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Embankment Road T&RSMD


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Thanks for the comments guys, all in all the weekend went well. Friday's photography trip was rather productive, and has given me bad ideas!

A few photos from Friday first, more of which can be found in the thread here



66601 pulls away from an extended wait at Great Rocks Junction working 6H80 Ratcliffe - Tunstead


60059 powers away from Great Rocks Junction with 6F05 Tunstead - Oakleigh


56094, freshly painted into Colas colours and refurbished, leads 47739 at Stenson Junction working 6M08 Boston - Washwood Heath

The layout was setup Friday evening, all set for Saturday. I've made lots of detail additions, mainly around the grounded van bodies, which should hopefully be clear in the photos. Aplogies for the quality, they're just grabbed on the phone over the weekend.






I don't think much of First's new nameplate policy. Might foul a few bridges/stations/tunnels/everything!


The layout operated well in the main. I lost one of my core items of stock early on Saturday with a motor burnout in the FGW 150/2, and several items of stock that worked fine at home didn't like certain joints or points. I've got a few things to look at before Chippenham show in September, but nothing too major. We should see the debut of the fuel tanks then, too!

When I got home on Sunday, the loadmaster and his assisstant were on hand to help manage the unloading



It was good to meet a few new faces of RMwebbers too, and some interesting conversations were had. Watch this space, the shed won't be empty for long! Finally thanks to Jack for his company, humour and help operating all weekend!

Now the show's out the way I can go back to some non FGW modelling :D



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  • RMweb Premium

i was just looking at your MK3 coaches and ive noticed that you have corrected the footsteps well done :)

Cheers, not sure why they put them on all 4 corners. Easy job with a pair of sidecutters though! :D

Nice Job you have done with this Jo, looking forward to seeing it in September. Are you still with JS, have been in a couple of times in the last few weeks and not seen you?

Rob, yes I am, but have been off this week, and had half a week off for Showcase. Regular hours haven't been a feature the last few weeks! I'm looking forward to Chippenham, should be a good show, and it doesn't clash with my birthday this year :D



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  • 2 months later...

Hi Jo


What a marvelous little layout, albeit with rather unorthodox beginnings, can't quite make out how you got from pieces of duck-taped foamboard to

your pic on #31 which looks very presentable. Without a bit of experimentation everything would stand still and then where would we be ? I just love

your scratchbuilt buildings and the 12v LED lighting. Embankment Road is a real credit to you, well done. Like your real life pics as well as your two

little helpers, I have one of the latter but of the canine variety, Keep up the good work


PS Is the foamboard standing the test of time ?





Horseley Fields - N Gauge layout (was Dibben Junction) - Layout topics - RMweb - Page 8

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Hi Ian,

Thanks for that, yes fateful is a good word to use! I have a few ideas for details and cameos to add, so watch this space!

Hi Jo


What a marvelous little layout, albeit with rather unorthodox beginnings, can't quite make out how you got from pieces of duck-taped foamboard to

your pic on #31 which looks very presentable. Without a bit of experimentation everything would stand still and then where would we be ? I just love

your scratchbuilt buildings and the 12v LED lighting. Embankment Road is a real credit to you, well done. Like your real life pics as well as your two

little helpers, I have one of the latter but of the canine variety, Keep up the good work


PS Is the foamboard standing the test of time ?





Horseley Fields - N Gauge layout (was Dibben Junction) - Layout topics - RMweb - Page 8

Hello John,

Thanks for the compliments, the boards seems to be standing the test of time so far. It's amazing how much some paper mâché and paint makes things more sturdy.

The buildings were key to getting the feel of the location, indeed a few exhibition visitors have recognised the location!


The next outing is the Chippenham show on 29th Sept, so there's some updates and little bits to do before then, more of which soon



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Today I started a mini project that was inspired by a chance sighting on the 'Railway Motors' thread, a Network Rail MAN TG-A. I dug out the box of Japanese road vehicles, and began chopping and swapping.

The chassis started as an 8 wheel chassis on small wheels, being cut down to 6 axles and larger wheels fitted. The cab is a Mitsubishi Fuso, the steps and bumper area being quite similar to the MAN TG-A being modelled. I couldn't decide whether to model the one in the thread, or the shorter bodied version, as seen here on Flickr. An executive decision, otherwise known as cutting the plastic too short solved this problem! The crane isn't perfect, but should be ok once painted and weathered. I couldn't find a rear shot, but guestimated based on the side on one above


It should give me something a little different in the car park at the front of the layout at the Chippenham show



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Today I started a mini project that was inspired by a chance sighting on the 'Railway Motors' thread, a Network Rail MAN TG-A. I dug out the box of Japanese road vehicles, and began chopping and swapping.

The chassis started as an 8 wheel chassis on small wheels, being cut down to 6 axles and larger wheels fitted. The cab is a Mitsubishi Fuso, the steps and bumper area being quite similar to the MAN TG-A being modelled. I couldn't decide whether to model the one in the thread, or the shorter bodied version, as seen here on Flickr. An executive decision, otherwise known as cutting the plastic too short solved this problem! The crane isn't perfect, but should be ok once painted and weathered. I couldn't find a rear shot, but guestimated based on the side on one above


It should give me something a little different in the car park at the front of the layout at the Chippenham show




Nice project Jo, is it in N ?

These may help, the back view with crane in use.

By the way, these did not belong to N R but were from Excel Logistics for a N R contract to supply materials to depots and worksites.





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  • RMweb Premium

Thanks for sharing those pictures Merf. So it's out with the plastic tomorrow, rebuilding the rear end then haha. That's the first time I've seen one with the tag axle lowered, too! Yeah it's in N, would be much easier in 4mm, even with chopping down an Oxford MAN or similar.



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re Mini Project #134

Hi Jo


Looks like you are doing a very good job so far with your crane lorry project. I note that the operators platform etc on the pictures that Merf kindly

uploaded as opposed to the one on Flickr is a lot more compact and should be easier to model. I am a great believer in chopping bits of various

items and rebuilding them or even scratch building to make a model look how you want it look and the work is also very rewarding.


Above quote "it's in N, would be easier in 4mm" Nonsense! it's a case of mind over matter. Look forward to seeing the finished article.




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  • RMweb Premium

Hi John,

Thanks for the words of encouragement! Yes you're right about mind over matter, indeed since Merf's pictures I've completely rebuilt the rear end and done some more crane work. It just would've been much simpler with a model of the right make of truck to use as a base!

More photos soon I hope,



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Here's a couple of photos of current progress, the crane is just resting on the lorry whilst I make the pallet grab attachment



It's nearly ready for a coat of primer to see how it's all looking



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Hi Stu,

Yep, the Japanese stuff is 1/150, much closer to British N's 1/148 than the Euro 1/160. It'd be nice if they developed some more European looking trucks, as although Hino, Isuzu and Mitsubishi trucks are seen in the UK, they're nowhere near as common as Scanias, Dafs, Volvos, MANs etc.

I've mainly picked them up from exhibitions, there's normally a couple of stands selling them at big shows like TINGS and Warley. eBay and Osborn's Models have also come in useful, I tend to choose models on their "bashability" than particular livery or bodywork



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In true Team America style, we have a montage. It was quicker than cropping and uploading 3 pictures :)


The bodywork needs another coat of paint and some detail picking out still. The hydraulic lines on the crane are cotton superglued on. I'll be adding a load under a tarpaulin too, so I'm not too worried about adding the dividers between the 3 drop side panels as they won't be seen. I'm glad to get the crane finished. Although I have Network Rail transfers, I'll proboably knock something up in Photoshop and print on white paper for the rear logo. The cab needs priming, painting, and decalling, as well a new grill drawing up and adding some more MAN shaped details. I may well just fit a plain white Hino cab for the time being to get it finished for the weekend, and have the cab facing away from the front of the layout.

Hopefully a small layout update or two before Saturday aswell



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  • RMweb Gold

Hello Jo,


The cotton thread for the hydraulic lines looks fine, but as an alternative you might consider the fine rubber threads found in elasticated fabric strips. These can easily be sourced in a haberdashers and cost just a few pence. Different thicknesses have narrower or wider rubber threads, so it's worth getting a variety to try.




Ben A.

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Hi Jo


Thanks for the update


Considering the size of your model I think you have done a marvelous job on the crane and pallet grab and the whole really looks

the part.If I was to be really critical,I would say the lorry body is a tad short.ie not enough overhang behind the rear wheels but at

this late stage in the build it is not going to be worth the effort to alter it. As you say with a coat of paint and the right transfers it

should turn out to be a really nice model.Keep up the good work!





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Hi Ben and John,

Thanks for the comments.

Elastic is what I was looking for, based on reading of your uses before. However the fine black cotton was the best thing I could nab out of mum's sewing box at short notice! I've been interested to read of you using it for loco air pipes etc if I remember right, so it's something that's been on my mind before. I'll need to get some for a future experiment anyway, so will see what I can find.

John, the truck I'm doing is based on one with a shorter overhang, like this one

The two types seem very similarly spec'd, apart from the rear overhang. I guess it's to get into tighter spaces



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All set for the morning, after a wee scare with the 08 not wanting to pick up electric. Tightening the nut on the pickup assembly did the trick, and touch wood, is now running smoother than it has before. Famous last words? I hope not!

I've spent this afternoon making a stock box, seems to work rather well. Should speed up set up and strip down, not that it takes more than about 15 mins anyway!

Please say hello if you're passing tomorrow



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Hi Matt,

Fantastic pictures, thanks so much for sharing them. I like seeing other people's shots as they always angle them differently, and see different things to I do, top stuff!

It was great to catch up with you and Steve again today, I'd forgotten it was so long since you'd seen the layout! So much changes in a year with some black paint and glued on foliage haha

The show went well today, my throat was sore by the time 5pm came along! The layout performed well apart from a few 08 based issues with the mechanisms sticking up.

Here's a few of my images from today, the first of which is stacked in Photoshop. A couple of notes to explain a few piccies, the Network Rail truck just has a temporarily fitted Japanese cab to get it out for the show, in time I'll fit the correct MAN cab. The Freightliner 66 is coming in for fuel after working the Burngullow sand train and the 60 has just dropped of the oil tanks from Fawley. Well, any excuse for a 60 :) Anyway I'll let the images do the talking










That's all for now!



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I enjoyed looking at Embankment Rd today as it does look fantastic what with all the detail that you have going on there, well done.


I would love to have a go at N but it all looks really fragile and plus I keep spending my hard earned on OO.


Very impressed.

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I'm glad you enjoyed it! N isn't as fragile as it may look, some of the trips to the floor that my stuff has had may be testament to that! As for spending the hard earned, it's just as bad in N :)



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