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Adventures in code 55

Gloucester Road

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That certainly does show the improvement, and also just how good your static grass is!


Much agreed, it is important to be able to review and redo parts of a layout. (Most) are a long time in the making, and it's only logical that our skills or techniques improve over that time.


I've still got a couple of weeks before I can order the right static grass for my layout, but I'm going to have a read through your thread again and try with some old stuff today. I'd be one happy bunny if I can replicate something like what you've got there.





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Which make of palisade fencing are you using?


Interesting that you have painted it black. Is that based on any particular location?




The fencing is sold through N scale supply made by a company BLMA, it comes a gold colour. The black comes from a company near Milford NH it has palasade fencing around it and the attached rail line. This morning noticed some seperating a parking lot from the rail line at Richmond VA airport.


Lee, let me know if i can give any pointers with the grass. It really is a lot of fun to do.



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  • RMweb Gold

The only reason I mentioned it is that normally palisade fencing alongside rail lines in the UK is normally just galvanised which ends up a light bluish grey. Some places such as at stations they do paint the palisade fencing black or the local train operators colours (on Southern its normally a light green grey colour).


I will see if I can find some photos of I have taken of palisade fencing laong stretches of rail line in a setting similar to yours ( I have plenty taken at Banbury but there its all in the galvanised grey).





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Today on my way home from London Victoria, just South of Calpham Junction there is black painted palisade fencing between the rialway and parkland.




That is a relief, a prototype for everything. One of the problems with modelling from overseas is a simple thing like fence colour can be so different. Didnt think to look at photos from the UK for fence colour as i had examples here. Oh well, black it is.


Short week home this time as im off to my six month recurrent check so no modeling for me this week, but i did run some trains briefly last night.


Dapols weathered silver bullets awaiting a loco





156440 running back to the North



And a Voyager heading to the south




Freightliner 66610 on a service with PCAs to the cement sidings heads to the north where it pulls into the freight loop to let 156440 leave the station and continue its journey north.







66610 then follows on its trip




Once through the station it joins the lower freight only line and shunts the sidings




Once the sidings are shunted 66610 joins up with the silver bullets ready for its trip back to the south.



So thats about 30 minutes of "play". Must now go and get ready for 10 days in Florida; not as much fun as it sounds as im in class and simulators for long stretches of time.


Thanks for stopping by.



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The only reason I mentioned it is that normally palisade fencing alongside rail lines in the UK is normally just galvanised which ends up a light bluish grey. Some places such as at stations they do paint the palisade fencing black or the local train operators colours (on Southern its normally a light green grey colour).


I will see if I can find some photos of I have taken of palisade fencing laong stretches of rail line in a setting similar to yours ( I have plenty taken at Banbury but there its all in the galvanised grey).






You also find it in a dark green colour quite often if it's the industrial fencing I'm thinking of?

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Yep green is a popular alternative to the 'naked' galvanized look. Though the school ajacent to the railway where I walk me pup is black pallisade....


It's nice to break away from the layout progress photos and see some with the trains running :D The silver bullets look great. Saw them for the first time last month passing out of Bletchley (92 hauled) though it must of been a one off- as I'd never seen them before or since.


The 156 looks quite smart too. How are the units coupled? They look pretty thight unless its the camera angle?


Enjoy Florida (you may get bored but I'll still be jealous LOL )





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Haven't been to Florida since 1998 .. It's a bit flat but did like the Highlands!


Just shown my other half your photos.. She like the plane and the cats!


I like the dirty silver bullets and had to get some of these as 'Warbonnet' wants to build an N scale Cornish layout... Well that's my excuse to get some!


Anyway enjoy the Sushine State.



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  • 2 weeks later...
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So here is a long overdue update; work and the kids school holidays have gotten in the way of much modeling.


Lee, in answer to your question the 156 is coupled using the standard coupling that comes on the 156. It couples closely as supplied.


So i decided to to some more ballasting on the upper level so up came the station



then out came the paint, ballast and ground cover and this is what i ended up with.


from the footbridge:



from the hovering helicopter:



then the first train ran through the newly ballasted station:



Next on the list is some static grass for the front slope



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Looking Great, and good to see a fresh update :D


Thanks for the info on the couplers. I've since discovered the Dapol Buckeyes for closing the gap on my GF108 Really enhances a model to see the gap as small as poss.


Ballast looks brill in the station :D


Lee :)

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So as promised here is an update with some more static grass. Sometime ago there was a question about how large a piece you could get using my homemade static grass matts, this piece is 11in x 6in. It took a little longer to dry but it pealed off just as easily as the others did.




This is the area it is going into. Glue was spread around on the plaster including all the dimples and bumps and then the grass mat was placed on. As hairspary had been used the mat is fairly stiff but with a little pressure the matt bent and eventually contoured to the area and stuck to the glue.






Some of the extra foliage was added before placing the matt down, the rest was added on later. Here are some photos of the road now that it has folliage growing on both sides of it. The last photo sort of serves as a before and after picture as you can see what still needs to be done.








So my plan while home this week is to continue this process and get some more grass "planted" on this end of the layout.


Finally a shot of a Voyager leaving the station.




Thanks for reading


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Thanks for the kind comments chaps.


So more grass has grown for this update. Tried something a little different this time and painted the underlying plaster a nutmeg colour; not sure if it will/has made any difference. Oh well






So two panels of grass have been added to the area, two more to go. Once it was glued down some scenic material was added to simulate heather and other ground cover spilling down the hill. There are some trees, rocks and branches to add to the area, but it is coming together.




Grass extendes all along the station road/parking lot and looks pretty good, if I do say so myself.





While Ive been waiying for grass mats to dry work has continued on the scalscenes corner bub and shops. Roof has been reached and tiles are being added; bit of a tedious task but putting individual strips of tile on make a huge diffenence in the end.




Right off to spray more hairspray.


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Two updates in one day! Finished the grassy area that i wished to, it took two more pieces of grass to complete. Here are two overall pictures.






With those two pieces in place the entire area in the forground is covered in grass, including the cutting. Here are some shots looking toward the tunnel and down the cutting.






After those pieces were in place details like trees, rocks, branches, bushes and a figure were placed in the scene. Bushes were also planted in the station area to bed in the platform a bit. I dont want to overdo the hill area with trees as i like the open feeling that it has, sort of highland or moorland.





trees, rocks and other bits and bobs



trees on the hill top with a train spotter





The train spotter needs to work on his focusing his camera, here is what he sees.



Thats it for now, need to get cracking on the pub and shops.



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That all looks great. How did you get the grass mats to flex over the hills?


The mats are pretty stiff as you peel them off the plastic, however with a little pressure you can get them to flex and bend. A base layer of glue was put down on the plaster and then the mats gently pressed and bent to contour to the desired hill shape. They dont fit into all of the bumps and divets but make smooth transitions into the lower areas.


Not sure if that cleared it up.



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So in my birthday package were some signs from Miniscene Models an Oxford Diecast bus and 60054 Charles Babage and Class 121 in Network Southeast colours.


The signs from Miniscene are fantastic; in the past i've made some of my own but these ones are brilliant, as is the bus from Oxford.






The bus is quite white and will receive a dusting of dirt soon.


60054 has been throught the works. Having been run in and pipes/plow added it was captured being topped up at the fueling point before entering service. This is an excellent model and looks fantastic, willl be weathered at some point but will run in ex works condition for a while






I have always liked the Network Southeast scheme so when Dapol put out a 121 it would have to join the roster. Have been nervous about Dapols locos as the reliabity has been hit or miss. However this runs smoothly and quietly and looks the part. Having been run it was seen on its first service




While adding pipes and things i figured it was time to add those to 47474. Have also been trolling for pictures getting ready to weather Sir Rowland Hill.






Now have been giving some thought to the area behind the country station. Here in the states farmers sell/rent out land to mobile phone companys to put up towers. Does this happen in the Uk? My thoughts for this area are to have a field with a fenced off area for a mobile phone tower. Does this sort of thing exist? had a look around RMWEB and the internet and cant find photos that are from the UK. Does anybody have one they could send me




In the photo above there would be a field over the brown area a phone tower about where the tree is and a hedge by the freight line.


thanks for reading

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Happy Birthday !! Nice additions and updates, I do like the look of that bus, reminds me of a big caterpillar :)


Thanks for that, my boys said it looked like a caterpillar too


I picked up one of those Oxford Diecast buses...although I think it's actually plastic!


Might have to populate it and remove the roof fixing point.


Layout looking good.




We had a similar thought, bus comes apart easily now to find some people.



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