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Morning all from the boring boring borough. Thank Feck its Friday. The end to quite possibly the worst work week I've had in years. Culminating with a phone call on my own mobile last night from the d-bag that was the centre of the fustercluck demanding I work through the night to implement a hotfix. This is the same idiot that has been beating everyone in sight with the rule book and berating anyone who took short cuts to try and get the project back on track. I took great delight in referring to our corporate policies and telling him that he needed to get approval from my line manager before I was authorised to do out of hours work. It would also push me past the 48 hour week which our company adheres to. My line manager is on leave for the next 2 weeks as well. Returning just in time for me to go on leave. Sometimes the little victories are sweet. Needless to say I've also removed my personal phone # from the corporate directory.


My condolences Deb. Its never easy, and it never gets any easier.


On a lighter note, yesterday I had some of the funniest entertainment in ages. Our rather chavvy next door neighbour who is so lazy its not funny, hired one of his mate's kids to clear down the tropical weed patch that passes for their back garden. No doubt he had another nasty-gram from the landlord. This kid would run the mower for about 30 seconds, stop check his phone, reply to a text for the next couple of minutes, then mow the same spot again, then answer another text.......... Eventually he also managed to run over the cord. It took him around 4 hours to cut down an area of 40' by 15', and another couple of hours to rake it all up. The kid definitely has a future in working for local government.


Lastly, have a good day and a great weekend all. Thanks to for letting me rant off some of my pent up work frustration.

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  • RMweb Gold

Morning all.

Very pleasant here today. It is breezier than it has been for a few days.

Ian. Matthew left about 2 months supply of his medication at home when he went to Canada. I couldn't find a way of sending it quickly. He had a letter anyway about his condition and went to a doctor and came out with a prescription. Does your Mum travel with a medical letter or a repeat prescription form? It might be quicker to see a local doctor, unless of course the medication is only available from her hospital pharmacy?


Perhaps her travel insurance helpline could help?



Thanks Tony


She has a letter from the doctors. It was left with the tablets but brother now has photos of this and the tablet details. The downside is that they came from the hospital rather than via a prescription. Trying to get through to someone in the hospital for more details is near on impossible and its not even close to where she or we live which has been a major problem for her and us (our local big hospital only gave her 2 months to live and that was 18 months ago hence why she went to one further away).


Brother is trying to source them over in HK.


He still thinks there's a way of getting there by tomorrow morning but its the time difference and the nature of when the flights tend to depart East in the evening which is the problem.




Rang couriers - need an import license from HK government for prescription and non prescription drugs!!

Edited by roundhouse
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Morning all


Well, sorry Debs's day went so badly, but no vet ever gives up if there's hope for recovery, so I'm sure the best was done. Our response to losing an animal was always to get another one ASAP, but that may not work for you.


At the other end of the scale, Ian (Roundhouse) clearly has a mum who won't take no for an answer. Two months to live? No - off to Honkers. Hope a solution to the drug supply problem can be found.


Hot and sticky here again, with temps even higher at the weekend. Will need to dig out the mobile air-con thingie in the garage - but it's always a bit compromised by hanging the hose out of a window, through which warm air is drawn into the room....


Hope your week finishes well, and your weekend is survivable!

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Brother is trying to source them over in HK.


He still thinks there's a way of getting there by tomorrow morning but its the time difference and the nature of when the flights tend to depart East in the evening which is the problem.

I do hope it gets sorted, either locally or by a courier. My packing list is passports, e-ticket numbers, medication and credit cards. Any other stuff is a bonus. Though we still get near the weight limit anyway!

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I do hope it gets sorted, either locally or by a courier. My packing list is passports, e-ticket numbers, medication and credit cards. Any other stuff is a bonus. Though we still get near the weight limit anyway!


I suspect she packed them. We made sure she had everything the night before including passport after online checking her in.


However she may have taken them out of the bag to take the tablets in the morning before the flight.


We have a similar packing regime goes something  like this:


Passports and driving license (if reqd)


camera lenses

tablet (s)  of the touch screen kind


Spare batteries

portable hard drive

Printed itinery including hotel bookings train tickets (all booking refs stored electronically aswell)

Shaver (well for me anyway)

She packs all the little containers of hand cream etc into the clear bags so we can carry them on


Luckily neither of us take medication at present


clothes are just about the last thing we worry about as can always buy them when we get there.


Coming home the order changes to:


Railway items purchases


followed by the list above!!

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  • RMweb Gold

Morning all,


Shifting medicines internationally can be a problem - my first session out in Aus was extended by two weeks and although I had allowed for an over-run due to whatever I had only packed an extra week's worth so needed resupply.  Herself got them to the Reading office and they couriered them onto to another office where they were handed to someone who - fortunately - was coming out to Aus anyway.  And I don't know if it would work in HK but another possibility might be to go to a local doctor with all the notes etc that you have assembled and see if he can prescribe - it will probably cost but that might be reclaimable from her travel insurance?  Or is it cheaper just to send someone out with the stuff in their weekend luggage?


Anyway on a brighter note we had a very pleasant day at Exeter yesterday notwithstanding Thames Valley Signalling Centre's seeming inability to reorganise platforming and prompt signal clearance when trains are adrift, that was just like the old days of 'the crazy gang' in Reading panel's earlier years.  And a 20 minute delay on the return train 'due to earlier problems'.  The uni meanwhile seems to have been spending money like water on very impressive new buildings (with grateful thanks to Sheik whoever) and it was all rather well done for a graduation ceremony while Floella was great stuff - one of the best Chancellors we have come across through the 5 lots of degree etc ceremonies our offspring have notched up between them.


And we're with you Debs.


Have a good day one & all.

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 and it was all rather well done for a graduation ceremony while Floella was great stuff - one of the best Chancellors we have come across through the 5 lots of degree etc ceremonies our offspring have notched up between them.


Aditi attends the her college's degree award ceremony and the college hires the appropriate academic dress for staff. However they seem to think the only university in London is University of East London! They did manage eventually to find the right university robes for her but they were for someone rather taller (though most adults are taller than Aditi).

I'm glad you had a nice day. Were refreshments served?


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  • RMweb Premium

Good morning, all.


Bins out.

Washing out.

By gum, it's baking out.

That's enough heat for one day, thank you.


Well, until later - I left my spare long-sleeved-shirt-for-keeping-the-sun-off [does anyone else have one of these?] in a seaside cafe, yesterday, so good excuse to go back for a coffee and retrieve it.  :mosking:

Oh, I do like to be beside the seaside.  Ah, they don't make them like that anymore.....Indeed, they don't play it anymore....  [Phew!]

Enjoy your day.



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A friend who is a part time bookseller has a signed First Edition of "The Cuckoo's Calling" by Robert Galbraith.

It is, of course, J K Rowling.

So far he has been offered £1,750 for it.

He's also a Model Train enthusiast so I think his layout will shortly see some more stock!

Prove it's a genuine signature!! :-)


Morning all from the boring boring borough. Thank Feck its Friday. The end to quite possibly the worst work week I've had in years. Culminating with a phone call on my own mobile last night from the d-bag that was the centre of the fustercluck demanding I work through the night to implement a hotfix. This is the same idiot that has been beating everyone in sight with the rule book and berating anyone who took short cuts to try and get the project back on track. I took great delight in referring to our corporate policies and telling him that he needed to get approval from my line manager before I was authorised to do out of hours work. It would also push me past the 48 hour week which our company adheres to. My line manager is on leave for the next 2 weeks as well. Returning just in time for me to go on leave. Sometimes the little victories are sweet. Needless to say I've also removed my personal phone # from the corporate directory.

Not *that* boring a borough, then...!


Morning all.  Slightly breezier today in Edinburgh.  Should make the golf along the coast interesting today.  Weren't Bass Rock and Gullane looking gorgeous on the tv yeseterday?


My old boss has just started his new job in the last week.  He's now head of Falkland Islands Conservation and is just starting to settle into life on the islands.  I might have to go and visit him at some point...



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I'm rather lucky in that I don't have to do packing lists because I have a "Chris". This is not a handheld device (well only on special occasions) or electronic but it is portable & never seems to forget anything - ever! This is just as well because sometimes I have trouble remembering what I was going to.................er.....................um ...............where was I?


Confused of Sutton.

Edited by grandadbob
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Prove it's a genuine signature!! :-)


Not *that* boring a borough, then...!


Morning all.  Slightly breezier today in Edinburgh.  Should make the golf along the coast interesting today.  Weren't Bass Rock and Gullane looking gorgeous on the tv yeseterday?


My old boss has just started his new job in the last week.  He's now head of Falkland Islands Conservation and is just starting to settle into life on the islands.  I might have to go and visit him at some point...



A friend was appointed Harbour Master at Stanley way back after '83 but still in the last century. He and his wife found it a wonderful experience. My SiL has been there too, but only to bring back some rather damaged soldiers by Hercules some 30 years ago.

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 .  Weren't Bass Rock and Gullane looking gorgeous on the tv yeseterday?


My old boss has just started his new job in the last week.  He's now head of Falkland Islands Conservation and is just starting to settle into life on the islands.  I might have to go and visit him at some point...



You must have a big television, just dust on ours (though it will be removed before the evening!)


You could prepare yourself with a trip to Canvey Island, lots of conservation opportunities.

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Aditi attends the her college's degree award ceremony and the college hires the appropriate academic dress for staff. However they seem to think the only university in London is University of East London! They did manage eventually to find the right university robes for her but they were for someone rather taller (though most adults are taller than Aditi).

I'm glad you had a nice day. Were refreshments served?


There were 'refreshments' - reasonable supplies of fizz or elderflower something or other or water plus occasional sorties of little bites/very little bites most of which I either didn't like (goats cheese) or would have made me ill (cheap caviar), or was infrequent but quite nice (chicken pate).  Without a doubt the best one we've ever attended in terms of catering was at Rob's MA ceremony in Sheffield where the Dept of Journalism organised their own little event for about 26 graduates plus their families - that more than made up for the ceremony where the speech was delivered by the Head of Humanities who was a sociologist with no experience of life outside academia but who seemed to be convinced that newly graduated sociologists were more than capable of ruling the world, probably one of the most deluded and demented speeches I have ever heard.





Well, until later - I left my spare long-sleeved-shirt-for-keeping-the-sun-off [does anyone else have one of these?] in a seaside cafe, yesterday, so good excuse to go back for a coffee and retrieve it.  :mosking:

Oh, I do like to be beside the seaside.  Ah, they don't make them like that anymore.....Indeed, they don't play it anymore....  [Phew!]

Enjoy your day.



Do 'they' still make shirts with long sleeves?  I haven't worn a long sleeve shirt for at least a quarter of a century!  And enjoy the seaside.

Edited by The Stationmaster
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Before Matthew went to Vietnam as a volunteer in an orphanage he was told that shorts, t-shirts, were unacceptable wear. Also there were dire warnings about insects. He bought some long sleeved shirts that were designed to be adjusted to short sleeved. They were supposed to deter insects too. When he got there the insects were less of a problem than those in our back garden and everyone wore shorts and T-shirts.

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There were 'refreshments' - reasonable supplies of fizz or elderflower something or other or water plus occasional sorties of little bites/very little bites most of which I either didn't like (goats cheese) or would have made me ill (cheap caviar), or was infrequent but quite nice (chicken pate).  Without a doubt the best one we've ever attended in terms of catering was at Rob's MA ceremony in Sheffield where the Dept of Journalism organised their own little event for about 26 graduates plus their families - that more than made up for the ceremony where the speech was delivered by the Head of Humanities who was a sociologist with no experience of life outside academia but who seemed to be convinced that newly graduated sociologists were more than capable of ruling the world, probably one of the most deluded and demented speeches I have ever heard.


My graduation (only one!) was so so long ago a formal lunch was included. My award was in the afternoon and I think the Chancellor had imbibed liberally.

Aditi's doctoral graduation was the first she had attended. She didn't go to the BA as she felt no-one in her family was interested. She didn't go to the MA one as she was required for a field trip somewhere. The rather smart KCL gowns and hat were something she didn't intend to miss out on though. The graduation speech (in the Barbican) was fairly sensible, though I was well prepared as during my time at school the headmaster (a mathematician) delivered quite a few psychoceramic utterances in assembly. The words headmaster and assembly can be Googled by younger readers.


Your chap from Sheffield was clearly deluded, everyone knows PPE graduates from Oxford rule the world!

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Your chap from Sheffield was clearly deluded, everyone knows PPE graduates from Oxford rule the world!



How things have changed - I didn't know that you could now get a degree in hard hats & hi-vis clothing!

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Hello folks, NHN has found a wifi link - we're in Keswick now!  Handy for the ferry tomorrow lunchtime, and a nice place too, however tomorrow it will change to tourism hell, as the schools break up today!


Debs, I'm truly sorry to hear of your loss.


31c here currently, the last full day of our holiday, and we haven't worn so much as a jacket, never mind a coat.  Total wall to wall sunshine for 16 days currently, unheard of.


The van has managed almost 32mpg over about 1,500 miles, not bad.


I missed out on graduation for my HR degree due to the NHS having need of my HR skills that day - oh how considerate of them. I repaid the HR Director by leaving for another Trust.


Edit for spelling and poor language skills!

Edited by New Haven Neil
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Crikey, there's a Herc just flown over at zero feet - I'd swear it had bits of tree foliage on the tailplane!  I presume some exercises are going on, some fly-boy fighter went past before aswell, making a lot of noise and even more speed. Wwwooooahhh, there's another! Jeeeeeeeze!  Eurofighter?  Very delta winged looking, too fast to see much!!!!!

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  • RMweb Premium

Crikey, there's a Herc just flown over at zero feet - I'd swear it had bits of tree foliage on the tailplane!  I presume some exercises are going on, some fly-boy fighter went past before aswell, making a lot of noise and even more speed. Wwwooooahhh, there's another! Jeeeeeeeze!  Eurofighter?  Very delta winged looking, too fast to see much!!!!!

Ah but you are in the RAF playground!!  I was at the top of Helvellyn when a Tornado or two flew past below me....



Debs - sorry to hear the news - remember the great times you have had..


Hot and sunny here. T20 last night ended up 173 -3 plays 177 for 3 ---- good game


Plasterers in situ - layout room plastered yesterday - pipe knitters and wire stranglers back on Monday.


Have a safe and calm weekend


I'm off to the pub for my Birthday - yippeeeddooo!

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