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Early Risers.


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  • RMweb Premium

Morning all...


Could've slept better, but I guess it's just been too warm once again. Which on one hand is kind of odd as it hasn't been all that hot outside yesterday, but the house seems to store heat fairly well...


Enjoy your day, everyone!

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Check the rubber bits holding the exhaust in place. That's what it was when mine developed a knock recently...


Thanks, Mike.

It has to go on a hoist to do that.

Exhaust is relatively new and I can't see why the noise would start and stop.

You may be right.

If it happens again I'll get it looked at (famous last words).

It's a lovely, comfortable, car and performs well (S80) with all the bells and whistles - and now a mysterious 'knock'.

It gives me messages (I've had to replace a brake lamp and buy a new battery as a result of the messages) but hasn't mentioned anything about the knock.

When needed, it's quite swift if one doesn't mind emptying the petrol tank.

At £280 the Road Tax is quite hefty but, all in all, I'm delighted with it (so far).

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O/H very happy with his Volvo (C90?). It's the cabriolet version, anyway. I find it rather heavy to drive and, because it's a two door, they're heavy and awkward for someone of my size to operate. However, I do enjoy having the lid off and the looks of bystanders, especially in rural France, when it does the whole transformer thing!


Have a good day. Happy to be in sunny Stafford to see one of my closest friends married today.

Edited by Ashcombe
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  • RMweb Premium

Morning all, another bright day dawning. Task one today is to remain calm while someone reduces a childs life chances in the name of targets, about as much compassion as a brick. Fighting back against British Gas a new meter is to be installed tomorrow I worked out the one we have was last certified in 1993! It will soon be the weekend be good or be careful.

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  • RMweb Gold

Morning all


"Bigamy is having one husband too many. Monogamy is the same thing." Erica Jong, I think. I hope Pat and Alan have a great day, Sherry.


Night a little cooler here, morning ditto, but bright sun again. Managed a couple of hours strimming yesterday - with a break at half time, natch.


Coffee with Sheena this morning, then shopping.


Hope everyone's week winds down nicely and the weekend goes well.

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Aah Gee! Nobody missed me. Been off line since Tuesday when the room cleaning lady did something to the wiring.

Tim fixed it last night so I'm back on line. It's taken 3 hours to catch up on missed posts.

Luckily there was no really bad news in that interim..


Generally I have been complimentary about the food here but yesterday was an exception.

The menu said "Bangers and Mash"  Usually excellent and I  looked forward to it BUT instead of mash we were served underdone baked potatoes in their jackets.  A SIN in my opinion. The accompanying sausage, sliced carrots, pleas and gravy were up to the usual delicious high standard.


On the bright side if that's the worst food fault committed in our kitchen we have much to be pleased about. 


Although at present there is high level cloud filtering the sunlight, the forecast is clear and sunny with  a max of 21C.

Edited by DonBradley
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  • RMweb Gold

Morning all,


good to see you have returned Don - and sausages in gravy without onion, another sin.


Today is Friday so everybody, even me, can work out where we should be going this morning, plus the bank, plus WHS to look for BRM.  Next challenge is weather to cut teh grass or wait on the Postman with, I hope, a package from Cornwall.

Tomorrow will be more active with Rob delivered to Reading station to take train to Gatwick for the first leg of his latest trip round Europe, he's going by air to Croatia and working his way back by train.  Once he's dropped off Dr Station Cat and myself will be off to Woodcote for the traction engine and etc rally but leaving in time for her to watch the last bit of the Tour de France.


Have a good weekend one and all and watch out for the natives Dave when you get out in the wilds.

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  • RMweb Gold

Morning / Afternoon all.


Not much to report from here, life is a simple work, eat, sleep cycle at the moment so hardly exciting, even the weather is boringly dull.


Tomorrow is Saturday ! - YIPPEEE .. but we are working again, ho hum.


Have a good one.

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  • RMweb Premium

Interesting facilitation session but driving across to the other side on the M62 and back again reminded me why I work from home..


and batsmen need to walk when they are out... makes the umpire look a right charlie....

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  • RMweb Premium

Evening All


Good to have Don back aboard - my sporadic attendance here is why I didn't notice it.


Not too bad here, and quite warm, but no three figure porch temperatures lately. 


Well caught up now, but as dog's demanding walkies, I'd best go otherwise I'll be the one clearing up the mess.


Regards to All


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Home after a week that's seen me, surprisingly, get many things completed - mostly against the odds. People have been agreeing to my plans. Now I have to get on with it, but there's no early deadlines, fortunately, so I can go on holiday and get back for radiotherapy without the pressure of next term looming.


Other than that hot. Dog has requested water fight in the garden - good for her it cools her down - then she comes in and shakes herself in the vicinity of SWMBO.


Caravan collect tomorrow from storage to get ready for the trek next Friday south westwards - three nights at Ashburton, eighteen nights at Marazion and two nights at Lydford. That'll be 40 nights away this year. We're getting our money's worth.


And now to fire up the barbecue. Already outside one cider, another couple will be good.

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  • RMweb Premium

Ooh, internet in the evening on the campsite!


Just been photographing that abandoned branch at Queenborough that goes out to the spit, past the sunken barges and things - very 'St Mary Hoo' and characterful.  Maybe my proposed city-scape layout will change...


Curry ordered (it is Friday) and relaxation mode turned up full.  Had planned to go to the Sittingbourne and Kemsley tomorrow, but they don't run Saturday, D'oh.  Off oop north on Sunday to Derbyshire so that's blown it.  We'll just have to come back again!

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Over twenty years ago we took a field trip to the North West Scottish Highlands to what used to be Sutherland. One of the stops was Knockan cliff (a famous geological site) with the village of Knockan below. And there was a shop in the village.

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