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Problem with now having an iPad is that it's an instant on so I can spend even more time not doing the things I should be doing.


Hot again today - and for our resitting students the start of their exams. For some of them it's their last opportunity. For some I have sympathy, but when you get requests over the weekend for access to their online module site I do sometimes wonder if they're serious.


But now off to work and leave the dogs sleeping in the sun

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  • RMweb Gold

Morning all,


Not a good day as it looks as if it will be Henry's last with us so everyone is very sad.  Daft how we form affections for our pets - or lord & master in his case - but he's been with us since 1997 and is very much part of the family.


Hope everyone else has a much better day than the one we're facing.





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Our old Post Office is now a Prezzo restaurant!


The post office is now in WH SMiths in the shopping mall.


Prezzos often use old pubs post offices etc.


Indeed! The one in Torquay occupies a building that was once a bank and it has some beautiful pillars and ornate carvings. It is slightly cavernous so is not conducive to intimate dining, but the food and service are good.


Have just read the post about Henry - what a magnificent creature! And a long life, which will make today very difficult. Sending caring thoughts.


Edited by Ashcombe
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  • RMweb Premium

Is that ground down by the river and can be seen from the M1 Barry?

It has a river under the square - but its a fair way from the M1 - its like a flat bottomed pie dish....

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  • RMweb Premium

sunny, warm - more cricket today - life is good.


Don - hope the funeral goes well - its a time for celebration of a life - and we always had a good funeral tea after when I was a lad...


Have a nice day everyone

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  • RMweb Gold

There are a number of ladies(not on this forum I hasten to add) with a certain reputation or 'profession' who would definitely qualify for such an award.





Yes, but, by and large (ooh!), they only please men - and then typically only one at a time!

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  • RMweb Gold

Morning all


Don Bradley - yes, celebrating a long and fruitful life in cheerful fashion is right and proper if it can be done. The deceased would not want you all to be miserable.


Mike - losing a family friend is quite horrid, but you and the vet know what is kindest. He does look magnificat.


I've also been in the Prezzo in Torquay, and while lacking intimacy it was a nice-enough experience.


Weather is hanging on, and I'm doing a barbecue tonight - first in almost a year, I think.


Hope your week goes well.

Edited by Oldddudders
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Mike, so sorry to read about Henry. We've gone through that a dozen times now. It never gets any easier. Every time we say never again but we always end up opening our doors to another homeless furball.


A friend posted this on Facebook a while ago. Its written from a dog's perspective but it really holds true as being from any loved pet.



Before human beings die, they write their last will and testament
To leave their home and all they have to those they love.
I would do such, if I could write, to a poor and desperate, lonely stray, I would
give my happy home, my bowl, my cozy bed, my pillow, and my toys. The so loved lap, the tender stroking hands, the lovely voice, the place I had in someone' heart. The love that at last helped me find a peaceful end, held firmly in a sheltering embrace.

When I die, please don't say, "I will never have a pet again, the loss is far too much to stand." Choose a lonely, unloved dog and give him MY place. This is my inheritance. The love I leave behind is all I have to give.

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  • RMweb Gold

Thanks all for your support.  Not exactly a day for digging but the old chap will be buried more or less in the spot you saw in the pic - one of his past favourite places for getting in the way of herself when gardening.  Very kindly the vet came to the house to perform the deed and it was all very peaceful for Henry - who went very quietly as it was clearly his time, he also had a touch of jaundice probably a result of minimal eating and drinking for the last couple of days.


Finish my cuppa and then out in the jungle that flowerbed has since become. 

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  • RMweb Premium

Sad news again, Mike.

It's the last and best service we can offer our pets and the only real option.

All the best to you and yours and a peaceful goodnight to Henry.


I can only echo that, DD...

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3 day weekend over. Back to hell. Too damn hot and humid. Blergh!!!  that is all.



Have a good one all.

The first ER to complain of the heat in the UK?

Am I surprised? Andrew, your colleagues will know what hell is really like today........good on you! :triniti:

Keeping cheerful, Pete.

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  • RMweb Gold

Good afternoon all,


I've been AWOL for 3 days & have only just caught up with all the happenings (some good & some bad) both inside & outside ER land.


The reason for my absence is that I managed to succumb to some sort of lurgy that meant I've spent most of my time flat out with blinding headaches, aches & pains in every other part of my body, alternately shivering (in this heat!) & then sweating. To say that I have been feeling a bit sorry for myself would be putting it mildly especially as I missed all the sport! Still feeling a bit rough but improving by the hour.



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  • RMweb Gold

Afternoon (UK) all,


Rest easy Henry, you are with all the other well loved pets that have been cared for over the years, my dogs Monty and Booza will be there to chase you round so be ready.


My first day in work today, it's 06:30 and I'm getting myself together, I'll drift into work for about 08:00 I think - it's only a few minutes walk away so not an arduous journey.


I'm missing my Jill and the kids a lot at the moment, I think that's exaggerated by the boredom due to lack of transport, I almost went to the station yesterday but by the time I'd been to the Wallys for supplies I was baked (carrying heavy shopping (drinks mainly) in this heat is not fun) and the station is a reasonable walk away, not miles but again when it's baking ....


Hopefully getting into work will get my bum in gear.


Have a good day all.

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No Pete nothing like that - the way I felt I'd rather have been decorating (which is something I hate with a vengeance) & I must have been really ill to miss the Lions match.

Edited by grandadbob
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The first ER to complain of the heat in the UK?

Am I surprised? Andrew, your colleagues will know what hell is really like today........good on you! :triniti:

Keeping cheerful, Pete

The heat I can deal with. I'm used to mid 30's in the summer time. Its the humidity and the lack of air circulation in the client's office that is killing. Luckily today's on site meetings were cancelled. Our company's "office" space there is in the basement, no ventilation, poor lighting, and no air-conditioning. My co-workers actually call it the pit, or hell or the dungeon. I'm home, cool, and enjoying a nice breeze though the window.  


48c in the greenhouse just now. the tomatoes love it.

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Not a good day as it looks as if it will be Henry's last with us so everyone is very sad.  Daft how we form affections for our pets - or lord & master in his case - but he's been with us since 1997 and is very much part of the family.


Hope everyone else has a much better day than the one we're facing.



I`m so sorry, Mike..........these are such times when one`s mind knows what it is kind and humane to do; but our heart pleads: 'just a little longer'...........I`m sure I must surely speak for us all, when I say that you, your family and dear-Henry are in our thoughts.

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Afternoon all.  Sorry to hear of Henry's passing, never easy when a beloved pet goes.


I'm slightly distracted at work today, as my mind is on a friend who is having a major operation today. She went into theatre at 7 this morning, I'm hoping to hear some news at teatime.

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  • RMweb Gold

I`m so sorry, Mike..........these are such times when one`s mind knows what it is kind and humane to do; but our heart pleads: 'just a little longer'...........I`m sure I must surely speak for us all, when I say that you, your family and dear-Henry are in our thoughts.

Thank you, and others, for that thought Debs - it has been a battle of wills over the past week or so with a hope that he would go in his sleep but the final straw was yesterday when after several days of minimal. if any, eating his back legs ceased to work properly and the only way he could eat was for one of us to hold him while another gave him small pieces of chicken.  He was very calm when Eric and Emma (the vet nurse) arrived and it all went very peacefully and avoided the trauma of a trip to the vet's surgery for him.  He is now interred almost directly below the spot you saw him occupying in the pic I posted this morning and the gardening gang are currently in planting mode - a suitable pic will follow at sometime showing the results of our shopping trip to the garden centre and the fact that we aren't likely to forget where he's buried.

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Afternoon (UK) all,


Rest easy Henry, you are with all the other well loved pets that have been cared for over the years, my dogs Monty and Booza will be there to chase you round so be ready.


My first day in work today, it's 06:30 and I'm getting myself together, I'll drift into work for about 08:00 I think - it's only a few minutes walk away so not an arduous journey.


I'm missing my Jill and the kids a lot at the moment, I think that's exaggerated by the boredom due to lack of transport, I almost went to the station yesterday but by the time I'd been to the Wallys for supplies I was baked (carrying heavy shopping (drinks mainly) in this heat is not fun) and the station is a reasonable walk away, not miles but again when it's baking ....


Hopefully getting into work will get my bum in gear.


Have a good day all.

Good luck on your first day!


Regards to the heat it's really not so hot there - it's going to 31C here with a bit more humidity than CA but you get used to it very quickly which is why I can't see myself moving back to England - even to East Anglia...


Actually it's going to be 27C in London today - only 2C less than Irvine.


All the best, Dave. Pete.

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