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  • RMweb Premium

A busy day here at NHN towers, Mrs NHN making use of NHN's steady return to active service....unfortunately.  Re-felted to woodstore roof, using that black inceredibly gooey stuff, we seem to have acquired a lot of it on ourselves thus ensuring we are both waterproof, not sure about the roof though.


I did manage to do some tidying in the garage, but didn't get as far as the layout, which is still burind under the usual detritus.


My pill count is thankfully reducing now, I could have done with one of those sorting things a few months ago, when I was on Tramadol I was half the hat more often than not.  You may have noticed this in my posts back in the winter!  I'm still on anti-inflammatories and some pain relief at night and I also take two blood pressure meds, but it's one in the morning and a different one at night so that isn't too bad really.  Two pills in the morning and two in the evening with our meals, plus the pain relief if I need it at bedtime.

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  • RMweb Premium

Evening All


Back again - went out for the day, and went East - as usual - winding up in Skipton (surprise) but there was some sort of canal-fest on and the town was HEAVING - there was nothing in the model shop that floated my boat, and we got the last two sausage rolls from Drake & Macefield, and went on to somewhere quieter - then I was stunned when I suggested that as time was on our side for once that we bypass home and head for RIchard's most excellent emporium down in Morecambe, where I picked up a weathered G2A (Super D) for a very very keen price indeed.  So keen that I had to buy a couple of wagons to complement it.  It was the usual experience - all the boxes opened, and all the locos on offer tried on the test track to find the best runner. 


Oh dear, I have transgressed by talking about model railways in ERs = do forgive me.

Tea's ready so

Regards to All


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  • RMweb Gold

I checked my photos from Houston and I didn't take a photo in the engine room of the USS Texas, sorry! Just laundry, sick bay, bridge, shop and various other offices!

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  • RMweb Gold

I tried twice ,  same result .

It was actually quite sad.


The railway station had been moved back from the front and the original building was a mess, being converted to a mall of some description. The wonderful art deco Midland hotel was crumbling and their equivalent of the winter gardens/tower ballroom was all boarded up and quite desolate. I don't remember if there was tumbleweed but it wouldn't have surprised me.


Strangely, there was a feeling about those buildings, like they had a memory of their own. Totally ridiculous, I know, but you could just sense, you could feel, what it would have been like in its heyday. A wierd sensation altogether.


Nurse, nurse, where's my tablets.

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  • RMweb Gold

I went to Morecombe once.




........it was shut.

That's nothing - I went down to Dorset once with a mate and it was shut - the entire county!  And I see someone is on about a model railway exhibition in Newark - last time I went there every pub in the town except Wetherspoons seemed to be shut, very odd place.

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That's nothing (squared)!


i can remember whole countries closing on Sundays - Wales, for example! Not so long ago in the overall scheme of things.......


Best, Pete.

Edited by trisonic
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France is quite good at closing on Mondays!


Here are some places recently visited there:-


Argentan Tourist Information Office and War Memorial

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Carrouges Chateau

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Granville Harbour                                                                                                   Sunset over Parc Mayenne

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It really is unfortunate that I knew what was meant when I have never seen one movie of this series all the way through (I tried but fell asleep twice). It is not Science Fiction - which I really enjoy (more like a Soap Opera), Blade Runner is one of my favourite films as is Forbidden Plant.... I wish someone was brave enough to do some of Jim Ballard's stories like The Atrocity Exhibition or some of the more esoteric stories of Brian Aldiss.....


Best, Pete.

My edit Pete, are you on about the Cheech and Chong movies here??????????????????

Cheers from Oz,

Peter C.

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My edit Pete, are you on about the Cheech and Chong movies here??????????????????

Cheers from Oz,

Peter C.

Of course the very worst Scince Friction movie was, I believe, "Close Encounters of the Stoned Kind" - what was the Director on?


Best, Pete.

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Morning all, 


Had a good day today (Saturday) been up the  Sea - to -Sky Highway as far as the British Columbia Railway Museum at Squamish.   Some very nicely restored stuff there.  I still got laptop troubles so no photos yet, sorry!  


What ever you're up to today, try and find something to smile about,



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Look forward to the piccies, Trev.


Manchester Airport at lunchtime.

No pics. will be forthcoming from that.

No expense has been spent to make it look other than awful.

Or maybe it's me - I absolutely detest all the expensive waiting about (and I'm not even going anywhere today).


In passing, the luggage carousels are a nightmare.

If everyone stood behind the yellow line it would then be possible to step forward and retrieve a suitcase as it appeared.

But ... no.

Everyone is standing with their shins pressed against the belt. If one does otherwise, there is no chance of seeing let alone grabbing the luggage.

So, one is forced to join in and grunt in a threatening fashion helped by a shoulder to clear access.


Thankfully, I'll be spared that today.


DD's Top Tip: Spray paint a large identifier on every face of your cases. I have a big silver initial stencilled on mine and it works.

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  • RMweb Premium

Morning all...


Misty this a.m., but looking like it's going to be sunny soon enough. Low risk of showers in the late afternoon, or so I've read. Currently sat here with a cuppa and watching the rabbits doing stuff around the living room.


Cheers everyone!

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  • RMweb Gold

Not just Sundays. I seem to remember going to Wales on a Tuesday and it was closed!






Be honest:  there is a difference between 'being closed' and the management reserving the right to refuse you admission!





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  • RMweb Gold

DD's Top Tip: Spray paint a large identifier on every face of your cases. I have a big silver initial stencilled on mine and it works.

Someone once suggested tying a brightly coloured ribbon around the case handle which we duly did.

Unfortunately at least half of the people there must have heard the same ......

....... and had the same colour.

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It is certainly true that some restaurants close for lunch in Wales.

I well remember two US tourists trying the door of a café in Ruthin.

The proprietor appeared and told them it was closed for "staff tea".

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