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Early Risers.


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Morning all.


A cool morning, currently only 20C but 90% humidity - the temperature will rise rapidly, very, once the clouds get chased off - it will be over 30C in a hour or two.


Two more working days, then a short morning waving goodbye and off to LAX, and home again - yippeee.


Try the language over here - we are definitely separated by a common one as they look blank at me, I can't work out if it's my Scouse  accent, my English accent, my colloquial terms or my English terms that confuse, they just look at me and smile, unknowingly - they like calling me "dude!" a lot - a great bunch of people though.


Tonight we are visiting a bar that has 200 beers ... might be a late start tomorrow.


Tomorrow we are going to a pier, and hopefully I can photograph the Surfliner train with some surf, and maybe even some of the local sights, the beach has a lot of them apparently, with Daisy Duke bikinis .... it'll be tough but I'll do it for you lot.


Have a good day / afternoon etc.


I have seen that beach, there are some nice young men exercising to BeeGees music near the pier, Madam Gruff and I beat a hasty retreat.

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  • RMweb Gold




I have seen that beach, there are some nice young men exercising to BeeGees music near the pier, Madam Gruff and I beat a hasty retreat.

I won't ask what the "nice young men" were beating!

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  • RMweb Gold

MiL has been in a spot of bother, apparently. Nearly set the whole place on fire by some nonsense with the microwave. Management of the sheltered accom are in headless chicken mode as a result. The fact that she left a perfectly lucid message on my answerphone is probably half the problem - at interview she shows no signs of dementia, but has short-term memory loss in spades. I suspect Social Services do not regard her as needy, despite awful eyesight and poor hearing. I think they will now be pressured into Doing Something.

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  • RMweb Gold

MiL has been in a spot of bother, apparently. Nearly set the whole place on fire by some nonsense with the microwave. Management of the sheltered accom are in headless chicken mode as a result. The fact that she left a perfectly lucid message on my answerphone is probably half the problem - at interview she shows no signs of dementia, but has short-term memory loss in spades. I suspect Social Services do not regard her as needy, despite awful eyesight and poor hearing. I think they will now be pressured into Doing Something.

Regrettably such incidents can be helpful in getting older folk into the right sort of home.  In MiL's case Mrs Stationmaster pointed out to Social Services that her mother's latest habit of turning on the gas tap on a cooker ring and then forgetting to light it could have rather nasty consequences. especially if as one one occasion she remembered some minutes later that she needed to go and light it.  She was into a temporary placement within a week and moved to a permanent, and very nice, home a week or so later (where she spent the rest of her life).

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Morning all.


A cool morning, currently only 20C but 90% humidity - the temperature will rise rapidly, very, once the clouds get chased off - it will be over 30C in a hour or two.


Two more working days, then a short morning waving goodbye and off to LAX, and home again - yippeee.


Try the language over here - we are definitely separated by a common one as they look blank at me, I can't work out if it's my Scouse accent, my English accent, my colloquial terms or my English terms that confuse, they just look at me and smile, unknowingly - they like calling me "dude!" a lot - a great bunch of people though.


Tonight we are visiting a bar that has 200 beers ... might be a late start tomorrow.


Tomorrow we are going to a pier, and hopefully I can photograph the Surfliner train with some surf, and maybe even some of the local sights, the beach has a lot of them apparently, with Daisy Duke bikinis .... it'll be tough but I'll do it for you lot.


Have a good day / afternoon etc.


I have seen that beach, there are some nice young men exercising to BeeGees music near the pier, Madam Gruff and I beat a hasty retreat.

Goat Hill Tavern !!!


Enjoy yourself. Also there is an amazing seafood / Cajun place near Newport pier.

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  • RMweb Premium

MiL has been in a spot of bother, apparently. Nearly set the whole place on fire by some nonsense with the microwave. Management of the sheltered accom are in headless chicken mode as a result. The fact that she left a perfectly lucid message on my answerphone is probably half the problem - at interview she shows no signs of dementia, but has short-term memory loss in spades. I suspect Social Services do not regard her as needy, despite awful eyesight and poor hearing. I think they will now be pressured into Doing Something.

Shipping her over to that nice man in france.........

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  • RMweb Gold

I thought we may have to call in a UN peacekeeping force to sort MiL's latest escapade out. She has 2 reserved parking spaces in her underground bunker (car park). She keeps her car in one and her mobility aids in a cupboard in another. Her neighbour sublets one of her 2 spaces to another resident and started putting all her garden furniture in MiL's space blocking access  to her storage. She complained nicely and the response was to move MiL's cupboard somewhere else. Normally Aditi's sister deals with this sort of thing but I must admit I was very pleased with my email to the apartment blocks managing agents and the neighbour is now claiming it was all a misunderstanding, as they thought they "owned" all the wall space. They also thought that putting a sheet over their stuff would stop MiL noticing it! Idiots! At least my email was more tactful than my suggestion to another neighbour who put his stuff in her space. All these people are apparently retired professionals of good standing! 

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  • RMweb Gold

I thought we may have to call in a UN peacekeeping force to sort MiL's latest escapade out. She has 2 reserved parking spaces in her underground bunker (car park). She keeps her car in one and her mobility aids in a cupboard in another. Her neighbour sublets one of her 2 spaces to another resident and started putting all her garden furniture in MiL's space blocking access  to her storage. She complained nicely and the response was to move MiL's cupboard somewhere else. Normally Aditi's sister deals with this sort of thing but I must admit I was very pleased with my email to the apartment blocks managing agents and the neighbour is now claiming it was all a misunderstanding, as they thought they "owned" all the wall space. They also thought that putting a sheet over their stuff would stop MiL noticing it! Idiots! At least my email was more tactful than my suggestion to another neighbour who put his stuff in her space. All these people are apparently retired professionals of good standing! 


When I visited one of my friends from school I was amazed that hs father a top nuclear scientist was throwing things over the hedge. Apparently him and his neighbour were in disput about the boundary and were behaving more childish than us kids. The policemean called by one of them had difficulty in keeping a straight face.


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  • RMweb Gold

Right - Dreams duly revisited and the Branch Manager (a very pleasant and helpful chap) had a go at Customer Disservice and then offered profuse apologies that they wouldn't take any notice of him either and wouldn't pull their finger out and do something simple and helpful to the customer - the next step will be on Friday but might not be in time to spoil their weekend, alas.  No movement on this one tomorrow as we are off to see Dr Station Cat officially 'doctorised' (note spelling :) ) when she receives her piece of paper or whatever it is from, presumably, the Chancellor of the Uni, Floella Benjamin.


Meanwhile young Rob has reached Munchen on his gradual trek westwards from Split via Zagreb - apparently he upset some sort of border passport controller by asking if he was Croatian when he was in fact some other brand of Balkan, seems they're still rather touchy round there.  The lad's next stage is onwards from Munchen to Koln tomorrow.


Have good night and a pleasant tomorrow.

Edited by The Stationmaster
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  • RMweb Gold

In the Autumn of 1976, Deb and I spent a week in Malta, in her mum's flat - selling the place was difficult at the time. When we flew back, there was a mature woman at the passport and boarding etc controls in a complete dither. As we crossed the English coast a man near me collapsed in his seat, and after a brief exam by the stewardess, the inevitable call for a doctor was made over the PA. Guess who appeared to look after the unfortunate bloke..... He was gone anyway, I think.

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Right - Dreams duly revisited and the Branch Manager (a very pleasant and helpful chap) had a go at Customer Disservice and then offered profuse apologies that they wouldn't take any notice of him either and wouldn't pull their finger out and do something simple and helpful to the customer - the next step will be on Friday but might not be in time to spoil their weekend, alas.  No movement on this one tomorrow as we are off to see Dr Station Cat officially 'doctorised' (note spelling :) ) when she receives her piece of paper or whatever it is from, presumably, the Chancellor of the Uni, Floella Benjamin.


Meanwhile young Rob has reached Munchen on his gradual trek westwards from Split via Zagreb - apparently he upset some sort of border passport controller by asking if he was Croatian when he was in fact some other brand of Balkan, seems they're still rather touchy round there.  The lad's next stage is onwards from Munchen to Koln tomorrow.


Have good night and a pleasant tomorrow.

Hope Stationmaster, Stationmistress and Station Cat have a great day tomorrow - as it is not the first degree, I'm sure the Cat knows the best ways to enjoy it all and Dreams can be revisited another time.

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Aditi doesn't use "Dr" on any of her documents as she wouldn't like to be mistakenly asked to  deal with a medical emergency. Her brother did respond to a request for help when a fellow passenger on a flight from New Zealand to the UK was taken ill. He got taken up to speak to the pilot to explain why in his opinion a diversion wasn't necessary, which was fortunate as they were not at the best point in the journey for such an option. Rajan said the first aid kit was very comprehensive.

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  • RMweb Gold

Hope Stationmaster, Stationmistress and Station Cat have a great day tomorrow - as it is not the first degree, I'm sure the Cat knows the best ways to enjoy it all and Dreams can be revisited another time.



You naughty Gruffalo you.


You have  not doctored the Station Cat when you should have done. :jester:


I've heard that her doctorate also includes an award of a years supply of cat food especially crafted by M&S.


This is no ordinary cat food, this is Doctor Station Cat Food.


Running for cover in the waterhole





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Meanwhile young Rob has reached Munchen on his gradual trek westwards from Split via Zagreb - apparently he upset some sort of border passport controller by asking if he was Croatian when he was in fact some other brand of Balkan, seems they're still rather touchy round there.  


Oh yes! I play soccer with and against Serbians, Croatians, Bosnians and Montenegrans and know a couple of Slovenians, and it can get very touchy indeed. In any discussion where nationalities come into it, I find a generic 'You guys' works quite well - it lets them interpret it in whatever way they want.

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Floella Benjamin a Life Peer and Chancellor of a University?!? I knew her back in the seventies....Jeez. I wonder if she sits next to Michael Levy who I also knew and who Pete Waterman used to work for...

What the heck...


Best, Pete.

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Didn't do Eric Clapton any good, though, Mick. Must be like me - I get a kick out of turning things down....I often wonder about myself sometimes.


My old Mum used to say that I was "your own worst enemy" but then she really wanted to keep a scrapbook.


Best, Pete.

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  • RMweb Gold

Morning all.

Very pleasant here. The garden seemed quite cool at 4.30. I had a walk round while the tea was standing.

I don't know what I'll be doing for the rest of the day. At some time this afternoon there will be trip to Leigh on Sea to collect a John Lewis parcel from Waitrose. I suspect there will be a shopping list too!

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  • RMweb Gold

It's only 21:15 on Wednesday here - quite warm, 22C and 75% humidty. The boss took me out for some food and a couple of beers, very pleasant.


Time for bed Zebedee - have a good day all.

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