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Early Risers.


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  • RMweb Gold

Mrs BoD wants to 'do a cruise' and as she's humoured me often in the past I fear that I will have to grin and bear it. To be honest people who I know who have been on a cruise have been positive about the experience. I'm still not convinced it is for me but one day soon I will find out.


How formal are these things? Or can you pick and choose these days?

I didn't fancy the cruise thing due to the possibility of formal nights but Aditi really wanted to go so it didn't seem too much of a hardship to tolerate, Matthew had a dinner suit anyway (students do more formal stuff now than I ever did). On a 16 day cruise there were 5 formal nights. If you didn't want to eat in your normal restaurant on those occasions the self service restaurant or room service dining was an option. This was on P&O. Other cruise lines are more or less formal. On Cunard ships we were told that dining tables were organised by class of cabin. Apart from the formal dress evenings, I don't think it was otherwise very formal. One of the Greek monasteries we visited had a fairly strict dress code for female visitors. 

It was the first holiday we had that I felt I didn't need another holiday afterwards to recover from (ie, somebody else was doing the driving). My brother has been on some cheaper cruises and has experienced some of the popular problems associated with cruises, like lack of sun loungers, dodgy air con, inability to dock at port of call. I would go again but to somewhere else, perhaps the eastern Med or the Scandinavia and Iceland cruise. When we boarded someone asked if we had cruised with P&O before. Aditi said she had in 1959 from Bombay to Tilbury but I don't think that was what they meant!

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  • RMweb Gold

 ... New Haven Neil and I would arrive in starched boiler suits. :sungum:   :stinker:

I wondered if there would be tours of the working parts of the ship. There were not. We did go on a galley tour which was interesting (and free!).

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  • RMweb Gold

Mrs BoD wants to 'do a cruise' and as she's humoured me often in the past I fear that I will have to grin and bear it. To be honest people who I know who have been on a cruise have been positive about the experience. I'm still not convinced it is for me but one day soon I will find out.


How formal are these things? Or can you pick and choose these days?

This was or 'cruise' ship last year proper job cruising where we did get to visit the engine room, and the Bosun's Store as well as the bridge (the latter whenever we liked so I spent most of my time there during the week).  Accommodation for 12 passengers, although there were only 7 of us onboard, with 2 stewards and a chef to look after us; 3 meals a day with choice only for breakfast but usually a buffet lunch; no entertainment provided except jigsaws and a few maps and charts; port of embarkation advised one week before departure; itinerary totally unknown in advance (but I did guess part of it); no shore excursions unless you were lucky (we went to Lundy Island as it turned out; port of disembarkation known in advance but subject to change; lots of interesting things to look at provided the ship did the right things although we barely got out of the Bristol Channel.  Not cheap - a trip with P&O for what we paid would have got you a good 3-4 week voyage and as far as the Red Sea - but it was superb.  


Here's the ship and below is the view from the bridge entering Milford Haven at 22.30 at night -






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  • RMweb Gold

We returned from dinner one night to find an elephant in our cabin. Not a real one fortunately. Creative towel folding seems to a requirement for cabin staff. 

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  • RMweb Gold

We have never been attracted to a cruise. Not really our sort of thing. When young (and poor) camping was usually our choice later keeping Ducks and Geese we never went away. After that we had first a caravan then a motorhome for a short period until the in-laws needs interferred. Now we have another Motorhome. The two of us (plus two dogs) in our on little mobile home suits the idea of being with a those people in a floating city doesn't suit besides I think the dogs would miss the smells of the woods. When my Dad got so he couldn't walk about much they went on a few cruises which enable Mum to see and do things while Dad took it easy. He had served on an Aircraft carrier during the war rather a different form of cruising. Still each to their own.


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Morning all,  


Busy day ahead, what with the move & hopefully the commissioning team putting the final touches to the plant so that we can start giving power to the brewery from Monday......


Whatever you're up to today, try and enjoy some of it.



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  • RMweb Premium

Morning all...


Looking fairly dull outside, but expected to turn sunny by the afternoon before a new rain front with possible t-storms is expected to move in tonight. It's also expected to stay over Whitsun, so I'm not sure whether I'll be able to have a look at the railfest that's taking place in the next town...

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  • RMweb Gold

Good Morning All,


Dry but dull at the moment & 9oC, should be sunny periods later.


We've been on one cruise for a week in the Med on a small ship by today's standards (24000T).  Only 1 formal night which we avoided. I really enjoyed it and would do it again - Chris didn't & wouldn't! Mind you - she would get seasick on the Serpentine. :yes:


Today we're taking the grandchildren to a "Party in the Park". This is a take your own picnic type of thing organised by the local Neighbourhood Watch in aid of a local hospice. There will be various stalls, a fire engine & a police dog (hopefully with his handler).*  SiL (who is a kids sports coach) will be there with his team promoting his wares.


* With reference to police dogs a family friend who many years ago was a local copper told us that one of the dogs at Sutton Nick terrified all the local bobbies. :scared:

In his career it was "alleged" that he bit more of them than the villains he came across! 


Have a great day,





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  • RMweb Gold

Morning all

The overnight rain failed to show so it looks like we shall be watering the patches where we have scattered grass seed and there is also a garage wall to plaster. Enjoy all your train shows.


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  • RMweb Premium

Morning all from sunny Hampshire. Village BBQ last night with band to help proceedings along. The band played in the style of Madness. Or as SWMBO pointed out - "It seems to be the same song all the time, just different words." Anyway, she seems to be a tad muzzy-headed this morning.   


Bought another plant yesterday due to the horticultural success so far in burying other photosynthetic lifeforms. My neighbour asked what it was called. "Plant Number 4, left hand border" seems to describe it best.  


Hoping to round off an extremely busy week at work with some time on my layout this afternoon. Or I could decorate the bathroom. 


Anyone Eurovisioning tonight? 



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  • RMweb Gold

Morning, Grey and 10c this morning, not sure whats happening today, orders will be issued shortly methinks.


Just been reading about the train crash in the states, thankfully it seems no fatalities.


Have a good day whatever your up to.

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  • RMweb Gold

Morning all.


Having an easy day today, I have a touch of man flu, running very hot and feeling very tired all the time but there is an HST through the local area later so I will have to "force" myself out for that.


A dull and gloomy day, which suits me as the air is cool, helping me to stay at least partially alert - I have to be alert as Britain is short of lerts.


Have a good day all.

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DD's Cruise Tips:


Avoid 'fancy' dinner suits. Plain black is best.

I've often had to wear such things so I feel comfortable in them but, if you prefer casual, avoid formal meals where you will feel out of place.


Tip the steward (say, £10) at the start. This should produce improved service. It doesn't help to tip at the end although extra duties should be rewarded.


Rather than pay for expensive day trips, find a taxi driver who will show you the sights at a pre-arranged price.

Avoid those pulled by bullocks.


Ask one of the Officers to see on the bridge. They can only say 'No' but it is fascinating if successful.

I once got a fabulous camcorder shot zooming from a blip on the screen to the actual vessel concerned about 4 miles ahead.


I find that the 'entertainment' is generally of Butlins type standard (with exceptions). The entertainers often have more than one role on the boat.

The dancer who took my picture for the on board 'passport' was not amused to be asked if the photographer was dancing that night.


There is no such thing as a cheap cruise.

Expect to spend your childrens' inheritance.


More if you would like it.

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  • RMweb Premium

wet and grey today


Cricket could be interesting to say the least.


Can't imagine going on a cruise unless we return to narrowboat based holidays. How do these very tall cruise ships behave in a high wind if the stabilisers go U/s??

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  • RMweb Gold

I think I would rather poke myself in the eye with a sharp stick & try to watch paint dry whilst walking barefoot on red hot coals!



That's impressive.

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  • RMweb Gold

Thanks DD and others.

Would have awarded an informative and funny at the same time if I could have done?




DD's Cruise Tips:

.....avoid formal meals where you will feel out of place.


Can one avoid formal?

I tend to avoid formal if I can.

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  • RMweb Gold

I was grateful for Dd's guide to cruising before we went. Tipping the room steward at the beginning seemed to work. We got very nice towel sculptures throughout the voyage. P&O try to make the experience as cash free as possible handing out an ID card which also acts as a chargecard, though cash seemed perfectly acceptable to waiters as a tip.


We didn't go to any of the entertainment. I'll take Dd's word about it being Butlins style. Matthew went to a couple of late night comedy shows but said they were mainly people doing impressions of  "celebs" of whom he was unaware. There were courses and activities going on at "sea days". Lots of bridge and ballroom dancing. The lectures were by some retired policeman about all the crimes he had been involved with in Essex. Didn't bother with those. I'm sure he was getting a good discount on his cruise but Essex isn't Midsomer. We had a nice cabin with a balcony so in between meals and having a stroll round the deck we would sit there and watch the world go by. The ship was very steady. When it had to head towards Malta at full speed for a medical emergency it was still stable but we were aware that it sounded a bit different.


If (when) we repeat the experience I would follow the advice about organised tours. As it was our first time and also our first visit to some countries we signed up for quite a few. Not Venice though as we did our own thing there having been a few times before. No bullocks were utilised.

Edited by Tony_S
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  • RMweb Gold



Can one avoid formal?

I tend to avoid formal if I can.

I would prefer to do as well but Aditi thought it sounded quite nice. Once we had got over the stress of helping her choose a few posh frocks (Matthew said he didn't recall ever seeing his Mum wearing a dress) it all was OK. Aditi and another diner on our table had both got the same dress. They were amused about the coincidence.

If you take a small child you could always go to Noddy's Afternoon Tea.

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  • RMweb Gold

 . How do these very tall cruise ships behave in a high wind if the stabilisers go U/s??

Don't know but one of the waiters was telling us that sometimes the Bay of Biscay weather can be a bit lively for some passengers. Aditi still recalls her 1959 crossing in a ship without stabilisers.

When we called at Split it seemed very calm until were taken ashore in ships lifeboats. I was rather interested that the ship didn't anchor it just stayed in position using its thruster thingies. I'm sure last year one of Dd's advisories concerned early morning on the ship. The port arrivals seemed to be timed for before breakfast and I was interested at just how different each docking was. Being on board something that big parking between a Greek ferry and a Croatian warship was fascinating, as was seeing turtles removing themselves slowly out of the way. So different to Southend! 

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