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  • RMweb Gold

The sun is around somewhere, and we have a very pale blue sky: Temperature unknown, but it looks as if there is a bit of a nip in the air.


Andy's talk about potatoes reminds me that we have two varieties to go into the veg plot, but I'll need to clear and prepare one of the beds to get them in.


Perhaps it would be more accurate to say that I will do all the digging, turning composting and raking, whilst the Obergrumpenfuhrer will be responsible for administering both the big stick when progress slows, and positional accuracy of the seeds.


The lawn also requires a haircut and the bald edge where the hedge was reduced will need an influx of grass seed.


I have given up holding my breath for the delivery of my 42xx and 52xx locos, they will probably turn up in time for this Christmas.


Don's talk about sleeping better when warm made me smile: I now have a vision of him with a bed cap and long woolly socks, encased in an green army down sleeping bag looking like a caterpillar. Lord knows what Yvonne would do if he sprang out looking like a Red Admiral!


Enjoy the day



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  • RMweb Gold

Morning all,


Nice bright day with the frost gradually going after a very clear night.  The tree surgeons should have arrived about half an hour ago but are running late, I do hope their railway contract hasn't been suddenly reinstated and I've lost out as I've got a very good price with them this week - we will see.


Might get to Reading later to watch the fun & games, yesterday seems to have been a bit on the shambolic side with a couple of train failures messing things up and the place clearly doesn't work brilliantly with only double track and 4 platforms instead of quadruple track and 6 or 8 platforms - should be better next week.  And it's nice to look at it and think that it's not my mess to sort out - even after 12 years of it being not my mess (usually someone else's of course) to sort out.


Anyway we managed a bit of garden work yesterday but a sudden request demand emerged fro concrete edging of the vegetable patch so the concrete mixer might spring into action on Friday although we are a bit short of ballast and no space for a bulk bag at the moment.  At least it should make the chiropractor a happy chap next week  - unless it's an emergency appointment on Saturday.


Have a good day one and all.

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  • RMweb Gold

Morning all


Suspect Sherry might have designs on your Toad sign, beast!


Was up and out a bit early today, as there is a mathematical chance of DHL delivering some horsey food supplement ordered from UK. My normal slot for feeding the dobbins is 10 - 10.30, which is the time lots of white and not-very-white vans descend the hill past the house, as the various delivery companies' rounds fan out from Le Mans, 25 miles away. May not be today at all, of course. Cost of importing from UK still left me paying about 2/3rds of the total French price - but it is a UK product. So many things are silly-expensive here.


Deffo less breeze this morning, so windchill in the sun is reduced. Car was iced up at 8, mind.


Hope your day feels a bit like Spring, too.

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  • RMweb Gold

Good maudlin' all.


If you are going to maudle, Leonard is probably as good a place as any to start.


As the sky is blue and Mrs Bod has a day off, she has decided that we are going 'out'.

This often involves a FEB on the way to somewhere quite pleasant so I don't mind in the slightest.

Still a bit cold though, so we will need to be well wrapped up. We are of the opinion that there is no such thing as bad weather, just inappropriate clothing.


I wonder if she fancies a trip on the NYMR.

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Selected "first unread post" but was delivered many posts later. Luckily a post I read referred to an earlier post which I had not seen so paged back to my last post and discovered I had been deposited many posts ahead of of my last read pst. I shall have to check in future.

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  • RMweb Gold

Selected "first unread post" but was delivered many posts later. Luckily a post I read referred to an earlier post which I had not seen so paged back to my last post and discovered I had been deposited many posts ahead of of my last read pst. I shall have to check in future.

Complicated, huh? Just don't become post-off about it, Don.

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  • RMweb Gold

"positional accuracy of the seeds"


Where do you buy your potato seeds, Hippers?

The OGF gets them from the garden centre.... I believe they have a tree which you pick them from.


I don't do the technical side as I'm not very bright, but I can lift and shift heavy things.


Seriously, I think the latest batch of seed potatoes came from a neighbour who had over catered.





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SWMBO is majoring on onions this year.

Several bushels of exotic examples are awaiting planting so that the birds can pull them up.

"For what will we use them?" I enquired.

"Stews, Casseroles, Soups, Salads" she offered.

"Can't we just use the sacks of little onions you've bought to plant out?"

For which I received one of those 'you idiot' looks.

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  • RMweb Premium

t's Toad Time !


This somehow reminds me of the following sign I saw on the north end of Rømø, Denmark, during our vacation there last year:




Not quite the kind of warning you'd expect in a landscape as bucolic as this, is it? The reason for it being there is that there is a firing range off the northwest of the island.

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  • RMweb Premium

Back from physio, managed to beat my record on the exercise torture bike thing, 4.7 miles.  That just means he'll turn it up higher on Friday of course #sigh#  I am assured it is doing me the world of good and I'm making good progress, I just wish it felt that way! 


Sun blazing now, there's a possibility of double figures at this rate, I may saunter down to the garage and see if my train set is still there. :senile:

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  • RMweb Premium

Morning All, There appears to be a bright orb in the sky though it's bloomin' cold. I'm sure it will be back to cloudy by the time I reach the golf course.


A rare quiet moment...




The frustrated (in more ways than one) terrier is asleep! He is less than happy at having to wear the "lampshade of shame" but as he chewed his stitches out after having his bits removed... Two more days to go then it can come off.


I don't know about maudlin but 10 minutes of Leonard Cohen is enough to make anyone slash their wrists!


Have good one all.




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Morning All, There appears to be a bright orb in the sky though it's bloomin' cold. I'm sure it will be back to cloudy by the time I reach the golf course.


I don't know about maudlin but 10 minutes of Leonard Cohen is enough to make anyone slash their wrists!



You mean this Leonard Cohen?

  :O Then again it could be worse. It could be listening to Leonard Cohen while reading anything by Margaret Atwood.
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  • RMweb Gold

SWMBO is majoring on onions this year.

Several bushels of exotic examples are awaiting planting so that the birds can pull them up.

"For what will we use them?" I enquired.

"Stews, Casseroles, Soups, Salads" she offered.

"Can't we just use the sacks of little onions you've bought to plant out?"

For which I received one of those 'you idiot' looks.

Oh dear, there seems to be an RMweb Wives thing going on here as herself also has a selection of little onion thingies waiting to be planted out - they're called 'sets' but past experience suggests that some of them probably won't and we might just as well eat them now.

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Eldavo - there's something about those 'lampshades' that just make you go 'awwwhh' when you see a pet having to wear one.... poor little mite, hope he's alright!


Sunny but cold here with a definite (and very welcome) hint of Sring in the air - Tommy, one of our moggies, seems to have woken up to it 'and then some' as he leapt out of the conifer in the back garden having chased a pigeon up it two minutes earlier! Clever lad made sure he landed square on the grass and not the concrete path that runs alongside it, bless him.


Chores are done, bathroom walls are now repainted and numerous ebay items have been despatched to all corners of dear old Blighty -  looking forward to picking up the P5B tomorrow morning!

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Anxiously pacing about awaiting a call from the vet.......youngest (relatively: as he`s now 10 years old) tri-colour Collie is in for emergency teeth extraction/s under general anaesthesia: evidently he is suffering an occulted-abcess :O ......I took the other two to the beach; to take our minds off things, but musketry isn`t the same without our dear 'Porthos'. :no:

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  • RMweb Premium

Anxiously pacing about awaiting a call from the vet.......youngest (relatively: as he`s now 10 years old) tri-colour Collie is in for emergency teeth extraction/s under general anaesthesia: evidently he is suffering an occulted-abcess :O ......I took the other two to the beach; to take our minds off things, but musketry isn`t the same without our dear 'Porthos'. :no:


Ouch... Dentists are my personal bugaboo, so fingers crossed for Porthos, Debs!

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Morning *ahem* all...


My spot of Easter modelling last week won third prize in the contest.  Which was a decent size Easter egg.  I then also managed to win the raffle too for a large egg...


It's quite pleasant in Edinburgh today, the sun's shining and there's a gentle (but cool) breeze.


I'm now getting my head around the thought that I'm going to need to move house either this year or next (for various reasons) so I'm going to have to start doing all those jobs that have been awaiting my attention, and rationalising my possessions (or hiding some of them at Mum and Dad's).

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  • RMweb Gold

Just had a call from the vet.: things aren`t going well, there`s a severe clotting-problem.........they`ll call back in an hour.


Presently just having a weep.


Hope everything turns out Ok Debs.

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  • RMweb Gold

Just had a call from the vet.: things aren`t going well, there`s a severe clotting-problem.........they`ll call back in an hour.


Presently just having a weep.


Fingers crossed for you Debs

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  • RMweb Gold

Fingers crossed Debs.


we used to plant out about one or two hundred onion sets. The next day we would go round putting back the ones the birds pulled up, the next day we etc. etc. until they had grown some roots. Hapy days though.


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