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  • RMweb Gold

My brother has organised everything. We have tried our best to make it "as she would have wished" but these wishes were always very vague as it wasn't something my mother wanted to talk about. She wouldn't make a will for instance so we have had to interpret everything from hints and comments about other people's funerals. Although my mother lived in Droitwich the funeral will be in South Birmingham as this will be easier for her remaining elderly brother and other relations to get to. The funeral is departing from my uncle's house. Last time I went there was the day Kennedy was assassinated so I've had to use Google Street view to see if I can park outside. No use asking my uncle, he is deaf but I'm not sure he realises so Google was easier than shouting over the phone.



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Thinking of you today Tony. A sad occasion, but also good to see all those people for whom your mother meant so much....


Railway is probably off limits, other than sitting down track building. It's akin to someone sticking a knife in my knee when I have to crawl under the boards on all fours.


Did anyone else see that brilliant folding plug this morning? Why didn't I think of it.....rolleyes.gif



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  • RMweb Premium

Morning - yukky cloudy threatened rainy morning here, but temperature seems to have improved a great deal now, and with a bit of luck the council will now refill the grit box in our road, which has been empty since Chrismas.


As to use it or lose it, I know when you're a bit advanced in years, how quickly muscles can deteriorate. I was strapped up for five weeks (off and on) and some of the exercises that I have been given are to strengthen the muscles which I was not using - the first time we tried this, I was asked to lie on the couch, and the physio lifted my arm to about 45 degrees, then told me to gently lower it back to the resting position, let go of the arm (keeping her had below it) and despite my best effort, the arm just fell back loosely to the couch - it took several days of repeating this before the muscle was operative at all - so yes, there is a very strong element of fact in this.


Tony - hope all goes well with your mum's funeral - it will be a quite difficult day for you and your family - it's hard to relate the person you knew and loved to the event - I know, I've been there with my dad, and it was a very hard thing to come to terms with - but it does happen over time.


May check in from home over the next couple of days, but may not, as hoping to visit York (not NRM, but yes, Monks Bar Models probably) on my days off.


Regards to all, and happy Guiness - my Irish bevy of choice is an Irish single malt whiskey (like Tyrconnell or Connemara) - very smooth and make an interesting change to the Scottish varieties.


Happy hump day as well...


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Afternoon all! Tried posting last night and my post vanished into the either between me typing it and it appearing. Never mind!


Can't remember what I was saying anyway!


Work's gone from being quiet and dull to manic and interesting, typically at the same time that I need to take time off to look after Jamie...


Was in Gatehouse of Fleet for business - facilitating a workshop on the Scottish Land Use Strategy. Did another one today, but I'm not doing the remaining 9 due to other work commitments.

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Good morning everybody.

Gordon, I hope the knees and back are better.

It's much coler than it has been. I even thought of donning a jersey for the drive to work but decided that my jacket was sufficient.

Dd, any progress on the track geometry issue?


Happy Thursday.

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Thanks Don. I guess I'm starting to realise you have to accept some limitations as you get older. Probably a lack of exercise didn't help, so I'll have to start thinking about walking more or even getting the bike out of the shed and made roadworthy once again. Gym's are not for me. Far too many young distractions, which make you feel even more past it.....smile.gif


Just over a week to the Ally Pally show and the ER's/RMWeb meet up. Looking forward to seeing you guys again..icon_thumbsup2.gif




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Morning All,


It appears to be a nice morning over here. It is quite clear and I think the sun will be shining when it rises. Shame I am stuck in software tests all day!


I am currently feeling a little frustrated. I spent almost three hours last night trying to get the radius arm bracket on my Mini to line up with the subframe. Oh, the joys of a handbuilt car! It would appears that all the tolerances are just a little bit the wrong way.


Then, just to add insult to injury, I find the tax office have screwed up again :angry:


Still - could be worse. I have a lot to be thankful for.


Have a good day everyone :icon_wave:

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  • RMweb Premium

Morning all!


Looks pleasant outside - sun is rising as I speak. Supposed to be 16° today - I hope it'll be nice on Saturday, too, what with the excursion! :)


Well - have a good day!

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Don: Not had too much time to deal with Track geometry.

Once I have a list of the bits I need, I'll set off and buy them.


It seems simple to me in my head but the bits won't fit together in real life.

All I need is to take a straight off a circle.

Slightly confused by the curved rails being referred to in radius terms and the turn-out are just 'small medium and large'.


Gordon: I once met a charming Polish girl at a Gym.

I wasn't riding my bike at the time.

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Guest Blackdog

The weatherman says it is supposed to be bright sunshine this morning. That’s another one they have wrong.


Spent yesterday painting the living room, only to be told it was the wrong colour; Oh well guess I will be doing it again today :D

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  • RMweb Gold

Good morning.


Rather dull sky but not cold here.


Everything went as planned at the funeral yesterday. We got home later than expected so I'm a bit tired. Matthew has a day off (careers day for lower sixth students) college fortunately but I think he is planning to meet friends in Southend later.

I'm not sure what I'll be doing today apart from taking Robbie for a walk and later on cooking some dinner. My wife did make a few suggestions as she left for work. The key words that stuck were swimming, pork and Stratford.



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Mornng all! Had an early start this morning to get across to Glasgow to look after Jamie while Paula does a day at work. Jamie very spotty in places. Feeling happy as Jamie's in a good mood despite the chickenpox and because Chris Evans is playing some great tracksthis morning!


One minor frustration was that Sarah Kennedy wasn't on Dawn Patrol today, it was Aled Jones instead. I'm sure I'll live... :)

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  • RMweb Premium

Morning All, Bright one with hardly an okta in sight. Having replaced the battery in my car and got that sorted out it's now MOT day for the people/layout mover. Why is it with cars they all seem to need something doing one after the other? Need to get the ticket for this one as the tax is due for renewal and that definitely needs doing before our dear chancellors stands up in the house. Got caught by that one a few years back and the tax on two cars cost me £250 extra overnight!




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  • RMweb Gold

Many years ago I painted the bathroom walls in the colour my wife chose. It was still the "wrong colour". Perhaps I shouldn't have described it as "public lavatory green". It took many coats of white to cover up the wrong colour. Our present house has predominantly "magnolia" as the preferred colour. Ceilings are "Almond White" which is best described as white with a hint of magnolia.



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One minor frustration was that Sarah Kennedy wasn't on Dawn Patrol today, it was Aled Jones instead. I'm sure I'll live... :)


That brings back memories! Driving to work listening to Steak and Kidney.


Haven't done that for over a decade.

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