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  • RMweb Gold

Now I have finished plumbing I thought I'd have a go at something else that needed doing. I have an AV receiver and the sound from the rear channels was a bit pathetic. The rear surround sound speakers were not as good as the other speakers so I got the ones that were supposed to go with the front ones. They sounded quite bad! It was a poor cable join in the end causing the problem. It seemed to upset the better speakers more than the cheap ones. Aditi approves of the new ones though as they match the furniture.

I thought at first it was the amplifier and Aditi suggested buying a new one with the money I had "saved" sorting out the central heating. Now I have "saved" the cost of a power flush and a new AV system I wonder what I could buy....

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It's FRIDAY again! Got it right this time. Lunch Menu says Fried fish and chips, so it has to be!

Foot feeling MUCH BETTER after only 2 triple doses of the antibiotic, so hoping for the best.


Still no news of Gordon.  Aren't you in contact Daveo?

I'm worried!

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Perhaps we ought to PM him, Don?


I rather suspect, though, that the sickness is called Golf.......


Have a good day everybody, yesterday was my second day this year in shorts (I suspect it will be shorts now right through to the middle of September, no photos, 26C in backyard, not a cloud in the sky.


Best, Pete.

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  • RMweb Gold

Good Morning All,


Dull,dismal,raining,8oC, more showers & possibly hail to come. Not impressed & I think my shorts can stay where they are for a bit longer!


Fantastic photo Pete - wish I could take one half as good.


Some domestic duties on the cards today but hopefully may get to play with trains later.


Looking forward to the Epsom & Ewell Railway Exhibition tomorrow. :locomotive:


Stay dry,



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Me too, Bob. I really like the reflections on the locomotive itself, the fact that the steam against the blue sky is white yet the underneath in shadow is blue. Each puff of the loco is quite distinct.


Best, Pete.

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  • RMweb Gold

Don, I have taken him in the past (together with youngest granddaughter). I won't know till later on whether he's coming yet because I think it clashes with football training so I suspect that will win (particularly as his dad is the coach!)

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  • RMweb Premium

Morning all...


Still sunny, but rain and t-storms predicted to follow in the afternoon. I think I'll get some foodstuffs in a few so that I got all my errands run for the day.


Don, glad to hear things would seem to be improving!

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  • RMweb Gold

Morning all


Gordon has looked in, Don. I suspect it was just a quick visit as he was checking the weather on the golf course.

Beautiful sunny day up here.

Not that that helps Gordon.

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Hi Guys, I'm OK, but thanks for your concern.  I sent you a PM yesterday Don.  I'm waiting for my gastroscopy and until they've taken more biopsies, they can't confirm that their diagnosis of Coeliac is correct.  Right now my modelling mojo is zero, so I was taking a complete break and lurking but not posting as there was little or nothing I could add that was cheery and positive to the jolly banter.  Hopefully it may return once these health issues are sorted, one way or the other. Yes, I'm still golfing as that is getting me out in the fresh air and stopping me dwelling on things.  I'm meeting up with Dave and Geoff in a couple of weeks and will be out with Iain of Camden Shed soon.  As he plays off a handicap of 1 it could be interesting...


I'm certainly here in spirit...:-) 

Edited by gordon s
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  • RMweb Gold

A wet day here in Surrey and to top it all there's reports that Three Bridges signalling centre has been evacuated so hardly any trains running on Brighton mainline.

Luckily there was an FCC train sitting at Redhill running 90 minutes late and we got seats so it might have started from here.


Lets hope there isn't a fire and everything gets back to normal before the evening rush hour.



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Morning All,


It is a bright and sunny day here, but the weather is set to get worse for the weekend with wet and cold forecast for tomorrow.  Just what I don't need, as I was planning to do the tyres on the cars tomorrow.


Good to hear that your foot is improving Don - long may that continue.


Sorry to hear your troubles Gordon.  Fingers crossed for a swift diagnosis, and that your mojo returns soon.


Have a good day everyone...

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  • RMweb Gold

Morning all.

Raining heavily here and quite cool.

Quite quiet here which is a relief. I am dogsitting today. George "the giant Yorkie" is here and will stay overnight. He and Robbie get on well. George was brought over at 7 o'clock this morning by a very nervous bride-to-be. 


Don, I'm glad your foot is responding. My mother had diabetes and a persistent mysterious ulcer type problem on her foot. She was very proud that "they haven't seen anything like it before".


Gordon. I had a false positive for coeliac once. More sophisticated tests showed otherwise. 



Edited by Tony_S
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  • RMweb Premium

Morning all, and a drizzly one here. 


Good to hear that Don's foot is responding to the treatment. Finger's crossed for Gordon.


Thinking of a bit of gardening today. I have a vision of lobellia et al tumbling from hanging baskets in the best traditions of Gardeners World. The reality will most probably end up as clumps of browning vegetation that look like a straggly display of discoloured straw. The advantage of trying, however, is to demonstrate that no matter how dire one's modelling efforts look at times, there is an activity that can make it look like model railways are one's forte!


Anyway, have a nice day and hope to check back in later to see what you're all up to.


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  • RMweb Premium

A lovely morning to you all.

Sun popping its head out now and again.  Hopefully, a bit more during the day.


A wet day here in Surrey and to top it all there's reports that Three Bridges signalling centre has been evacuated so hardly any trains running on Brighton mainline.
Luckily there was an FCC train sitting at Redhill running 90 minutes late and we got seats so it might have started from here.

Lets hope there isn't a fire and everything gets back to normal before the evening rush hour.


Evacuated? You'll have to keep us posted on this one, Ian.

Don and Gordon - hope all goes well.

Enjoy your day all.


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Only 6 hours till this work week is over. That's only 360 minutes. I wonder how much crap will get dumped on me in that little space of time.


On the upside I get a whole weekend to myself and the train shed. Yippee.


Looks like things are returning to normal @ Three Bridges: http://www.nationalrail.co.uk/service_disruptions/49806.aspx


Have a good day and weekend everyone.

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  • RMweb Gold

Morning all.


Raining heavily down here at the moment but it's slowly going off as the morning passes.


Glad your Ok Gordon, I thought with all your TV fame you were hiding from the paps.


The WFRM team are at the Liverpool show this weekend, a bit fed up at missing that.


Have a good day all - once again I'm off out to photograph the Sizewell.

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  • RMweb Gold

Passed a couple of freights this morning:


EWS aggregate train unloading at Purley with a 66- its quite often been a DBS 59 of recent times


A down aggregate train sitting at South Croydon presumably heading for Crawley new Yard - didnt see the loco but think its normally a Freighliner 66


No photos though.




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  • RMweb Premium

Well, I just learned that I passed those written exams as well, with 13 and 10 out of 15 points respectively. The English interview exam which could be credited from my M.A. studies had been 14 out of 15 points, so I think I've every reason to be pleased!

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  • RMweb Gold

A nice sunny morning at present, but bands of clouds pushing in from the direction of God's Country.


I can sympathise with Gordon over his loss of moddling(sic) mojo. I go through this on a regular basis.


I crawled out to the workshop yesterday, as a friend who is calling by tomorrow, wanted some 1:12 scale wheel and axle sets.


I wasn't really in the mood, but once the lathe was up and running and I'd cut the first shoulder, I was really enjoying myself. so much so, I went back out into the workshop later in the evening to do some more machining.


I need to keep this level of enthusiasm up for some track building and laying.


However, domestic duties are calling and my first task this morning is to get outside and mow the lawns.


Must nip off and see how 'Trains in the Valleys' is doing on the layout thread, then back on task.


Hope every one is blessed with fair weather and an early finish today





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