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Early Risers.


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So, the news is that the operation won't be today and that, it being a bank holiday weekend and all, it wont be until Tuesday at the earliest. I will not get stressed about this, but will take the opportunity to enjoy the extensive menu including curried goat and Halal chicken nuggets!


The down side is that visiting is a tad awkward from Stevenage, but number one son is off on his hols from Gatport Airwick on Monday and is coming up from Cornwall tonight so he can drop in.


Am coming to terms with the iPad mini gadget and will report later.



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I can't help Ed with his iPad either but sorting out the mysteries of IT devices is probably good for my brain today. Matthew didn't use his "big" PC much and I said I would do a clean install of Windows 8 (over the existing Vista) on it. Matthew's PC has a small very fast 70Gb hard drive and a huge second drive. There wasn't enough space on the first drive for the installation to work and nothing obvious to delete. I eventually found the solution to that one. It is reassuring when you do a Google search and there are pages of queries about the same problem. 


I think we have decided not to buy teak garden furniture. I'm now researching synthetic wicker.



Re furniture, I bought some cast aluminium stuff a couple of years ago to replace hardwood. It needs no maintenance and looks good after three winters being left out and uncovered. My stuff came from Lazy Susan, other suppliers are available of course.

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It's sometimes a pain for the prospective visitors, too, Ed!

Nothing about a stay in hospital is attractive - except the end result (and possibly a caring nurse) for which I wish you well.

Keep us up to date as you are able.


"I'm now researching synthetic wicker"

Sounds like a sarcastic pony.

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  • RMweb Gold

Morning all grand day in prospect again.

We have some aluminium outdoor furniture however the aluminium surface goes white and powdery. One of the penalties of living in seaside places.

Good news Ed and be pleased the op will wait till Tuesday. Weekends especially bank holiday weekends the best doctors tend to be off.


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Morning all grand day in prospect again.

We have some aluminium outdoor furniture however the aluminium surface goes white and powdery. One of the penalties of living in seaside places.

Good news Ed and be pleased the op will wait till Tuesday. Weekends especially bank holiday weekends the best doctors tend to be off.


Our furniture has an anodised coating that should prevent that problem. Living about as far from the sea as is possible in England, we only rarely suffer from salt in the atmosphere - when the gritters come through the village. Hark, I can hear one now, looks like good weather for the weekend is due!

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  • RMweb Premium

Morning all, and firstly my best wishes to Ed.  having seen quite enough of hospitals recently myself, I can offer that they do seem to know what they are doing despite the best efforts of media to show otherwise, I have no complaints regarding my NHS care last year, after undergoing a new surgical technique.  You will soon be through it all and getting better, which feels so good after slipping slowly downhill - even if you didn't know you were!


Some live steam action planned for today, a friend coming this morning to run his loco as rain is forecast post meridian.  A sneaky extra day off for me to make a 4 day weekend, that'll ruin the weather....

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  • RMweb Gold

Morning all.


Lovely sunny morning down here, a relaxing drive to work across the lanes, the usual "problem" of more wild life than other vehicles, one friendly tractor and trailer who soon got out of my way with a cheery wave from both of us.


Have a good day all - this is my last for a week as I'm off all the next - Yippee !

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  • RMweb Gold

Morning all, and firstly my best wishes to Ed.  having seen quite enough of hospitals recently myself, I can offer that they do seem to know what they are doing despite the best efforts of media to show otherwise, I have no complaints regarding my NHS care last year, after undergoing a new surgical technique.  You will soon be through it all and getting better, which feels so good after slipping slowly downhill - even if you didn't know you were!


Some live steam action planned for today, a friend coming this morning to run his loco as rain is forecast post meridian.  A sneaky extra day off for me to make a 4 day weekend, that'll ruin the weather....



Surely it was 'Hot live steam action?'


I've heard of plenty of films of this being made: The best being various geared down locos.


Start with a a Heisler, moving onto a Shay and finishing with a Climax!


hope you all have a lovely day.





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  • RMweb Premium

Morning All


What a way to spend your birthday - stuck in work til 16.30 - still I have negotiated with 30747 that I may have a small Caol Isla tonight (since my medication means I shouldn't, she takes that quite seriously and I am only allowed the occasional drink - I know she's right, but it does not prevent me from wishing...)


Anyhows, as I'm on a break and due back on duty now, it's

Regards to All


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  • RMweb Gold

How many candles for your fork?

I see your recall of Henry VII's fundraising efforts is excellent. I remember it from school history lessons.

Edited by Tony_S
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  • RMweb Premium

Happy Birthday to Stewart and all others with birthdays.


Bit late as I had to have breakfast go and do the weekly supermarket shop (good reasons to shop at M......) Her indoors has more gardening lined up ( that will teach me not tork away from home for 4 years again!)


Have a GREAT day and if I don't get out of the weeds a really good UK Bank Holiday weekend!

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Morning all from a drizzly Edinburgh.


One set of briefing to write today, including a speech for a Minister on a subject I know very little about (no change there, some may think) and another set of briefing to commission for a conference at the end of the month which the same Minister is going to be speaking at (and I'll have to write a longer speech for that one). 


Happy birthday Stewart!

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  • RMweb Gold

Morning all,


Well that's Waitrose duly 'done' - surprisingly the locusts had not depleted the stock too much by the time we got there and there were amazingly several empty spaces in the car park.  Vote duly cast in the local election last night - no politics in it so far as I'm concerned I simply voted for the chap who was in my year at school, was at one time taught by my mum, and was later apprenticed to my dad (and was very helpful regarding our Planning application when he was on the District Council); that is what I call 'practical politics, far more relevant than party labels (he's just changed his as it happens).


Happy birthday Stewart - I used to find a good way of getting a decent time away from work on my birthday was to take the day off (and it saved buying the cakes at work ;) ).


Have a good day, and weekend, all.

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  • RMweb Premium

Morning all from sunny Hampshire - yep, must be 4 days in a row when the sky has been blue and the golden orb is on show.


This might explain the spate of gardening that seems to have broken out on ER. I didn't get out of it either and have been to the Country Market and stocked up on some plants that now need burying. 


Just organised a work meeting for next week and shall be able to stay over and try out the beers at the King and Castle in Kidderminster - sadly due to driving duties on my last visit this wasn't a possibility. So, work has some compensations!


Many happy returns, Stewart. Hope the sun is shining for you. 


Have a nice day everyone. Andy

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  • RMweb Gold

Morning all - just squeezing in in BST, 'though not CET!


Was up early and had fed dobbins & breakfasted by 0815, then a bit of housework before Sheena arrvied for coffee. She was telling me that a farmer she knows has just spent 300k euros on an automatic, computer-controlled milking system - not least because his wife is much better at PC use than washing udders! Apparently the degree of automation is ridiculous, the cows wandering in as they feel the need to be milked, they are then recognised via radio tags and have the udders washed and the milking machine attached while they eat. Greedy cows who decide to come back for more will not be milked, will not find the food waiting. In an era when people no longer want to be up and about 7 days a week, the system might have a lot of adopters - if they can afford it.


I managed a bit of strimming last night when it got nicer, have no excuse for not doing more today - it's lovely.


Sorry Ed has had to wait for his op, but v glad the hospital regime is acceptable, at least.


Hope everyone has an easy afternoon.

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Gruffalo household is entertaining tonight so no railway time allowed today. Happy birthday Stewart, will raise a glass of (one or two) malt(s) tonight once the troughing has been completed, talking of which I am 'allowed' to make the first course - spiced crab - whilst SWMBO makes the main (a cassoulet of sorts) and afters (individual fruit meringues and/or some of our new season's rhubarb). Our local Waitrose was manic this morning she reported! I couldn't attend as a load of pre-cut plywood for the railway baseboards was being delivered and I had already been out for the meat content of the cassoulet.


Mike makes a fair point on the local election front. In our neck of the woods, we had four candidates of which only two resided within the bounds of the area they wished to represent; none had knocked on my door (my reputation must be spreading) and one is already a District Councillor. I fear that there are too many occasions when District policies conflict with County policies and have said to that person I cannot support the candidate because it is impossible to resolve the conflict of interest in the best interests of the electorate. 


Enjoy this nice weather while it lasts - just watch someone yell DROUGHT and everything go to rats**t!

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