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  • RMweb Premium

Sorry Polly, if I was unclear.


When I visited the BBC News website earlier, there was a banner saying "Royal Baby - Live updates as they happen" or words to that effect.


This despite the fact that BBC news said in their Main Article that once the initial press release detailing that the Dutchess was in labour had been sent, there would be no further updates until the official announcement of the Birth.


What I was trying to say was, today's demand for 24 hour news seems to dictate that they must come up with some news, even if there isn't any.

You were perfectly clear, Robert.

The  questions.jpg  was in agreement with your comment.....maybe an exclamation mark ( ! ) might have been better....or maybe I should just keep quiet...before I dig an even bigger hole....  Wot?  Me?  :yes:  :mosking:



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  • RMweb Gold


So as that was so interesting I promise to not post on this thread again.

ATB Phil @ 36E


Phil - I agree with Donw. That is just the sort of enthralling information packed post that makes ER's so.......um........so..........er........so............thingy  ...............addictive -that's the chap! :senile:



Please visit again!



Edited by grandadbob
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  • RMweb Gold

Down here on the Thames Riviera no sign of thunder yet (though Gordon's early warning system is as always appreciated). It is still 27C in the shade and is less cloudy than it has been for much of the day. Another outside dinner tonight. In a posh restaurant it would be called fusion food but to us it was left overs (assorted Indian vegetarian items) and some stuff (lamb kebabs, sweetcorn) Aditi had bought from the garage that was at its sell by date. It wasn't any garage though, it was an M&S garage!


Now that I've shut up about retiring Aditi has decided all being well she will retire in November 2014. She will then have 40 years service and be 61. However if there is any change in the being able to get the pension at age 60 (ie 65 or 68) she will go asap. The university part of her college will be inspected around then so even if she retires they may ask her to do some "keeping calm" work. Who knows. I can never understand the regulations about what staff can or can't do after they receive a Teacher's Pension.  There is a review (again) apparently in progress about teachers pensions so I've signed her up for email updates.



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  • RMweb Gold



Now that I've shut up about retiring Aditi has decided all being well she will retire in November 2014. She will then have 40 years service and be 61. However if there is any change in the being able to get the pension at age 60 (ie 65 or 68) she will go asap. The university part of her college will be inspected around then so even if she retires they may ask her to do some "keeping calm" work. Who knows. I can never understand the regulations about what staff can or can't do after they receive a Teacher's Pension.  There is a review (again) apparently in progress about teachers pensions so I've signed her up for email updates.



A friend of ours who lectures (or is it still called teaching in a Sixth Form College?) locally was still working a fair few hours after she started her pension.  The big restriction/problem comes if you receive a redundancy payment because the tax free part of it becomes taxable (in full, immediately) if you return to work, even part time etc, for the employer who made you redundant within a certain period of time.  there is a way round it by getting yourself re-employed as a member of agency staff (but you then have to pay the agency a fee).

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  • RMweb Gold

A friend of ours who lectures (or is it still called teaching in a Sixth Form College?) 

The sixth form colleges I have known about seem to use a mix of school and college terminology! They have Principals rather than Headteachers, the people who teach are called tutors and students call the tutors by their first name. However I'm sure there are many variations. Even lecturers in FE and HE are expected to have teaching skills now. The days of just reading out from the text book (even if they had written it) are supposedly a thing of the past.

Aditi has a number of new colleagues from a university in London who have taken redundancy.

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No thunder or lightning but plenty of rain overnight and now.

Temperature currently 13C, expected to rise to 16 at peak!

Same for tomorrow.

I have finished the Jeffrey Archer I was reading (A prisoner of birth), to a visit to the library today is indicated.


Congratulations on your new Prince!

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  • RMweb Gold



Its rained here in Surrey but due to having the fan on high we didnt hear it or if there was any thunfer. Must have been the hottest night so far this year.


More problems on the trains this morning with electrical supply problems on the Tonbridge to Redhill line so some trains cancelled.



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  • RMweb Gold

Good morning all,


Dull & signs of some rain in the night but dry at the moment, 22oC, very humid & thunderstorms forecast.


My grass is very brown & a lot of plants are very forlorn. I have neglected the watering in the past few days & have been severely reprimanded by my leader & even accused of negligence & dereliction of duty. She's probably right. I must do better!


Have a good one,



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That was the storm that never happened.  Apart from the one distant clap referred to yesterday evening, nothing, zilch.  Not one drop of rain either, despite the weather forecast that showed downpours.  


Funny how it reached you, Tony....


A new prince?  The press/TV must have missed that one..

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Morning  all,  rain-less but very humid night here....not much else to report, but I did check on how (little) I will get from the state when I (might) retire in 2015....I think I'll be looking for a park bench & a cardboard box!  .....


Day of C-C***  and being told how to do my job by school boys........



So the ret of you try and enjoy the day,



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Morning All,


It is extremely humid here this morning.  Temperatures are forecast to reach 35°C this afternoon and the grass in my garden had turned to a strangely brown and crispy!


I had a bloke who was interested in the Mini scheduled to come around yesterday, but he turned out to be a time waster.


There isn't a lot else happening, it's too hot for anything much other than trying not to move.


Have a good day everyone...

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  • RMweb Premium

Morning all. Cloudy out here, so however minor it may be, it might well be we're seeing some thunder some time today.


Vietnamese Pokemon?


Yeah. So badly translated it makes you dizzy with laughter... :sarcastic:

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  • RMweb Premium

Overcast with mist. Looks like it might rain. Atmosphere 'heavy'. Still very warm.


No punch line.


Understood stop Sun breaking through right now stop Heat warning in effect stop On balcony while still tolerable stop

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  • RMweb Premium

Morning all, went to bed thinking is that it three local flashes of lightning and a spot of rain for five minutes. No it wasn't woken up repeatedly by rainstorms with all the works drop of to sleep awake with the next thunder clap, for all the noise there isn't any local flooding. Last day today for six weeks so I won't be cutting the hedge back tomorrow in the rain another deferred pleasure!

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