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Afternoon all - late on parade


Decided that the mower purchase could wait no longer, so slipped off to Le Mans (25 miles) fairly early and went to Castorama, which I believe is owned by the same lot as B&Q. Prices are not very competitive by UK standards, but good enough by French ones. There was a bargain mower reduced by 25%, making it only 20 euros more than the one I fancied, but it was bigger, and actually the size I've bought will get round the back of the bushes better - I have a lawn-tractor for the big areas, after all. Once I've finished my cuppa (and a look round RMweb, natch!), I'll be topping up oil and fuel and off we go.


Quite a nice day - sunny but lots of cloud about, so 13-14 deg is all it has managed to date.


Hope everyone's week goes well - and BT do the decent thing for beast!


In my mind's eye Ian, I am picturing your mighty tractor-mower basking in it's own TMD, complete with inspection pit come raised walkway (think Laira!), a cathedral like roof letting in copious amounts of natural light, and an army of uniformed fitting staff thumbing through the manual trying to work out how to perform an F-exam on it!

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Crikey - so much interest in a lawnmower! No Mike, the dash across the road hasn't really happened since 1970, although they still go through the motions as part of the build-up. Driving without seat-belts fastened is strictly forbidden!


As for the lawn-tractor, it resides in the stable, so will need to be ejected with a lot of other stuff if I ever have a sick horse. Not sure where the new mower will go, probably in the horse-barn for the time being. That has boxes and boxes of "stuff" that came with us from England but never made it into the house!

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Where: It's on a bank in a field behind a garden nursery at a place called Aberwheeler.

When: Today

How: Bought by a small consortium and neglected thereafter.


I know that Garden Centre; the one near Bodfari?.......`never noticed that coach, though; I must be blind! :blind:


The 'when' that I meant, was when it arrived there? :scratchhead:

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Dom, you must be very pleased the exams are over.


I certainly am! I'll be sure to turn my attention back to some model tweaking as I still got some loose ends to tie up with the projects on my workbench.

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I know that Garden Centre; the one near Bodfari?.......`never noticed that coach, though; I must be blind! :blind:


The 'when' that I meant, was when it arrived there? :scratchhead:


Yes - it's run by the County Council to give employment to severely mentally disadvantaged folk (don't know the current PC phrase).

I'd like to run that place for a few months - there is a fortune to be made.


The when must have been some time ago - it's almost rusted to the rails.


I managed to get a shot of the redpoll and his missus through the studio double glazed window.

Quite unusual here.




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'evenin all, Saw this car on my travels today,  you need to look carefully and see if you can read writing on the vehicle in front...... well I thought it was funny....


For those that  are interested the crane turned up this morning & job done. Photo in the morning.


CNN reporting planned attacks on Canadian trains just now. 





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Morning All,


It is still rather chilly for the time of year, but at least it is getting light earlier - at least that gives the illusion of Spring!


Time for a cup of coffee.


Have a good day everyone...

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Good morning all, and greetings on  St. Georges day.  At last yesterday ended up successfully getting the  .the remaining two boxes together.....crane behaved, client co-operated..all fitted together. So a rare not bad day.  


Well let's see what today brings, 



Try and enjoy yours,





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Was it hidden under the snowDD?


Did you mean the derelict carriage, Mick?

They did have heavy snowdrifts there but I didn't see it at that time.


Re the redpolls.

All the books say that they flutter about in flocks.

Not here they don't.

It's a rare treat to see a pair.

Edited by DDolfelin
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Morning all.

Nice day here. 

I will be off soon to the station. I won't be travelling by train, I'm just taking Aditi there. She will be on a course somewhere near London Bridge station.


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Good Tuesday morning all.

Clear sky. the sun is about to rise, but as yet there is no sign of it on the mountain.

25C today with no wind. In fact a glorious day. I hope yours is as good!

How is the foot Don?

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Ho for  England and Saint George! - why don't we have a big party to celebrate our Patron Saint - my council funds a St Patricks day "do" but nowt for St George!


Grey here in Leeds - off to the World Book Day tonight in our local so expect to have a drink (or two) for St George...


Have a great day folks!

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Morning All, waiting for the man to come to start removing 5 conifers, then I start project 3 a new fence ie post and rail then feather boarded. About 10 ft long as its at the side of the house,


My bank of brownie points continues to grow! mixture of grey and sun here, have a good day whatever your up to.


And yes Don how is the foot?

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Morning all and an almost perfectly blue sky. Wednesday is meant to hit 22oC, but after the winter we've had I'd settle for the sky as it is! 


One for Pete here - did you hear about the specialist cruises they are doing off Florida.... http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/business-22098778 Little would induce me to get on a cruise ship, but this idea might just change my mind. 


Parish councillor came round last night to look at the dumping ground created by the adjacent business unit. Little that can be done but he advised that we contact environmental health at the county council and got them to try and embarrass the site owner to clear it up. 


I see that Trev has contributed to the diorama-fest started by DD.  


What's the logic of funding another country's patron saint and not their own...,


Anyway, have a nice day everyone - sure the sunny weather will help!


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Why do I get an image of the Mounties chasing down this train on horseback.....Marvellous! 




I'm sure the defence lawyer will claim that the suspects had taken on board the ER thread about Niagra Falls town and were planning on doing some agressive urban remodelling to improve the place. 



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Not sure flying the flag would go down well here!


Just done a long walk to the bin (about 1.5 miles round trip) so that has set me up for the day. The creaky joints respond well to early morning exercise!


Holiday going well, especially now the overnight frosts are no more. Enjoy whatever you're doing!

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