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  • RMweb Gold

It nevers pays to argue with a bigger vehicle. In my late teens I shared a car with my mum (hers daytime mine evenings) one day she was hit by a bus on a narrow road. She complained that the bus had been halfway over her side of the road. She may have been right in principal but Dad couldn't get her to see that made little difference in practice.


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  • RMweb Gold

Further to today`s dental-derived E.R talk (in both humans and canines)...the vet. mentioned that the diffuse hemorrhagic crisis that affected my young-musketeer during dental surgery, can also afflict humans during routine dental interventions..........The idea that one might end up bleeding to the point of near-death whilst having a tooth out, might test the mettle of even the most confident dental patient. :O


Glad we all got through this day (relatively) safely. :friends:

Glad to hear the lad is progressing.  My last lot of tooth extractions were carried out in hospital - it seems the dentist (and the hospital dentist) were rather concerned about the possible impact of my daily consumption of several mg of warfarin so my bleeding ability, or whatever they call it, was tested several days on the trot as the wafarin dose was reduced then tested before and after the extraction and again as I returned to the full warfarin dose.  


All a bit kaffkaesque really as while reducing  the warfarin dose minimised the possibility of haemorraging it also increased my susceptibility to suffering another major blood clot (like the one that had previously landed me in hospital for a week).

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Good grief! Are we all insomniacs?

My pattern recently (if I'm home) is to be absolutely knackered by 10:00pm, so I go to bed. Then I awake at 12:30am - wide awake. So I get up make some tea and sit at the Mac.

Next thing I know is it's 4:00am and I've had  three cups of tea and numerous biscuits.......


Best, Pete.


PS It's 8:00pm right now.

Edited by trisonic
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  • RMweb Gold

i cant sleep either!


lots on my mind,


my wife has a hospital appointment tomorrow following the unfortunate events of the weekend.


i'm starting the new job next week, so have lots to sort out direct debit wise like enginmans fund, benevolant fund, things that are currently paybill deductions that colas dont do, then theres all the swapping over of pensions and sorting out ones i have that have been dormant for a few years


my "new" car, a chrysler PT cruiser is more knackered than i thought so is going up on ebay as spares or repair over the weekend, only gave £400 for it and spent another £300 getting it roadworthy which is not too bad but it wont pass its MOT in june without a new windscreen, brakes and brake pipes at a minimum so i'm going to get shut, thing is its such a good car otherwise im already looking out for another to replace it!


on the plus side ive been informed that my new job has had a pay review and instead of worrying about taking a pay cut moving companies im now going to be on more than i was on at chiltern so thats a huge worry lifted, i'd previously worked out we could get by with the paycut without cutting back too much so the raise should mean i can put something away every month or possibly overpay on the mortgage to pay it off quicker

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  • RMweb Gold

I'm not an insomniac as "over here" in sunny Alberta it is nearly 7.30 pm. Just off for something to eat. We did quite a lot of gentle walking this afternoon. We had a drive up to a local ski place (Marmot Basin) this morning. Children seem to be applied to skis at quite an early age here. We just watched.


The caribou I saw at a distance the other day turned out to be elk. The pictures in the guide book confused me. We saw three today quite close to the footpath we were walking on. I do have a photo. I'll attempt to post it later.


Pete. One of Aditi's uncles was told not to fly after eye surgery as "his eyeball could explode". I was once told I couldn't go home from hospital as I lived more than 15 minutes drive away. I think they were trying to explain the seriousness of the condition.  I was a bit delirious with blood poisoning and wasn't at my most rational. 

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  • RMweb Gold

My ENT wanted to operate on my deviated septum and conch (no, not due to that)........

........ must be that guitar you've got stuck up your nose then.

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Morning all, 


This laying awake thing must be catching, had a fairly restless night for some reason......then there was a noisy mozzy buzzing round my bedroom, until I turned the a/c on.....then I couldnt get back to sleep. Now just turned 5am...and I'm up showered, breakfasted and ready to get up n at em! 


Thanks for sharing the photos Tony.  Debs, glad to hear that pups on the mend....


Enjoy your day today, be good & careful,



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Cloud was forecast but it's crystal clear blue at the moment, with a comfortable 24 promised for mid-day.

Good news from the collie front. Cheers!

My Timothy has a very high pain threshold. When at age 6 he broke his leg he went for 3 days without complaining before it was attended to.

I have similar luck! When I broke my collar bone it was painful but I was not aware that it was broken. It was years later when my Doctor noticed the healed bone in an x-ray he asked me when I had broken it and I was puzzled as, as far as I was aware it had not been broken.


It's FRIDAY you working stiffs. Rejoice!

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  • RMweb Gold

Good Morning All,


Dry & 2oC at the moment. We had some snow showers yesterday but it didn't settle - possibly more later.


When I was in my early twenties I had to have a couple of impacted wisdom teeth removed. My dentist (who was Polish/German "extraction", tall, blond with rimless glasses) said "I vill giff you ze pankilling becoss ziss vill be verr painful uzzervise". 

Dunno about uzzervise it voss bloody painful anyvay   :butcher:

I do have quite a high pain threshold but that was something else & ever since if the dentist says do you want an injection then I accept! (gratefully)


As it's school hols eldest granddaughter is coming later this morning to assist with this evening's catering & to bake a cake for  her mum's birthday. Other grandchildren will also be available to "assist". I could be busy today. :help:



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  • RMweb Premium

Morning all...


Dull and overcast outside, and a bit breezy, it seems. Could have done with some more sleep as well, methinks, but once I'm awake, it's rare for me to be able to get back to sleep.


Happy Friday, everyone!

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Me too, 1216 025! I usually wake between 6 and 7am, regardless of the time I go to sleep. Not clever at present when rehearsals then winding down mean it's after midnight before I settle.


Opening tonight with a charity performance. This means a charity can sell the tickets in aid of their cause with the theatre taking a small % to cover costs.


Friday was always the best day of the week when I was working. Enjoy!

Edited by Ashcombe
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  • RMweb Premium

They`re the famous Canadian monopod geese; easily recognised by their 'goose-hopping' gait! :mosking:


Well, that beats goose-stepping in any case! There's been too much of that throughout human history...

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Morning All,


It is another grey and Wintery morning here.  Still no sign of Spring!


They`re the famous Canadian monopod geese


For some strange reason, I read moped geese.  Which conjures up interesting images...



Have a good one everybody...

Edited by Robert
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Brilliant Canada Goose picture.


Being an ER does involve going to bed at some point folks.


SWMBO a bit more shaken up than she wanted to admit so talked it out last night and we, also, were late to bed.

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  • RMweb Gold

Dull and over cast here in Basel. A freight train passing through Basel Bad every few minutes which we can see from our hotel room. We had the windows open through the night.


Despite this I did get a good night's sleep.!


Today we are off to Stuttgart. I Will be the first time in this city for us.


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Further particulars:

I'm now told it was a mobile crane capable of lifting 55 tons, rather than a 55 ton crane.

Everyone (the Police, the Crane Firm and a Garage) has said that the driver probably didn't know he'd hit anything.

They even run cyclists over without noticing.


So far all the aggro is proceeding as smoothly as it can - everyone being very helpful.

Our Insurance Company tried to convince SWMBO she has whiplash.

I think they sell on details to those dodgy lawyers.

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They even run cyclists over without noticing.


They`d have to drive on the pavement `round here to accomplish that! :rolleyes:



I hope she-whom is settling on the road to normality :good: .......Here, we have a well-known Crane Co. depot nearby; I`ve counted 32 x 6ft. dia wheels on some of their yellowy-stable......I might easily foresee them flattening a car/bike unknowingly.

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