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[quote name="BoD" post="1038660" timestamp=

I'm playing Dad's Taxi this morning and doing an airport run...... and I thought like would get easier once they left home.


But, in my experience, they never do fully leave! All three of ours have spent some time at home since graduating. A few years in one case. Now they're in their thirties, they are more independent, apart from needing the odd bail out from the Bank of Mum & Dad!

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  • RMweb Gold

Uneventful trip to the airport. Roads were very quiet.

Pulled into drop off area no problem.

There for all of thirty seconds.

Charged to get out.

I just don't believe it.

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  • RMweb Gold

Most definitely a Meldrew moment.

It was Newcastle Airport.

They are off to South West Ireland for a couple of weeks.

A most beautiful area I have been told.

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Best wishes, Ed.

Good luck, Gordon and others struggling with health matters.


I have a case of the On Wees at present.


Just over 30 minutes in the Manchester Airport 'Pick Up' Car Park cost £5 last weekend, BoD.

I defy anyone to have done what was needed in less time with elderly arrivals.

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  • RMweb Premium

Morning all...


Ed, I do hope your docs will come up with a suitable alternative treatment. I'm sorry to hear you've run into additional difficulties.


Feeling quite wrung out this a.m. myself – have been since yesterday, as a matter of fact. Albert just dropped on his side for a nap, so perhaps I should follow his example!

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  • RMweb Gold

Morning all.


Sorry to hear of your troubles Ed and Gordon.

I dont do exercise it seems a waste of time. I do go for about three walks a day with the dogs a minimum of three hours walking but I don't consider that exercise. I am usually busy doing all sotrs of work which seems to involve lifting things or stretching (try plastering a wall for that). I do have a sweet tooth and eat more sugary things than I probably should but I also eat a lot of salad stuff and vegetables so while I am a little overweight I don't worry too much. A friend tells me that exercise needs to be strenuous enough to cause your heartrate to rise. Oddly he does a lot of strenuous cycling but always seems to have health problems. When I was in Minehead part of the daily walk climbed 800ft in half a mile but if you do that daily you get used to it and are just breathing a bit heavier. One of the dogs Lockie did plod a bit but it turned out she had a heart condition. Mind you one sniff of a Pheasant in the heather and the hill was forgotten. My advice to anyone in need of exercise is to get a dog you are obliged to go out even in the worst weather, spend time in the fresh air and get love and affection all of which is good for your health.


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Weather not very spring-like now here in Gruffland. Large chicken already in oven in preparation for a GruffAsian fusion dish with coconut, onions, ginger, coriander and lemon to be taken to to the land of the Little Gruffs later.


Have to take son into London tomorrow morning as he needs to collect a tour bus for transporting an unknown-to-me band on a short UK tour for next week. They stay in hotels now and don't meet in motorway service areas anymore Pete!


Why do I have so much to do when the baseboard materials are screaming to be assembled?

Edited by Gruffalo
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  • RMweb Gold

Morning all.

Lovely day here (so far).

We are off to Enfield today. We have volunteered to powerwash MiL's patio/balcony . Aditi's brother is staying there this weekend; he accompanies his Mum to see her accountant every three months, so he may currently be may be still recovering from that, I'm glad it isn't our job to do financial stuff. Our niece Maya will be there too. She is just over 10 months old now and is crawling about a lot.


If we can get organised in time I'll take Aditi via the big Ford car dealer in Dunton. She has got used to the idea of getting a new (new to us, not brand new) vehicle. 

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Morning all.

Lovely day here (so far).

We are off to Enfield today. We have volunteered to powerwash MiL's patio/balcony . Aditi's brother is staying there this weekend; he accompanies his Mum to see her accountant every three months, so he may currently be may be still recovering from that, I'm glad it isn't our job to do financial stuff. Our niece Maya will be there too. She is just over 10 months old now and is crawling about a lot.


If we can get organised in time I'll take Aditi via the big Ford car dealer in Dunton. She has got used to the idea of getting a new (new to us, not brand new) vehicle.


Take your time Tony. It took me 3 months to find the present car (alfa romeo) and 2 months for the previous one (that was a specific model mondeo). Looking at the weather today, an open window and the vehicle fan will be as good as airconn. I think you can still get bandages to muffle noisy exhausts - all to give you a little more time to make the decision. I am expecting to go through the trauma soon as MG is muttering about changing her car.

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Morning all. Sunny but cool in the boring borough. 10c according to the nice man in Erith that runs his own weather station and puts it up on the interwebby thing. http://www.bobhewitt.co.uk/pictures/WeatherDisplay/


Ed, sorry to hear about the non-starter repair work. Hopefully the stents will be a suitable alternative. I've also been told that if my plumbing needs surgery that I'll have to shed tonnage too. I've come to the realisation that we all run out of factory warranty around 45 years of age. Meh!


Kids never do really leave do they? Mine came back like a boomerang. No job and nearly 2 1/2 years of searching. Hundreds of applications, Job Seekers training and "job club", NVQ courses. Its hard to watch the effects on him.


Pensions, oh dear. We're basically screwed. Most of what we have in Canada has had 0% growth in the past 10 years. 2 of my former employers had gone bust sinking the pension plans with them. That was about 3/4 of what I had for 25 years work. We basically started from scratch 10 years ago. Along with the contribution from my employer I'm now putting 20% of my annual base into their plan. If we're really lucky I may be able to retire at 70.


On the upside, its Saturday and I've got parole to spend the whole day in the shed working on the layout.

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In that case Tony don't spend a long time at the Vauxhall garage one sit will be enough. Ford and Volvo are miles in front Citroen might be one to consider?

I had a Vauxhall Agila for a couple of days as a courtesy car, and cannot understand how they sell any of them. Agile it ain't, and it is probably the most uncomfortable POS car (apart from a Citroen "Deux Chevaux"!!!) that I have ever driven! Steer WELL clear! Edited by shortliner
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  • RMweb Gold

Morning all


Sun is out - but an hour or so ago it was raining quite hard.


In our Kent days I would be up at 6 during the week, walking dog/s for 20 minutes, then back to make tea, breakfast in bed for Deb, shower and gone by 7. Often had a walk round London at lunchtime, too. I have put on half a stone in the last ten years, and although I lost a bit last Autumn for obvious reasons, it's back on now. Almost 11 stone!


Getting comfy in a car is really almost the most important issue. It avoids backache etc and helps you to be alert and a safer driver, perhaps. Drove a Peugeot 206 a number of times in the UK - never was comfortable.


Would like to get in the garden today, but damp grass is not worth cutting.


Enjoy your weekend, everyone.

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  • RMweb Gold

Good Morning All,


Another dull dismal start to the day, 9oC & rain forecast. Not much change there then.


Whilst sitting here rain has now started!


Got absolutely nothing of interest to say, no trivia & not even any drivel,


Have a good day,



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  • RMweb Gold

We have had to buy a couple of cars in a hurry before and we were quite lucky. The worst two we ever had were gifts so I didn't complain or act in any ungrateful manner. I did tactfully try and explain to MiL and FiL that there was very little evidence of the service work on the copious records they presented with the vehicles ever having been done. 


Ian. I am now most interested in the comfort of a car. I do really like the Freelander for its comfort. Mine doesn't have running boards so it is a bit of a stretch for Aditi to climb in. The Jeep Liberty we had in Canada was even more difficult for her to get in though she had no trouble driving it. 


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  • RMweb Gold

It was sunny here earlier with a lovely sunrise.

It's now raining and very blustery.

A good day for marking the pile of exam papers sitting on the table.

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  • RMweb Gold

Morning, Wet and grey outside although the wind has calmed down.


Have I missed him or has Don B not posted for a couple of days?


Otherwise not a lot to report/comment on at the mo.


Enjoy the day everyone.

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  • RMweb Premium

Morning all, sunny again here, following overnight rain. 


Back from a trip to the Midlands on business. Was hoping to take the team out for a beer at the Kind and Castle at SVR but as things worked out we worked late into the night on some new tooling. Bit tired now!


Got home to a quote from one of our component suppliers who has put his prices up by 246% in 12 months. Time to move our tooling, methinks! I'm getting the impression that when new management take over the incoming youngsters feel that as customers we are somehow a pot of gold that needs squeezing. Had to send an (hopefully) educational email out this morning explaining that we feel he is taking the p!$$. 


No pension worries for me - my suppliers seem hell bent on finishing me off before I get anywhere close! 


Spent the afternoon with my daughter and her class who were trying out canoeing. Quite breezy and it was funny watching how the wind would take the canoes, completely counteracting any of the canoeists' efforts! Nevertheless, much fun had by all. Daughter's first words were "When can we go canoeing, dad?" Hmm, right after swimming, diving, tennis, cycling, homework, violin... I'll give her one thing, she throws herself into things - especially handy for diving. :)


Anyway, hopefully catch up later with you all. Have a nice day everyone.


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  • RMweb Premium

heavy rain last night - now dry but with heavy cloud....  it had better get clear by 1pm as cricket starts then and I don't do umpiring in the rain!


Finished "Duchess" weathering and posted in my blog so it counts as having been a good week!


Hope you all have a good weekend - 

Barry O

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Ian. I am now most interested in the comfort of a car. I do really like the Freelander for its comfort. Mine doesn't have running boards so it is a bit of a stretch for Aditi to climb in. The Jeep Liberty we had in Canada was even more difficult for her to get in though she had no trouble driving it.


Four out of the five cars that I've owned in the last 20 years have been Fiestas. (The fourth was a Lexus which was my favourite car ever) They score well on comfort, reliability and manoeuvrability. Unexciting but sensible!

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Four out of the five cars that I've owned in the last 20 years have been Fiestas. (The fourth was a Lexus which was my favourite car ever) They score well on comfort, reliability and manoeuvrability. Unexciting but sensible!

Friends swear by (not at) their Lexii. Presently got the CT and it is hard to stop them recommending it!

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