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Forecast is for 36C today and tomorrow......thankfully we should cool off to London's "Heat Wave" temperature next week which will be a relief.......


Actually it's not so bad when you can escape inside to A/C - which most people in the UK don't have.


Best, Pete.

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  • RMweb Premium

Morning all, tired as 10 spiders today. Woke up thinking it was raining but it was the cat cleaning herself. There are two air con units here but at the cost of energy here I would need an extra £10,000 income a year to run them.

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  • RMweb Premium

Morning all,


Plasterers arrived at 6:45 as they can't plaster when it is too warm - no plumbers yet so they are going to have less to plaster!


Cloudy sky but very hot and umpires call indicates potential thunder later today...

Umpiring a T20 tonight - so it will be a long day!


Barry O

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  • RMweb Gold

I think it's symptomatic of this country, Pete.


When it's a little bit warm the press moans for us and the powers that be like to tell us what we can and can't do.

When it's a bit cold and snows the powers like to tell us what we can and can't do and the press moans for us.

When it rains a bit ........ you get the picture?


That vast, vast majority just get on with things.


Having said that, problems do occur when the temp is high or low compared with what is the norm, not the rest of the world. They are talking of 760 extra deaths attributable to problems exacerbated by the heat already. In France almost 15000 died in the summer of 2003 and they would probably consider what we are having as coolish.

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Yes, one man's meat is another's poison (if I've got that right).

Personally, I like warm weather and am willing to run the risks attached.

I think I am a creature of the light - I detest not being able to see clearly over distances.

Don't suppose it will be long before hose pipe bans and heath fires (which have already started in Wales).

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  • RMweb Gold

28 degrees C in our bedroom last night but we slept fairly well as have a large free standing fan blowing across us.


Was down a few degrees when we got up at 5am.


Another sunny day in Surrey and London today but a slight breeze at the moment makes things more pleasant.



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  • RMweb Gold



We crop our globe courgettes when they get to the size of an orange, as if they grow much bigger they turn into marrows.


If you have a lot on the plant, you can pick them smaller, but then should cook them whole!


A favourite is grated courgette with a lemon butter drizzle





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  • RMweb Gold

DD without anything to scale against I have no idea of the size. If it is large enough to use as a football it might be a tad oversized if less than a tennis ball there is not a lot to eat. Not having grown any we (i.e head gardener and me) cannot advise further.


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  • RMweb Gold

Morning all


23 deg all night in my room - but if truth be told, I'm sleeping quite well, really.


I had a courgette/zucchini with my turkey fillet last night. Another veg Deb wouldn't touch, so I've not cooked one in many years. No nasty after-effects, so I must have done it ok!


I had a colleague whose daughter ran a marching band in Saafend. This seemed to require a coach to take them to competitions all over the place. Daughter is now a mum and a teacher in W Sussex, I think.


In another place, our Debs has a sick doggie, is not at her brightest, probably.


Hope you can get through the heat!

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  • RMweb Gold

Good morning all,


Dry, sunny, 22oC getting hotter etc etc


Nothing planned except a supermarket visit today. I might have a moan about the weather later, then again I might not.



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Farrier day. So I nipped down and fed the girls, tying them up for his attention. He was there by the time I'd come back from the cash machine (one of several) in the village, and actually I believe he worked in a bank before he took up farriery.


Neighbour Richard was there watching proceedings. He speaks excellent English, and was telling me his 60k (miles) Toyota Auris had developed a weeping head-gasket. The Toyota garage attitude was astonishing - he will get a new engine and clutch, costing the thick end of 5k euros, buckshee. The manager didn't even need to refer to Toyota France. Richard is sure his next car will be a Toyota - and his brother has just switched brands, too. Toyota used to have an enviable reputation for reliability, this then slipped when Yaris engines started to show signs of fatigue at ordinary mileages. I assume the Toyota aim is to restore faith. Some other companies might learn a little from this.

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I had a colleague whose daughter ran a marching band in Saafend. This seemed to require a coach to take them to competitions all over the place. Daughter is now a mum and a teacher in W Sussex, I think.



That reminds me!


When SWMBO and I married in 1981 we bought a house opposite the gates of a very large cemetery in Cardiff. One Saturday night not long after we moved in I could hear a vehicle outside stopped with the engine running. Had a look out of the window just in time to see a coach going in through the cemetery gates - was this a trip for the inhabitants?


Turns out there was a house for the keeper at the far side of the cemetery hidden from our view. His daughter played in a bazooka band and they kept the coach there!





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  • RMweb Gold

... Richard is sure his next car will be a Toyota - and his brother has just switched brands, too. Toyota used to have an enviable reputation for reliability, this then slipped when Yaris engines started to show signs of fatigue at ordinary mileages. I assume the Toyota aim is to restore faith. Some other companies might learn a little from this.


MiL has a Toyota Yaris. She is very pleased with the after sales service.

It is our niece Maya's birthday this weekend and we have bought her what is probably her first wheeled toy. Not a certain blue tank engine though. It is a rather pink Minnie Mouse sit and ride toy.

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Morning all. Late on parade today as my chiropractor was practicing his origami skills on my spine earlier.


Today's work co-worker euphemism is "Gorp". With thanks to Ricky Gervais. We have a gorp demanding a database impact statement before allowing a change to progress. Um, there isn't a database on this system. Impact sheet sent with "not applicable". Rejected by said gorp with a terse email wanting the full database impact filled out. Yes, Vogons are real and working in your government. Must avoid the temptation to fill it in again using crayons.


Have a good one all. I shall be thinking up new and creative ways of hiding the bodies of those that annoy me.

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  • RMweb Premium

"Must avoid the temptation to fill it in again using crayons."


Do it in green ink, capitals, underlined 3 times. I'm sure the impact of having NO database can be described as verbosely as you have time for (not a lot I know). It's the same as sending a cheque for £0.00 to meet a bill for same.



My mind is boggled by the concept of a bazooka band. I'm sure if I try to find out what one really is I'll be disappointed.


I've just hoovered the conservatory, must have lost a pint at least!



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Morning all. Late on parade today as my chiropractor was practicing his origami skills on my spine earlier.


Today's work co-worker euphemism is "Gorp". With thanks to Ricky Gervais. We have a gorp demanding a database impact statement before allowing a change to progress. Um, there isn't a database on this system. Impact sheet sent with "not applicable". Rejected by said gorp with a terse email wanting the full database impact filled out. Yes, Vogons are real and working in your government. Must avoid the temptation to fill it in again using crayons.


Have a good one all. I shall be thinking up new and creative ways of hiding the bodies of those that annoy me.

I would send it right back to the gorp with each space marked TINF DATABASE!!!

BTW - don't hide the bodies - leave them there as mute testimony to the fate of "Gorps"!

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Hasn't made it to the Scottish Parliament yet - if Mike is any judge......


Best, Pete.

Ah, I knew the noun, but had never seen it as a verb...


Morning all.  I've not caught up since yesterday, but I'm still alive... Cricket and golf, not sure what to watch/listen to...

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