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Adventures in code 55

Gloucester Road

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Wow, thanks for all of the info on trunking.


So while waiting for the glue and paint to dry I had a little ballast left over so did some work over the bridge after exiting the country station




Then two locos were held up due to all the stuff on the tracks.




Like I said I had some ballast left over so I did some work with motors, trunking and cabling. Now having read, above, that trunking is normally in the cess I found myself with a dilema, either put trunking inbetween the track or on the nearside. There is no room on the far side and if it went nearside you wouldn't see it; so in the centre it is.


Here is the before



And the after



I was pleased how this turned out so, as the eagle eyed may have spotted in the first picture, I added trunking and cabling to the point that allows access to the off scene powerplant.






Its a slow and fiddly process but worth it, I think. So the rest of the trunking will be glued down and then await for the ballast to arrive.



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There would be exceptions to every rule. I'm sure somewhere there is trunking between lines:)


It's looking really good! I was in a model shop earlier and nearly brought a load after seeing you put it to good use.


Look forward to seeing more pics soon! :)



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  • 2 weeks later...

So after an amazingly stressful week of flying I spent some time relaxing by ballasting and planting grass I ballasted some of the upper level track, pics once its dried and cleaned up. I also decided that the sidings for Angus ltd was too clean so grass was planted in the area.








Pics of the other ballasting to follow shortly.

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After this week anything would be less stressful.


Well here we are. All grassed, ballasted, point motors instalked, with cabling and trunking. Only as far as the platform today, maybe more tomorrow, need to glue down platform first though.






Now off to watch Prometheus.



Edited by Gloucester Road
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Thanks for the kind comment Lee.


47474 was captured this morning working the ballast train; some minor tweaks to this area and the engineers declared it fit for service.











Seeing how it snowed again overnight maybe some more ballasting today, once the driveway is cleared.



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With the driveway cleared and the boys building snow forts I disappeared for awhile to the train room. Ballasting and grass was started on the other end of the platform. The platform has been glued down too so the station has been partially ballasted too.



The platform



Michael Palin was seen entering the station






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Hi Stephen,


I've really enjoyed looking through your thread. You have a very nice layout and whilst looking at it I found myself having to constantly remind myself "this is N guage". Really good stuff and keep it up. Looking forward to some more.


All the best,



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After a flourish of modeling at the beginin of my week home things have slowed a bit; I've been enjoying running trains. Its been school vacation week here in New Hampshire so activities with the family have come first. However today its tipping it down with rain which is making a mess out side as we have/had three feet of snow on the ground.So the boys are curled up with a laptop and wii for the rest of the day.


It dawned on me today that it's ten years since I started a subscription to Model Rail. So out came my binders of back issues; it is amazing how far our hobby has come in ten years. I was poking through the isues from 2006 when Farish and Dapol were each coming out with there respective class 66, very interesting to see Farish and Dapol have have really upped the came in N as they try and out do each other.


I was also stuck with how Model Rail has changed over the years, through different formats, reporting styles, paper and binding styles. Each change I think has kept the magazine up to date and well worth the subscription.


My other thought was what has happened to some of the layouts featured. There are some really good ones and I wondered if people and layouts featured had moved onto other things and interests or were still enjoying their layouts and hobby. For example, my current layout is my third in ten years, each one is better (I hope) than the last and has built on the knowledge gained through the previous experience. However do others complete a layout play awhile and move on? Do you keep the previous layout, sell it, rip it up? I was lucky that layout #2 was given to the boys and we now happily play trains together: though I do lose to computers/wii .


Anyway those are my rabbling thoughts on a wet day. Long may our hobby continue, interested to see what happens in the next ten years.

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  • 2 weeks later...

So it been a rough week; normally I stear away from personal issues on rmweb but this one is really concerning. My wife who has been cancer free for five years now had a really awful reaction to her cancer medication has week. It's a synthetic thyroid hormone and she went off the charts this week. So we have been in and out of Drs and Emergency rooms most of this week, so between playing Mr mum and shutlling to and from Drs there has been no modeling.


In a free minute the works trains were readied to do some ballasting, we went "old school" for motive power with a 37 and 56 showing up or work


37419 was first to arrive with spent ballast



56074 was then attached to the ballast train.



08921 was seen shunting some of the old sleepers



56074 arrived in the station area ready to spread the ballast



Hopefully if the ballasting happens there will be pictures of it tomorrow.





Edited for spelling

Edited by Gloucester Road
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  • RMweb Gold



Some nice shots.


I hope she is recovering.


I spent quite a bit of time at hospital last year with visting a  some one close (luckily turned out not to be cancer but things did get very iffy at one point) and the hospital wasn't close by either. The post op medication still causing concern.


However, doing even a little bit of modelling or playing trains really helped relieve the pressures of what was going on at the time. Good to see you have found a little bit of time to do so.


All the best for the two of you.



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  • 2 weeks later...

So I'm looking at weathering and detailing the Dapol NSE class 121; there are some really nice pictures available to look at. However I'm torn, do I simply detail and weather so it looks similar to this




Or do I paint a bit and make it like this




I must say I like the added red and white bits and the overall cleanliness of the second pic.



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The red buffer beam version is the best.

I plan to do the same to my class 121, remeber spending ages watching these go bye as bletchley depot is only a 10min walk away.


I hope your good lady is ok.

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Hi Stephen,


 I would definitely go with the clean version, will stand out much more with the added paintwork.



I'd go with this version, but perhaps a bit of dirt on the bogies and underframes so it doesn't look like you've just taken it out of the box and put it on the layout when compared with the rest of your fleet.
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Mrs is doing a bit better today so I did a bit of modelling. I went with the red/white paint for my 121, however I did weather it a bit . For it to have survived to my time period it would have worked hard, so its not as pristine as the one pictured earlier.


The fronts





The sides





Pretty happy with how its come out, a different version of the NSE paint. Well if time permits some of the ballasting from earlier will actually happen today.



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