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  • RMweb Premium

Do they melt in the sun ??

Well, it's actually kind of stretching the limits of punning! This type is called Coradia LINT, and since LINT sounds similar to Swiss chocolate maker Lindt...

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  • RMweb Premium

Ok, so following on from the rant the other day about our High St banks, today's encounter was like stepping in to a parallel universe. 


Walked in to a well-known building society (named after a northern town beginning with H and ending with x).

Was greeted at the door by the manageress and offered a cup of coffee or tea. Business conducted promptly in a quiet part of their premises and offered a business card if I had any questions that needed answering later that I hadn't thought of. So praise where it's due - I would definitely recommend them (other northern mill towns are available). :) 


Had occasion to take my mother to her local GP practice later and very soon realised I was back in the "real" world!


Mike, the name of the shop in Alton is "Off the Wall" (not "Hole in the Wall" as I indicated) and the paints are on display outside. 


Interesting photos 1216025


Still sunny here, 

Best, Andy

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  • RMweb Gold

Afternoon, not been around for a couple of days as I threw myself 100% ( fine weather for once) into this gardening project which seemed a good idea  when it was discussed hmm!


Flower beds are cleared, conifers down and stump grinded and a new side fence built just four paving edging blocks to lay then over to other half for planting :sungum:


We have plants galore on the back patio ready and waiting for this weekend, speaking of the word back mine is sore :O  to the extent I'm passing on tennis tonight.


AndyB I had the same experience with them when dealing with my mothers estate, excellent service. Dont bank with them though which reminds me of being called in to my bank some 40 years ago, met with the manager who told me that the idea was I banked with them not they with me lol! 

I was over drawn the princely sum of £18.00 two days before my salary was due to go in, things seem different now days which is why maybe we are in such a mess!


Anyway off to my shed to run a fright train, enjoy your evening everyone.

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I went to see a friend with a Dairy Herd this morning:


Jersey Calf:



Some Jersey Cows:






... and for something different, a miniature Jack Russell bitch.


Sad that the pastures haven't yet grown enough new grass to let these beasts out. That will be hitting the farmer's margins. Hope the next few days will be enough to make spring truly sprung! :sungum:

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They have been out, Gruffers, but this farmer is top notch and he won't allow the pasture to be overgrazed.

The grass has started growing at last.

He still has silage left but many farmers haven't.

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Well, it's actually kind of stretching the limits of punning! This type is called Coradia LINT, and since LINT sounds similar to Swiss chocolate maker Lindt...


Should they not be called 'Fluffs' then? Or maybe 'Ooses' (Sc.)

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  • RMweb Gold

My honorable intentions re strimming the garden were somewhat thwarted as there was a heavy shower - with hail - just as I got back from the dobbins, not long after 10. Since there was drizzle in the air thereafter, I concluded that using a mains electric strimmer was not sensible, double-insulated or not. So that was that. After lunch we've had more rain, but I did manage an hour's brisk walk in the meantime, while all the locals were lunching en famille.


I have just spent a most enjoyable, if ultimately unsuccessful, hour with Google Streetview. I had bought a postcard size pic on ebay of a 601 trolleybus with the destination Tolworth, and was trying to find the location of the snap. Neo-Georgian buildings, with a Watneys pub just visible on the ground floor, and a distinctive piece of roof between buildings, but no luck. Much of Central Kingston is not available to Google, being pedestrians and buses only, but there has been wholesale reconstruction anyway. I had previously succeeded with such a purchase, identifying a location in Craven Park, Harlesden by the same method. Little things please little minds!

Edited by Oldddudders
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  • RMweb Premium

Great game of cricket between 22 very disciplined ladies today - as it was a local uni derby this was great.


High scoring as well so a great time was had in the sun!! - Yes i said SUN!! - needed the cream on after the first innings and may suffer from not using it.........

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  • RMweb Gold

I was delegated to go to B&Q to buy heavy duty emulsion today (over 60s discount day). Apparently I am decorating the utility room on Monday. Not a difficult task as Aditi has offered to do the bit I don't like, clearing all the stuff out of the way. She can't reach very far up the walls anyway so it seems a fair division of labour. 

For those who like extreme motor sports I can recommend the car park on discount day at B&Q. I think I was lucky not to have been run over or had my car reversed into. I can't understand the manic behaviour, there was loads of space. The pet shop parking area was much calmer! I now have a collection of grooming tools which seem to have been specifically designed for dealing with fur like Robbie's. Working Cockers are supposed to be groomed like Collies but I suspect Collies are better at standing still.



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  • RMweb Premium

Evening All


I've been caught up for a day or so now, but have lurked for no reason other than I had little to report.  Nice to see Sherry is back with us, duly refreshed after a hectic/cold relaxing holiday in France.  Thanks to those sharing their photographic exploits with us - greatly appreciated all - there are some who say my attention span is limited so sometimes it is just nice to sit back and look at the pictures.  That reminds me of my local second hand book market trader, when 30747 asked him one morning whether he had anything to interest me, and he showed her a couple of "reading" railway books, and told her - I doubt if he'll like them, there's a lot of words and not too many pictures.  Well, fair enough, I do buy photo albums quite a lot, but I was a bit put out at my assumed illiteracy!


Just to prove the truth of this, my birthday aquisitions this year included two Stenlake albums by WAC Smith - Ayrshire's Last Years of Steam, and its companion volume covering the Highlands and Argyll, both bought online, both for delivery on my birthday (Friday) and both of which arrived within 48 hours of ordering!


PC is needed for more serious matters now, according to 30747 so

Regards to All


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Hi guys, I will catch up over the next few days now I have my new iPad mini courtesy of my son. I have been in hospital for two weeks. I was brought in unable to breathe following a dose of man flu, to be told I had had a heart attack or two! I am due to for for a triple by pass op, probably at HAmmersmith and probably tomorrow.


Will let you know what is happening when I do. Sick as a parrot to miss the Taunton do, and I may have to miss RailEx as well as I dont think I'll be driving by then.


Catch you soon



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  • RMweb Gold

Hi guys, I will catch up over the next few days now I have my new iPad mini courtesy of my son. I have been in hospital for two weeks. I was brought in unable to breathe following a dose of man flu, to be told I had had a heart attack or two! I am due to for for a triple by pass op, probably at HAmmersmith and probably tomorrow.


Will let you know what is happening when I do. Sick as a parrot to miss the Taunton do, and I may have to miss RailEx as well as I dont think I'll be driving by then.


Catch you soon



Sounds like a plausible excuse!

Seriously, hope all goes well. 

Best wishes


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Hi guys, I will catch up over the next few days now I have my new iPad mini courtesy of my son. I have been in hospital for two weeks. I was brought in unable to breathe following a dose of man flu, to be told I had had a heart attack or two! I am due to for for a triple by pass op, probably at HAmmersmith and probably tomorrow.


Will let you know what is happening when I do. Sick as a parrot to miss the Taunton do, and I may have to miss RailEx as well as I dont think I'll be driving by then.


Catch you soon



Hope it all goes well,


BiL recently had a quadruple bypass and now feels better than he had for some little while beforehand,


Best wishes,



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Hi guys, I will catch up over the next few days now I have my new iPad mini courtesy of my son. I have been in hospital for two weeks. I was brought in unable to breathe following a dose of man flu, to be told I had had a heart attack or two! I am due to for for a triple by pass op, probably at HAmmersmith and probably tomorrow.


Will let you know what is happening when I do. Sick as a parrot to miss the Taunton do, and I may have to miss RailEx as well as I dont think I'll be driving by then.


Catch you soon



Sorry to hear of your troubles Ed. My experience of our local Heart Centre when I had my stroke was first class and Madam Gruff has been waiting well over three years to collect the insurance payout which IO will fight to the bitter end! I hope it goes well for you too - you do need to follow their post-operative instructions. GWS.

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Mike, the name of the shop in Alton is "Off the Wall" (not "Hole in the Wall" as I indicated) and the paints are on display outside. 



Best, Andy

If any of you lovely people ever visit Torquay, "The Hole in the Wall" is well worth visiting - a real pub near the clock tower.


I must acknowledge the warmth of the comments (and how many likes??!!) on here since I returned from holiday. Fairly melts your heart!


Still catching up on things here and in my life in the real world!

Edited by Ashcombe
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Hi guys, I will catch up over the next few days now I have my new iPad mini courtesy of my son. I have been in hospital for two weeks. I was brought in unable to breathe following a dose of man flu, to be told I had had a heart attack or two! I am due to for for a triple by pass op, probably at HAmmersmith and probably tomorrow.


Will let you know what is happening when I do. Sick as a parrot to miss the Taunton do, and I may have to miss RailEx as well as I dont think I'll be driving by then.


Catch you soon



It says something about folk who post on here that they mention their really serious ailments almost in passing - everyone will be wishing you all the best - you'll be a new man before you know it, Ed! Glad you will have the means to keep in touch. Take care!

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  • RMweb Premium

Great game of cricket between 22 very disciplined ladies today - as it was a local uni derby this was great.


High scoring as well so a great time was had in the sun!! - Yes i said SUN!! - needed the cream on after the first innings and may suffer from not using it.........

You'll have a weathered look, tomorrow, then.  :mosking:


My honorable intentions re strimming the garden were somewhat thwarted as there was a heavy shower - with hail - just as I got back from the dobbins, not long after 10. Since there was drizzle in the air thereafter, I concluded that using a mains electric strimmer was not sensible, double-insulated or not. So that was that. After lunch we've had more rain, but I did manage an hour's brisk walk in the meantime, while all the locals were lunching en famille.


I have just spent a most enjoyable, if ultimately unsuccessful, hour with Google Streetview. I had bought a postcard size pic on ebay of a 601 trolleybus with the destination Tolworth, and was trying to find the location of the snap. Neo-Georgian buildings, with a Watneys pub just visible on the ground floor, and a distinctive piece of roof between buildings, but no luck. Much of Central Kingston is not available to Google, being pedestrians and buses only, but there has been wholesale reconstruction anyway. I had previously succeeded with such a purchase, identifying a location in Craven Park, Harlesden by the same method. Little things please little minds!


I've been using Streetview myself lately.  A great asset for details around the old Padstow station and harbour area.  Camel Quay will need some serious structural,scenic and colour work soon.   I used to travel on the trolleybus between Uxbridge and Shepherds Bush.  I keep thinking one would go down well on Great West Road - perhaps one in the background, somehow?  So should I buy one just in case?    :scratchhead:  :no2:  Hmmm....



Hi guys, I will catch up over the next few days now I have my new iPad mini courtesy of my son. I have been in hospital for two weeks. I was brought in unable to breathe following a dose of man flu, to be told I had had a heart attack or two! I am due to for for a triple by pass op, probably at HAmmersmith and probably tomorrow.


Will let you know what is happening when I do. Sick as a parrot to miss the Taunton do, and I may have to miss RailEx as well as I dont think I'll be driving by then.


Catch you soon




Hi Ed.  What a bombshell but can I recommend taking care of the moment? 

So, 18 months ago, writing arm totally out of action , I was enjoying the greetings cards and gifts.  In fact, I so fancied Thorntons chocolates they were on the top of Ray's shopping list by royal command! :kingchris:

Bit by bit you'll become part of the rest of the world but no rush.


Get well soon and look forward to hearing of your improvement and other antics.



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  • RMweb Gold

Hi guys, I will catch up over the next few days now I have my new iPad mini courtesy of my son. I have been in hospital for two weeks. I was brought in unable to breathe following a dose of man flu, to be told I had had a heart attack or two! I am due to for for a triple by pass op, probably at HAmmersmith and probably tomorrow.


Will let you know what is happening when I do. Sick as a parrot to miss the Taunton do, and I may have to miss RailEx as well as I dont think I'll be driving by then.


Stunned to hear of your sudden downfall. Sincerely hope all goes well and you are back to full strength pronto. Sheesh, ERs do have some dreadful luck.

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  • RMweb Premium

My best wishes Ed - some family history on my wife's side of that - all worked out well, they're very good at such things now.  Just do as you are told....having recently had very invasive surgery myself I found out the DO know best!!!


best wishes, Neil

Edited by New Haven Neil
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