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  • RMweb Premium

By the way – get this:



To explain: The 485 at the head of the train is assisting the quadruple MU formation of two 465s and 425s each behind. And there you have it in a nutshell why Switzerland is such a good place for railfans to be!

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  • RMweb Premium



I would describe this morning as semi-sunny at least. Forecast suggests it'll be rainy tomorrow, however. We've a dinner invitation tonight, so no significant food purchases will be required.


Have a good one...

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Good morning, all!


Sorry I've been missing for a few days but I was entertaining an old friend who was staying in the area.


At last we have a sunny morning without the strong winds of the last few days. Hope it is shining on all you good folk on ER and that you enjoy the Bonk Hol w/e!

Edited by Ashcombe
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Someone sent me this, written by a fellow soldier:


Just out for a walk after an early stack
Not looking for trouble, not watching my back
Mothers with prams holding hands with their kids
Not paying attention to the car as it skids
Caught completely off guard not expecting what comes
One man with a knife another with guns
No chance of defence no chance to fight back
Looking for help as the cowards attack
An angel arrives as the light turns to grey
A woman attempts to steer attackers away
My last thought of 'Thank You' never strays from my brain
As my body shuts down and I feel no more pain.

I look to my left and I look to my right
Thousands of squaddies are all that's in sight
Uniforms are crisp and their faces are clean
No sign of anger or hate to be seen
As if by command they salute all as one
The RSM smiles, says 'Welcome home son"

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  • RMweb Gold

Morning all.

Sunny here this morning. 

I'm not sure what we will be doing today but I suspect there will be gardening. B&Q didn't have any mushroom compost when I was sent on discount day, so I will probably go to the big garden centre. 



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  • RMweb Gold

Morning, It is my intention today to enjoy "summer"  blue sky not a cloud in sight and NO wind (unless that curry from last night plays havoc later)


Today could just be summer so enjoy whatever your doing folks!

Edited by Shedman5
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  • RMweb Gold

Morning all nice sunny start.


The electrician came on behalf of the council to test my electrical work. It is one of todays oddities that although I have electrical engineering qualifications I am not allowed to certificate my work because I don't have the right bits of paper. Still it passed the test.


We have also had to remove the bird feeders as rats have turned up seeing two of them swinging happily back and forth in one of those cage feeders made the descision necessary



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  • RMweb Premium

Very wet yesterday so had to stay in the bar in Headingley having a good natter with some good railway and cricket friends.


Today - blue sky - sun - its cracking the flags here and I am off to umpire, her indoors off to do some cricket scoring  while some of our friends are off to the Test. Spare ticket very tempting but too much to do..


Have a great day


Barry O

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  • RMweb Gold

Morning all


As others, we seem to have wall to wall sunshine today. Unfortunately I can't take advantage by going walking as I seem to have pulled something or tweaked something in my calf muscle. it's been bugging me for nearly a fortnight now. It eases up a bit when I rest it, or overnight, but as soon as I walk on it, it's back to square one.


This afternoon, I am told, I am going to look at wedding cars. At one point it was going to be wedding horses and carts so I guess I should be thankful for small mercies.

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Morning all,  late on parade this morning as it's "environmental" day....so no movement on the roads till after 10am.  But have to go in tomorrow as during the commissioning of the plant & hand over of power there were a couple (yes only 2) of nuisance trips. Which we need to sort out, wont take long to do but meas a complete shut down as cant really have guys messing around inside live 11,000 volt panels now? 


Try and enjoy your day,



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Is, err was, err is again sunny in the boring borough. Off to the wilderness of Rochester today to pick up some bits from the Signal Box. That's about the extent of my Saturday.


Before I forget. Happy Towel Day to all you hoopy froods out there.








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  • RMweb Premium

Yay.  Sunshine :sungum:

If you can't get out and about today, look through the 'arched window' and enjoy this lovely view from Portmeirion.





Have a good day all.


Bungle Polly

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  • RMweb Premium

Bright sun and shadows this morning!!!!!!!!!!!


Yesterday was foul weather.

The waves were boiling on the North Coast.

(Photo's never seem to capture the immensity of the sea)




We watched them at the other end in Llanfairfechan.  They were so heaped up.  Hate to imagine what they're like when it's really bad...

Thanks for posting photo, DD.  Guess who didn't think of taking any.  Doh...


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  • RMweb Gold

Morning all,


Good start here today with that nice piece of video of one of my favourite pieces of railway from Dom and i'm busy trying toi think of a number to go with Polly's pic above (if I've identified the place correctly).


We too have sunshine ay present but the key task to day is filling up the money pit, sorry diesel tank, on the car to make sure I'm prepared for the early trip to Railex tomorrow - look forward to seeing Ed if he can make it and no doubt others of the RMweb parish will be there en mass. 


Have a good day folks.

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  • RMweb Gold

Good Morning All,


Sunshine at last, 12C & climbing. Hooray!


On the downside this means that "We need to do some gardening!"  Also "Your car looks dirty"! Also "The washing machine is making a noise"!




Have a nice day especially if you're doing something to do with railways!



Edited by grandadbob
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  • RMweb Gold

   Also "Your car looks dirty"! Also "The washing machine is making a noise"!



Even the chaps who offer car washing services at the local supermarkets don't ask about mine anymore. Mine is clean inside apart from the dog infested area and that gets cleaned if we are using the boot for non canine transport. The outside gets muddy every day (except in drought times). I expect the new Fiesta (coming next week?) will be required to be kept clean. 


Washing Machine queries. At one time I may have mentioned they are meant to make some noise but Aditi is now quite good at spotting inappropriate mechanical noises from the washing machine. Though last time it caused to announce that (after watching YouTube videos about drum and bearing replacement) that it was an uneconomic repair. The new one probably has a longer warranty than I do (and it is very quiet!)

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  • RMweb Gold

I have returned from the walk with Robbie. He found some stagnant water in the abandoned allotments to paddle in. He has been washed and is happily damp in the utility room now. We are off to the garden centre for bags of somethin to spread on the garden. It can't possibly make the car smell worse!


While I am waiting I decided I would sort out why the Mac mini I use to make my television smart refused to recognise my network attached storage (NAS) drive unlike every other computer in the house. Now sorted and I can look at all the photos and videos on the big telly without plugging the camera in now. I suspect the problem was that the NAS drive didn't have an Apple logo. Sometimes I worry that I seem to be getting more stupid but little successes like the computer make me happy.


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  • RMweb Gold

Afternoon all.


A quiet day, we've got rid of the kids to their Dad's for a couple of days :dancer:  so I'm playing on line WW2 games !


Went out and photographed Tangmere (here) but now getting my trigger finger ready.


Hope everyone has a pleasant and relaxing day.

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Morning all


As others, we seem to have wall to wall sunshine today. Unfortunately I can't take advantage by going walking as I seem to have pulled something or tweaked something in my calf muscle. it's been bugging me for nearly a fortnight now. It eases up a bit when I rest it, or overnight, but as soon as I walk on it, it's back to square one.


This afternoon, I am told, I am going to look at wedding cars. At one point it was going to be wedding horses and carts so I guess I should be thankful for small mercies.

One for you Bod we used to get our coals A'la carte, cul de sac.not off them sunnerland folk. (we knew them as blastys) on a bike. I always used to think one leg would be more muscular than another and they would walk in a big arc

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  • RMweb Gold

(we knew them as blastys)


Yes, and that plank that had to be crossed on the path down the cliff side.......


And talking of sex of coal, I can remember (just) when the whole load was just dumped in the back street and had to be loaded into the coal house through the wooden hatch. By the time I moved to secondary school we were posh, we had coke.

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  • RMweb Premium

Afternoon All


Been rather nice here all day - and I was up quite early, as the puppy woke at about 6 - had to take her for one of her periodic checkups at Vet's (they are trying to decondition her to a bad experience at twelve weeks, when she had a bad ear, and the examination was painful - ever since she's associating the vet with pain) so we go there now just for her to play in the consulting room and to be fussed by the staff and given treats - her other fear is of being on the consultation table, so we now put a few dog treats up on the table to make it more pleasant for her.  The therapy is working, as the last twice she's been there, she ran to get in.


Went out for the morning, and not sure whether to treat ourselves to Higginsons' (Grange Over Sands) or Drake and Macefield (Skipton) pies - HIgginsons won today, but a planned trip to Skipton on Bank Holiday Monday may well result in a little diversion as there is a diesel to steam changeover on a Cumbrian Mountain Express at Hellifield just about the time that we'll be passing - and we couldn't drive past that, could we.


30747 wants me to use the computer now for "sensible" things like finding a car boot for tomorrow, so I guess it's

Regards to All


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