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A day spent at friends 'down south' in Grenaby, farmer friends, so we had a farmers lunch with them, meaning we won't need anything further to eat today!  They luckily missed the massive snowfall, and their dairy herd is still in so no animal losses for them, whereas many farmers in the west have had huge losses of livestock.


It's still a cutting wind here despite a soaring 6c, not much thawing in evidence in the heavy snowfall areas.

Edited by New Haven Neil
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  • RMweb Gold

Morning all (eh?)


Just back from York show. Very enjoyable. Followed by an unhurried drive back over the Yorkshire Moors. Great day all round.

Picked up plenty of necessary bits and pieces, not one of them RTR.

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  • RMweb Gold



If you bought Orwo you were truly desperate for more film! Remember somebody in the Camera Club showing some photos shot on Orwo - really dreadful colours.


In 1975 I used Agfa 50S Professional Slide Film and developed it myself - later switched to Kodachrome 200.


For the last 10 years before I went digital in 2005 it was Fuji Provia either 100 or 400. Now that's a world away from Orwo and can beat many digital images.


The shots of Reading are interesting - I've only once stopped at Reading and that was about 1970 when I changed trains onto green slamdoor stock to go to Hazelmere!


Haven't been through Reading on a train for almost two years so your photos are showing huge changes from my point of view,





I loved Agfa 50S - used it for some years although it went to them for processing (but I did buy it at a bargain price to start with so not all bad).


I've been photographing various things at Reading for around 50 years although a lot of the middle years of that period is pretty sparse as my main interest, when I could get there in time, has been signalling and infrastructure changes but I have managed to get quite a lot of pics over the last 2-3 years catching a lot of the rebuilding work as it has gone on plus trying to get some 'then & now comparison pics where possible although this can be very difficult when every single landmark from the past has vanished.  


But I've hot some pics of the 1965 colour lights before commissioning plus pictures of their updates and replacements plus some over this weekend just before their demolition or while it was going on - very odd to see what I regarded as 'the modern railway' being replaced by the latest fashion in modern railways.  Takes all sorts I s'pose but here are a couple of comparatives taken from near enough the same spot - the first in 1965 and the lower one taken today.  Different lens lengths, and quality, don't give an exact comparison but enough I hope to give something of a hint of a minor part of how things are changing -





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Well, we did break various 'temperature for date' records throughout BC yesterday and today. Just a great Easter long weekend. It's going to break a bit tomorrow, with some drizzle, but people will be back to work, so it doesn't matter too  much. Makes a change from the usual here -


Q. - What follows two days of rain in Vancouver?

A. - Monday.  

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  • RMweb Gold

Hello all.

We are now in Jasper. We had a wonderful drive up the Icefields Parkway. It was a perfect day, clear, warm but loads of snow and ice everywhere except the roads. We had a quick diversion into Lake Louise village to fill up with petrol as I wanted a full tank as the next fuel was here in Jasper. I wasn't too sure how far the car (Jeep Liberty) would go but it turns out to be more economical than it was in city use! I got a geology lecture for much of the journey but I don't mind, Aditi is very enthusiastic about mountains (not climbing them though!).


We had a gentle walk round Jasper town centre before dinner (there are trains here!). I must find out what herbivore is decorating much of the roadside grass around here. No creatures visible while we were about though.



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Did somebody mention two days of rain? Well here it's five with today and more to come but a mild 21C. I'm nevertheless wearing a thick  warm jersey (I wouldn't survive in Scotland)

BoD, I'm glad you enjoyed the York show. Has it inspired you to progress on your shunting puzzle?

Gordon, thr first thing I do after perusing ERs is check in Layouts for news of Eastwood, but no luck recently! How about a model of a golf course or even just a fairway with bunkers and a water feature?

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Sorry to disappoint you Don.  Easter was fully booked with family events, so no time slots at all.  The intention is there, but still not 100% or I would find time no matter what.  Right now golf is satisfying my competitive streak and playing with the Seniors has made me very aware of age limitations, so I guess I'm grabbing every opportunity whilst I am still fit enough to hit a ball long enough to par some holes.  It won't be that long before physical changes mean that becomes more difficult and I guess more passive hobbies will take over.  I'm not saying it will be years before ET really starts motoring again, but it may not be right now.

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Morning all, 


Been a strange week end, not going to work has been a very strange feeling.......and not really feeling inclined to do any modelling......


Still counting down the days now to my next trip out West....(BC)...


Try to be good today,



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  • RMweb Premium

Morning all...


Quite sunny and not as chilly as it has been on some previous days, but the forecast is making only very cautious predictions about rising temperatures by the middle of the month. I'll believe that only when they really do materialise in any case!


Didn't sleep that well last night, so some coffee will be required ASAP.


Enjoy your day!

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Morning All,


It is rather a nice morning here - bright sun and blue sky, but still cold.


I am feeling a little on the tired side this morning.  I was woken up shortly before four by a Police Helicopter circling and it proceeded to do that for about an hour before departing - just in time for the opening of Frankfurt Airport and the arrival of the first long haul flights over my house!


It turns out a petrol station was robbed just down the road.  According to the news, a police car just happened to be driving by and spotted that the alarm had been triggered.  The four robbers were still on the scene, and the police managed to arrest one but the other three managed to escape.


Have a good day everyone...

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Another piece of news from the Easter weekend says a 25-year old motorist was caught going at 175 kph in a 70 kph zone on Good Friday. He is now facing a heavy fine as well as three months off the driver's seat.

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  • RMweb Premium


sun shine and blue skies in Robin Hoods Bay..


Internet a bit dodgy but we are more than making up for this by undertaking a number if quizzes - certain that you would enjoy them Pete (and we could do with your music knowledge).


Have a great day everyone

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April 1st passed well without injury and lots of folk laughed.

The Songs of Praise rehearsal swelled the potential congregation to about 30 from its norm of 6 - 8 every three weeks.

Enquiries as to why the Church was locked were answered by the little notice with the YBF telephone number.

The potential sales of Lo-Farp Oil on offer at Boots exceeded expectations.

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Gawd! Compare to the church my Wife and Daughter attend here, standing room only at five services per Sunday. I'll let you know their weekly taking later....

People seem to be more religious here BUT it is not pert of the governance of the country, thank diety of your choice (I'm an atheist).


We should not say any more on here, of course.


Best, Pete.

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  • RMweb Gold

Morning all

Lovely Sunny morning although quite cold.

My life seems very tame compared to some at the moment DIY and decorating. I shall be glad when we get it finished and can set off in the motorhome.


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Good morning from sunny, but still chilly, Torbay!


A busy fortnight with rehearsals every evening in preparation for the opening night (for charity) on Friday of "A Tale Of Two Cities". A tiring schedule but I'm sure it will be worth it! All in costume last night which looked good, as does the lighting. Let's hope the principals master their lines and the skivvies, of which I'm one, put the right items on stage speedily enough.


Hope the return to work for those who do is not too gruesome.

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  • RMweb Gold

Morning all


Bright, very cold etc. Not much inducement to be gardening, yet this time of year is deffo carpe diem time, before everything gets into full growth. Might venture out there this afternoon. Will need to buy horse-feed today, too.


Keep warm, everyone!

Edited by Oldddudders
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