "miles per hour" and not kph. Just can't get the staff these days!

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  • RMweb Gold

Andrew. After a similar Basil vs guest conversation recently with MiL, it at least did end up with MiL going to the hearing aid clinic and getting a confirmation that it wasn't working.


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  • RMweb Gold


Interesting item on TV last evening concerning Washing Machines.

Apparently only the manufacturers' own service 'partners' are allowed to know the meaning of the fault codes and how to reset the system.

They seem to be generally available on the internet! The codes and reset  for our previous washing machine were not available on the company website but were found with a simple Google search. Also handy hints that the motor fault identified by the error code didn't usually mean a new motor, just new brushes for the motor. Allegedly (though I find this difficult to believe) there are repairers who will replace the brushes but charge the customer for a new motor.

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  • RMweb Gold

The land of the Gruffalo is damp and humid. We are not getting plastered today so neither will alcohol nor multi-purpose plaster be sloshing around. Sad news from Spain but there seems to be a lot of speculation about cause and train speeds. The only speculation I want to indulge in concerns the weather on Sunday at Didcot, which I hope will be dry, comfortable and suitable for photography!

I will not comment upon elderly ladies wanting go-faster mobility scooters, Shopping centres and town streets are being demonised by drivers of these new-fangled things and we don't want Robin having to create a race-way for the Finching sisters on the platform at Brent do we?





I think that covers it! :yes:

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  • RMweb Gold

Morning all,


very nasty job in Spain - one hint in the media is 'excessive speed over a restricted stretch' but no doubt we will hear some definite information eventually; Talgo trains have been around for a very long time, since the 1950s but I think this is the first serious incident one has been involved in and a very high death and injury toll for such an incident.  


Anyway to more mundane things and it seems that the 'rain dance tank pumping' worked - it rained during the night and everywhere now seem quite damp, and humid.   Gruff needn't worry (yet?) about Sunday as Didcot still sits between 'light showers' and 'sunny intervals' - but I'm taking a brolly.  And just to confuse me I understand that Mrs Stationmaster has declared today to be 'Friday' so you can all guess where I'll be heading ;)


Have a good day one and all.

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Depends on whether the photo is of the actual Hippo or just a generic photo used by lazy journalists........ :drag:


Dave, Just do what you can do when you can do it! I used to hate going direct from LA to London. Some b@st@rd at EMI moved forward a meeting so that when I arrived I didn't even have time for a nap before going into a rather important meeting (and I never even doze on airplanes). I was hungry too - which never helps my mood....


Best, Pete.

Edited by trisonic
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  • RMweb Premium

very nasty job in Spain - one hint in the media is 'excessive speed over a restricted stretch' but no doubt we will hear some definite information eventually; Talgo trains have been around for a very long time, since the 1950s but I think this is the first serious incident one has been involved in and a very high death and injury toll for such an incident.  


The first Talgo prototype was presented in 1941, though chief designer Alejandro Goicoechea was experimenting with demonstrators several years prior to that. The photos from the scene posted on El País look terrible indeed. I certainly sympathise with everyone affected...

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Morning all (just).


Bit of a chaotic time at the moment, and not helped by me losing my bank card at some point between 4.30 on Tuesday and this morning (when I noticed)... Thankfully card stopped and new one ordered, no dodgy transactions and nothing pending.  I have a suspicion it's spent the past 36 hours shuttling back and forth on a 170 Turbostar between Edinburgh and Glasgow wedged between two seats...

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  • RMweb Gold

Morning all (just).


Bit of a chaotic time at the moment, and not helped by me losing my bank card at some point between 4.30 on Tuesday and this morning (when I noticed)... Thankfully card stopped and new one ordered, no dodgy transactions and nothing pending.  I have a suspicion it's spent the past 36 hours shuttling back and forth on a 170 Turbostar between Edinburgh and Glasgow wedged between two seats...

Doesn't say much for the wits of modern carriage cleaners does it?

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  • RMweb Gold

No, sadly it's not!


The first line of the article gives it away......... .'Young'   .............?


Alas I gave up that prefix years ago.


However, I am at my happiest when frequenting the workings of the South Horton Irrigation Tramway, so the young blood is following closely in my footsteps.





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Some unexpected good news:

A friend was told two weeks ago that "you've probably got Cancer".

Saw consultant yesterday after two weeks of dread.

Not Cancer - just a higher than usual protein content in his blood.

He hadn't told his wife so massive relief all round.

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  • RMweb Gold

Dreadful news from Spain the bit I heard suggested that the situation required quite sudden braking for the bend perhpas the driver was distracted for a second. At those high speeds just sneeze and you could be in trouble.


On a personal level the comments about washing machines are worrying. Our old one lasted years with a couple of repairs. You could set that one to do what you wanted. The current one is a pain as it gives you far less control. It will decided what spin speed you get for what programs so we just stick to one program for everything. It also takes ages. However it has been declared unfit to be moved (by SWMBO) so we will need to aquire a new one all this talk of reset codes is not what I want. Any non intelligent just do what I ask models out there?


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  • RMweb Gold

... so we will need to aquire a new one all this talk of reset codes is not what I want. Any non intelligent just do what I ask models out there?



Ours must be almost sentient, it even seems to know if there isn't enough detergent as I saw a "Check detergent?" message appear. It does have suggested settings for wash types but they can be altered with a couple of button presses. 

Some of the American type top loaders seem to be quite simple and robust  but I've never seen one for sale in the UK.

Edited by Tony_S
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  • RMweb Gold

My washer (as they call 'em in the US) is 9 years old, and a bit rusty in places. But the most that has gone wrong is the fabric conditioner compartment becoming blocked, which even I managed to sort. Mine is French and a top-loader. Deb was pleased when we got it - a 1200 spin is worth having, apparently.

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Toploader, eh? Sounds like the washers of bygone days.


O/H has fallen asleep in front of the Prom on TV so I'm catching up with ER's. Since arriving we've been "adopted" by two of the site cats (Henri & Bob) who visit daily. In fact, Bob sneaked in via an open window during Sunday night's thunderstorm, leaving claw marks in the curtain!


Holiday going well, especially now the temps hover around 28deg. Glad everyone here is well but I share the horror re the Spanish rail accident. Dreadful.

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  • RMweb Premium

Evening all, very fed up at the moment feel decidedly stupid everything I touch turns out wrong. Took Karen to see a GP about pains in her arm he didn't listen to what she said ignored the consultant's letter of advice and had her elbow x-rayed today, pain spreads from tip of her index finger to just below her elbow. Her previous tumor in her other finger took some finding but words fail me.Speed listening akin to speed reading and the same flaws.

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  • RMweb Gold

Evening all, very fed up at the moment feel decidedly stupid everything I touch turns out wrong. Took Karen to see a GP about pains in her arm he didn't listen to what she said ignored the consultant's letter of advice and had her elbow x-rayed today, pain spreads from tip of her index finger to just below her elbow. Her previous tumor in her other finger took some finding but words fail me.Speed listening akin to speed reading and the same flaws.

It must be very very frustrating. I've never been messed around by my GP but was significantly harmed by a consultant. Fortunately my GP sent me somewhere else. I suggest you phone the consultant's secretary and try to get another appointment, perhaps they will see Karen at an outpatient clinic?



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Toploader, eh? Sounds like the washers of bygone days.


Top loaders make far more sense, you are putting the load onto two bearings rather than just one as in front loaders. it is the lack of space in uk houses that seems restrict their use as they do take a little more space and you can't put them under a work surface of course.

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