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Rannoch Moor


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Hi everyone,


Pete - I quite agree with you about couplings - I think I will be adding scale ones to the end wagons in set rakes and I am also planning to add flashing tail lamps as well but I have not yet got a small enough circuit designed yet that will fit but hopefully a solution to this will be found at some point once I have consulted my cousin who is an electronics expert to help me out!


Gary - I think the layout would look quite good back dated - I do have a 156 in the early livery but not much else to suit the Scottish region - I think I will concentrate on my chosen period first but could always have a running day with other people bringing early stock to run on it! Trains on Time have quite a few Scottish 37's weathered and renamed/numbered which are quite tempting but must be good for now!


I am still in the process of ballasting and am now half way along the rear platform face. The front section main running line that the tanks are sat on has been done and as you can make in in the shots below the ballast shoulder helps to add some realism with the humps and bumps and hopefully helps disguise the trackwork scale issues a bit. Earlier this year there was a picture of 37425 at Perth on a short rake of BP tanks heading North. I have been able to recreate this short train with my 6 wagon set. I have weathered them all against protoytpe wagons from pictures in The tank wagon volume of the modern wagons in profile series which I find really handy just for this purpose. I have only made minor detail alterations such as the steps under the solebars as some only have the main rung in place and have altered the position of the Hazard boards on one and blanked out or removed various logos on others. I have not altered the springs or changed the tank top walkways as some should have the full length tops and different end ladders and I have also avoided renumbering just to keep costs down. My real aim with working to photos was to recreate the weathering, dirt and fuel spills found on these wagons to try and add some realism. A couple of them have fresh spills created using gloss varnish brushed on in a downward movement whilst others have darker oily steel railmatch gloss paint brushed on to create a darker greasy look. The black tank at the end has also seen some dry brushing with powders to capture the rust on this one and the tank top has a good coat of grime and bird muck dotted on which adds a bit of difference to the train. These were quite fun to do and whilst not exactly correct in build details create another short finished train for the layout. Hope you like them!


Thanks for looking and any questions comments always welcome,


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Good choice of loco Mark, Rannoch Moor is perfect for 425. I do like that one, I was planning to try and get my hands on a 411 in green but never managed to find one for a reasonable price.


I really like the BP tankers, you have done a really nice job on weathering them.


I can just picture 425 idling away in the platform…I bet the sound chip is good too!



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Hi Mark,

I think you have done a great job on weathering those wagons, I remember loose shunting TTAs up Eastleigh East Yard and getting a bit of a soaking from one when it gently buffered up to another wagon,:blush: I smelled like diesel fuel for the rest of the day.:D I do like the Black TTA I could be tempted with a few of them, not sure they were used on the North Wales Coast though. Keep the pics coming.:good_mini:


Cheers Peter.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Hi Everyone,


Thanks to you all for the kind comments!


Peter - was it not the shell tanks that ran to Wales from Stanlow? I seem to recall seeing pictures of them you could always do the black ones as they look nice with the branding on them.


My camera battery was running low but took a couple of pictures to show the current progress although with work being so busy this week not much spare time to get much done. I have got one picture of 37425 on the tanks running wrong line due to engineering work! Not the best for you James but I will get a better one at some point for you. I will also look at youtubeing some sound locos at some point as they might be a bit more interesting to see. (Will need to get the wife involved though for that to happen!) Got another section of ballast done at the south end of the station - quite pleased with the colours from blending the ballasts I have in stock compared to photos of the real thing. The fairy bottle in the background is the mixture I use - nothing too measured it just keeps getting added to - the last batch was made using the dregs from several bottles of PVA I had which had thickened in places but still worked well once a dab of fairy was added to the mix. I have also found some suitable lights for the layout after visiting Ikea. These black plastic clamp fitting lights were only £2.99 each and then 2 packs of energy bulbs meant that all 4 lights were under £20. They bulbs give plenty of light and don't get too hot. Just need to make some proper posts for them as I have just clamped 2 spare bits of timber to the layout for now. I have put them at the front as they spread the light back and will help to reuce shadows from the viewing side. I have also started to add the blue sky back scenes from Gaugemaster as I think they will work out ok once all the vegetation is in place and built up although I didn't get the middle sheet smooth at the bottom - but this will be hidden eventually so don't look too closely for now!




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If you half close your eyes and imagine this more finished it's got absolutely tremendous atmosphere Mark! Top job. 37425 looks at home on that rake, who weathered her? Is Rannoch portable or house bound? Just thought 425 would look great paired up with my Caerphilly Castle! Imagine the thrash!

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Hi James,


37 425 came weathered from Trains on Time and with Howes sounds fitted. They have done a really good job on it, although it is going to get a couple of tweaks as I am planning to move the horns to the bonnet tops at some point as I have seen some footage on the net the other day of it back in April on the WHL with 5 autoballasters in tow and I have a set of 5 on order from Richard at the Train shop in Morecambe so hopefully will re-create this train soon. I have a model of 411 but it needs some work to get it looking as good as your version as I have seen it on Paxton Road looking excellent! The layout is built on 4 boards each 6' by 2' and then has 8 fixed trestles so can be moved but would need a van to do so. It might get a trip out in the future but only when I am happy with it so no deadlines to work to!




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Hi Mark,

The lights are a good idea, 37425 looks good on those tanks too. I bet you can't wait to get your autoballasters the pics I have seen of them look superb.


I do run an oil train on Llanbourne though technically they are the wrong ones as mine are Esso TTAs and Stanlow was a Shell depot it would be nice to run a few black ones though, Maybe in the Speedlink or separate train.


Cheers Peter.

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Hi Peter & Puffmeister_general,


Peter I like your oil tanks - seeing your block working a while back actually made me get on with mine and also from being on the DEMU stand alongside Rodders with his knowledge of tanks makes me realise how much more I could have done but I am happy with them - just need to add an instanter coupling on the last one in the train and maybe a flashing tail lamp when I learn how too and that will be good enough for me. They were quite key for my layout as they crop in various workings from the various photos I found for research. I did spend some time this week searching the internet for videos of trains on the WHL and quite a few autoballaster workings from this year cropped up some with 425 on the front so I am looking forward to getting me set running once they come out.


With regards to ballast I have been doing it in sections and roughly working to photos to get the right shades in the right places as best I can to start with and will see how it then looks before deciding whether it needs some track dirt sprayed on to tone it down and then add in more vegetation as needed. I have been mixing the shades in a small glass ramikin dish (the ones you get from the GU deserts) and I have a long handled metal spoon for spreading and mixing - the types you get in the tall mugs at christmas as it is quite flat and works well for me. The ballast used is the following:


Scotrail light red - Carrs for Nairnshire Modelling supplies a decent size Jar for under £5 this is the main base colour used and in some areas as supplied to represent the freshest ballast.

JP - fine granite chips (grey) this bag is one I have had for at least 15 years, only cost 60p but the fine chips have blended in really well where needed and will just about have enough to finish things as i want to I hope!

I have also used Woodlands scenics medium brown and extra fine dark brown. This first of these is used in the front sidings and looks like the scotrail pink ballast when it has gone really dirty. The extra fine dark brown is really quite earthy and being fine is great for mixing to fill the gaps between the large ballast and also for a little sprinkle on the top after you have soaked the ballast in a PVA/water/soap mixture as it gives a nice weathered look. I tamp everything into place with an old paintbrush before dripping on the glue mix with a syringe.


If you would lke any more info just let me know.


Thanks for the interest and comments always appreciated! I have been working on a few details to a certain DRS machine that will be appearing soon!






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Hi Everyone,


Having seen pictures of DRS 37 423 Spirit of the Lakes on the WHL this year on different workings I thought it was about time to get it ready for service! The model was produced to an excellent standard as always by Andy (cairnsroadworks fame) and has been sat in its box since joining my fleet however with DB Shenkers poor old 37 fleet dwindling and this loco getting use on the line it is a key requirement for my model fleet. Having studied pictures close up in its current state I have added a few extra details since Andy produced it for me. The first was simple - paint the door grab rails white. Next I had obtained some checker plate thin brass sheet from Brian at Shawplan back in Feb at model rail and as this is quite prominent on this loco I decided to try and add some and painted it in railmatch acrylic gun metal to create a slightly weathered finish and I am pleased with how this has turned out. I have also added a couple of extra details to the nose end such as a Smiths screw coupling and the missing ETH connectors at each side of the buffer beam using some plastic strip sections. The final touch was to add in a fine metal wire between the other sockets on the right hand buffer/nose. The buffers grease is oily steel/jarvis black and some black carrs powder to create some texture. Hopefully the details show up ok on the photos!


This loco is seen stabled at Rannoch having suffered engine failure (Don't worry I only need to buy a sound chip for it - as it currently isn't chipped for DCC so can't run at present) Andy I hope you like the additional details it certainly is one of my favourites!




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Hi Mark,


425 and 423 look good. Being large logo, 425 would be my favourite. :D


You probably have pics of 423 anyway, but here are a couple more of her on the Workington Shuttle earlier this year (driven by our very own Clagmeister) in case they're useful for weathering inspiration and those final details...


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Just looking at that second shot, those tyre marks would be a nice touch.




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Nice pics of model and real class 37/4 I do like the DRS livery. Only last week I painted some white tyre slip marks on a Bachmann 47 I am doing definitely worth having a go at it.


Cheers Peter.

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Hi Mark,


423 looks great with its new additions..... if only you could have a word with the chap that did it, and make sure he doesn't omit those details in future :blush: !!


I like the idea of the white line on the wheels. I reckon a lining pen will sort it.


Perhaps you could send 409 to rescue it - i have another one of those in works at the moment with a few special refinements.... you'll be sending yours back for rectification!!


Keep up the great work on Rannoch. Can't wait to have a play when its ready!





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Hi Everyone,


Thanks for all the comments - Dave those photos are very useful and I think I will have a go at adding the white lines on the wheels at some point soon as they will be a nice finishing touch and I don't have anything with them on in my fleet. Alex not sure what will be collecting the loco yet but WCRC 37516 is due up the line to collect the Jacobite stock to return to Carnforth so might be taking 423 south as well! Andi I will look out for your mods to 409 when you do it to see what can be added to mine - although I was planning on getting some name plates before it enters service. Carl really like that bridge with the cables running over it - I know I should have been looking at the white tyre marks but they also look good on your model! PNE - I will take some more photos on the ballast, weeds, grass etc with some more detail when I do the section at the ends of the sidings as that will be more useful to you as there is a mixture of most things in this area, hopefully in the next couple of weeks or so.




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HI Everyone,


Still very much a work in progress but have finally been able to spend some time on 67004 the old lima version as it is needed for the sleeper portion to/from Fort William to Edinburgh. I have hard wired an old Bachmann 2 function chip I had spare which will do for now to at least bring it into use. Next I had to dig out the Model Rail article that George Dent had done - can't believe it was back in 2007 was convinced it was more recent than that and also found the DEMU forum to contain some excellent information to further improve the 67. I came across the class 67 web site as well that had a lot of reference photos to look at. My main grip was the molded block on the chassis. This is held on by 2 screws and contains a solid steel block.


First I used a razor saw to cut off the fuel tank - the shape of this isn't bad and all I added was a new plasti-card end to this. The hard part was cutting the steel block down to size to fit back in but my large hacksaw got through it . I kept one retaining screw and glued the other end to the underframe.


Next the Battery boxes had a new side added from plastic-card and the other face had the notched section cut out and several bits of plastic card cut and added as required. I painted these new ends black and set to one side and also painted black the new end of the fuel tank and once dry the Battery box was glued to the frame leaving a small gap between the two.


The Air tanks required a lot more work but I think the effort was well worth it to create something that looks a bit more like the real thing. I cut two sections of tube 1/4 inch diameter about 27mm long roughly. Using what was left of the solid lima mold I hacked away and recovered the tank ends - the two seperate ones for one side had the detail removed and were glued onto the tub and then filed back to the new profile. I managed to retain the other end which has some more details on it as I thought it looks quite nice but rounded and filed the upright parts to create more shape and again had to carefully reduce the tank ends to fit on the tubes. I the used some T angle strips to create some brackets for the 2 tanks and added some more sections to pack out the underframe before fitting into position. Next some .2mm brass wire was bent and cut into sections similar to the model rail article and also working from photos of 67006 as there were some nice detail shots of a clean chassis these where fitted with glue and also some holes drilled into the tank ends. A couple of sections of 1.5mm rod where also added to try and represent what was on the real thing. This was painted black before some details were picked out in grey, white and red.


Turning to the roof - I really hope a nice grill comes out at some point as that would make a massive improvement but for now all I have done is add a thin section of plasticard over the middle part to try and make it match the prototype a bit more. I also painted the whole thing in oily steel ready for further weathering.


I have only detailed one cab end as it will always be on a train and retained the tension lock coupling at the other. I will add the other set of etched wipers I had as these are still quite visible due to the cab slope but apart from this will leave it as is. The lead end has had the coupling removed and as I have seen others do have cut the front valance off its bracket and added in a section of plastic strip and another to infill the cut out on the chassis and fixed this permanently in place with an extra section of plastic behind to add some strength. The buffer heads have had some oily steel applied to improve the look without having to resort to metal replacements and the air pipes and eth cables are the lima supplied parts. The right hand cable and sockets are a bit on the small side compared to photos but will do for now. I borrowed a Buckeye coupling and hook off a Bachann 66 along with the operating lever and added these in place as well. Once all painted this makes a big difference over the orignal large coupling at the front end.


The cab end has had some extra details - I had a set of etched wipers in my details box which are far better than the large plastic ones provided and fitted these. The cab cables were removed with some thinners and a cotton bud and replaced with some fine copper wire and the etched wires provided a nice shaped brass off cut for the lamp bracket as well. Etched Nameplates are from Shawplan and were fitted after removing the lower edge and side off the larger printed ones.


At some point it will get some weathering around the underframes and roof exhausts, I have seen models with the Intercity models disc brakes fitted which look to be a worth while addition and the lights and a sound chip should finish it off nicely. I hope someone will do a nice etched roof grill at some point and i can live with the moled side grills as once the lights, decoder and so on get fitted it will be best to keep this hidden inside! Anyway I am pleased with what I managed to get done on my day off and it helps to bring this model up to a better standard compared to what we can get out of the box. Hope you like the photos and any comments or questions welcome as usual.




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Hi Jamie,


Thanks for your kind comments - I'm afraid I don't have a trackplan at present, I have failed at using any of the computer programes to create one and my original plan drawing which I sketched out isn't the same as what I built as I altered the storage sidings to create extra capacity for locos and DMU's by adding 2 long dead end sidings in. Even the original photo of the layout was before these changes. Once I have finished the ballasting I will do a photo tour of the layout so you can get a good idea of the track layout if that works out.


Thanks Kev - I thought you would like a nice EWS skip - having seen them regularly and been hauled by them on the Fife circle services in the past they have grown on me - just a shame they replaced the 37's and 47's on the sleeper portions! Will be adding those nice Howes sounds as well at some point - I know not as nice as a 37 but it will add variety!




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  • 2 weeks later...

Hi everyone,


Not as much work as I would like on the layout but a nice parcel arrived today with a couple of new wagons for use on Rannoch. I got a couple of the the partially cleaned weathered silver bullets from Kernow and I am very pleased with how they look. I have seen pictures of the odd wagon on the WHL on the back of various workings including the Alcan trip and also on the back of Ferrywagon rakes from the paper mill. I have tried the cargo wagons on the layout but they just seem to big with my tight corners so prefer my VGA rake instead which I have added one bullet to the back of the other is on a Mossend to Fort William working as seen heading North through Rannoch.


PNEYorkshire had asked about my ballasting and weeds - I have now done a further section of ballasting which I am trying to break into hour sessions at a time. This means I don't rush it and usually get it how I want each bit to look first time. The Ballast used is a mixture of woodland scenics, fine and extra fine brown and dark brown and Nairnshire modelling supplies scottish pink 2mm size ballast by Carrs. This also has some grey extra fine granite chips mixed in on some sections. I use a little glass ramekin dish that you get with those chocolate desserts to mix up enough bllast to do each section. Before adding any to the layout the grasses have been added - This is the packs from Gaugemaster and I have used the dark green one. It has a web like backing and is cut into thin strips or whatever you reuire and glued in place. The photo shows the end of the siding which is really over grown and stock doesn't run on - for the other sections I did I used smaller amounts of grass so that trains can still run over it without any issues. The ballast is then placed onto the layout using a metal spoon and then tamped and spread using a stiff paintbrush. The flat areas are pressed gently with a finger to firm down slightly and the ballast shoulders are carefully shaped by pressing with your fingers to create a nice rounded mound once you have heaped on enough ballast. I keep an old fairy bottle which I top up every so often with some PVA wood glue, water and a dash of soap there is no exact science to my mix but is probably around 30% glue content. I tip a little into a small plastic pot and use a syringe to drop the glue in place. Don't rush this section especially in between track sleepers drop it drip by drip and it will soak in and won't mess up your hard work. The ballast shoulder area will collapse in places when doing this but don't worry just add a little more ballast shape and add a little more glue and it will soak in and stay together. Whilst wet I have added some of the extra fine dark brown to create more weathered, dirty ballast patches and some extra jarvis dark green scatter has also been added to the areas that will be more weeded. The section also includes some rough grass from a hanging basket liner. Later in the process more greenery will be added from woodland scenics materials and hopefully the long grass will also be built up once I have made a grass tool. Hopefully this gives you a better idea but if you want to know anything just ask.


Thanks for looking, questions comments always welcome - next week all being well Rannoch will be home to a preserved southern kettle which in reality should be good over the steeply graded line!


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