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  • RMweb Gold

You were waist-deep in it? :laugh:

Not actually in that shot. I think I selected a bit of the photo instead of shrinking it. However later on I did find the soft bit in the allegedly well trodden path! 

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  • RMweb Gold

Not so much a morning report, but an early evening report.


Yesterday, as part of the daily briefing between the Obergrumpenfuhrer, and the less than happy hippo, the subject of planting out the potato crop was brought to the head of the list.


I, in all my innocence stated the potato crop needed to go into the bed recently vacated by the leeks.


The OGF, sneered and stated that the potato crop would go into the bed vacated by the courgettes.


This afternoon I dutifully turned over the ex courgette bed in preparation for the grand arrival of the seed potatoes.


After I had finished the OGF stormed up to the veg plot and informed me that in fact the seed potatoes should be planted in the ex leek bed (as I had originally suggested).


I then prepared the ex leek bed for the arrival of the seed potatoes, whilst the OGF prunes the raspberry canes.


I report the leek bed is ready to the OGF and then deploy the wheelbarrow to collect compost.


On my return, the OGF has dug out the first trench................wait for it............................ in the ex courgette bed.


When I helpfully tried to point this out, I got my marching orders, after a bout of OGF hystrionics, to the Russian front.


I have now dug the requisite number of trenches in the correct bed (the one I originally suggested) and am about to imbibe a stiff gin!





So very different from my experience yesterday - duly despatched to Tesco I was instructed to obtain 10 bags of their compost, they were on the bottom shelf of course (once I'd found them) and my back was still playing merry whatsit after a session of bending for chemical warfare on the as yet untilled part of the veg patch.


But the best part of the day came on arrival at the checkout where the helpful lady said 'Ooh, you're going to be busy in the garden'

'Oh no I'm not' said I, 'these are for my wife, once my daughter has moved them from the car to the veg garden'.


And when I got home there was Mrs Stationmaster busily planting the spuds into ground which had been dug over by daughter.  All I had to do was pay for dinner out this evening.

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  • RMweb Gold

So very different from my experience yesterday - duly despatched to Tesco I was instructed to obtain 10 bags of their compost, they were on the bottom shelf of course (once I'd found them) and my back was still playing merry whatsit after a session of bending for chemical warfare on the as yet untilled part of the veg patch.


But the best part of the day came on arrival at the checkout where the helpful lady said 'Ooh, you're going to be busy in the garden'

'Oh no I'm not' said I, 'these are for my wife, once my daughter has moved them from the car to the veg garden'.


And when I got home there was Mrs Stationmaster busily planting the spuds into ground which had been dug over by daughter.  All I had to do was pay for dinner out this evening.



My wallet is looking forward to that pleasure tomorrow evening.





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Hi, everybody! Feel a bit woozy after General Anaesthetic but procedure went well and three polyps removed, which is good. Have to have another next year, though.

Wife is cooking home made Pizza! Yay!

More later I cannot seem to type stright..........


Best, Pete.

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Hi, everybody! Feel a bit woozy after General Anaesthetic but procedure went well and three polyps removed, which is good. Have to have another next year, though.

Wife is cooking home made Pizza! Yay!

More later I cannot seem to type stright..........


Best, Pete.

Good news Pete.  Came out the right side of an op seven years ago and just had the all clear from my oncologist this week.  Sun seems to shine brighter somehow and don't really give a bu&&er about the dandelions in the lawn.  Live & let live seems to have a whole new meaning! 

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I had Cancer twenty years ago. After two ops I was declared clear = still alive and somewhat kicking!

It does feel good though doesn't it?


Tonight it looks like they got the creep cornered in Watertown, btw. More shots, though, hope no one else get hurt by the little shlte.....


Best, Pete.

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Morning all, 


Glad to see Pete's back in good form....as to the gardening stories, reminds me of the "discussions" between my Mum & Dad...nuff said. 


Today  I'm supposed to be putting together the pair of containers that should have happened last Saturday...(providing the truck drivers show!!)..


Have a good un all, 



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Still minutes from Sunrise, so still pre-dawn light. It's going to be partly cloudy, but no rain. Max 21C

The rest of the country has heavy rain, snow and thunder storms. We are lucky.

Happy modelling those who are able. Happy golfing Gordon, Happy gardening those condemned to hard labour.

I used to completely dig out the dahlia bed and fill with compost in early Spring to have flowers by Christmas.

First photo I've seen of Matthew. Aditi is tiny! Tony has a large presence.

Happy weekend all!

Edited by DonBradley
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Just had a very frustrating 45 minutes (eventually) booking 2 tickets on an East Coast service out of Kings Cross. Accessed through the Seat61 website, which takes you to the Virgin booking site. For seat selection, you only get one choice of window or aisle for the two seats (how do you ask for a window and aisle together?), and no carriage plan. We downloaded 2 different plans from the East Coast website, but I don't know which plan applies to the train we're taking. I eventually went through the booking process on the East Coast website (fares higher than those through Virgin!), up to the seat selection process, which does give you an appropriate carriage plan. So it looks as if we did get what we wanted (by pure luck). If not, I guess we ask nicely if anyone wants to change seats.

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  • RMweb Premium

Morning all, and a lovely blue sky with sunshine. Spring is truly here! 


Gardening activity was more sedate chez moi - detaching clematis from the trellis prior to the new fence going up next week.


Nice diorama, DD.


Sounds like the weather is somewhat variable where you are Don!


Pete, good result in Boston. Got some friends in that neck of the woods and spent time in Waltham, myself a few years ago.


Have a nice weekend, everyone. Enjoy the sun, it may disappear tonight. (If not there's something terribly wrong!)  :scratchhead:  



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Bright sun in the land of Gruff and frost is going fast now. Cutting list taken to a Rugby timber supplier and should be with me at the end of the week all ready for the construction of 12 boards.

Madam Gruff is being coiffured this am and singing with her choir in an anniversary concert this evening whilst I watch the last home match of the season for THE rugby team. Rest of the day will just fly by!

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Love the diorama, DD. Especially the variation in foliage, tall grasses, bushes, chopped tree etc. The little details really bind the scene together. An awful lot of fine painting/dying/colouring work involved. Did you have to paint the cabbages individually or do they come painted?

Edited by DonBradley
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  • RMweb Gold

The Obergrumpenfuhrer has gone to a Girlguidinguk training day, so I am left in sole charge.


I have drawn up a list of things to do, including a bit of retail therapy (well buying the latest MR to see the Pempoule article) and getting some lawn edging to see if it will make a suitable barrier for the 1:12 railway's ballast shoulder.


My new rifle has to have it's telescopic sight zeroed, and there are minor gardening tasks that can be accomplished. These do tend to be of the picking things up and brushing rather than the more artistic planting out.


At some point I've got to make a load of axles (which serves me right for using 1.5" as a gauge for the railway).


But it is a nice bright sunny morning with barely a whisper of wind, so it bodes well for a pleasant day.


The day has been marred by Elsa rolling in something not very aromatic, so my next job looks to be giving her a bath.

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  • RMweb Gold

Morning all


Looked lovely when I made tea just after 8, but it's gloomed over, and the wind is hideous. 6 degrees feeling like freezing.


Delighted that Boston can resume normal life. Let's hope the investigation shows that these two were just private loonies, so this is not the thin end of a larger wedge.


Tony S had always said Aditi is not tall - but she has a very large and lovely smile!


Is it me, or do we no longer see Coombe Barton on here? Or has he been on some extended trip to the wilds, too?


Enjoy your weekend, everyone.

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  • RMweb Gold

Love the diorama, DD. Especially the variation in foliage, tall grasses, bushes, chopped tree etc. The little details really bind the scene together. An awful lot of fine painting/dying/colouring work involved. Did you have to paint the cabbages individually or do they come painted?

You mean they weren't grown there?

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  • RMweb Gold

Morning all,


Very bright and sunny here, son has gone to football in Norwich (after getting in at 01.30ish from so work organised evening out, so he had about 5 hours kip) daughter has just set-off to watch one day of a local 3 day event (actually I'm not at sure if it's really a 3 day event of 3 x 1 day events?) and I want to go collect something from Alton but herself keeps on about nice weather and 'a day out somewhere') - so we will see what we will see.


This modern age of communication never ceases to fascinate me, last night/early morning daughter was watching live on SKY News the Boston bomber being run to earth while at the same time listening to the local Boston or thereabouts police radio over the internet.  When I was her age we'd just be getting a few scratchy pics an hour or three after the event by satellite link, ten years before that we'd hear about it on the radio news and wait for pics until we saw the newspapers or film had been flown over from the USA;  an amazing shrinking world.


Have a nice day one and all - and i see 'my' ship is currently round Sidecar Mike's way.

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  • RMweb Gold

Is it me, or do we no longer see Coombe Barton on here? Or has he been on some extended trip to the wilds

He hasn't been active on RMweb for over a month, hope all is well. As we have said in the past though, with 'virtual' friends, there is no way of knowing.

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  • RMweb Premium

Morning from a sunny Leeds. As expected the God of Cricket has decreed good weather in Yorkshire today for all new season first games. Having said that rain expected tomorrow so I will be getting damp!


Hope you all have a good day - my modelling went well yesterday - back to it on Monday post cricket.

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"That Ivy is a bu55er to get rid of.........."

She must be related to Yvonne.


Cabbages are painted mustard seeds.


Some may have heard about our home-grown terrorists in Denbigh.

Some said fireworks, others said large explosions where the scrotes were going around blowing up cars.

Block of Council Apartments evacuated overnight to the Town Hall while the police and bomb squad searched there.

No clear details at present but no injuries that I've heard of.

It is likely that one or more offenders might trip on the stairs on the way to the van.


Report here: http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-wales-north-east-wales-22227840


Nothing to add except that ball bearings were involved in the explosions.

Edited by DDolfelin
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... Also in the News is Jake the Peg.

I think it very wrong that folk should be named before being charged or convicted.

However, if someone is graced with an extra leg, I believe they should keep it in their trousers.

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