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Morning  all,  Gordon I've got to agree that Lake Louise  is beautiful. Only snow I saw in September was on top of the mountains.


But I guess those in the UK have seen enough of the white stuff by now?   Just counting down to my next trip out there, though not doing to much travelling this time, Vancouver Island apparently....(Letting GF make all the arrangements) . 


What ever you've planed (or been planed for you!)  Try and enjoy some thing! 





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  • RMweb Gold

It's 20 years since I was at Lake Louise and was partially frozen in April when we did it. I we took the Skeena whrn it was still a full service over night train. I One of the best journeys I have done. I Must go back one day.


Now on Thalys in first class as it was much the same price as standard when we booked it.

Nice sunny day.. First this trip but it's home today and work tomorrow.




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  • RMweb Premium


Now on Thalys in first class as it was much the same price as standard when we booked it.



We rode first class on the Thalys on our way back from a trip to Brussels some six years ago as it had indeed been cheaper than 2nd class at the time!

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  • RMweb Gold

Morning all bright and sunny here but a heavy frost overnight. Yesterday up on Bonchurch Down with the dogs was beautiful.

Hope it is good for you.


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We drove up to Lake Louise today. There was some fresh snow but the trails round the lake were walkable. As we approached the car park on our return it started snowing heavily so it seemed a good idea to pop into the hotel there for a late lunch. By the time we finished it had stopped snowing and didn't start again until we had parked the car (underground) in Banff.



Hope you enjoyed that Tony. I stayed there for a couple of days 4 years ago, loved the walks (even if the altitude is notable) and got a wonderful picture of the lake without a ripple, reflections of the mountains on it and seeing the glaciers in the distance. It has too much definition to paste her, taken with a good DSLR.

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  • RMweb Premium

That's what I had hoped to see Trev, but it was a bit colder when we were there....




A bit..................?  Looks a bit more than that to me. :laugh:


Great photos both of you.  Thanks for posting.


Hi All.

A bit hazy here with the horizon disappearing into the same colour sky - grey.


We went to the Toy and Train Fair at Chester for the first time yesterday and spotted a bargain - a loco priced OTT at an exhibition a couple of years ago, sitting there just waiting for us to turn up and a whole lot cheaper - a Southern M7 on northern soil. :yahoo:


Have a great day.



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  • RMweb Gold

Morning all,


Nice & bright at present but 'high cloud' promised for today.  Might have a break from log splitting having done more than a few barrowfuls (of split logs) and a fair bit of stacking/stack alteration but the weather is still good so further work before the rain later this week is tempting.


Anyway first task is to deliver the offspring to Reading for them to catch the airport 'bus enroute to a flight to Budapest not such a varied trip as Ian's as they're only doing Budapest and a 24 hour stay in Berlin on this one.  Back on the train and presumably all in 1st class as Rob has an amazing nose for picking out bargain fares on various mainland european websites.


And that might give me a chance of some more 'Reading works' pics although I'm not sure how much will be accessible today as very little is running (only the east end Southern part).  All should be in operation tomorrow but I did one amusing little trip on Friday to get in some pics of things that are going or are different - poor bloke in the vestibule was most confused when the train he had got on for Reading West came to a stand at Tilehurst but when I explained that it was next stop Reading West he looked a lot happier - but still confused.   (if you're not familiar with the area a look at a map will explain his confusion)


Have a nice day one and all - and I hope the LGV Nord/Chunnel/CTRL=HS1 are all on top form for Ian.

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  • RMweb Premium

Good Sunday morning to you all. It's still pitch black outside so cannot give a current weather report, but expect it to be cloudy.

Sunday lunch will be lamb today. My brother lives in a more upmarket retirement village. He says they never have lamb for any meal as the management claim it is too expensive!

Happy modelling to those who can and do.


Sounds like the pricing of lamb here.  Expensive.

Savour your lamb - hope they get it nice and tender for you.

Do they serve mint with it and roasties?  If so I'll come and join you. :mosking:

Cold pork and roasties for us today. We bought a leg of pork for Christmas which was rather on the big side for us so we put half of it in the freezer til last week. Just the job for Easter week.


Enjoy your lunch



Edit. why is it that as soon as you hit the POST button you spot the typo?

Edited by southern42
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  • RMweb Gold

Morning all


Lovely bright morning here, and a little warmer, too. I do feel Spring is s-l-o-w-l-y creeping up on us at last. We have a hint of high cloud, as per Mike, so it may not last.


You know when you are a real anorak when you read DonW's post mentioning Bonchurch - and say 297! That was the number of the LBSCR D1 class tank loco of that name. In my defence, I think it came to notice having fallen off somewhere on the Cuckoo Line, so I recalled it more than many others. That's my story, anyway!


Hope your day is sunny and warm, too!

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  • RMweb Gold

Morning all!


Chilly out in these parts, hopefully it'll warm up before I have to go to work at 11.

Think of me washing up whilst you all enjoy your lovely Sunday roasts! Life backstage at pubs is hard work on a Sunday daytime shift.


In modelling news (on ERs, surely not?!), all boards but the two fiddle yard boards have been made, if the grass dries out I'll try and set them up outside, and see if it forms an oval (fingers crossed). 

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  • RMweb Gold

Lots of posts and pics to 'like' this morning.


Speaking of which, thanks for my 'likes' but I believe their 'phone number really was Cologne 4711 !

I called Chanel No 5 once.

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  • RMweb Gold

Think of me washing up whilst you all enjoy your lovely Sunday roasts! Life backstage at pubs is hard work on a Sunday daytime shift.

I don't envy you that - but I suppose many of us do/did tedious menial things to help pay for life before we got into a full career - and I recognise even that is no longer a given for many, however well-educated. My jobs were golf-caddy (3-hr long walk with men more affluent than my parents), ice-cream salesman (dumped with an insulated box at roadside in rural Surrey for a Sunday afternoon) and window-cleaner (as I hate heights, this could be quite a challenge!).

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  • RMweb Premium

Morning all, weather looks OK and hopefully today will be less demanding evicting a large fridge freezer is not easy. The fish tanks will also provide less angst today both children having planted their plants it is time for nature to do her bit.

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  • RMweb Premium

Yay. Crossing the 10°C threshold as I'm typing this! I understand that while temperatures are expected to rise even further in the coming week, the probability of rain will increase as well. Oh well!

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Dd, just been in Home Bargains, they had 100g packs of dried mealworms for £1 or 800g tubs for £7.99.


We went to McD's instead!

There's an obvious reply here.....


....... but I'll resist the temptation.

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  • RMweb Gold

Morning. Cold here today. I will post some pictures of Lake Louise but they are closer to Gordon's than Trev's. We will just be wandering around Banff today with Matthew. He goes back to Calgary this afternoon.

Pete, I asked him about the Greyhound and he said they are more comfortable than a school bus. He claims so far that he hasn't met anyone associated with the company who has a cheerful disposition and their website is unhelpful. But if you don't drive they are good for getting between towns.



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  • RMweb Premium

Afternoon All

995,532 Total Posts 995,547 Total Posts  - we're getting there.


Was about to log on an hour ago, when the conversation went like this:

30747 - "I cleaned all the drain covers of leaves yesterday"

45156 - "oh good, ALL of them? What about the kitchen drain?"

30747 - "I didn't do that one - can you just have a look? - you can do it while I'm bathing the dog"

So off I goes with the boiling water, watering can of hot water, and a bottle of disinfectant, as the kitchen drain is one of life's more challenging pieces of the domestic plumbing - seems to clog up almost weekly - and yes, of course, it was horrible.  Next time, I'll take the dog washing chore and 30747 can do the drain - some hope.


Why is it that I always seem to log on just as the kitchen peeper goes off to indicate that dinner's ready - it's just happened again, so

Regards to All


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  • RMweb Gold

I know that posts in wheeltappers don't count towards an individual's post tally.

If they aren't counted in the site's stats we passed one million posts a while ago.


Edit: if they do count thy make up nearly a fifth of all posts :O

Edited by BoD
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