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Another day begins. Work started at 0stupid:30 to get some system changes in "out of hours". All is well.


Ed sorry to read the bad news. My condolences.


Not much else to report today. Everybody have a good one.

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  • RMweb Premium

Nice summer's day and a bit of hayfever.  :king:


Hope it doesn't get too bad.  I hate it when I'm forced to stay inside when it's gorgeous outside.


Have a good, yourselves.



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  • RMweb Gold

Morning all


Well Monday wasn't a good day in various ERs corners, was it? Condolences all round.


Had a barbecue last night, but guests (3!) were all a bit late. Derek & Joyce had had car problems - a weeping oil pipe on the DB. It appears that some previous owner had used non-Panhard parts in the engine bay, so replacing this is proving a challenge. They arrived 90' late in a borrowed modern Peugeot. The food all disappeared, and people seem to think my barbecues are better than many, which is nice.


Another scorcher today. may get a bit done in the garden.


Hope your day goes well.

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  • RMweb Gold

Morning all.

We all overslept this morning. Not a problem for me (or Matthew) but Aditi was a bit rushed.

I was awake at 4.55am but then slept through an alarm and an hour of Radio 4.

I have a simple task today, wait in for a book from Amazon about pruning. Aditi has so many gardening books but some give contradictory advice, The book will be delivered by Amazon Logistics. I wonder if they will know what road they are in this time.



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Good morning all!


I was saying to a friend on the 'phone earlier that it's the sort of weather for sleeping under the stars! I've only done that once and that was in 1963, I think, at a weekend Girl Guide camp on Ranmore in Surrey. Happy days!

With the expected temperatures in the high 20's again here, what isn't done before noon won't be done! (Any excuse to avoid the domestic chores!)


Have a good one, everyone!

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  • RMweb Premium

Morning!  better internet connection am - the kids are at school I suppose.


20c here with a refreshing stiff breeze.  Friends are collecting us for a day at Westerham and Chartwell.  Debs (mine, not 'the' Debs) Grandfather made the plinth that Chruchill's ststue sits on at westerham.  Guests arrived - bye!

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I was saying to a friend on the 'phone earlier that it's the sort of weather for sleeping under the stars! I've only done that once and that was in 1963, I think, at a weekend Girl Guide camp on Ranmore in Surrey. Happy days!


Having initially thought "I did that near Mostar in 1966" I then realised that we also used to do it near Mulsanne corner at the 24 hrs. Implausibly to those who may not much like the sport, the sound of the cars going past actually sends you to sleep - to the extent that the introduction of the pace car, with its long gaps between cars going past, then a procession of 20 or 30 with engines under-revving, can actually wake you up!

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  • RMweb Gold

Morning all,


Sorry to hear your news Ed but what a lovely way for anyone to go but especially someone you cared about and loved, no pain just a gentle slipping away while your life still means something.


And back to(wards) normality here - all being well.  Visit to the Doc (of the medical sort, not the Station Cat variety) yesterday produced gasps of disbelief regarding the thus far failed attempts to secure a consultant's appointment and an undertaking to get someone on the case - so fingers are crossed.  Plus a different statin prescribed but to leave off taking any at all for a further month just in case there might be a link with the other thing (which I'm hoping to see a consultant about).


Nice sunny day here but apart from a trip to the bank I suspect we shall be off to Reading to complain to Dreams about our new mattress - which came last Thursday, with an aroma it hasn't lost and which it seems highly unlikely to lose.  Might be a chance for another look in Modelzone - oops, better crank up the printing press just in case they haven't sold out of Woodland Scenics stuff.


Have a good day one & all and, many thinks for your care & concern yesterday which meant so much at such a trying time; the spirit of ERs is a wonderful thing.

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  • RMweb Gold

Good morning all,


Beautiful sunny day here & 24oC with a light breeze.


Ol' miseryguts (AKA grandadbob) now appears to be firing on all cylinders apart from a slight touch of occasional blurred vision which means that I thought Sherry slept under the stairs at her Girl Guide camp   :blind: which had me a bit puzzled 'cos I've never seen a tent with a staircase. 

Took Chris to work at 5.45 as usual & her parting comment was "Now don't you go overdoing it today" .......... so I haven't.


Looking forward to later after school with usual invasion of grandchildren due.



Edited by grandadbob
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.  Friends are collecting us for a day at Westerham and Chartwell. 


We went to Chartwell again a couple of weeks ago. It's a place I find quite easy to revisit & never get bored with. It's also easy to understand why Churchill loved the place so much. The view across Kent is absolutely beautiful.

Edited by grandadbob
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  I thought Sherry slept under the stairs at her Girl Guide camp   :blind: which had me a bit puzzled 'cos I've never seen a tent with a staircase. 


I thought someone had stolen her tent...

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Only slept under the stars once! what a sheltered life you have led Sherry. There is nothing like waking to find frost on the outside of your sleeping bag.


Although rather hot today we went for a good walk from Brading across the marshes and up to Bembridge Windmill then lunch overlooking Bembridge harbour and back via St Helens and the old railway line. Most of the journey through RSPB nature reserves. Frequent stops for Holly (small terrier ) to recover in  the shade. Mind you a sausage at the cafe for lunch made the trip a good one for her. Now stretched out in the motorhome with my head by the open window surfing RMweb. It is a hard life being retired when the sun shines.


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quick trip to York completed - did see the A4s - Gresley looks best in BR Blue to my eyes!  LOTS of people - NRM in chaos....


York full of tourists from all over the worked so a meal deal for £3 from a supermarket was VFM for lunch - had to leave early as no 2 son realised he had to be back in Leeds just after lunch to sort out his house moves.


Nice and warm her - time for a glass of water... BBQ later - such is life!!

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