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  • RMweb Gold

Morning all


Warm and sunny, although forecast to cloud over, but the promised rain has now receded, apparently. Scope for some more garden tidying, I think.


Don Bradley's pill problem does indeed sound as if he needs a multi-compartment box - pharmacies sell them for a song. I'm not currently on any regular medication, but that will change in a couple of months when my asthma season kicks in.


I seem to have seen several references to Star Wars - is there some sort of fest? Never watched any of it.


Enjoy your weekend!

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On a lot of folks' minds at present is the horror story of the child abduction and murder in Machynlleth.

For those that don't know the area it's a small, quiet and fairly rural community.

Very distressing details are emerging as the trial progresses.

Keep your children as safe as possible.

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  • RMweb Gold

Good Morning All,


It's a bit of a dull grey start to the day,10oC with showers to come & then possibly some sunshine.


I'm still stiff & aching after yesterday's gardening but still have a bit to do - I suppose that may help loosen me up.


Just been informed that it's raining so the garden may have to wait. Oh dear - never mind! :imsohappy: (I am now and always will be a fair weather gardener - unlike my dear old Dad who was always out there 12 months of the year even in the snow! Mind you his garden always looked a picture - mine is more of a rough sketch of something about to happen some time in the future)


Have a good day,



Edited by grandadbob
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  • RMweb Gold

My sympathies with Don over his latest pill fest.


At his present rate of pill consumption, if you were to give him a quick shake, he'd sound like a tube of smarties.


The weather today is not sunny, and there are considerable rain spots on the window.


This possibly will lead to a cessation of gardening activity/garden railway reconstruction, although the preferred alternative, a trip to Blist's Hill Museum for their weekend steam event, would also involve being outside and getting damp. 


The only good thing about it being damp is the easing of my hayfever like symptoms.   I never suffered as a child, but it only manifested itself with the widescale introduction of oilseed rape as a crop in the mid 80's.  The older I get, the worse it seems to get.


I saw a chap in the road yesterday with tears rolling down his cheeks:  but it wasn't hayfever: He was a Wolves supporter!


In the time it has taken to scratch out this missive, blue sky is beginning to arrive.


I feel a bacon sandwich is now on the cards.





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Hello all. I'm still here.

I woke at approx 5:00 am. my ears told me it was cold outside (well, outside the blankets) so I go up, switched on the heater and got back into bed until 6:00.

The sun is now shining and I am dressed in an extra layer of warmth.

I logged on earlier but the connection kept dropping so I didn't try to post.


Trying to sort out my pills. Some are, two, once a day,

                                         some are one, twice a day

                                         some are one, three times a day


Fifteen pills in the morning some before, some with and some after food.


I'M lost and confused!

Hi Don,

Being confused is, I think, a per-requisite for any true ER. Welcome back and "keep taking the tablets".

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Morning all


Warm and sunny, although forecast to cloud over, but the promised rain has now receded, apparently. Scope for some more garden tidying, I think.


Don Bradley's pill problem does indeed sound as if he needs a multi-compartment box - pharmacies sell them for a song. I'm not currently on any regular medication, but that will change in a couple of months when my asthma season kicks in.


I seem to have seen several references to Star Wars - is there some sort of fest? Never watched any of it.


Enjoy your weekend!

Ian, I believe there was an oft repeated line in Star Wars of "may the force be with you". For anyone without their dentures (or other speech problems), that could result in a lisped pronunciation of "May the 4th be with you". All groan together, I will exit stage left now!

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  • RMweb Gold

Ian, I believe there was an oft repeated line in Star Wars of "may the force be with you". For anyone without their dentures (or other speech problems), that could result in a lisped pronunciation of "May the 4th be with you". All groan together, I will exit stage left now!

Thankyou! Those of us who choose cultural isolation risk falling into traps!

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  • RMweb Gold

The bacon sandwich has been consumed, and Grandadbob's  sub concious prompt for a second one was considered at great length, but regretfully declined.


As is usual for these parts, the blue sky mentioned earlier has now departed and the more familiar low and grey stuff has reaffirmed it's dominance of the skies.


Ian should have no regrets about his isolation from the commercial sausage machine that is 'Star Wars'.


i always would have preferred it if the ' Star Wars' franchise had been made more in the style of the spoof sci-fi film, 'Galaxy Quest'.


May the farce be with you!





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  • RMweb Premium

Just had a different breakfast - scrambled egg (with bacon and black pudding mixed in) on toast - scrummy


Very grey here - supposed to be sunny this  pm for cricket so will take the rain coat!


DonB - my late lamented grandmother used to take lost of pills till a locum doctor came and ditched 50% of them -" these counteract each other" says he and in the bin they went - she then had one of the partitioned boxes for the remainder..


Have a great day everyone  

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  • RMweb Gold

The partitioned boxes area great idea - even my parents managed with those provided I was around to refill the boxes every week or so.  Fortunately most of my ten pills a day are singles, only one of them is taken twice daily, but I have begun to wonder if some of them really do go well togther in view of various things which are no whappening.  As my back is not a happy bunny I'm off to see the chiropractor in a couple of hours time and i shall ask his advice on certain things as he tends to understand muscular goings on far better than the GP.


That apart all seems well in our little world with rain promised for later, the ice pack at my back doing its job on the muscles, and young Robert having carefully arranged himself to do a bit of voluntary assistance at the local MayFair on Monday - at the beer bar!


Have a good day one and all and for any of you into larger scale modelling or engineering may the forge be with you.

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There's a great new(ish) product available for dementia sufferers who still live alone and have a lot of pills to take.  It looks like a dinner plate sized UFO, and automatically opens at set times each of the partitions to release the correct pills.  I think there are models which can have voice messages recorded into them too "Dad, it's time to take your pills" etc.  Not that I'm suggesting any of our members have dementia, I just thought it was worth mentioning.


Morning all.  Sunny with about 4 fairly fast moving oktas here in Durham this morning.  Off into Newcastle to collect the littl'un from the station (her Mum's passing through en route to a hen do in York, so I'm picking Jamie up when she changes trains.

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  • RMweb Gold

Listening (reading) about all the tales of medical misery and discomfort, I've come to the conclusion that ER's should be renamed;


Ailment Alley:  A sort of virtual doctor's surgery waiting room.





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There's a great new(ish) product available for dementia sufferers who still live alone and have a lot of pills to take.  It looks like a dinner plate sized UFO, and automatically opens at set times each of the partitions to release the correct pills.  I think there are models which can have voice messages recorded into them too "Dad, it's time to take your pills" etc.  Not that I'm suggesting any of our members have dementia, I just thought it was worth mentioning.

It's a current problem with MiL, Mike, so it was worth mentioning.

Any idea where to get them?

I'll google eBay and sort Google.

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I'm not sure where you get them. Edinburgh City Council supply them as part of their Telehealth and Telecare service, so might be worth speaking to the local authority social work dept and see if they offer anything similar.

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  • RMweb Premium

Afternoon all, 


Well the secret to breaking Hampshire's dry and sunny spell seems to be to go an buy half a dozen garden plants.

Having said that the new acquisitions are getting a good soaking in to the soil. Mixture of lupins, Sentini, something purple, a broom, and a tall white thing. 

Planning on replanting some strawberries later and a new rosemary bush. 


With a birthday and Father's day on the horizon I've been pressed to provide some ideas for a present. I'm minded to ask (nicely) for a locomotive, but torn between these two, both of which are apparently due to be in stock in later June....decisions, decisions!









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Thankyou! Those of us who choose cultural isolation risk falling into traps!

It really is unfortunate that I knew what was meant when I have never seen one movie of this series all the way through (I tried but fell asleep twice). It is not Science Fiction - which I really enjoy (more like a Soap Opera), Blade Runner is one of my favourite films as is Forbidden Plant.... I wish someone was brave enough to do some of Jim Ballard's stories like The Atrocity Exhibition or some of the more esoteric stories of Brian Aldiss.....


Best, Pete.

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Afternoon all, 


Well the secret to breaking Hampshire's dry and sunny spell seems to be to go an buy half a dozen garden plants.

Having said that the new acquisitions are getting a good soaking in to the soil. Mixture of lupins, Sentini, something purple, a broom, and a tall white thing. 

Planning on replanting some strawberries later and a new rosemary bush. 


With a birthday and Father's day on the horizon I've been pressed to provide some ideas for a present. I'm minded to ask (nicely) for a locomotive, but torn between these two, both of which are apparently due to be in stock in later June....decisions, decisions!




attachicon.gifPannier tank.JPG


attachicon.gifPrairie tank.JPG

You can never have enough little workhorses Andy, suggest both???

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  • RMweb Gold

DD, if timed release is not an issue MIL's pharmacist should be able to provide her presciption in a package with individually dated and timed compartments containing only the pills that need to be taken.

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Thanks Mike and BoD.


I know it's a common problem.

The difficulty might be getting her to wear hearing aids so that she hears the spoken message.

Getting her to wear specs to see the instructions would be of value.

Getting her to understand either is something else.


FiL is not (despite a stroke and kidney cancer in the last few years) quite as bad and Idiot BiL is freeloading on them at present.

One hopes that either of the last two can cope with any medication issues.

I can't see any invention being totally effective in this situation - but interesting information, thanks.


I've already bought them the plastic carousel type dispensers of course.

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  • RMweb Gold

As MiL's dementia increased she thought it was naughty and quite a laugh not to take her pills and would maon when I made her take them. I told her she could stop taking them if she discussed it with the doctor first but she never wanted to do that. I used to give her the morning ones and FiL was supposed to see she had the afternoon one when he had his. About 30% of the time he had his but forgot to see she had hers.

Andy I think you need both locos tell her they come as a pair. Either that or one for the birthday the other for fathers day seems fair.


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