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Rannoch Moor


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Thanks for all the comments/questions:


Pete the backscene will hopefully be photographs to suit the area - the main board will be a lot of sky through the trees along the back of the station area and need to get some hills right in the background around the viaduct - the backscene boards are not traditional shaped at each end with the idea being to draw you in and create different viewpoints - well that is the plan. The grass is just a very rough base using hanging basket liner and this will get lots of different scenic materials added once all the ballast, backscene etc are added so that it can all become overgrown which should add a bit more realism to the scene - I have been collecting some of the new Hornby trees which do look very good and should cover some of the trees found around the station as well.


Good advice Scott - I have added it where it is for now for my own safety as it is the one part I don't need to go under. Eventually I plan to swap this with something more encased as need to run some other electrics for lighting on the scenic section and this will go back for eventual use again with my old N-guage controller but wanted to get my points up and running.


Peter - Following all that DCC banter on your thread as you can clearly see all you need is 2 wires! If only that were true but it is well worth taking the time to put in lots of droppers so each section is live avoids any dead areas on the points as the little contacts under the blades tend to drop under heavy locos which can be really frustrating with sound locos but so far I am really happy with the way mine is behaving. 37401 was the first loco I got from Andi of Cairnsroadworks a few years ago on ebay it is the older Bachmann model but it is one of my favourite locos in its very battered condition so will be a regular performer on the line.


Carl thanks for that and was really good to meet you at Perth! The wife did question your xxx comment until she remembered the naughty noch scene added to the back bedroom window on my other layout Victory Road! Rannochs will be a bit more Benny Hill if it goes ahead!






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Hi everyone,


A little while back I ordered the Lochgorm footbridge kit from Andy Copp as Phil had suggested when I was on the look out for something suitable. It has sat in its box for a while as I have never buit an etched kit before and was putting it off. I met Andy in person at Model Rail Scotland and he gave me lots of advice for building the kit and as he suggested just make a start and work on it small amounts at a time and even if it takes you 6 months or more go at your pace. Well tonight I finally made a start and have assembled one of the main lattice girder sides. Apart from the 2 Furness Railway benches I have not soldered and etched kits together but after cutting the main parts - tinning the back edges of each girder side it was actually quite relaxing sweating the two sides together. I tinned the top and bottom sections before again soldering them into place and I am pleased to say it has gone together and made a solid section just as it says it would in the instructions. The service offered by Andy is first rate and the quality of his kits are superb. Just hope I can do it justice once the whole thing is complete!








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Hi Mark,


That looks like a very promising kit and good work so far! I have yet to master kit soldering. Every time I solder one joint, all the other joints just seem to fall apart!


What span is it by the way? Does Andy offer larger spans? Or could it be modified to span 4 tracks plus a bit, do you think? I'm thinking of the Princes St Gardens section on Waverley West. I used cut and shut Hornby footbridges (6 kits to produce 2 bridges!), but from the photos, this kit would definitely be a step or two up on the Hornby ones.




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Hi everyone,


James - glad you think so your blog really gave me the impetus to get started with this one seeing the results you were achieving on your sentinal.


Peter - yes that is roughly the spot where the bridge will sit - the real one has a slightly longer span than the kit so I will need to build into the embankment a nice little brick supporting base for the steps at that end. Not sure exactly what year the bridge was built in that location but it was the one that use to stand at Corrour until about 1989 /90 - so must have been rebuilt not long after at Rannoch. Its locaton at Rannoch also means I will only need to build the steps and landing section on the platform side of the bridge span.


Dave - I have added a photo of the etched sheet you get in the kit basically you get 4 of these and each bridge span is made by soldering two sections together, once the top and bottom base plates are soldered on it becomes a very solid structure as the etch is very fine when cut from the fret. It certainly is a very fine detailed kit which would look great on your layout but I don't think there is an easy way of making it longer to suit your location - I have a compromise with the span width on my layout but I don't think there is a better looking bridge than this kit offers. The only way it would fit on yours is to join two together with a centre lower landing section and extra pillars but that wouldn't give you that large span that covers the gardens - you could always build the more modern wooden one that exists near the tunnels.


Due to the lovely sunny Edinburgh weather - got soaked coming back from town today so yet again another wet day off meant instead of washing the car the second bridge span got constructed. I think I am getting the hang of soldering a bit better and the top and bottom sections were much easier to solder on and look neater than the first. The bridge will be a nice feature on the layout and the scotrail purple colour will add a bit of variety from the green and cream building. The kit comes in a very sturdy box with all the etched sheets wrapped in tissue and bags with all the seperate pillars required and labelled. the instructions are very clear to follow with large sheets included showing the parts as well.









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  • RMweb Gold

Hi Mark,


That looks like a very promising kit and good work so far! I have yet to master kit soldering. Every time I solder one joint, all the other joints just seem to fall apart!


What span is it by the way? Does Andy offer larger spans? Or could it be modified to span 4 tracks plus a bit, do you think? I'm thinking of the Princes St Gardens section on Waverley West. I used cut and shut Hornby footbridges (6 kits to produce 2 bridges!), but from the photos, this kit would definitely be a step or two up on the Hornby ones.




Hi Dave,


Andy does not offer any larger spans.


It is not the type of design that would be able to break down into a modular form to enable any larger spans to be constructed.


It spans 2 tracks at WH fishing boat clearance distancesbiggrin.gif


You say you were looking to do the Princes Street Gardens footbridge?


I don't think this kit is a good starting point for the above reason.


If you want to do this from etch products - then see if you can buy the George Allan kits from eBay or wherever as they are of a design more easily combined to give the required span.


Hope this helps!


I've nearly finished the 2mm version....


Mark will tell you that the 4mm etches are very fine!


The 2mm are even finer!


I've had to resort to solder paste to get the 2 etches that make one side of the bridge to go together properly.


All in all opinion?


A wonderful bit of kit that makes up into a superb model.



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Thanks Mark and Scottish Modeller. It's kind of what I expected to hear unfortunately. Being plastic, the Hornby footbridges were easy to cut up and combine and I didn't really expect this to be the same. It was just a thought (and a hope) really.


Thanks for the feedback though. It really does look a superb kit. Very jealous!




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Hi Everyone,


A quick update on the progress with my footbridge kit. I have built up the landing section which again was fairly straight forward following the instructions and due to the half etched lines etc the parts were easy to fold to shape and it all went together nicely. I don't have a hold and fold tool but my little mini vice worked out perfectly for doing the job. The steps have taken a few nights and parts of days off to get to this section being complete. The side girders are 2 parts soldered together like the main span and went together nicely. It proved a bit more tricky to solder on the top rail as I could have done with an extra hand but eventually I found a way to gently clamp the sides to allow me to hold the rail down whilst applying heat. Next the steps themselves are a one piece section the once cut away from the fret requires the edges folded one up and one down. I thought this was going to be tricky but was amazed at how easy this part folded up in one smooth action to shape. The side sections are lined up and soldered to this to create the main structure. The final stage which probably took nearly as long as the rest was to solder the tiny mess sections onto each step. As the instructions say these are quite tricky to fit but are well worth the effort! I have to agree. I have also included a photo of my heavily workstained 37422 with a nice rake of VGA's in tow carrying paper from Corpach that has returned to rail. In reality when this traffic ran it was in large Cargo waggons with the odd silver bullet added which I will need to add to my fleet when the next weathered ones become available.



Pete - you are right I am really enjoying building this due to the focus required it is actually quite relaxing at night to do a little work on it as it takes your mind off everything else!


Hope you like the progress, any questions or comments always welcome.









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You are making a cracking job of the footbridge and you downplay your skills by your stated nervousness of soldering an etched kit. There would seem to be little wrong in what you have done!


I have made one of Andy Copp's footbridges and it produces a very fine model (see my Portchullin thread for some piccies). The only issues I had was that the upper flight of steps (from the quarter landing) did not slot in the tabs perfectly (easily dealt with as you can solder them to the base of the side pieces); it was a bit difficult to get the four legs under the quarter landings perfectly square and seated properly (slightly over file the rebates and then fill with solder) and I did damage a couple of the lattices bars cleaning up the excess solder (so go easy!).


I think I found it sensible to make the deck piece with a second layer of 10 thou brass laminated below, just to give it a bit more strength. Have a look at this when you get to this point.



Dave (Waverley West)


Andy Copp is contemplating doing an etch for a lattice road bridge. These would be relatively lightweight road bridges (it is based on that still present to the site of Killiecrankie station and would be very similar to those formerly at Kyle & The Mound stations). He has not said he would do it but a little enquiry might provoke him (don't quote me but then I know he reads RMweb, so he will probably know!). If I recall correctly, the bridges at Princes Street gardens are of the sort of depth + weight that this might be right?

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  • RMweb Gold

but my little mini vice worked out perfectly


When I first read that I thought it said Miami Vice :lol: THE best programme from the 80's!


Mark, hi


This is excellent work - really coming together nicely and look forward to see it once set in place. That shot of the 37 looks the business too.



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  • 2 weeks later...

Hi everyone,


Thanks for the comments about the bridge - I have been away in Portugal for the last week and then went home for a couple of days on returning so had no time for modelling - when I go back to work normal modelling time will be resumed!


I managed to make a detour to Morecambe on the way down to see Richard at the Train Shop as he had been keeping some MBA's and MOA's for me. These are far too big to look at home on Rannoch but I had to have a play first with the 2 rakes of 6 but in the end ran the whole lot with a sound fitted 60 then 66 and finally a 37/0 just or fun of course! They are very impressive wagons and will look good one day when I build a layout big enough for them!


I will be on the DEMU stand at St Andrews exhibition on Sunday if anyone is around for that come and say hello!







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Hi Everyone,


Just a quick update on progress. Thanks to Charlie at DC kits I now have the final Lenz 150 decoder for point control and tonight have been sat under the layout wiring this in place. Had a quick test and everything is up and running. Just need to work round all the solder connections as the latest wires from these to the point motors are just twisted on for now. I will then need to draw up a track plan with the point motors numbered and for ease of use will look to program some pre-set routes as well as want the layout to be simple to control to make it more fun to operate.


More updates soon!




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Hi Mark, those MOAs and MBAs do look really nice. After seeing the photos on the internet it certainly looks like Bachmann have done a good job on them. I had planned to get a rake of the MBAs and also the JJA Auto-ballasters for Grimley but now my new project has taken over I doubt that this will happen. Eventually once the depot has been finished (when ever that is, years away!!) all funds will be channelled towards 20s, 56s and 58s!


I personally think that you should run them on Rannoch Moor. I agree with Lewis they look really good passing through behind 60026.

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Hi Lewis/Alex,


You are quite right about the MBA's as I have been informed by fellow DEMU members on Sunday that they did run trials to Oban so its near enough! They are very nice indeed especially with all the underframe parts and wire details. They will get a good weathering and loads in the future but they were never really planned to run on this layout as they are a little big for it - could say the same about the 60 but it makes a nice train especially as it is sound fitted. The smaller MOA's are nice behind a tractor though and I had to have a play when I got them. I do plan to get a 5 wagon set of Autoballasters when they come out as I have seen several pictures of them on the WHL with a 37 up front! Now what better train than that to run?




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Hi Everyone,


So far this week has been quite productive from a modelling point of view. With the main bulk of layout wiring completed and operational just some soldering to complete on the point connections between droppers and the decoder blocks it is tempting to just run trains. St Andrews show on the DEMU stand gave me an opporunity to start some scratch building - so a plan is drawn and some plastic sheet cut for the cottage that sits at the North end of the station. I will update on this project in the future. Today I have made up the two short sets of steps and floor sections and assembled the main girder span of the footbridge kit. The steps are soldered in place with 2 little tabs on each side and they proved to be a bit tricky to get a strong joint but once they were in place the two sides were joined together and once the main floor plates went in it gave some strength to the structure. I have taken a few quick shots to show it roughly in position. The Lochgorm kit is fantastic to build having not done an etched kit before. The quality of parts and detailed instructions make this a very relaxing project to do as you have to focus on it so draws you away from anything else that is going on - whilst not an obvious choice for a beginner I am enjoying the build and think it will add some quality to the layout. I was also in Harburns today to get a copy of model rail and picked up a Scottish based Oxford truck which has already been stripped down (it was a refrigerated box body with skirted trailer) ready for another mini project to make a timber carrier - there was a larger Corgi model of such a lorry in a Welsh guise that tempted me and I liked the livery on the DAF chosen and with its scottish embelishments won't really need a repaint despite having some small fish sellers branding!


Thanks for looking any questions and comments always welcome!








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  • 3 weeks later...

Hello everyone,


Well with RMweb down for a little bit it meant more time for modelling after work! In fact so much so the footbrige is now built up as I require for my layout. I have taken a few shots of the work of the build and finally a couple showing it in place on the layout. I am going to build up the bank now this is built, as I didn't even have the kit when I got this bit of the layout built up but once the track alignment was completed for smooth running and the platform built there is now a need to build the bank up to support the other end of the girder span. The photos below show some of the construction stages as the kit went together:

* the landing section has the main legs attached

* Main span with metal work supports - the curved sections were rolled around the handle on my mini vice as I don't have a lot of tools for metalwork and with a bit of care this worked out just right so they could be soldered around the etched sections.

* The etched mesh on the steps were added in - these are fiddly to do but are so nicely detailed - I found it easier to fold the tiny tabs over and then attach them to the underside of the step below and folded up to fill the gap between each step as opposed to the instuctions to attach them to the step above - it just seemed to leave a little gap when I did it so I only did it this way on the very bottom step

* Next the sub assemblies are joined together and the cast pillers added where needed. I forgot to add the front pillars at the base of the steps when I took the photos but have now added them on!

* The bridge in place on the layout

* Finally 37516 running North through Rannoch as dusk falls. (An excuse for my dim lighting - this is now added on my to do list as well.



This kit has been a pleasure to build and I am really pleased with how well it fits into my layout scene. Of course with it in place I had to run some trains and thanks to Andi (cairnsroadworks) 37516 with base reflex speaker and howes sounds shatters that peace at Rannoch on its late evening run up from Carnforth to Fort William with some stock for the Jacobite. Also last sunday had an enjoyable run down to Hawick to the exhibition there mainly as I wanted to see the Furness Model Railway Club layout Coppell which replaced my old exhibition favourite - Boldon Junction. Thanks to Kev I now know which sounds will eventually go into my 156 on Rannoch after his very kind demonstration of sounds under exhibition conditions!


Anyway hope you like the photos and any questions or comments welcome!










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