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  • RMweb Gold

After a sunny start yesterday we did get some cloud but no rain. We are now promised a hot sunny day today. We return to the Island today as we need to sort out the papers to forward to the solicitors and it may be helpful to get some clean clothes.


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Thanks for the Carnival pics DD!

What was it about/by whom/for?

Was money being collected?

Who were the marchers in light blue shirts, navy blue longs/berets?

Who were the wind/brass band, similarly dressed without berets (they were all in step!) :locomotive:

Whose pipe band, what tartan. Note out of step from first drummer back

Very young piper front, centre 13yo?

ditto cymbal player in the brass band.

Edited by DonBradley
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  • RMweb Gold

Morning all


Another steamy night, but slept better than expected - until 7.15, when awoken by a cat. How had she got in? Perhaps via the bathroom window, for which I'd set the shutter perhaps a little wider than she needed to squeeze in. So early TIB, then a shower.


Need to do a bit of a shop this morning - the gas bottle ran out while cooking last night. That is seldom the end of the meal in hand, because there is an electric ring as well, but that is a bit of a slow starter. A bottle - not very big - costs about £12 in exchange, lasts about 6 months.


Storms had been threatened for Bretagne and some points east, but no sign of such here. Another perfect morning, already 20 degrees in the shade.


Sorry about those with cloud or worse. Longest hot spell for a year or two here, I think.

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See below


See below



Thanks for the Carnival pics DD!

What was it about/by whom/for?

Was money being collected?

Who were the marchers in light blue shirts, navy blue longs/berets?

Who were the wind/brass band, similarly dressed without berets (they were all in step!) :locomotive:

Whose pipe band, what tartan. Note out of step from first drummer back

Very young piper front, centre 13yo?

ditto cymbal player in the brass band.

You're welcome, Don.

Prestatyn Carnival


Don't know

Don't know

Don't know


Hope that helps.


I am a camera.

Edited by DDolfelin
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  • RMweb Gold

A much cooler night here in Surrey and overcast this morning. Even felt a few fine drops of rain but that stopped very quickly


Now in Wetherspoons for breakfast before catching te train.

No beer yesterday but today Weill ale up for it!

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HeatWave broke yesterday evening. Was having a late lunch on the far bank of the Delaware when the storms went parading through - very picturesque. Unfortunately they missed us at home so I have to water the garden this morning...

The "feels like" temperature has dropped by 20f already. High s for the next week strictly average at no more than 86f.


Don B.

Those marchers in DD's photo look like the local Air Training Corps Squadron of the RAF. Though their marching would have been deemed unacceptable by our local CO back in the mid-sixties.........


The Moon has gone back to a brilliant "silver" instead of the baleful "yellow" of recent nights (as the humidity dropped).


Look forward to tons more Cajon Pass pics, Dave.


Best, Pete.

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  • RMweb Gold

Morning all

Very cloudy here, and quite cool.

We had a nice day in Northants yesterday. There seemed to be enough chaps organising the barbecue so I didn't volunteer to "help".

Not sure what we are doing today!



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  • RMweb Gold

Morning, another occasional dip into the wonderful world of ERs. Glad to see that mostly all are present and correct, commiserations to those who aren't.


Nothing much going on here, the weather has ensured that work is busy, we are very good at supplying water when we don't need it, not so good when we do. Still, decisions have been made and I'm going to retire in November, 9 months earlier than originally planned. There are financial implications but enough money is enough money and I can't stand working for these planks anymore, so 9 months of my life in exchange for a few grand seems like a bit of a bargain to me.


Well, that,s about it, take care everyone, see you in a month or two.

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Morning all and nice to see PhilH make an appearance. Congratulations on getting your new retirement date in the calendar. Only another 24 or more years for me...


Grey and dull in Edinburgh this morning, though it's set to burn off by lunchtime. Not that I'll be here. Setting off for the west in half an hour, where it's meant to be sunny all day.


Later start than normal as Jamie was flower girl at her Mum's friend's wedding yesterday so probably had a late night. Give her a chance for a lie-in.

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  • RMweb Gold

It would have been able to hide much better if it were a zebra.


But it probably wouldn't have been called Spot

Edited by BoD
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I tried to take a picture of a bee on this self seeded poppy.

It hid from me.

Can you see it?

It's called Spot.



I thought that all bees were called "Eric"


Everyone sing along. A la de de de de de its Eic the 'arf a bee.

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Good morning all,   


Bad day yesterday,  had to go and witness commissioning of of one of my  projects & hand over to the operational team...........well that was the easy bit.  Decided that to miss the heavy Saturday afternoon traffic on the express way the return would be across  country & round the edge of the state capital (should have taken around 2 1/2 hours...)  Trouble was the President was visiting state capital.... so was a 5 3/4 hour journey....so much for my early Saturday!  

Home made burgers for brunch.....then a mystery for tonight, just got one of my home made " ready-meals" out of the freezer.....but cant work out what it is yet! 

Well enjoy your heatwave....persisting down here..



Try and be good today,



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  • RMweb Gold

Morning all,


Well disaster struck Rob on his trip back from Bruxelles yesterday as one of his beer bottles exploded, in his suitcase - I think he was more concerned about the loss of a bottle of Koln beer than he was about the collateral damage and fortunately all his other alcohol imports survived.  The message seems to be 'don't take bottled beer into the Channel Tunnel when you bought it on a very hot day and transported it in a wheelie type suitcase' (other travel tips are available).


Weather here has improved and the temperature has dropped a bit - and rain showers forecast for much of the coming week.  Just as well as the waterbutts are getting empty although there is still plenty in the bulk tank, it's just the hassle of pumping it out while concurrently trying to impart an understanding of certain principles of hydraulics and physics to those family members who seem to have difficulty with such matters (no names an' all that).


Have a good day one & all.

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Morning All (Just!)


I am back from my holiday now.  Two weeks in the UK hence my absence.  I didn't have an Internet connection in the first week - being in a holiday cottage on Dartmoor - and by the end of the first week I was used to it and didn't get my laptop out of its case!  Having said that, I have missed ERs.


We had an absolutely terrible journey over - I picked the little guy up from school at 12:15 and we headed straight to Calais, we left plenty of time and were booked on the 19:55 sailing.  Giving us a couple of hours of spare time for traffic jams.


Around an hour up the road, an accident happened about 200m in front of us.  The traffic stopped dead, and people got straight out of their cars (always a bad sign!).  Two lorries were involved and the road was then closed for three and a half hours.  Thankfully, nobody was killed in the accident, although one of the drivers was seriously injured which made a sobering start to the holiday.


The rest of the run to Calais was good, and we made good time - but got stuck for ages in the queue at Customs so we missed the 21:30 ferry and had to wait until 23:30.  We finally arrived at my parents at two in the morning :O


Yesterday was thankfully a much better run.


I'll get some photos up later on.


Have a good day everyone...

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  • RMweb Gold



I tried to take a picture of a bee on this self seeded poppy.

It hid from me.

Can you see it?

It's called Spot.




I can only see half a bee, so I can only assume it's real name is Eric


Edited by colin penfold
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  • RMweb Gold

I'm just off to the shops to find somewhere selling a round tuit for a job I have been meaning to do for a few years. it needs to be 112mm diameter. The venting from the shower fan really does need to be done properly. It seems as if everything I need is available locally but at different retailers. All the outside work can be done from the garage roof so no acrobatics will be required.

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As promised, here are a few Dartmoor pictures.  It is still one of my favourite places!  We were very lucky with the weather this time.  A week without a single spot of rain.

First of all, a shot of Windy Post. These crosses can be found across the Moor as many of them marked the Monks path between the Abbeys in Buckfast and Tavistock.

Here is a shot of Widecombe Church - Widecombe is a bit of a tourist trap, but as my Girlfriend hasn't visited the Moor before, it had to be done!


The White Lady waterfall in Lydford Gorge.


Bowermans Nose


The Devonport Leat and Aqueduct at the bottom of Raddick Hill. It is amazing to think that these Leats were man made. Sometimes, the optical illusion is so strong that these channels appear to defy gravity! A real feat of Engineering.


Finally, another Bee shot. Not as good as DD's - but as I captured him in the Garden at Castle Drogo, I thought he was worth including!


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In my experience, Tony, those extractor fans (if that's what you mean) are a waste of time unless very large.

I had a unit fitted which takes air from the attic and circulates it through the house (if the doors are left open) to prevent condensation etc.,.

Just a fitting in the hall ceiling with the machine in the loft.

It's been in for two years and seems to work well.



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  • RMweb Gold

Good morning all,


A bit dull so far today, 18oC but should improve later.


Quite a lot of beer & wine was consumed last night but no Grandads were harmed in the process.


Have a good one




Edited by grandadbob
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