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  • RMweb Premium

Morning all!


Shouldn't have eaten dinner as late as we did last night, and not anything very spicy either - did not sleep that well in any case <_< . Oh well!


Have a good day all! :)

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Morning all. Woke up more than an hour earlier than the alarm - I soon will be getting up before I go to bed! Must have had a restless sleep as the duvet was 90 degrees rotated when I woke up!


Will be late on parade tomorrow. Helping to run an event in Dumfriesshire tonight, which involves an overnight stay. I'll surmise given the location that there may be no net connection for my phone!


Enjoy Monday, if that's possible!

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  • RMweb Gold

What always puzzles me is that they say March 21st is the first day of Spring, yet June 21st is Midsummer's day.

Perhaps this explains why Autumn and Winter are so long.

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  • RMweb Premium

Morning All, The sun is shining, what's wrong? Doesn't seem like the sort of day for going to work at all. Oh well, needs must. Had a great weekend at Basingstoke show and the trainset behaved itself rather well considering it was a maiden flight. A few things to sort out/improve but generally rather pleasing.


All was going swimmingly until I got home last night and found one of the cars has a flat battery! Looks like I'm shopping for a new battery today.




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  • RMweb Gold

Morning all.


It looks like a nice day, very sunny and already warming up. Matthew has a late start today as his geography tutor is on a field trip with the AS (lower sixth in old money) students.

I'll be off to collect Robbie from his weekend break at the kennels. I'm also hoping that the tyres I ordered arrive at the tyre fitters today. I don't think any of the tyre retailers have ever had the tyres for my car in stock, they always have to be ordered.

I can't see any daffodils appearing in our garden yet but snowdrops and crocus are still about. Some of our climbing roses flower all year but less prolifically in winter.



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Sunshine here with very thin high cloud about.

My daffodils are showing just leaves, no sign of flower spikes yet. We do have a large Camellia bush which has beeen trying to flower since the New Year, It's a mass of brown dead flower heads due to the frosts at night killing the newly opened buds!

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Morning All,


It is a bit grey and gloomy here this morning - and trying to rain in the wind.


Having said that, they have forecast better weather for later in the week - so fingers crossed!


Have a good day everyone :icon_wave:

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Electricity off here 9am - 5pm.

Major works apparently.


Don, I've printed out the diagrams but haven't had a chance to progress them yet - been constructing the mini mountain in spare moments.


Doubtful much will get done today with no power.

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Morning all! Not sure what it's like outside yet, haven't opened hotel curtains yet!


Jamie's come down with chickenpox. Still, better to have it early than later on. She seems happy despite the spots so no big drama. I'm not sure if I've had chickenpox before and my parents can't remember so I may be in for a dose... Fingers crossed I won't though!


Very pleasant here, in Gatehouse of Fleet. Went for a stroll along the road before bed last night, hardly heard a sound, no traffic and away from the village's main streets, it's pitch black. Something unusual when you've lived in Edinburgh and the north east, where Newcastle, Gateshead and Sunderland's lights all combine to give the sky an orange tint.

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Hi Mike,

Are you on business or holiday? Is Jamie with you?

I caught chicken pox from baby sitting my nieces when I was 26. Very unpleasant at that age so I hope you stay clear.

Enjoy Gatehouse. It sounds very peacefull.

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  • RMweb Gold

Hello. Very sunny and quite warm here and it is forecast to be about 10C later today.

Mike, I'm sure it is better to have chicken pox at Jamie's age. Matthew had it when he was 2 and he was very spotty. We had to keep his temperature monitored with any illness has he used to have high temperature convulsions. At the same time I was taking medication and I was supposed to avoid people with chicken pox. I don't think Matthew had any of the the other spotty illnesses as he was vaccinated with whatever was suggested at the time.



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Jamie's come down with chickenpox.


Hope she feels better soon. I remember having Chicken Pox, and it wasn't pleasant. Measles was worse though.


I'm glad my little guy shouldn't have to face either of them.

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