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Each to their own.  Augusta is probably the most beautiful yet one of the toughest courses on the planet, so if you enjoy golf, it's four days of wonderful viewing.


It's great to hear about your Canadian trip, Tony.  Probably the best holiday we had and loads of fond memories..

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Morning All,


As Dominik has already said - it is dull and wet here.


Some great pictures there Neil.  I never seem to find time for modelling!


Have a good day everyone...

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Good Morning all,  guess what... ?  When I got to where the containers were supposed to be just one of the five had turned up. !!!! And of course the one the had was the one that goes on top! As to the others.............."they're on their way".  


Have to agree about the layout Neil, lovely work.    Have to agree with Mike, thats a G.E.Mellor  lever frame,  I seem to recall that at one time you could be extension kits for  them? ANd unlees I'm dreaming there was an artical several  decades back about some form of rudimentry interlocking that could be made to fit them.


Of well lets se what today brings,



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  • RMweb Gold

Good Morning All,


Damp drizzly & 6oC at the moment - sunshine & showers forecast for later.


I'm almost ready to finish settling Mil's "estate". The reason I haven't is due to the total incompetence of her local council who seem incapable of supplying a couple of final accounts despite repeated requests. Apparently they are unused to people wishing to pay them money quickly. I now have a promise that the offending items are being dealt with this week. One is allegedly in the post & the other will be sent by tomorrow. I am not holding my breath!  :banghead:  :angry:

I think I'll phone them anyway just to "remind" them - it's not as though I've got a life is it?  :sarcastichand:


Parting comment this morning from management as I dropped her at work was "Why don't you play with your trains this morning? - you're always saying you should be doing more with them"


She's up to something again! :scratchhead:  :dontknow:  :girldevil:


Have a good day all,


Puzzled of Sutton.





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Great pic, Pete!  There's something about street running that is really special...


Sat down to watch a chick flick with my dear lady last night.  A film called "Once' that just had me enthralled, not just the film, but this guys music was just superb...


His face looked familiar and Google brought up he was the young guitar player in The Commitments, probably my all time favourite music film.  The emotion in his songs was just amazing.


Looks like his guitar has seen a few miles...:-)


Amazon sales went up by three CD's last night...


Glen Hansard.  Thanks mate for some great music!



Edited by gordon s
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Isn't nature great! Yesterday the local farmer power-harrowed two big fields around us and when I went to bed, my previously shiny blue Alfa was covered in thick dust. Overnight rain has been enough to rinse it all off quite gently and it is dry enough to tempt me to walk the 2km to the local pharmacy for my monthly prescription.


Dry but dull here now, need to finalise a few jobs before I start to watch Gordon's game from the most beautiful course in the world. Is the old artificer Peter Alliss still being wheeled out to commentate? I have to say that I like Sir Nick Faldo's commentary on US Golf.


Thank goodness things are supposed to be warming up over the next few days, we had snowdrops but hyacinths and daffodils are missing (or the hungry rabbits and birds ate them before we got to see them open).

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I do consider myself to have been very lucky that my teenage years were the 60's. Actually it is what you make of it.


Me too, re growing up in the 60's. A time of innocence but excitement when anything seemed possible.


Hope you haven't noticed my absence from here too much in recent days! Late nights at the theatre and busy days. "A Tale of Two Cities" is going well with larger audience nos than anticipated, with most sitting it out to the end! Opinion is polarised - people either love or hate it, depending on their ability to follow the story.


Three more to go! Have a good day, everyone!

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  • RMweb Premium

Grey and overcast in the third largest city in the UK.


Supposed to rain later today (cricket starts Saturday so its bound to rain) but hopefully it will only be a light shower.


Modelling on a back burner as I have a training session to organise for Friday night...


Hope you all have an excellent day!

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  • RMweb Gold

Morning all.


Muggy down here again, not as cold, temperature up to 7 deg by the time I got to work !


There was a local news article about barn owls yesterday which said their numbers had been decimated over the last couple of months, not too good but on the way to work this morning I saw three different ones (hopefully 3 halves of 3 pairs) - unable to stop for any of them as they were hunting the margins along narrow lanes but I was wishing them success in their search, so they will breed and the population will recover.




I've been meaning to ask this for a while.


In your work, do you come across a guy named Martin Egan ?



TB failed to turn up to the appointment to fix their own problems and failed to bother telling us - they will be getting a Mr Angry call later.



Have a good day all.



I'd gambol we are having lamb curry this weekend.

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  • RMweb Gold

Morning all

Very wet from tea time yesterday but has now stopped and the sun is sneaking under the clouds. I have a cable left for an outside light. Cafrefully taped up as it is live. It has been there for months but for some reason last night the rain had penetrated and tripped the RCD. I had better get on and finish the job.


Puzzled of Sutton (aka Grandadbob) after comments like that I expect something expensive is in the offing and I doubt it is more trains.



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  • RMweb Gold

There's a joke there somewhere, but I'd get locked up...


The Masters starts today, so a few late nights ahead of me.



How did you know I was starting to mark out my new garden railway? :D




Mountain Goats? I know a one liner about them and the mountain men who keep them...........Makes us Welsh boys laugh anyway!


The weather in Horton is grey and wet, so piling the stuff from the workshop outside to enable reorganisation inside of Caerphillthy works, will not happen





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  • RMweb Premium

Morning all, a drizzly one here in Hampshire


Excavation of the layout proceeds apace and I actually put some expanding foam spray down to build up a hill last night. Must be too cold at the moment as the foam didn't actually expand! The recycling bin is going to be particularly heavy this week with numerous railway mags inside. But it is quite a good feeling to clear out the garage space and concentrate on modelling. 


Granddad Bob, be afraid - there's summit afoot and you won't know about it till it's too late!


Pete, impressive photo of street running - slightly more glamorous than the coal train (preceded by a man with a flag)  that ran down the roads through Farnborough on its way to the R.A.E!   


Have a nice day everyone - I'm off out to the garage....



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  • RMweb Gold

Morning all,


Drizzling and miserable outside but herself is off to have her hair 'done'  later this morning and I understand a lunch out might be in prospect - guess who'll have to pay.   But it ought to be better than yesterday because after a nice riverside walk and slog back up the hill (after visiting the secondhand bookshop and spending the best part of £30) we had a home delivered pizza - which took about 80 minutes to arrive from time of ordering and was almost stone cold by the time it got here.  And judging by his body language the bearer who delivered it was expecting a tip - that has been left on Domino's website by herself but I don't think it's exactly the sort of tip matey would have wanted.


Have a good day one & all.

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  • RMweb Gold

Apparently my cliff erosion is getting worse - no wonder I ache in the morning sometimes.




Apparently  & I quote "There will be no groins - or, indeed, any other attempts to stem the natural process"


I feel for you Dave - I really do!  :yes:

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  • RMweb Gold

Morning, grey and cold here, not surprising as all upstairs front windows are missing as they are being replaced. Cold draft circulating the house whilst I'm dressed with numerous layers.


Rain due at 2pm, going to be interesting lol !



Have a good day all.

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  • RMweb Premium

Morning, grey and cold here, not surprising as all upstairs front windows are missing as they are being replaced. Cold draft circulating the house whilst I'm dressed with numerous layers.




I'm rather happy about finally being able to tear open all windows for a thorough air exchange these days! Keeping warm has been one thing this past winter, but radiator-dried air another entirely...

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  • RMweb Premium

Thanks for the comments about my half a train set, it's not really that good, just Peco track which doesn't look like American track either!  I really must get on with it once the weather gets warmer, but of course then the live steamers come out in the garden too, and.......that's more fun, driving a real steam loco.


Miserable damp misty morning here, failed to get light so far, although the snow is melting some, at last.

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  • RMweb Gold

Thank you all very much for your wonderful birthday messages! I was pleasently surprised by the number of them.  :biggrin_mini2:

I know I haven't been on that much the last year, but I will be returning now my modelling mojo is back and I have something to write about.

Yesterday was quite good fun all in all, going to Bath does have it's downsides (literally!), and my car handbrake just could not hold it on a hill so I had to reverse carefully back down! At least now I know I need to get it fixed...

I don't ask for presents nowadays, but Dad did offer he would get me some insulation polystyrene for the layout. I mean, how could I resist?!

The fun continues today, (after work that is) as I'm off to the pub with a load of friends going to the good old pub quiz and partaking in some drinking of course!

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