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Good morning from a frosty scene in France!


The last few mornings have been so cold that it feels like an endurance test for the first hour or so and that's indoors! Today I've taken a walk to enjoy the beautiful surroundings.


Yesterday, it was past 20deg C in the afternoon but, being in a valley, the old temperature inversion kicks in overnight. (Memories of a dear and recently departed Geography teacher) Good to see the sunshine, though!


Have a good day, everyone!

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It's possible, Dom, although it would take some time in PS to clean it up and get rid of scratches etc.,.


That would be a fairly extensive job indeed, but I think it's this aged look precisely which contributes to its aesthetic value.

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I was reminded today (by events) just how good a composer Ron Goodwin was. His main theme from a forgotten movie called "The Trap" is probably easily recognized by most English speaking people 50 years on.


They just don't know what it is called..........


Best, Pete.

Edited by trisonic
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You have my deepest sympathies (oh and I'm also sorry to hear that you did for a few muscles while battling with the shrub).


BTW I have discovered a new handy diversion for Mrs Stationmaster who accompanied me on a visit to Alton today and went off to Boots while I was doing my shopping with Bob.  I got much longer than expected as she decided to visit the local museum which is apparently very interesting very a very good piece about sweet (little) Fanny Adams to keep folk amused.


Meanwhile the extended time I had available allowed me to keep on remembering the various things I'd forgotten. 



The museum is certainly very interesting. But if she tires of this then send her over to the Allen Gallery - up towards St Lawrence's church. 


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I was reminded today (by events) just how good a composer Ron Goodwin was. His main theme from a forgotten movie called "The Trap" is probably easily recognized by most English speaking people 50 years on.


They just don't know what it is called..........


Best, Pete.

And he was quite prolific in his day (when the UK film industry was more productive). He did quite a few scores for military themed films too. A fore-runner of John Williams in some respects.

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Morning all, from another sunny day here in Hampshire. 


Pete, The Trap is a great piece of music and must lift every runner's spirits. Difficult not to hear it and have the hairs on your the back of your neck rise up! 


Sponsored walk yesterday took us on a long ramble down lanes and footpaths with the children interested to hear about the ghost stories associated with each of the older properties in and around the village. Very grateful we live in such a nice place to enjoy the countryside on our doorstep.  


Off to the Hamble today to take some publicity photos on a mates boat. Due to cost cutting sad to say today's model is me. Well, they do say there's no such thing as bad publicity...i think my mug may be the exception that proves the rule!!  :(   


Good luck to the runners in today's marathon. 



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Morning all


Cold morning w ground-frost , but bright and sunny, as was most of yesterday. Must get back out in the garden today. My neighbour across the road has trimmed part of my frontage, which is nice, I suppose, but I really wish he'd leave it until I've bought another mower! The tractor is dangerous there, with a 90 kph road and a bend that means limied visibility, so I'm aiming to buy something more biddable. the last few years, fo course, we had a gardener, paid for by the insurance.


We seem to have a GP late this afternoon. No great surprises in quali, I see.


Hope your day goes well!

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Morning all,


Firstly thanks Andy for the tip about the Allen gallery, herself was most interested so maybe she'll be asking me to take her to Alton instead of me looking for an excuse (and if you get a bit further north 'The Poacher' at South Warnborough is now very, very different from the reviews that seem to date back a few years on the 'net - yet another 'reason' for a trip to Alton ;) ).


Anyway after that little diversion into Hampshire a brief comment to say that today's weather here seems pretty good with more to come but my attention this week must be concentrated on the module after a bit of material stocking-up in Alton yesterday.


Have a nice week one & all.

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Morning, volunteering down the Groudle Glen railway this morning.  That's why it's raining of course.  Clearing fallen trees after our extreme weather event a month ago.  next weekend we will be running a works train with the new loco, John Boyes' 'Steamplex', a diesel to steam conversion! :locomotive: Vertical boiler with a single cylinder engine driving through the original diesel gearbox - one up for us kettle fans. :sungum:   The recovered wood ends up as next winter's firewood for us too, once we chop it up into manageable sections!


Glad to hear Pete is fine up there in the dark recesses.... :O

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Sunny here. I woke up at the usual time but went straight back to sleep for another 3 hours.


Dom, I'm sure the exam will go well. Matthew doesn't seem to get anxious about exams, though he does have to put up with his mother's interrogation, "You got 99%, what did you get wrong?" or more recently "97%?, did you ask what you could do to improve your mark?". 


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Sunny here. I woke up at the usual time but went straight back to sleep for another 3 hours.


Dom, I'm sure the exam will go well. Matthew doesn't seem to get anxious about exams, though he does have to put up with his mother's interrogation, "You got 99%, what did you get wrong?" or more recently "97%?, did you ask what you could do to improve your mark?". 


Should perhaps change your name Tony, then Aditi could say:


Matthew's Marks are Lukewarm John  :stinker:


Well, it is Sunday as Don has already reminded us!

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Good Morning All,


Sunshine & blue skies, 9oC at the moment.


Just consumed a very nice breakfast courtesy of the Boss. There will be no running (Marathon or any other kind) here today but I am advised that a gentle walk around one or two shops is on the agenda. My presence is only required as chauffeur & porter.


Yesterday's aches & pains have subsided so a little more light gardening may occur. Who knows? - I may even get to play with some trains later!  :locomotive:



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Morning all ;)


Hope all's well with fellow ER dwellers. It's the annual 'classic car drive it day' today - I nipped out in the Rover earlier and passed a beige split screen Moggie Minor, a 'Prisoner' style Lotus / Caterham two seater, a Mk1 Cortina in Lotus colours and a very shiny dark green 1966 SWB Landrover... proper eye candy and no mistake!


Hoping to get a bit of modelling done later once Sunday roast has been consumed - my two blue Dapol Thousands have been hiding in the cupboard all week.... time to get the weathering gear out again.


Chin up chums ;)

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Afternoon All


Thought we'd be wakened at the usual time by the dog, but she stayed asleep until well after 7, which nowadays is classed as lie in for us. 


We are normally finished with the stove by the first week of April, but this year, we ran it on until last night.  We've used up a fair quantity of logs and coal this year - though we did bulk buy and most years we wind up scratching around for logs by the bagful - we had a load and a half delivered in July, then a further load in January, we also got through 320 kg of coal in total, but hey-ho we were warm.  Putting the stove to bed is a messy one, and when I took the log baskets and scuttle to be garage, we have half a scuttle of coal, a basket of logs, and five sticks of kindling, and probably saved lots on the gas bill, as we didn't run the heating as much as we might have. 


I agree that Ron Goodwin is one of this country's most under-rated composers - another was Malcolm Lockyer, whose Hofner guitar I have the great honour to own.


We used to have a lovely pencil drawing of Basil, our first Sussex Spaniel, and during a house move we put it in a safe place to stay flat - it was so safe that when we wanted to find it again, we couldn't, and it finally turned up when we were doing a very thorough clear round of the loft and eaves.  I was so pleased to find it that I thought I'd share it with you



Regards to All


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Don may not have heard this:



or this:




Best, Pete.

Well you definitely posted 'The Trap' on exactly the right day Pete - brilliant timing  (I quite enjoyed the film too, and '633 Squadron' - the latter often comes up on tv but I haven't seen t'other one for a long time).

Edited by The Stationmaster
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Well it is a lovely evening up here in Shropshire, apart from the sudden rain squall that blew through about 45 minutes ago.


Today we had an afternoon of gardening harmony.


The Obergrumpenfuhrer was busy in the greenhouse, and only required me to lift heavy things. I spent the rest of the time raking and sweeping around and re pairing some fencing.


Could someone explain why garden fence panels, despite being well proofed (annually) and kept clear of soil (concrete posts and gravel boards, still insist on falling to pieces at the end of their second season? (I suspect wood not fit for purpose!)


The tail end of the afternoon was spent hammering the posts which delineate the edges of the new outdoor railway. Bright yellow twine is then passed between the posts so that the area can be easily observed and dug out when required.


I realised that after 75% of the post had been placed, that I had not missed with the hammer once.


'Gosh!' thought I,'I'll have to be careful not to hit myself whilst I do the last few pegs!'


Yes, you have guessed correctly..................


Still the proposed track bed looks nice.





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Choose a peg size that matches the hand guard from a bolster chisel.!

In that case it would have been a very small bolster and a very big hammer :)


Alternatively, I could have got assistance from the OGF


'When I nod my head, you hit it!'



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Good Monday morning one and all, 


Not much to report from here yet , still dark outside,  temperature will be heading for the low thirties...let's hope the crane today performs as it should?  


Try and find something to smile at today,



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It seems like it could be a pleasant day today.

I had a somewhat disturbed night's sleep so  I'm fortunate I don't have anything too difficult planned for today.


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