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  • RMweb Gold

It looks like I'm off to Irvine, Ca for a couple of weeks soon.


Time for some rail fanning US style, wonder if I'll be Ok hiring a ladder out there ?


Be careful how you go - their ladders might be left hand drive.

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  • RMweb Gold

It looks like I'm off to Irvine, Ca for a couple of weeks soon.


Time for some rail fanning US style, wonder if I'll be Ok hiring a ladder out there ?

I nearly got to California this year. I said I'd meet Matthew wherever he went to in the US in February. He had a list including California. He chose Texas, so that is where we went! We have been invited a number of times to visit one of Aditi's uncles who lives in California. However whenever we say we will go he leaves the country. I think he is inviting us to keep Aditi's Mum happy but making sure we don't actually go. 

I saw lots of pickup trucks in Texas with ladders . I think they were gardeners though not rail-fans!

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  • RMweb Premium

Currently I have sleet ... summer is here at last.


Mick McManus passed away yesterday, another character from my yoof gone - soon be me !

Awwww....Don't say that...  vote of sympathy.... :tender:


.....especially if you're planning a few stunts....erm....word of warning?   :jester:  


It looks like I'm off to Irvine, Ca for a couple of weeks soon.


Time for some rail fanning US style, wonder if I'll be Ok hiring a ladder out there ?


If you do go, have a good time and enjoy the railroad...

Oh.  And some pics, please.   :sungum:


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Cajon Pass should be a fairly easy drive I think. Carries the BNSF southern transcon - mostly double track but some triple track, 90 trains per day approx (70 BNSF, 20 UP). Most of them will be 1.2 mile long Intermodal Double Stacks.


Closer to "home" Irvine has it's own Amtrak Station. Irvine is south of Anaheim and San Diego.


I think you'll have a good time. A lot of Brits, once they have experienced the California lifestyle at first hand, do not want to go home....


Best, Pete.

Edited by trisonic
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  • RMweb Premium

Morning all...


Nippy indeed - just turned up those radiators as well! I've a feeling that Tierra del Fuego shouldn't be too different at this time of year, as per the calendar...




Cajon Pass should be a fairly easy drive I think. Carries the BNSF southern transcon - mostly double track but some triple track, 90 trains per day approx (70 BNSF, 20 UP). Most of them will be 1.2 mile long Intermodal Double Stacks.


Closer to "home" Irvine has it's own Amtrak Station. Irvine is south of Anaheim and San Diego.


The San Diego Trolley and BART systems would be two items I'd be much interested in as well! Perhaps one day...been wanting to visit my uncle in California for some time, after all...

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Morning all, North Wales is cold and dull (just like January). I was freezing cold up at Llyn Alwen yesterday evening despite having all the thermal layers,I even managed to catch some fish so won't starve. Have a good one-Simon 

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  • RMweb Gold

Good Morning ER Land,


Dull,dreary.grey,miserable & that's just me!  :(


Weather is the same but raining,breezy & 6oC. Rain will persist throughout the day with possible addition of hail & thunder! When will the summer start?


Felt like going back to bed after taking Chris to work but that would be lazy :lazy: so here I am.


Time for another cuppa "Rosy"



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Good morning all,  


Not much to report on from here, eventually got my dead laptop back , working.....now just to get all my other stuff back on it.


I had to visit a potential client in Apapa docks yesterday, it was good to see that some of the rail lines in the docks were being reinstated....dont know what the traffic will be though.


What ever you're up to to day try and enjoy something.



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Global warming my a*se!!


Cold wet miserable. Last year I'd switched off the central heating at the end of Feb. This year its still on and kicking in at night since its soooooo blooooody cooooold.

Apart from a few warmish days we've had 16 straight weeks of below average temps.

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Morning all.  Happy Empire Day!  


Those were the days.....:-)


Decided all the angst in the world is down to the media.  Every story reported was bigged up in terms of emotional involvement.  "This must be a big worry" was applied to several items. No it's not a 'big worry', just something to think about, decide what to do and get on with life.  Why do all these things have to be amplified so much?  No wonder people are strung up these days.


On the downside, SiL lost his job yesterday.  Totally out of the blue.  Poor lad is still in shock, but a minor setback compared to others.  Hopefully he'll get fixed up again soon.  Mrs S and I spent a while talking about the job security we had and how no one worried about losing their job and slept soundly at night.  What a world for youngsters.  Exciting at times, but oh so fragile....

Edited by gordon s
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  • RMweb Premium

Morning all from sunny Hampshire where it is currently overcast.


Spotted this in the news this morning. Apparently, Blessed aren't the cheese makers! I think perhaps they should also investigate the dairy farmers who supply the cheese makers who supply the cheese rollers? You just can't be too careful! 


BBQ planned for tomorrow, so apologies in advance for the deluge.


Wondering at what point to mention to SWMBO that her mother is coming to stay for the weekend. Maybe when they "bump" into each other in town in about 2 hours time. :jester: 


Have a good one everybody. Andy 

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Yes, probably better than bumping into each other in the bathroom.


True words, Gordon.

Hope Son in Law gets fixed up soon.

I must admit that I've heard the words "this country's gone to the dogs" very often recently.

Just more grist to the 'Backlash' mill.


I expect we all know people who have been severely impacted by the new Social Payments legislation.

One in particular of which I'm aware is a near retirement lady who has multiple serious health problems and can't function without massive help.

She has to turn up for 'Training for Work' every fortnight - or "lose her benefit" - a phrase she is threatened with in every letter and 'phone call.

As part of her problem is centred in the mind, all this is worsening her condition.

Meanwhile, I'm aware of physically fit people (two in the village) who have free cars, tax, tyres etc., and a life of Reilly on DLA/Attendance Allowance.

Not much I can do to help.

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  • RMweb Gold


The dull wet and cold weather has got nothing to do with global warming. I bought some new garden furniture at the beginning of the month. 


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  • RMweb Gold

Morning all.


Dull but no rain down here today.


Gordon's words ring true, I was explaining to the kids the other day that hard work and getting good results, whilst not guaranteeing everything in life is more likely to open doors than close them. When their mum and I were starting out in the work environment it was a case of Which job shall I have ? rather than Will I ever get a job ?


Irvine might be late June.


Have a good day all

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We were thinking about those days when were in our late 20's/early 30's.  Just bought our houses.  Holidays or should I say THE holiday was in the UK or perhaps a package to Spain. Socialising was a pint or two in the pub and whilst I knew of my mates jobs, that subject never came into conversation.  We all had jobs, earned similar salaries and job security was taken as a given, so there was nothing to discuss.  We talked about sport and life in general and everything was upbeat, although oh so much simpler.


Right now everyone seems strung out by 24hr working days with instant access and information overload.  Few have real job security and the media blow everything up, so no wonder people are so wound up about life and stressed out...

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Global warming my a*se!!


Anybody remember Global Cooling?!?  There was almost equal hysteria that we were going to be entering the next ice age.


On the subject of jobs, I absolutely agree with you Gordon.  At the Interview for my last job, I was given all sorts of stuff about how secure working for that company was, how I could expect to work for them until I retired and so on.  That job lasted just over five years until the parent company shut us down and made us all redundant.  My current job is great, and safer than many, but my future is by no means assured.  I would love to stay here until I retire - but whether that will be possible or not remains to be seen.  (Indeed, whether I will even be able to retire by the time I get to retirement age (currently 67) is in question)


My father worked for the same company from the time he left school, until the time he retired.  Something that is pretty much unheard of these days.


Last night, I was reading "Heyday of the Warships" which is great photo album, with (as you would expect) many shots of the Dawlish sea wall.  One of the things that really struck me was the number of people packing the beaches on their Summer holidays - plus, many shots of "Saturday Specials".


The pace of life was definitely slower in the 70s and 80s, but then there is probably a certain amount of the "Rose tinted spectacles" effect at work too!

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