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  • RMweb Gold

I didn't have a lot to say earlier nice sunny day etc but the in laws have even managed to peee me off, no details but as usual it involves money................ a sour start to my holiday at home. 

Fortunately after about 25 years of marriage (about 12 years ago) the in laws seemed to tolerate me and MiL was even polite about me to people at the weekend. Apparently my latest triumph was identifying that her hearing aid wasn't working. 

Edited by Tony_S
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  • RMweb Gold

Evenin' all,


Water duly pumped from tank onto veg patch and to refill all 5 water butts - plus a good wetting of me in the process as I have to extend the hose once the pump is lifting otherwise it is even less keen to start.  I reckon the two pumping sessions have lifted the best part of 400 gallons in total out of the tank but at least it's helped stop the veg drying out completely.  Might work as a sort of rain dance equivalent but somehow I doubt it.

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  • RMweb Gold

... at least it's helped stop the veg drying out completely.  Might work as a sort of rain dance equivalent but somehow I doubt it.

Our plants get a bucket of water when they go in and a stern lecture about developing roots.

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  • RMweb Gold

I think Tony has it right. I am of the water a lot infrequently camp rather than a little often camp. It is supposed to encourage deeper rooting. Probably the best solution we had was in a cottage where we installed a septic tank due to the group rising we fitted a pump to raise the outflow to the top of the garden and fitted gravel soakaways under the veg patch. Ideal solution hot weather you drink more...... well you get the pricture.

Incidently the people in Spring Cottage just up the road also fitted a septic tank but the builders ignored the rising ground and just fitted soakaways. Come the winter snows as the thaw set in the soakaways proved to be just as effective as collectors so the melting snow cause the contents of the septic tank to back up and out of the toilet. You would have thought the name Spring Cottage might have warned them. The old boy who had been brickie on the estate chuckled when I told him. Ah! he said I put a drain under the floor out to the ditch to keep the place dry!


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  • RMweb Gold

My views on plants are probably based on a combination of idleness, having a water meter and accepting that apart from this year there is no point in South Essex bothering to grow things that need a lot of water.


Tomorrow I have been tasked with picking cherries. There aren't many but there will be enough for some sort of pie. 


After that I may do some more work on my station. I sculpted (hacked with an old saw really) the pink cutting and then sprayed it grey to see if it looked better. It looks OK to my eye but looks too steep when photographed. I can't really work out how steep the cutting is from photos of the real station but  the LNWR plans for a bridge at a similar station located on the same line would suggest my slope is OK.

There isn't much of operational interest in the module I'm making but I like doing scenery. I will do the goods yard module next. 



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  • RMweb Gold

Good morning all,


And then the rains came & our garden was watered & Chris saw that it was good & stopped chastising me.

A bit dull at the moment although hints of blue appearing,17oC & sunshine should return but possibly more rain.


Some time was spent yesterday organising a change of broadband as my current supplier has sold that part of their business to a company I do not wish to deal with. Quite amusing that when I told them I was changing they suddenly managed to conjure up a better deal. They couldn't understand the words "no thank you" & I had to repeat myself several times before the message got through!  :banghead:  I was very patient (for me) - perhaps I'm sickening for something?


Have a good one,




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  • RMweb Gold

Morning all...


Bit cooler this past night, so slept better for a change. Though the news from Spain this morning is just dreadful... http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-europe-23442018


I've only just seen this terrible news after reading yours (& Pete's) posts.  My heart goes out to all those families affected.



Edited by grandadbob
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Morning all,  


Having spent the last couple of days trying to stop people from "trying to re-invent the wheel" !  I think I may have succeeded..............time will tell.  :banghead:  


Oh well another day dawns...well it is just getting light here, 


Whatever you're up to today,  try and do it well.



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  • RMweb Gold

Morning everyone.

Damp and rather overcast this morning.

Matthew is off to Stratford this morning for some training for the holiday job he will start in mid August. Aditi can take him and he can come home on the train but I think he intends to have a look round the Westfield Centre (lots of shops).


I may do some railway modelling, or I may not. I don't think I have been given any other tasks today (apart from fruit gathering).



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Morning All,


I am a little later on parade this morning - having been on a mission to order the spare part for my Dishwasher.  I believe I have succeeded at last.


As Dominik already said, it is a bit cooler around here this morning.  Although last night's thunderstorms didn't materialise.


Have a good day everyone...

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  • RMweb Gold

Morning all


As our nominated dishwasher I need quite a number of spare parts.

Shortly I will be heading of to the North Yorks. Moors Railway. Hopefully another enjoyable day in the offing.

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  • RMweb Gold

Morning all


Yes, the news from Spain is hideous. Once again we are told the train was going fast, but that implies nothing. Unless you train-watch on the same bend every day, you can't really tell if this one was running faster than the last. Judge involved immediately, under Spanish law, but with so many fatalities this was bound to be the subject of scrutiny at a very public level. Dom knows rather more about Spanish trains than some of us, but the Talgo principle is Spanish in origin, I think, and has been in use there for many decades.


Still warm here, although the morning is fresher than of late. I seemed to sleep better.


The elderly lady who received Deb's scooter has had an expedition or two in the large park in Bonnetable. After her initial concern that the thing would take off with her, she was actually soon asking how to make it go faster! Is clearly loving the novelty. Not often you can bring a new smile to the face of someone at 93!


Hope your day goes well.

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  • RMweb Gold

Yes pretty horrific the crash. We travelled along those lines which were nearing completion of the rebuild of many of them in that area at the time. However we were on conventional services including the overnight sleeper to Barcelona.


Not much sleep last night despite it being cooler in Surrey so not sure how I am going to make it through the day.


Sunny here in London but very humid after the heavy rain in the early hours.



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I agree Ian - I was wondering if a warped rail might be the cause rather than excess speed.  However, it isn't particularly hot in Spain at the moment, and they are probably more geared up for heat than the UK is.


It is very difficult to judge speed as a bystander, but of course if the train was dramatically faster than others then you probably would notice.


Speculation is of course part and parcel of human nature.

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Morning all from the slightly damp boring borough. Our annual summer invasion of tourists starts tomorrow with the ex dropping (9 hour flight) in to spend a week with my son. She'll only be staying 2 nights but......  Following that, my older brother arrives next Thursday with his youngest son to spend 2 weeks visiting family. My younger brother and his wife are heading to Rome then we all meet up in Amsterdam on the 8th for his birthday weekend. They'll carry on travelling and come to ours around the 18th of Aug. With all these hotel guests I suppose its time for me to get off RMweb for a bit and revise my hotel management skills.



Have a good day all.

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Heartwarming news about the old lady in Bonnetable. I think I've walked in that park some years ago.


This morning I've walked to the communal bins and back which was a pleasant walk as it is cooler and we even had some rain. Now sitting in the bar (only open on a Friday evening, DD!) to use Wifi. Won't be here long as some large buzzing insect has joined me!


Have a good day, everyone!

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  • RMweb Premium

Morning all

blue sky - black clouds! rained earlier - just drying up in time for some more - great!


Instructions received re Crickt T20 tonight on "what to do if rain stops the game being completed" - easy we go home to the pub and stay dry on the outside!!


woken at 4am by two lads having an animated (drunken) conversation about the world, the universe, the price of fish and......Leeds United(!) :triniti:


Hope you have a good day and our thoughts are with the people in the train crash and their families.

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  • RMweb Premium



Awful news from Spain - so many deaths seems unusual in these modern times.


A lovely sunny start to the day in Andreas - and damp, mizzly dark overcast now here at work in Douglas, yeuch.  Desk fan on already, it's very humid.

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  • RMweb Gold

Dave, thanks!

I'm wondering whether instead of sorting them and putting them all in one post to have: Mainline Trains (Locos). Track (incl. Signal, Infrastructure). Freight Cars (incl.Containers).


Something like that? It's up to you, though.



Also I wonder whether you could put some kind of "teaser" so that the die hard UK guys can be persuaded to take a look too?



Best, Pete.


Hi Pete,


I didn't take much other than the trains, we didn't have a lot of time so only a couple of signals grabbed, mostly trains and their trailing loads.


Here's an Irvine teaser - main thread



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They are saying the train was doing 188mph on the bend.

Don't know how they know that or that the information is reliable.


Interesting item on TV last evening concerning Washing Machines.

Apparently only the manufacturers' own service 'partners' are allowed to know the meaning of the fault codes and how to reset the system.

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  • RMweb Gold

Morning all.


A very wet start to the day, heavy rain all the way to work - made for some nice clean air so I ambled along enjoying the freshness, the rain has now stopped and the mugginess is returning so another hot day in the offing.


Terrible news from Spain, the latest news says not terrorist or sabotage related which makes me think they may have ideas about the cause, no doubt this will come out over the future days / weeks.


Still very tired, the heat doesn't help as getting any quality sleep is difficult so I'm struggling to recover, we have our village fair on Saturday, stalls during the day and music/drink and fun in the evening, Jill has a stall for the daytime experience (I'm probably out photographing leaving her to it :sungum: ) but in the evening we are walking down and having a few beers with our mates, so hopefully I should be beyond caring about the heat by the time we get home on Saturday night - hic ! and at least I'll get some sleep, even alcohol induced stuff is better than none.


Have a good day all.

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