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I was just intending to note what a diverse bunch us ERs have become – now including (former) sailors, too! :good_mini:

I was wondering how many ER's had a direct link to the 12":1' railways. There are quite a few it seems.

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  • RMweb Gold

I was wondering how many ER's had a direct link to the 12":1' railways. There are quite a few it seems.

There was an ex GW branchline at the end of our road. I remember the excitement of the day when the diesel railcar was first used!

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  • RMweb Gold

Good Morning All,


Dry clear sky & sunshine, 9oC with rain & wind to come later.


Didn't get any modelling done yesterday due to unforeseen circumstances so will try again today.


Where is everyone? I'm feeling quite lonely! Was it something I said? :dontknow:





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  • RMweb Premium

Morning all...


Where is everyone? I'm feeling quite lonely! Was it something I said? :dontknow:


I can assure you that in my case, it's plain exhaustion! Think I'll stay in bed for a bit longer as it's a bank holiday after all. It's quite dull outside, too, and looking like more rain'll be due.



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Hi Bob! And anyone else awake now.


A dull, dreary start this morn with rain at times so indoor jobs today although the plan was to treat the decking and boarding below it before planting climbers, duly delivered yesterday. Other newly bought shrubs also await positioning, if the high winds haven't already done that!


Have a good day, everyone!

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Beautiful weather at this moment.

Gales forecast ... and rain.


Two towers made for the castle - well, the shape of them.

I've started a thread on YMR for those that belong.

Still don't know why I couldn't start a workbench thread.

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  • RMweb Gold

Morning, we now have the internet back after a failure at the exchange (apparently) weather well its windy but sunny with rain due mid morning, which is a nuisance as the "garden project"  would have been completed today.


All this talk of ships reminds me when I worked as a youth in a ship brokers which is how at 16 I got my first introduction into German beer! I can recall dealing with a Russian ship (always had someone at the top of the gangplank on guard) where the captain was female and her husband was the Chief Engineer and the coffee was awful.


Have a good day all and hopefully enjoy what your doing.

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  • RMweb Gold

Morning all

Lovely sunny start

Have a good day.

1216025 are you having a bank holiday? I don't think we are, but being retired I do lose track of them.


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  • RMweb Premium

good morning all from a currently sunny Leeds.


Got lots of work weathering to do today,, wagons to weather, some nice locos as well and I am hosting another visit form our double glazing team ( they cracked a replacement unit last week getting it to fit,,,,


Stay fit everyone 


best regards



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Just heard the MSIB from the Liverpool coastguard:


Cyclonic, Force 8, Increasing; Severe Force 9 imminent...... :O


......if you have hatches: `best batten them down!



We`re off out on our beach-walkies a`fore it gets here! :scared:

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I think DD war correct. I tried logging on at 6:40 (my time) could read but neither post nor change pages. Came back from breakfast and logged on straight away and can post. Thank DD. It doesn't solve the problem of logging on early but now I don't get frustrated but just close down and come back later (like now)


Clear blue sky, and although there's no sign of it, 60% possibility of rain forecast. Maybe it's already been. The roads are wet and have puddles. 20C max forecast. Chicken pie for lunch.


Going to look at Peter's castle now!

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Not much to see yet, Don - just started on it.

I've been trying to think of a reason why there would be a full dress band marching along.

Maybe Armistice Day or some notable day in the calendar - or perhaps a local event of some sort.


I've noticed that many uses of this set on layouts don't have any spectators.

Mine will.

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  • RMweb Premium

Morning all from --- you guessed it ---- sunny Hampshire! Gorgeous day today down here, so driving up to Kidderminster later. Doh! 


Modelling work failed yesterday. I was fitting a mechanical point motor to my layout and hadn't appreciated that the depth of the Gaugemaster foam under the track would alter the way my previous point motor design would work (Gormo has a nice thread going on this subject). 


On the plus side I got the weed suppressing mat down and borrowed swmbo's car to go and get gravel to pour on top of it. Starting to look quite smart. Cucumber Telegraph Improved planted and not dead yet.  


Got to dash as it's school run time. 


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  • RMweb Premium

Wet and windy here in the North West corner of Wales.  What more can I say?


For those that have got some  sunshine, enjoy it,  :sungum:  for those that don't, commiserations.  :cry:



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Debs: I have to take SWMBO to the Dentist this morning - 9.30am appointment.

This involves travel along single track lanes lined with trees for 5 miles - a dangerous business in high winds.

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  • RMweb Gold

Morning all


Bright with some sunshine here, also a Banque (pronounced Bonk!) Holiday. Yesterday was a nice-enough day, with the slightest hint of a shower in the evening - despite fluffy innocent white clouds above. But there were some darker ones looming, and it's a bit like that this morning, too.


Yes, Gruff, several of us had careers in the full-size railway - but it doesn't mean we each know it all, by any means. Huge industry with many facets, and although I was involved in operating at one time, Stationmaster knows far more about it than I do, while perhaps I have a slightly better grasp of retail than some. And railway engineers - of which there are at least a handful of quite different disciplines - would each have their own set of skills and knowledge.


Have a good day, everyone!

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  • RMweb Premium

Albert inspecting chair:




I do often wonder what it might be that catches their attention as when they do stand up like this, I usually cannot spot anything that would be of notice to me!

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It was looking like a lovely day at 6 this morning. It is starting to cloud over somewhat now. We must have been busy tidying up over the Bank Holiday weekend as I had to put out rather more rubbish bags than usual this week.


Matthew flies to Ottawa today. Looks as if 21C and thunderstorms are his predicted weather.


Dom. Do bunnies have scent glands on their chest? If so Albert might be marking territory perhaps. 

Robbie has a new game, mugging wood-pigeons. I put any stale breadcrusts (organic, seedy , wholemeal !) on the shed roof. This is supposed to stop Robbie eating the bread. The pigeons take the bread down to ground level to eat at which point Robbie rushes them and takes the bread, looking very pleased with himself! 



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  • RMweb Premium
Dom. Do bunnies have scent glands on their chest? If so Albert might be marking territory perhaps.


They have such glands on their chin. Trude in particular is quite keen to mark all kinds of items, while Albert very rarely does. We like to say that he doesn't because he probably assumes that everything within his sight is his property anyway!

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  • RMweb Premium

I was wondering how many ER's had a direct link to the 12":1' railways. There are quite a few it seems.



Not linked professionally to railways, but voluntarily, yes!


Gruff, they were vertical turbines, but the manufacturer just won't come to mind.  I have blanked it out I think!  The ship was built in Wallsend, had a Sulzer 8RND90 built by Barclay-Curle in Glasgow, Lister-Blackstone Alternators and had two watertube boilers designed by Kawasaki with Kockums combustion control!  A true international mix.  The main engine worked OK, the rest....hmmm.

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I think we will get it next Neil just been reading yours and Debs posts.6.00 this morning it was glorious.Still I'm going home for the weekend so I hope weather is better up there. hopefully I'll get mother out for a run might even go to sand dancer land for fish and chips (proper ones mind) then later get my big sister down Ocean Rd for a proper stonking curry


Edited by simon hudson
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  • RMweb Gold

I was wondering how many ER's had a direct link to the 12":1' railways. There are quite a few it seems.

er yes - altho' only one or two of us on RMweb knew/know each other in the 'professional context and none of us (so far) in ERs altho Ian and seemed to have more than few mutual acquaintances over the years.  Oddly my BR career twice saw me going to sea officially - once to the Hook and back on an 'experience' voyage when the only person who was actually expecting us was the Chief Engineer - and once on a 'learning' trip on a Dover-Dunkerque train ferry.  And rather perversely after leaving the big railway I finished up working on an occasional basis for Lloyd's Register but in their railway dept (and they have just started paying me a pension).


Anyway good morning all,  we are getting some very bright sunshine betwixt the clouds but it is very windy and I understand Tesco beckons in order to rejig the menu for the coming few days after Rob duly announced he will be absent for much of the weekend;  no doubt Waitrose will appear on tomorrow's agenda but I will probably still be excused vacuum cleaning.


Have a good day one & all.

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