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Does the guitar have a beginner's manual?


Rain. There are still 5' snow (ice) drifts in places locally.

The rooks are pulling wool off the sheep for nesting purposes.

Lucky it's not the crows - they go for the lambs' eyes.


The lambs are an endless source of amusement.

Presently they are disputing ownership of a small boulder in the field, playing 'king of the castle'.

Edited by DDolfelin
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  • RMweb Gold

Morning all very wet overnight. I am collecting replacement Double glazed units for the rooflights today not the sort of weather I needed.


A break at Staverton is something to look forward to Bob.



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  • RMweb Premium

The lambs are an endless source of amusement.

Presently they are disputing ownership of a small boulder in the field, playing 'king of the castle'.


They always do that. Caring farmers put something in the field for them to climb on.



Lambs by tad2106, on Flickr

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  • RMweb Premium

Morning all. It rained through the night and it is now drizzling. 

Last day of the Easter holidays (remember Easter) and to be honest I'll miss the children when they go back to school. I know we're all meant to go "Woohoo!", but they do liven the place up.


Watched Horizon last night. http://www.bbc.co.uk/programmes/b006mgxf No matter how many times I see Michael Pritchard's demo of water purification (I know Michael through work) I always feel like gagging; and that's having drunk water out of the Potomac using alternative purification technologies.  Michae's bit is at the tail end of this programme, but all of it is worth a look if you have time. 


Anyway, back to more important issues - planning on doing more work on the layout in the garage today, but grocery shopping first! 


Trev, a special "key container" sounds like you'll be using a lot of locks on this project.   :)


Have a nice day everyone, and sympathies to anyone visiting the dentist! 


Best, Andy

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Morning All,


I am rather late on parade this morning.  A combination of getting delayed on the Autobahn by a traffic jam, and not feeling too well.  I seem to have come down with something, but don't really feel ill enough to go sick.


That's a nice model you've got Dominik - I've seen those fairly frequently around these parts of late.  They are certainly pretty ugly, but they have an air of power about them.  I guess given the current crop of locos, the days of the pretty locomotive are gone.  If they were ever there - but the warships (and indeed the V200s) did have very nice lines.


I never got to grips with Guitar, let along Mandolin.  I played it as a kid, but gave up - something I now regret.


Have a good day everyone...

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  • RMweb Gold

Morning all


I see that the millionth post was passed yesterday

And the frightening thing ........



...... we have contributed just over one in twenty five of those posts.


Make of that what you will.

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  • RMweb Gold

Must be Spring as the fish were up looking for food this morning.  First time they've been fed in over four months so they have every right to feel peckish...

Your herons must be ravenous too.

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  • RMweb Gold

Morning all.


Dull and raining down here today.


I reproduce for you a snippet of a PM I've received so you too can marvel at the attitude of this individual. (Note this is only a small part)


I don't go round irritating the crap out of other people by balancing on stepladders at level crossings photographing trains. It is no wonder you have train drivers flick the bird at you when you are doing that sort of thing


So it looks like I'll have to give up photography then, in fact I think we should ban photography right now.


Hope everyone has a good day.

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Sounds like you are planning a career writing children's story books Mike!

I have not infrequently been left with that impression when writing stuff for what I thought were adults ;)


Anyway a good morning all, it's Friday so it must be Waitrose plus we have an 'Internationa; Market' in town this weekend which sounds like something to give a big miss.  The French market is usually very good and the Italian one not bad but the 'international' one give the impression of being organised from East & South London mixed with the sort of tat itinerants try to sell you on Italian beaches plus some pale - very pale - imitations of North African food at rip-off prices.  I think it's big advantage is taht it doesn't upset local traders - with the possible exception of a couple of the grockle shops.


Advised at 08.00 by Rob that 'we have just left Berlin' - they're due into St Pancras at about 20.15 - not bad getting across a fair chunk of Europe in that time, I used to think I was doing well getting from Paris to Reading in just under 4 hours entirely by train.


Havea  good day one & all.

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  • RMweb Gold

Morning all


Blustery with showers, so really not very nice. Bit of blue sky here and there, though.


Feeding the horses always means a bit of bird-life, too, although I'm hopeless at identifying them. There is a pair of magpies - ISTR being told they mate for life? - and we have another pair in the garden here, too. Then there's a very animated little bird with a lot of red - not a robin - and vivid black and white flashes on the wings. Tweets away and hops about, no doubt benefitting from Varian's very sloppy eating habits - bits go everywhere. We also have a small bird-of-prey which is numerous hereabouts, often sitting on the telephone wires watching the fields.


Remarkably little going on here, but hope to get some modelling done later.


Hope your weeks ends well, and the weekend delivers what you need.

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Was very wet this morning when we arrived into London Bridge


The platforms are now more like ponds as the areas of platforms that were under the now removed trainshed weren't designed with falls to drain water and the temporary canopy sturcture doesnt have the cladding on the top yet on these particular platorms, so you get people moving very carefully through the water. I hope no one slips otherwise the ambulance chasers will be after Network Rail!!

Edited by roundhouse
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  • RMweb Premium

low flying clouds here today - mizzle makes sure you get wet through before you realise you are getting wet.


Yippeeddooo - its Friday - hope you all have a healthy and safe day

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Numb /Not so Puzzled /Throbbing Jaw of Sutton reporting for duty!


Injections didn't work properly ("oh that is unusual" said my friendly executioner practitioner) & have now almost worn off so I can least have a cuppa without dribbling.

There were also mutterings of "Houston we have problem" whilst he was excavating and was unable to find one of the nerves. I now have to wait two weeks to see if everything settles down so the treatment can continue or if it doesn't the offending tooth will be removed! ( I seem to remember Mick B suggesting something like this at the beginning of the week.)

Never mind chaps,(oops - & chapesses of course) stiff upper lip & all that, "Cry God for England, Harry & St.George,"  KBO & other manly stuff. :rolleyes:


Now where's the Bombardier? :drink_mini:






edited to include the ladies!

Edited by grandadbob
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Hi All.


Black clouds passing over all morning, mist and showers hiding the horizon  - this smiley has a lot to answer for  :cry: 


Physio this morning for shoulder injury.  Could do with a good kip, now. Reminder - watch out for those swivel chairs  :D No laughing matter :laugh:  No indeedee  :no:  :nono: :no:


Have a good day all and keep clear of those roundy roundy things.



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Just back from physioterrorism myself, Polly.  Got a good theraping today, legs are still wobbly half an hour later!  I think this is progress, but I'm never too sure.  I think some Okells and a curry will help consolidate things though.  Think I'll have a good hosing down first though.


Good chat with the new Inspector today, always difficult in our line of work (young offenders) when you get a new boss, multi disciplinary teams are notoriously difficult to manage.  Seems I was sorely missed, so that is a good omen.  Just got to live up to it now.  Mmm, got moderated.  'Pants', see if that works!


Gordon, we just started feeding our Koi this week too, all survived the winter thankfully, and are looking hungry too.

Edited by New Haven Neil
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  • RMweb Gold

Morning all.

From the 15th floor it looks sunny over the city, it is -4C at the moment but should warm up later this morning.


Edited by Tony_S
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When I was camped (in the motorhome at Galmpton you could hear the train whistle at Churston and a short walk done the road got to a good watching spot just before Greenway Tunnel on the saturday I strolled down with the dogs and met a chap who had got a stepladder out of the car and had it perched on top of the hedge. He told me that Earl of Bathurst was expected (the engine not some local dignatry) so I hung around to see it. He seems quite harmless and the damage done to the hedge was far less than those flails they use to hack them back ( and attempt to puncture cycle tyres and dogs feet with the debris they never clear up!) So providing you don't obstructs signals or the drivers view of foot crossing or the like I would ignore the bu99er and carry on Beast. Besides we enjoy the photos.


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