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Early Risers.


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  • RMweb Premium

With music as with the rest of life the old adage rings true, "never leave a bar early". I fear though the key to the puns in ERs is to compose your posts early which certainly isn't my forte!




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Two changes of key,

I like your new avatar. It looks just as I imagine you to look!


What is this "add to friends" thingy? Does it have any effect? I know it was on the previous system as well but have never queried it before.

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Morning all,


Seem to have started today in a different key!


If Don had said that Dawn was breaking, he might have been trampled in the rush to fix her!


Dark outside, no sign of twinkly things, just don't know yet if the sky's leaking. Better go and see if the van's still there, I suppose!

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Morning All,


It is just starting to get light here too - Still pretty dark, but there is a silvery hue in the Eastern sky.


Had trouble dragging myself out of bed this morning though.


Have a good day everyone! :icon_wave:

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  • RMweb Gold

Morning all. Bit grey here, that includes my hair. Long, long dreary day yesterday at an SW H&S conference where the speakers seemed to be vying with each other to be the most boring. Good grub though, it was at a posh hotel, I thought we didn't have any money...

I shall be joining the rabble going to High Wycombe if I can find my passport - I know it's north of Winchester, will we need an interpreter?

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  • RMweb Gold

Good Morning.


It isn't cold here this morning. The trip to the edge of the front lawn to leave the bin bag was achieved successfully. I'' probably try to sort out my trains again today. The dining room was required over the weekend so I put everything away. I only have to provide one train as my contribution for the exhibition on Sunday so I don't really have any excuse if it doesn't work!



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  • RMweb Premium

Morning ;) ...


Just above 7?° this morning and I'm still not really synched with winter time - became very sleepy last night even before nine o'clock.


The leaves outside are now shining in all kinds of yellow, orange and red. 'Tis beautiful, in fact :) .



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Morning. Nice outside today, bit chilly, but should be fairly pleasant nonetheless. I understand that the weekend will bring rain We are off to St Francis Rangers, who play at the Princess Royal Hospital in Haywards Heath in the League. Should at least be signposted, which is more than most grounds! - Might not even bother with the Sat Nav, as there are early kickoffs on Radio 5.

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Morning all! Last day in the office for this week, then a drive up to Inverness tonight. Still haven't packed. Will do that when I get home from work, as I had planned to do it last night but wasn't feeling well so gave up on the idea!


Have a good hump day, all!

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