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Morning All,


Ah, Gerry Marshal fans all over - I loved reading about the 'Fire-nza' as it became known! I  rather liked the look of them at the time too.  My brother's pal had one, I think it was a 2.3, it had a very sporty look inside for the era, but as I was about 13 or so at the time I couldn't tell you what model it was.


The Firenza "Droop Snoot" was a rather nice looking car for its era - certainly very different from today's Euro-boxes which all look the same.  That 2.3 litre engine was a nice one too.  It was the one that later went into the Chevette HS.  It was also rather unusual in being a slant four.  They tuned up very nicely - putting out quite insane power for the time.  However, they weren't that good in town traffic - they tended to run rather rich at the low end, to prevent them leaning out at maximum revs. 


Thinking about it, I guess the progression from the Firenza to the Chevette was really the development of the first hot hatch - meaning the UK beat VW to it!


The weather here is quite nice this morning.  It looks like it is going to be quite a warm day - which is good because it is due to get colder over the weekend.


Have a good day everyone...

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Hello all,

Still clear, and getting hotter, weather. 28C today.

Foot is playing "silly " May have to see the Doc again.


Yesterday's lunch was effectively an FEB! Fried egg, bacon, sausage, potato bake and tomato. Just lacked the orange juice and toast

I heard many residents comment on the lack of toast, but very nice indeed.


Still no news from Gordon! I hope he is not in hospital.

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  • RMweb Premium

Morning all...


Sunshine outside, but a rain front is expected to come across the land during the weekend. However, the forecast is looking up again in time for May Day. I'll need to get my hair cut later today, too!


Cheers everyone...

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Sorry about lack of progress afoot, Don.

Sounds like it might be difficult to treat so, best of good wishes for that.


Off to the wilds of Worcestershire today with a packed schedule (and a toothbrush).

Hotel overnight and back tomorrow afternoon sometime.


Also final envelope to drop off to Jean (Wheeltapper's lady).

Thanks to all who kindly bought from his modelling estate.

I can say now that there were difficulties en route.

Richard had already sold a lot himself - and of course any buyer was going to take the best bits on offer.

Much of his 'stock' had deteriorated over the years or had been broken because, in latter times, his hands had restricted movement.

There were the odd time-wasters (some very odd) and folk who ordered things and then, after considerable time, changed their minds.

Folk overseas who expected shipping at UK inland prices, buyers who didn't pay etc., etc.,.

Removing the hairs from items which his old cat had donated was a major - I'm still sneezing.


Hopefully, all who bought were happy with their purchases and the prices paid (I didn't charge for the cat hairs).

Thanks to all who contributed to the effort - you know who you are. 

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I'm in the process of applying for a UK state pension from here in Canada. The government department send you an application form a couple of months in advance, but there is an online option. I tried that last night. The first page asks for a few identification details, but I was told what I was entering didn't agree with what the department held in its records, so I could either submit the paper form, or phone them to sort out the problem. The help line is open 8AM to 4PM UK time i.e. midnight to 8AM our time, so I stayed up till midnight last night (hard for us near-seniors!). Having been passed (courteously and efficiently) through 3 different people, I ended up at an IT helpdesk. The problem - the online application doesn't work with Windows 7 or Windows 8!


My wife had no problems filling in and submitting this form several years ago. It looked as if I was going to have to go back to handwriting a paper form! This is progress? Then I remembered we had an old desktop running Windows XP which we hadn't used for quite a while - the only reason it is still around is I haven't been bothered to take it for recycling. Fired that up, and I'm now halfway through the form, though the machine is sooo slow!       


Nice to see the UK government keeping up with the times!

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  • RMweb Gold

Good Morning World from GB,


Dry start after a fair amount of overnight rain, blue sky is appearing and the sun is trying to shine through the clouds. Temp 11oC and another nice warm day is on the cards.


Throbbing in jaw has subsided to a dull ache. The ";post operative notes" I have been given advise me that I should avoid exercise for a few days after my "oral surgery"! Never heard that one before - it was only 1 tooth out for heaven's sake- not a complete reconstruction of my chewing equipment.(Never before had "notes" after a dental visit for that matter!


Notwithstanding all that I intend to get some exercise by erecting approximately 120ft of fencing. However as this will be the 4mm to the foot variety I don't think that will be too taxing.


Further energy will be expended by a traipse around Messrs Sainsbury's store. It has come to my attention that there is a serious shortage of beers,wines & spirits at GB towers which quite frankly is an intolerable situation particulary as we are entertaining on Saturday & a couple of our friends make me look like a teetotaller!


Have a good day,


Edited by grandadbob
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  • RMweb Gold



You're never to old for measles!


I had it as a child, as well as chicken pox and then last year had Shingles (a variety of chicken pox), which was extremely uncomfortable.


Some years back, my brother in law had Shingles around his face; his eye was so badly scarred by it that he needed a cornea graft!


I'm currently suffering from a sub conjunctive hemorrhage, which looks far worse than it sounds. My right eye looks as if I'm a vampire who's just filled up on some pretty young lady in a Hammer horror film.


Fangtastic (Saves Debs doing that joke).






Edit: For capital letters and spacing!!

Edited by Happy Hippo
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  • RMweb Gold

Morning all.


Once you contract chicken pox you are never cured as such, it lies dormant, shingles is the effect you get when it flares up - it affects the nerves hence the unpleasantness of it.

I had chicken pox when I was in hospital as a child and the matron used to berate me to "STOP SCRATCHING", bathing me in camomile lotion to help and putting gloves on me when it didn't.


Dull but very warm down here today, some sun and spots of rain.


I wish Mr Faceless of BT could have been out our house last night as we tried to get the daughters homework done, algebra, solving for x, 15 to do get progressively harder, the poor girl was in tears as it had to be in today, the lack of Internet had used up the time, the teacher had given them 4 weeks to do it, but of course our Internet was off for 3 and 3/4 of them. I can solve them easily enough but I'm not a teacher so although I think I helped, it wasn't the best 2 hours of her life - still she got 87% so we were all pleased with the outcome, and the lost marks were down to carelessness rather than lack of understanding.


Met a local at the station last night whilst waiting for the stone train "I know a thing or two about trains" he told me - "Yes, yes you do" I thought - quite literally. :mosking:


Have a good day all.

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  • RMweb Gold

Morning all.

It is a lovely morning here. 

Plan for today is to complete yesterday's plumbing. Should be a simple task today. Aditi will be home early as she has an appointment to have her retinas photographed. People with diabetes get their eyes checked too (not just feet!). I'll take her to the clinic as driving afterwards isn't possible.



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  • RMweb Premium

The ";post operative notes" I have been given advise me that I should avoid exercise for a few days after my "oral surgery"! Never heard that one before - it was only 1 tooth out for heaven's sake- not a complete reconstruction of my chewing equipment.(Never before had "notes" after a dental visit for that matter!


Notwithstanding all that I intend to get some exercise by erecting approximately 120ft of fencing. However as this will be the 4mm to the foot variety I don't think that will be too taxing.


Further energy will be expended by a traipse around Messrs Sainsbury's store. It has come to my attention that there is a serious shortage of beers,wines & spirits at GB towers which quite frankly is an intolerable situation particulary as we are entertaining on Saturday & a couple of our friends make me look like a teetotaller!


Have a good day,





If the Doc says no exercise then milk it, GB!

Hope your 4mm:12" fence is as straight as my 12":12" one. Maybe you should do it in two halves - pre-going to Sainsburys and post-Sainsburys refreshment! 


Evening all.

The gasman came, posted a card to say "sorry you were out" and went. I wasn't out and surprisingly the card was left without even sending Robbie ballistic.... 



A little known fact (mainly because I only just made it up) is that MI5 & 6 field operatives train with Eon to ensure they can sneak in to places un-noticed. 



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  • RMweb Gold

Morning all, 


and fingers crossed for Don.


Very pleasant evening out yesterday at 'The Mill' at Sonning, a 'dinner theatre' (the menu seems to change very little over the years but the food isn't bad and you get the play as well).  This time it was a comedy set in an old theatricals home with a couple of familiar faces in the cast - Barry Howard from 'Hi-de-Hi' and Peter Byrne who played Andy Crawford in 'Dixon of Dock Green' whose very first line was 'evening all', and Derren Nesbitt who is now several times the man he used to be but no more attractive (according to Mr Stationmaster).  Lots of ancient jokes, some of which were very non-PC so the BBC won't ever be making a tv version, making a very pleasant evening's entertainment.


Back to the grindstone module today with Mrs Stationmaster getting to grips as scenic assistant I understand - however I have wrought a very useful improvement to the tunnel approach at the right hand end which looks quite good before the painting gets brushed up.


Off shopping now but surely it isn't Friday yet although I'm told we are going to Waitrose.


Have a good day one & all

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  • RMweb Gold

Morning all


I just about scrape in today. Had a horrendous sleepless night, for no particular reason, although the fact that I was scheduled to leave at 6.30 to go and see a friend in the next Departement may have added tension, although it hasn't previously. Most odd, but now I'm a complete drelb. I shall have to have a couple of hours in bed, as I'm out for dinner tonight at the other end of the village - all Anglais - and it's rude to fall asleep in yer din.


One of Sherry's schoolmates had shingles. She'd had chicken pox some time before, but then the shingles turned to meningitis, from which she was lucky to recover - it was touch and go at one point, I think. It rather banjaxed her O levels, so she got 5 instead of the 9 she might have expected. She got A levels, and went into nursing, before falling pregnant and marrying in haste. Another opportunity stymied. At some stage she blossomed, though, as she went to the LSE and got a degree, and is now an educational psychologist, including writing books. She also has a new husband. Bouncing back is apparently possible in life.

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