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  • RMweb Premium

I was just reading how an 18-year-old motorist who had just passed his driving exam was caught speeding at 218 kph on a 100-kph section of country road. The mind boggles...

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  • RMweb Gold

Is something funny with the timings today some post seem to have been qouted before they were posted? I know there are some clever people on ERs.

Here on the IOW we have about a quarter of a mile of dual carridgeway where you can legally exceed 60mph not that that inhibits the nutters.


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  • RMweb Gold

Evening all - mmm, perhaps I could use that at the start of a TV program,  nah, it wouldn't work.


We had a day out in Cromer yesterday, really enjoyed being at the seaside again, eating ice cream and strolling around hand in hand with my lady, with the kids moaning of course. Yes, I did visit the station and got some photographs.


My son has come down today for a few days, so between that and another one of my stalkers  trying to stir up trouble I'm not much motivated to post on here at the moment, so I'm likely to be quiet for the next week or so.


Hope we all have a good day / days

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  • RMweb Premium

Evening All


Late on parade as I was a true ER this morning - weather finally started to improve and the car load of stuff went to a field (was onsite by six) to be sold - and hey presto quite a bit did, and we got back about two but have been so cream crackered to log on.  In fact, I'm just so exhausted that I'm going to log off and have a kip in the chair.


Regards to All



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DD's Day Out:


Not wanting to waste the sunshine, we went for a Nature Walk around a flooded brick works some 15 miles away.

But first, we stopped at a little café in Rhuddlan to pick up some lunch to take with us.

Two loaves filled with chicken, bacon, melted cheese and BBQ sauce, two large teas - very tasty for under £10.


Swans nesting (extreme zoom):




Blue and white bells:



Immature Herring Gull:



Red Campion:



Snoozing Ducks:



A rare sight these days, a Cowslip:



Ducks nesting:



... and the worst photo' but perhaps the most interesting.

I caught sight of this large terrapin (well over a foot) just before it dived:



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  • RMweb Gold

Having said that I thought I'd better pop outside with the camera - these are all self-seeded, including those in this flower bed at the front!




And closer in for the big clump




And in the 'natural' area we call the back garden (one clump close up plus two smaller clumps further back - enlarge to seethe one on the right, just showing as it's on the reverse slope



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  • RMweb Premium

I was just reading how an 18-year-old motorist who had just passed his driving exam was caught speeding at 218 kph on a 100-kph section of country road. The mind boggles...



It never ceases to amaze me how many young motorists we deal with for traffic offences (speeding, due care, parking the car upside down in a public place etc) who passed their test only a matter of days beforehand.  The record is 3 days, but we deal with many in the first 2 - 10 weeks of their driving careers.  We have instituted an educational programme to deal with them we have so many.  It is legal to drive at 16 here, that doesn't help IMHO!

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One daffodil bloomed here before the end of December but suffered when we had snow then frost. Much of today has looked like November here, although the sun was shining in Torquay, just a few miles away. It was like living on the set of "The Hound of the Baskervilles" with the mist and low cloud swirling around in between occasional clearer moments.


A bit like my head the morning after......!

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  • RMweb Gold

It was like living on the set of "The Hound of the Baskervilles" with the mist and low cloud swirling around in between occasional clearer moments.

ISTR you saying you can see Dartmoor from your house, so the Conan Doyle ref is very relevant!

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Yes - cowslips are very rare here.

They mostly went with the abandonment of traditional fallow fields.

That's the only one I've seen in about three years.


They disappeared at the same time as skylarks.


However, things like wood anemone, wild garlic etc., are prolific.


Very good news is that the Pied Flycatcher seems to be taking up residence in one of the nest boxes.

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  • RMweb Premium

(...) parking the car upside down in a public place etc (...)


If this is what it sounds like to me, you certainly have every reason to get these people off the roads again!

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  • RMweb Gold

I have re-decorated the utility room. I ended up clearing it and doing the painting as Aditi felt her time would be better spent in the garden. I managed to fall off the step stool but didn't spill any paint and it didn't take too long to replace the decorative kitchen cabinet cornice(or whatever the pretty bit at the top is called)  that came away as I fell.


We didn't have a barbecue but did have lunch outside. It was so quiet, everyone else must have gone out! Normally everyone round here stays at home on sunny Bank Holidays to avoid the day-trippers heading towards the delights of a day on the beach at Southend.

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  • RMweb Premium

If this is what it sounds like to me, you certainly have every reason to get these people off the roads again!


Yes, it happens all the time!  They (they being inexperienced young people, or drunk people of all ages!)  corner too fast, lose control, and many roads here have high sod banks to both sides, so the car runs up the bank and then rolls over.  We call this 'parking the car upside down in a public place'  in the office, although we do use real law to prosecute!

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Thanks Tom for making me feel old.I was there in 1973  I was learning to drive at the time, my dads old Beetle so we had a trip to Whitby me knowing there was a steam  weekend   :no:   No pics though. but I seem to remember the J27 running I think N05 and most likely  Mirvale.

Meanwhile I wasted my time today no fish I blanked just a sunburnt head and arms

Edited by simon hudson
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Good morning all, currently on the far west coast of Vancouver Island!  Temps today have been in the mid 20's ©.  


Todays surprises, boat ride ( ferry) and a train ride (3'NG) plus a number of other NG & SG locos....I'm told we'll be visiting another steam museum on Wednesday.


Few photo's from today...



Be good, 





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  • RMweb Gold


Clear and sunny. I think it will be be quite warm later.

At some point today I'll finish off the painting in the utility room.


I wonder if someone at Don's residence turns off the router at night?



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Morning All,


It is a rather damp morning here - it has just started to rain, but I currently have the office window open and it smells lovely and fresh.


Tony could be right, perhaps they do turn the router off - it would certainly make sense as to why Don can't log on.  They don't want people up until all hours surfing :no:


As far as young drivers are concerned.  When I first passed my test, I always thought that young drivers were unfairly singled out.  However, I have since come to learn that experience counts for a lot.  (Although I am no expert driver).  Not all young drivers are a menace, but some clearly are.


Perhaps the UK should consider a probationary period as there is here in Germany.  I am sure Dominik can correct me if I have it incorrect, but you have to stay driving offence free for the first two years, or it's back to Shank's Pony.


Have a good day everyone...

Edited by Robert
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